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diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 2a68dc8d6..0c3b05dee 100644
@@ -1,134 +1,132 @@
This file describes the basic steps to install RoundCube Webmail on your
web server. For additional information, please also consult the project's
wiki page at
* The Apache or Lighttpd Webserver
* .htaccess support allowing overrides for DirectoryIndex
* PHP Version 5.2 or greater including
- PCRE (perl compatible regular expression)
- DOM (xml document object model)
- libiconv (recommended)
- mbstring (optional)
* php.ini options:
- error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE (or lower)
- memory_limit (increase as suitable to support large attachments)
- file_uploads enabled (for attachment upload features)
- session.auto_start disabled
- - magic_quotes_gpc disabled
- - magic_quotes_sybase disabled
- zend.ze1_compatibility_mode disabled
* PHP compiled with OpenSSL to connect to IMAPS and to use the spell checker
* A MySQL or PostgreSQL database engine or the SQLite extension for PHP
* One of the above databases with permission to create tables
* An SMTP server or PHP configured for mail delivery
1. Decompress and put this folder somewhere inside your document root
2. Make sure that the following directories (and the files within)
are writable by the webserver
- /temp
- /logs
3. Create a new database and a database user for RoundCube (see DATABASE SETUP)
4. Point your browser to http://url-to-roundcube/installer/
5. Follow the instructions of the install script (or see MANUAL CONFINGURATION)
6. After creating and testing the configuration, remove the installer directory
7. Done!
* MySQL 4.0.x
Setting up the mysql database can be done by creating an empty database,
importing the table layout and granting the proper permissions to the
roundcube user. Here is an example of that procedure:
# mysql
> CREATE DATABASE roundcubemail;
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO roundcube@localhost
IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
> quit
# mysql roundcubemail < SQL/mysql.initial.sql
* MySQL 4.1.x/5.x
For MySQL version 4.1 and up, it's recommended to create the database for
RoundCube with utf-8 charset. Here's an example of the init procedure:
# mysql
> CREATE DATABASE roundcubemail DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO roundcube@localhost
IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
> quit
# mysql roundcubemail < SQL/mysql5.initial.sql
Note: 'password' is the master password for the roundcube user. It is strongly
recommended you replace this with a more secure password. Please keep in
mind: You need to specify this password later in 'config/'.
* SQLite
Sqlite requires specifically php5 (sqlite in php4 currently doesn't
work with roundcube), and you need sqlite 2 (preferably 2.8) to setup
the sqlite db (sqlite 3.x also doesn't work at the moment). Here is
an example how you can setup the sqlite.db for roundcube:
# sqlite -init SQL/sqlite.initial.sql sqlite.db
Make sure your configuration points to the sqlite.db file and that the
webserver can write to the file and the directory containing the file.
* PostgreSQL
To use RoundCube with PostgreSQL support you have to follow these
simple steps, which have to be done as the postgres system user (or
which ever is the database superuser):
$ createuser roundcube
$ createdb -O roundcube roundcubemail
$ psql roundcubemail
roundcubemail =# ALTER USER roundcube WITH PASSWORD 'the_new_password';
roundcubemail =# \c - roundcube
roundcubemail => \i SQL/postgres.initial.sql
All this has been tested with PostgreSQL 8.x and 7.4.x. Older
versions don't have a -O option for the createdb, so if you are
using that version you'll have to change ownership of the DB later.
First of all, rename the files config/*.inc.php.dist to config/*.inc.php.
You can then change these files according to your environment and your needs.
Details about the config parameters can be found in the config files.
See for even more guidance.
You can also modify the default .htaccess file. This is necessary to
increase the allowed size of file attachments, for example:
php_value upload_max_filesize 2M
If you already have a previous version of RoundCube installed,
please refer to the instructions in UPGRADING guide.
diff --git a/installer/welcome.html b/installer/welcome.html
index bfec23337..0c6805a11 100644
--- a/installer/welcome.html
+++ b/installer/welcome.html
@@ -1,34 +1,33 @@
<form action="index.php" methond="get">
<input type="hidden" name="_step" value="1" />
<p>Welcome to the interactive install script for the RoundCube Webmail package</p>
<p>First let's check your local environment and find out if everything RoundCube needs is available.</p>
<p>The basic requirements are:</p>
<li>PHP Version 5.2.0 or greater including
<li>PCRE (perl compatible regular expression)</li>
<li>Session support</li>
<li>Libiconv (recommended)</li>
<li>OpenSSL (recommended)</li>
<li>FileInfo (optional)</li>
<li>Multibyte/mbstring (optional)</li>
<li>Mcrypt (optional)</li>
<li>php.ini options:
<li>error_reporting E_ALL &amp; ~E_NOTICE (or lower)</li>
<li>file_uploads on (for attachment upload features)</li>
<li>session.auto_start needs to be off</li>
- <li>magic_quotes_gpc off</li>
<li>A MySQL or PostgreSQL database engine or the SQLite extension for PHP</li>
<li>An SMTP server (recommended) or PHP configured for mail delivery</li>
<input type="submit" value="START INSTALLATION" />
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
index 8eb2c81f5..4ed25afaf 100644
--- a/program/include/
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -1,1170 +1,1173 @@
| program/include/ |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2008, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Provide basic functions for the webmail package |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
* RoundCube Webmail common functions
* @package Core
* @author Thomas Bruederli <>
// fallback if not PHP modules are available
// define constannts for input reading
define('RCUBE_INPUT_GET', 0x0101);
define('RCUBE_INPUT_POST', 0x0102);
define('RCUBE_INPUT_GPC', 0x0103);
* Return correct name for a specific database table
* @param string Table name
* @return string Translated table name
function get_table_name($table)
global $CONFIG;
// return table name if configured
$config_key = 'db_table_'.$table;
if (strlen($CONFIG[$config_key]))
return $CONFIG[$config_key];
return $table;
* Return correct name for a specific database sequence
* (used for Postgres only)
* @param string Secuence name
* @return string Translated sequence name
function get_sequence_name($sequence)
// return table name if configured
$config_key = 'db_sequence_'.$sequence;
$opt = rcmail::get_instance()->config->get($config_key);
if (!empty($opt))
return $opt;
return $sequence;
* Get localized text in the desired language
* It's a global wrapper for rcmail::gettext()
* @param mixed Named parameters array or label name
* @return string Localized text
* @see rcmail::gettext()
function rcube_label($p)
return rcmail::get_instance()->gettext($p);
* Overwrite action variable
* @param string New action value
function rcmail_overwrite_action($action)
$app = rcmail::get_instance();
$app->action = $action;
$app->output->set_env('action', $action);
* Compose an URL for a specific action
* @param string Request action
* @param array More URL parameters
* @param string Request task (omit if the same)
* @return The application URL
function rcmail_url($action, $p=array(), $task=null)
$app = rcmail::get_instance();
return $app->url((array)$p + array('_action' => $action, 'task' => $task));
* Garbage collector function for temp files.
* Remove temp files older than two days
function rcmail_temp_gc()
$tmp = unslashify($CONFIG['temp_dir']);
$expire = mktime() - 172800; // expire in 48 hours
if ($dir = opendir($tmp))
while (($fname = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if ($fname{0} == '.')
if (filemtime($tmp.'/'.$fname) < $expire)
* Garbage collector for cache entries.
* Remove all expired message cache records
function rcmail_message_cache_gc()
global $DB, $CONFIG;
// no cache lifetime configured
if (empty($CONFIG['message_cache_lifetime']))
// get target timestamp
$ts = get_offset_time($CONFIG['message_cache_lifetime'], -1);
$DB->query("DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('messages')."
WHERE created < ".$DB->fromunixtime($ts));
* Convert a string from one charset to another.
* Uses mbstring and iconv functions if possible
* @param string Input string
* @param string Suspected charset of the input string
* @param string Target charset to convert to; defaults to RCMAIL_CHARSET
* @return Converted string
function rcube_charset_convert($str, $from, $to=NULL)
static $mbstring_loaded = null, $convert_warning = false;
$from = strtoupper($from);
$to = $to==NULL ? strtoupper(RCMAIL_CHARSET) : strtoupper($to);
$error = false; $conv = null;
if ($from==$to || $str=='' || empty($from))
return $str;
$aliases = array(
'US-ASCII' => 'ISO-8859-1',
'ANSI_X3.110-1983' => 'ISO-8859-1',
'ANSI_X3.4-1968' => 'ISO-8859-1',
'UNKNOWN-8BIT' => 'ISO-8859-15',
'X-UNKNOWN' => 'ISO-8859-15',
'X-USER-DEFINED' => 'ISO-8859-15',
'ISO-8859-8-I' => 'ISO-8859-8',
'KS_C_5601-1987' => 'EUC-KR',
// convert charset using iconv module
if (function_exists('iconv') && $from != 'UTF-7' && $to != 'UTF-7')
$aliases['GB2312'] = 'GB18030';
$_iconv = iconv(($aliases[$from] ? $aliases[$from] : $from), ($aliases[$to] ? $aliases[$to] : $to) . "//IGNORE", $str);
if ($_iconv !== false)
return $_iconv;
if (is_null($mbstring_loaded))
$mbstring_loaded = extension_loaded('mbstring');
// convert charset using mbstring module
if ($mbstring_loaded)
$aliases['UTF-7'] = 'UTF7-IMAP';
$aliases['WINDOWS-1257'] = 'ISO-8859-13';
// return if convert succeeded
if (($out = mb_convert_encoding($str, ($aliases[$to] ? $aliases[$to] : $to), ($aliases[$from] ? $aliases[$from] : $from))) != '')
return $out;
if (class_exists('utf8'))
$conv = new utf8();
// convert string to UTF-8
if ($from == 'UTF-7')
$str = utf7_to_utf8($str);
else if (($from == 'ISO-8859-1') && function_exists('utf8_encode'))
$str = utf8_encode($str);
else if ($from != 'UTF-8' && $conv)
$str = $conv->strToUtf8($str);
else if ($from != 'UTF-8')
$error = true;
// encode string for output
if ($to == 'UTF-7')
return utf8_to_utf7($str);
else if ($to == 'ISO-8859-1' && function_exists('utf8_decode'))
return utf8_decode($str);
else if ($to != 'UTF-8' && $conv)
return $conv->utf8ToStr($str);
else if ($to != 'UTF-8')
$error = true;
// report error
if ($error && !$convert_warning)
'code' => 500,
'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Could not convert string charset. Make sure iconv is installed or lib/utf8.class is available"
), true, false);
$convert_warning = true;
// return UTF-8 string
return $str;
* Replacing specials characters to a specific encoding type
* @param string Input string
* @param string Encoding type: text|html|xml|js|url
* @param string Replace mode for tags: show|replace|remove
* @param boolean Convert newlines
* @return The quoted string
function rep_specialchars_output($str, $enctype='', $mode='', $newlines=TRUE)
global $OUTPUT;
static $html_encode_arr = false;
static $js_rep_table = false;
static $xml_rep_table = false;
$charset = $OUTPUT->get_charset();
$is_iso_8859_1 = false;
if ($charset == 'ISO-8859-1') {
$is_iso_8859_1 = true;
if (!$enctype)
$enctype = $OUTPUT->type;
// encode for plaintext
if ($enctype=='text')
return str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $mode=='remove' ? strip_tags($str) : $str);
// encode for HTML output
if ($enctype=='html')
if (!$html_encode_arr)
$html_encode_arr = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS);
$ltpos = strpos($str, '<');
$encode_arr = $html_encode_arr;
// don't replace quotes and html tags
if (($mode=='show' || $mode=='') && $ltpos!==false && strpos($str, '>', $ltpos)!==false)
else if ($mode=='remove')
$str = strip_tags($str);
// avoid douple quotation of &
$out = preg_replace('/&amp;([A-Za-z]{2,6}|#[0-9]{2,4});/', '&\\1;', strtr($str, $encode_arr));
return $newlines ? nl2br($out) : $out;
if ($enctype=='url')
return rawurlencode($str);
// if the replace tables for XML and JS are not yet defined
if ($js_rep_table===false)
$js_rep_table = $xml_rep_table = array();
$xml_rep_table['&'] = '&amp;';
for ($c=160; $c<256; $c++) // can be increased to support more charsets
$xml_rep_table[Chr($c)] = "&#$c;";
if ($is_iso_8859_1)
$js_rep_table[Chr($c)] = sprintf("\\u%04x", $c);
$xml_rep_table['"'] = '&quot;';
// encode for XML
if ($enctype=='xml')
return strtr($str, $xml_rep_table);
// encode for javascript use
if ($enctype=='js')
if ($charset!='UTF-8')
$str = rcube_charset_convert($str, RCMAIL_CHARSET,$charset);
return preg_replace(array("/\r?\n/", "/\r/", '/<\\//'), array('\n', '\n', '<\\/'), addslashes(strtr($str, $js_rep_table)));
// no encoding given -> return original string
return $str;
* Quote a given string.
* Shortcut function for rep_specialchars_output
* @return string HTML-quoted string
* @see rep_specialchars_output()
function Q($str, $mode='strict', $newlines=TRUE)
return rep_specialchars_output($str, 'html', $mode, $newlines);
* Quote a given string for javascript output.
* Shortcut function for rep_specialchars_output
* @return string JS-quoted string
* @see rep_specialchars_output()
function JQ($str)
return rep_specialchars_output($str, 'js');
* Read input value and convert it for internal use
* Performs stripslashes() and charset conversion if necessary
* @param string Field name to read
* @param int Source to get value from (GPC)
* @param boolean Allow HTML tags in field value
* @param string Charset to convert into
* @return string Field value or NULL if not available
function get_input_value($fname, $source, $allow_html=FALSE, $charset=NULL)
global $OUTPUT;
$value = NULL;
if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_GET && isset($_GET[$fname]))
$value = $_GET[$fname];
else if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_POST && isset($_POST[$fname]))
$value = $_POST[$fname];
else if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)
if (isset($_POST[$fname]))
$value = $_POST[$fname];
else if (isset($_GET[$fname]))
$value = $_GET[$fname];
else if (isset($_COOKIE[$fname]))
$value = $_COOKIE[$fname];
+ // strip single quotes if magic_quotes_sybase is enabled
+ if (ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase'))
+ $value = str_replace("''", "'", $value);
// strip slashes if magic_quotes enabled
- if ((bool)get_magic_quotes_gpc())
+ else if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || get_magic_quotes_runtime())
$value = stripslashes($value);
// remove HTML tags if not allowed
if (!$allow_html)
$value = strip_tags($value);
// convert to internal charset
if (is_object($OUTPUT))
return rcube_charset_convert($value, $OUTPUT->get_charset(), $charset);
return $value;
* Remove all non-ascii and non-word chars
* except . and -
function asciiwords($str, $css_id = false)
$allowed = 'a-z0-9\_\-' . (!$css_id ? '\.' : '');
return preg_replace("/[^$allowed]/i", '', $str);
* Remove single and double quotes from given string
* @param string Input value
* @return string Dequoted string
function strip_quotes($str)
return preg_replace('/[\'"]/', '', $str);
* Remove new lines characters from given string
* @param string Input value
* @return string Stripped string
function strip_newlines($str)
return preg_replace('/[\r\n]/', '', $str);
* Create a HTML table based on the given data
* @param array Named table attributes
* @param mixed Table row data. Either a two-dimensional array or a valid SQL result set
* @param array List of cols to show
* @param string Name of the identifier col
* @return string HTML table code
function rcube_table_output($attrib, $table_data, $a_show_cols, $id_col)
global $RCMAIL;
$table = new html_table(/*array('cols' => count($a_show_cols))*/);
// add table header
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
$table->add_header($col, Q(rcube_label($col)));
$c = 0;
if (!is_array($table_data))
$db = $RCMAIL->get_dbh();
while ($table_data && ($sql_arr = $db->fetch_assoc($table_data)))
$zebra_class = $c % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
$table->add_row(array('id' => 'rcmrow' . $sql_arr[$id_col], 'class' => "contact $zebra_class"));
// format each col
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
$table->add($col, Q($sql_arr[$col]));
foreach ($table_data as $row_data)
$zebra_class = $c % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
$table->add_row(array('id' => 'rcmrow' . $row_data[$id_col], 'class' => "contact $zebra_class"));
// format each col
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
$table->add($col, Q($row_data[$col]));
return $table->show($attrib);
* Create an edit field for inclusion on a form
* @param string col field name
* @param string value field value
* @param array attrib HTML element attributes for field
* @param string type HTML element type (default 'text')
* @return string HTML field definition
function rcmail_get_edit_field($col, $value, $attrib, $type='text')
$fname = '_'.$col;
$attrib['name'] = $fname;
if ($type=='checkbox')
$attrib['value'] = '1';
$input = new html_checkbox($attrib);
else if ($type=='textarea')
$attrib['cols'] = $attrib['size'];
$input = new html_textarea($attrib);
$input = new html_inputfield($attrib);
// use value from post
if (!empty($_POST[$fname]))
$value = get_input_value($fname, RCUBE_INPUT_POST,
$type == 'textarea' && strpos($attrib['class'], 'mce_editor')!==false ? true : false);
$out = $input->show($value);
return $out;
* Replace all css definitions with #container [def]
* and remove css-inlined scripting
* @param string CSS source code
* @param string Container ID to use as prefix
* @return string Modified CSS source
function rcmail_mod_css_styles($source, $container_id, $base_url = '')
$a_css_values = array();
$last_pos = 0;
// ignore the whole block if evil styles are detected
$stripped = preg_replace('/[^a-z\(:]/', '', rcmail_xss_entitiy_decode($source));
if (preg_match('/expression|behavior|url\(|import/', $stripped))
return '';
// cut out all contents between { and }
while (($pos = strpos($source, '{', $last_pos)) && ($pos2 = strpos($source, '}', $pos)))
$key = sizeof($a_css_values);
$a_css_values[$key] = substr($source, $pos+1, $pos2-($pos+1));
$source = substr($source, 0, $pos+1) . "<<str_replacement[$key]>>" . substr($source, $pos2, strlen($source)-$pos2);
$last_pos = $pos+2;
// remove html comments and add #container to each tag selector.
// also replace body definition because we also stripped off the <body> tag
$styles = preg_replace(
"\\1#$container_id \\2",
"sprintf(\"@import url('./bin/modcss.php?u=%s&c=%s')\", urlencode(make_absolute_url('\\2','$base_url')), urlencode($container_id))",
"$container_id div.rcmBody"
return $styles;
* Decode escaped entities used by known XSS exploits.
* See for examples
* @param string CSS content to decode
* @return string Decoded string
function rcmail_xss_entitiy_decode($content)
$out = html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($content));
$out = preg_replace('/\\\([0-9a-f]{4})/ie', "chr(hexdec('\\1'))", $out);
$out = preg_replace('#/\*.*\*/#Um', '', $out);
return $out;
* Compose a valid attribute string for HTML tags
* @param array Named tag attributes
* @param array List of allowed attributes
* @return string HTML formatted attribute string
function create_attrib_string($attrib, $allowed_attribs=array('id', 'class', 'style'))
// allow the following attributes to be added to the <iframe> tag
$attrib_str = '';
foreach ($allowed_attribs as $a)
if (isset($attrib[$a]))
$attrib_str .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', $a, str_replace('"', '&quot;', $attrib[$a]));
return $attrib_str;
* Convert a HTML attribute string attributes to an associative array (name => value)
* @param string Input string
* @return array Key-value pairs of parsed attributes
function parse_attrib_string($str)
$attrib = array();
preg_match_all('/\s*([-_a-z]+)=(["\'])??(?(2)([^\2]+)\2|(\S+?))/Ui', stripslashes($str), $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// convert attributes to an associative array (name => value)
if ($regs)
foreach ($regs as $attr)
$attrib[strtolower($attr[1])] = $attr[3] . $attr[4];
return $attrib;
* Convert the given date to a human readable form
* This uses the date formatting properties from config
* @param mixed Date representation (string or timestamp)
* @param string Date format to use
* @return string Formatted date string
function format_date($date, $format=NULL)
global $CONFIG;
$ts = NULL;
if (is_numeric($date))
$ts = $date;
else if (!empty($date))
// if date parsing fails, we have a date in non-rfc format.
// remove token from the end and try again
while ((($ts = @strtotime($date))===false) || ($ts < 0))
$d = explode(' ', $date);
if (!$d) break;
$date = implode(' ', $d);
if (empty($ts))
return '';
// get user's timezone
if ($CONFIG['timezone'] === 'auto')
$tz = isset($_SESSION['timezone']) ? $_SESSION['timezone'] : date('Z')/3600;
else {
$tz = $CONFIG['timezone'];
if ($CONFIG['dst_active'])
// convert time to user's timezone
$timestamp = $ts - date('Z', $ts) + ($tz * 3600);
// get current timestamp in user's timezone
$now = time(); // local time
$now -= (int)date('Z'); // make GMT time
$now += ($tz * 3600); // user's time
$now_date = getdate($now);
$today_limit = mktime(0, 0, 0, $now_date['mon'], $now_date['mday'], $now_date['year']);
$week_limit = mktime(0, 0, 0, $now_date['mon'], $now_date['mday']-6, $now_date['year']);
// define date format depending on current time
if ($CONFIG['prettydate'] && !$format && $timestamp > $today_limit && $timestamp < $now)
return sprintf('%s %s', rcube_label('today'), date($CONFIG['date_today'] ? $CONFIG['date_today'] : 'H:i', $timestamp));
else if ($CONFIG['prettydate'] && !$format && $timestamp > $week_limit && $timestamp < $now)
$format = $CONFIG['date_short'] ? $CONFIG['date_short'] : 'D H:i';
else if (!$format)
$format = $CONFIG['date_long'] ? $CONFIG['date_long'] : 'd.m.Y H:i';
// parse format string manually in order to provide localized weekday and month names
// an alternative would be to convert the date() format string to fit with strftime()
$out = '';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($format); $i++)
if ($format{$i}=='\\') // skip escape chars
// write char "as-is"
if ($format{$i}==' ' || $format{$i-1}=='\\')
$out .= $format{$i};
// weekday (short)
else if ($format{$i}=='D')
$out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('D', $timestamp)));
// weekday long
else if ($format{$i}=='l')
$out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('l', $timestamp)));
// month name (short)
else if ($format{$i}=='M')
$out .= rcube_label(strtolower(date('M', $timestamp)));
// month name (long)
else if ($format{$i}=='F')
$out .= rcube_label('long'.strtolower(date('M', $timestamp)));
else if ($format{$i}=='x')
$out .= strftime('%x %X', $timestamp);
$out .= date($format{$i}, $timestamp);
return $out;
* Compose a valid representaion of name and e-mail address
* @param string E-mail address
* @param string Person name
* @return string Formatted string
function format_email_recipient($email, $name='')
if ($name && $name != $email)
// Special chars as defined by RFC 822 need to in quoted string (or escaped).
return sprintf('%s <%s>', preg_match('/[\(\)\<\>\\\.\[\]@,;:"]/', $name) ? '"'.addcslashes($name, '"').'"' : $name, $email);
return $email;
/****** debugging functions ********/
* Print or write debug messages
* @param mixed Debug message or data
function console()
$msg = array();
foreach (func_get_args() as $arg)
$msg[] = !is_string($arg) ? var_export($arg, true) : $arg;
if (!($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['debug_level'] & 4))
write_log('console', join(";\n", $msg));
else if ($GLOBALS['OUTPUT']->ajax_call)
print "/*\n " . join(";\n", $msg) . " \n*/\n";
print '<div style="background:#eee; border:1px solid #ccc; margin-bottom:3px; padding:6px"><pre>';
print join(";<br/>\n", $msg);
print "</pre></div>\n";
* Append a line to a logfile in the logs directory.
* Date will be added automatically to the line.
* @param $name name of log file
* @param line Line to append
function write_log($name, $line)
global $CONFIG;
if (!is_string($line))
$line = var_export($line, true);
$log_entry = sprintf("[%s]: %s\n",
date("d-M-Y H:i:s O", mktime()),
if ($CONFIG['log_driver'] == 'syslog') {
if ($name == 'errors')
$prio = LOG_ERR;
$prio = LOG_INFO;
syslog($prio, $log_entry);
} else {
// log_driver == 'file' is assumed here
if (empty($CONFIG['log_dir']))
$CONFIG['log_dir'] = INSTALL_PATH.'logs';
// try to open specific log file for writing
if ($fp = @fopen($CONFIG['log_dir'].'/'.$name, 'a')) {
fwrite($fp, $log_entry);
* @access private
function rcube_timer()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
* @access private
function rcube_print_time($timer, $label='Timer')
static $print_count = 0;
$now = rcube_timer();
$diff = $now-$timer;
if (empty($label))
$label = 'Timer '.$print_count;
console(sprintf("%s: %0.4f sec", $label, $diff));
* Return the mailboxlist in HTML
* @param array Named parameters
* @return string HTML code for the gui object
function rcmail_mailbox_list($attrib)
global $RCMAIL;
static $a_mailboxes;
$attrib += array('maxlength' => 100, 'relanames' => false);
// add some labels to client
$RCMAIL->output->add_label('purgefolderconfirm', 'deletemessagesconfirm');
$type = $attrib['type'] ? $attrib['type'] : 'ul';
if ($type=='ul' && !$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmboxlist';
// get mailbox list
$mbox_name = $RCMAIL->imap->get_mailbox_name();
// build the folders tree
if (empty($a_mailboxes)) {
// get mailbox list
$a_folders = $RCMAIL->imap->list_mailboxes();
$delimiter = $RCMAIL->imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
$a_mailboxes = array();
foreach ($a_folders as $folder)
rcmail_build_folder_tree($a_mailboxes, $folder, $delimiter);
if ($type=='select') {
$select = new html_select($attrib);
// add no-selection option
if ($attrib['noselection'])
$select->add(rcube_label($attrib['noselection']), '0');
rcmail_render_folder_tree_select($a_mailboxes, $mbox_name, $attrib['maxlength'], $select, $attrib['realnames']);
$out = $select->show();
else {
$js_mailboxlist = array();
$out = html::tag('ul', $attrib, rcmail_render_folder_tree_html($a_mailboxes, $mbox_name, $js_mailboxlist, $attrib), html::$common_attrib);
$RCMAIL->output->add_gui_object('mailboxlist', $attrib['id']);
$RCMAIL->output->set_env('mailboxes', $js_mailboxlist);
$RCMAIL->output->set_env('collapsed_folders', $RCMAIL->config->get('collapsed_folders'));
return $out;
* Return the mailboxlist as html_select object
* @param array Named parameters
* @return object html_select HTML drop-down object
function rcmail_mailbox_select($p = array())
global $RCMAIL;
$p += array('maxlength' => 100, 'relanames' => false);
$a_mailboxes = array();
foreach ($RCMAIL->imap->list_mailboxes() as $folder)
rcmail_build_folder_tree($a_mailboxes, $folder, $RCMAIL->imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter());
$select = new html_select($p);
if ($p['noselection'])
$select->add($p['noselection'], '');
rcmail_render_folder_tree_select($a_mailboxes, $mbox, $p['maxlength'], $select, $p['realnames']);
return $select;
* Create a hierarchical array of the mailbox list
* @access private
function rcmail_build_folder_tree(&$arrFolders, $folder, $delm='/', $path='')
$pos = strpos($folder, $delm);
if ($pos !== false) {
$subFolders = substr($folder, $pos+1);
$currentFolder = substr($folder, 0, $pos);
$virtual = !isset($arrFolders[$currentFolder]);
else {
$subFolders = false;
$currentFolder = $folder;
$virtual = false;
$path .= $currentFolder;
if (!isset($arrFolders[$currentFolder])) {
$arrFolders[$currentFolder] = array(
'id' => $path,
'name' => rcube_charset_convert($currentFolder, 'UTF-7'),
'virtual' => $virtual,
'folders' => array());
$arrFolders[$currentFolder]['virtual'] = $virtual;
if (!empty($subFolders))
rcmail_build_folder_tree($arrFolders[$currentFolder]['folders'], $subFolders, $delm, $path.$delm);
* Return html for a structured list &lt;ul&gt; for the mailbox tree
* @access private
function rcmail_render_folder_tree_html(&$arrFolders, &$mbox_name, &$jslist, $attrib, $nestLevel=0)
global $RCMAIL, $CONFIG;
$maxlength = intval($attrib['maxlength']);
$realnames = (bool)$attrib['realnames'];
$msgcounts = $RCMAIL->imap->get_cache('messagecount');
$idx = 0;
$out = '';
foreach ($arrFolders as $key => $folder) {
$zebra_class = (($nestLevel+1)*$idx) % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
$title = null;
if (($folder_class = rcmail_folder_classname($folder['id'])) && !$realnames) {
$foldername = rcube_label($folder_class);
else {
$foldername = $folder['name'];
// shorten the folder name to a given length
if ($maxlength && $maxlength > 1) {
$fname = abbreviate_string($foldername, $maxlength);
if ($fname != $foldername)
$title = $foldername;
$foldername = $fname;
// make folder name safe for ids and class names
$folder_id = asciiwords($folder['id'], true);
$classes = array('mailbox');
// set special class for Sent, Drafts, Trash and Junk
if ($folder['id']==$CONFIG['sent_mbox'])
$classes[] = 'sent';
else if ($folder['id']==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'])
$classes[] = 'drafts';
else if ($folder['id']==$CONFIG['trash_mbox'])
$classes[] = 'trash';
else if ($folder['id']==$CONFIG['junk_mbox'])
$classes[] = 'junk';
else if ($folder['id']=='INBOX')
$classes[] = 'inbox';
$classes[] = '_'.asciiwords($folder_class ? $folder_class : strtolower($folder['id']), true);
$classes[] = $zebra_class;
if ($folder['id'] == $mbox_name)
$classes[] = 'selected';
$collapsed = preg_match('/&'.rawurlencode($folder['id']).'&/', $RCMAIL->config->get('collapsed_folders'));
$unread = $msgcounts ? intval($msgcounts[$folder['id']]['UNSEEN']) : 0;
if ($folder['virtual'])
$classes[] = 'virtual';
else if ($unread)
$classes[] = 'unread';
$js_name = JQ($folder['id']);
$html_name = Q($foldername . ($unread ? " ($unread)" : ''));
$link_attrib = $folder['virtual'] ? array() : array(
'href' => rcmail_url('', array('_mbox' => $folder['id'])),
'onclick' => sprintf("return %s.command('list','%s',this)", JS_OBJECT_NAME, $js_name),
'title' => $title,
$out .= html::tag('li', array(
'id' => "rcmli".$folder_id,
'class' => join(' ', $classes),
'noclose' => true),
html::a($link_attrib, $html_name) .
(!empty($folder['folders']) ? html::div(array(
'class' => ($collapsed ? 'collapsed' : 'expanded'),
'style' => "position:absolute",
'onclick' => sprintf("%s.command('collapse-folder', '%s')", JS_OBJECT_NAME, $js_name)
), '&nbsp;') : ''));
$jslist[$folder_id] = array('id' => $folder['id'], 'name' => $foldername, 'virtual' => $folder['virtual']);
if (!empty($folder['folders'])) {
$out .= html::tag('ul', array('style' => ($collapsed ? "display:none;" : null)),
rcmail_render_folder_tree_html($folder['folders'], $mbox_name, $jslist, $attrib, $nestLevel+1));
$out .= "</li>\n";
return $out;
* Return html for a flat list <select> for the mailbox tree
* @access private
function rcmail_render_folder_tree_select(&$arrFolders, &$mbox_name, $maxlength, &$select, $realnames=false, $nestLevel=0)
$idx = 0;
$out = '';
foreach ($arrFolders as $key=>$folder)
if (!$realnames && ($folder_class = rcmail_folder_classname($folder['id'])))
$foldername = rcube_label($folder_class);
$foldername = $folder['name'];
// shorten the folder name to a given length
if ($maxlength && $maxlength>1)
$foldername = abbreviate_string($foldername, $maxlength);
$select->add(str_repeat('&nbsp;', $nestLevel*4) . $foldername, $folder['id']);
if (!empty($folder['folders']))
$out .= rcmail_render_folder_tree_select($folder['folders'], $mbox_name, $maxlength, $select, $realnames, $nestLevel+1);
return $out;
* Return internal name for the given folder if it matches the configured special folders
* @access private
function rcmail_folder_classname($folder_id)
global $CONFIG;
$cname = null;
$folder_lc = strtolower($folder_id);
// for these mailboxes we have localized labels and css classes
foreach (array('inbox', 'sent', 'drafts', 'trash', 'junk') as $smbx)
if ($folder_lc == $smbx || $folder_id == $CONFIG[$smbx.'_mbox'])
$cname = $smbx;
return $cname;
* Try to localize the given IMAP folder name.
* UTF-7 decode it in case no localized text was found
* @param string Folder name
* @return string Localized folder name in UTF-8 encoding
function rcmail_localize_foldername($name)
if ($folder_class = rcmail_folder_classname($name))
return rcube_label($folder_class);
return rcube_charset_convert($name, 'UTF-7');

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 11:29 AM (5 h, 17 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(38 KB)

Event Timeline