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diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 6b13eff17..578cdc0f5 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -1,222 +1,224 @@
| plugins/managesieve/localization/<lang>.inc |
| |
| Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Managesieve plugin |
| Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
For translation see
$labels['filters'] = 'Filters';
$labels['managefilters'] = 'Manage incoming mail filters';
$labels['filtername'] = 'Filter name';
$labels['newfilter'] = 'New filter';
$labels['filteradd'] = 'Add filter';
$labels['filterdel'] = 'Delete filter';
$labels['moveup'] = 'Move up';
$labels['movedown'] = 'Move down';
$labels['filterallof'] = 'matching all of the following rules';
$labels['filteranyof'] = 'matching any of the following rules';
$labels['filterany'] = 'all messages';
$labels['filtercontains'] = 'contains';
$labels['filternotcontains'] = 'not contains';
$labels['filteris'] = 'is equal to';
$labels['filterisnot'] = 'is not equal to';
$labels['filterexists'] = 'exists';
$labels['filternotexists'] = 'not exists';
$labels['filtermatches'] = 'matches expression';
$labels['filternotmatches'] = 'not matches expression';
$labels['filterregex'] = 'matches regular expression';
$labels['filternotregex'] = 'not matches regular expression';
$labels['filterunder'] = 'under';
$labels['filterover'] = 'over';
$labels['addrule'] = 'Add rule';
$labels['delrule'] = 'Delete rule';
$labels['messagemoveto'] = 'Move message to';
$labels['messageredirect'] = 'Redirect message to';
$labels['messagecopyto'] = 'Copy message to';
$labels['messagesendcopy'] = 'Send message copy to';
$labels['messagereply'] = 'Reply with message';
$labels['messagedelete'] = 'Delete message';
$labels['messagediscard'] = 'Discard with message';
$labels['messagekeep'] = 'Keep message in Inbox';
$labels['messagesrules'] = 'For incoming mail:';
$labels['messagesactions'] = '...execute the following actions:';
$labels['add'] = 'Add';
$labels['del'] = 'Delete';
$labels['sender'] = 'Sender';
$labels['recipient'] = 'Recipient';
$labels['vacationaddr'] = 'My additional e-mail address(es):';
$labels['vacationdays'] = 'How often send messages (in days):';
$labels['vacationinterval'] = 'How often send messages:';
$labels['vacationreason'] = 'Message body (vacation reason):';
$labels['vacationsubject'] = 'Message subject:';
$labels['days'] = 'days';
$labels['seconds'] = 'seconds';
$labels['rulestop'] = 'Stop evaluating rules';
$labels['enable'] = 'Enable/Disable';
$labels['filterset'] = 'Filters set';
$labels['filtersets'] = 'Filter sets';
$labels['filtersetadd'] = 'Add filters set';
$labels['filtersetdel'] = 'Delete current filters set';
$labels['filtersetact'] = 'Activate current filters set';
$labels['filtersetdeact'] = 'Deactivate current filters set';
$labels['filterdef'] = 'Filter definition';
$labels['filtersetname'] = 'Filters set name';
$labels['newfilterset'] = 'New filters set';
$labels['active'] = 'active';
$labels['none'] = 'none';
$labels['fromset'] = 'from set';
$labels['fromfile'] = 'from file';
$labels['filterdisabled'] = 'Filter disabled';
$labels['countisgreaterthan'] = 'count is greater than';
$labels['countisgreaterthanequal'] = 'count is greater than or equal to';
$labels['countislessthan'] = 'count is less than';
$labels['countislessthanequal'] = 'count is less than or equal to';
$labels['countequals'] = 'count is equal to';
$labels['countnotequals'] = 'count is not equal to';
$labels['valueisgreaterthan'] = 'value is greater than';
$labels['valueisgreaterthanequal'] = 'value is greater than or equal to';
$labels['valueislessthan'] = 'value is less than';
$labels['valueislessthanequal'] = 'value is less than or equal to';
$labels['valueequals'] = 'value is equal to';
$labels['valuenotequals'] = 'value is not equal to';
$labels['setflags'] = 'Set flags to the message';
$labels['addflags'] = 'Add flags to the message';
$labels['removeflags'] = 'Remove flags from the message';
$labels['flagread'] = 'Read';
$labels['flagdeleted'] = 'Deleted';
$labels['flaganswered'] = 'Answered';
$labels['flagflagged'] = 'Flagged';
$labels['flagdraft'] = 'Draft';
$labels['setvariable'] = 'Set variable';
$labels['setvarname'] = 'Variable name:';
$labels['setvarvalue'] = 'Variable value:';
$labels['setvarmodifiers'] = 'Modifiers:';
$labels['varlower'] = 'lower-case';
$labels['varupper'] = 'upper-case';
$labels['varlowerfirst'] = 'first character lower-case';
$labels['varupperfirst'] = 'first character upper-case';
$labels['varquotewildcard'] = 'quote special characters';
$labels['varlength'] = 'length';
$labels['notify'] = 'Send notification';
$labels['notifytarget'] = 'Notification target:';
$labels['notifymessage'] = 'Notification message (optional):';
$labels['notifyoptions'] = 'Notification options (optional):';
$labels['notifyfrom'] = 'Notification sender (optional):';
$labels['notifyimportance'] = 'Importance:';
$labels['notifyimportancelow'] = 'low';
$labels['notifyimportancenormal'] = 'normal';
$labels['notifyimportancehigh'] = 'high';
$labels['notifymethodmailto'] = 'Email';
$labels['notifymethodtel'] = 'Phone';
$labels['notifymethodsms'] = 'SMS';
$labels['filtercreate'] = 'Create filter';
$labels['usedata'] = 'Use following data in the filter:';
$labels['nextstep'] = 'Next Step';
$labels['...'] = '...';
$labels['currdate'] = 'Current date';
$labels['datetest'] = 'Date';
$labels['dateheader'] = 'header:';
$labels['year'] = 'year';
$labels['month'] = 'month';
$labels['day'] = 'day';
$labels['date'] = 'date (yyyy-mm-dd)';
$labels['julian'] = 'date (julian)';
$labels['hour'] = 'hour';
$labels['minute'] = 'minute';
$labels['second'] = 'second';
$labels['time'] = 'time (hh:mm:ss)';
$labels['iso8601'] = 'date (ISO8601)';
$labels['std11'] = 'date (RFC2822)';
$labels['zone'] = 'time-zone';
$labels['weekday'] = 'weekday (0-6)';
$labels['advancedopts'] = 'Advanced options';
$labels['body'] = 'Body';
$labels['address'] = 'address';
$labels['envelope'] = 'envelope';
$labels['modifier'] = 'modifier:';
$labels['text'] = 'text';
$labels['undecoded'] = 'undecoded (raw)';
$labels['contenttype'] = 'content type';
$labels['modtype'] = 'type:';
$labels['allparts'] = 'all';
$labels['domain'] = 'domain';
$labels['localpart'] = 'local part';
$labels['user'] = 'user';
$labels['detail'] = 'detail';
$labels['comparator'] = 'comparator:';
$labels['default'] = 'default';
$labels['octet'] = 'strict (octet)';
$labels['asciicasemap'] = 'case insensitive (ascii-casemap)';
$labels['asciinumeric'] = 'numeric (ascii-numeric)';
$labels['index'] = 'index:';
$labels['indexlast'] = 'backwards';
$labels['vacation'] = 'Vacation';
$labels['vacation.reply'] = 'Reply message';
$labels['vacation.advanced'] = 'Advanced settings';
$labels['vacation.subject'] = 'Subject';
$labels['vacation.body'] = 'Body';
$labels['vacation.dates'] = 'Vacation time';
$labels['vacation.from'] = 'From:';
$labels[''] = 'To:';
$labels['vacation.status'] = 'Status';
$labels['vacation.on'] = 'On';
$labels[''] = 'Off';
$labels['vacation.addresses'] = 'My additional addresses';
$labels['vacation.interval'] = 'Reply interval';
$labels['vacation.after'] = 'Put vacation rule after';
$labels['vacation.saving'] = 'Saving data...';
$labels['arialabelfiltersetactions'] = 'Filter set actions';
$labels['arialabelfilteractions'] = 'Filter actions';
$labels['arialabelfilterform'] = 'Filter properties';
$labels['ariasummaryfilterslist'] = 'List of filters';
$labels['ariasummaryfiltersetslist'] = 'List of filter sets';
+$labels['filterstitle'] = 'Edit incoming mail filters';
+$labels['vacationtitle'] = 'Edit out-of-office rule';
$messages = array();
$messages['filterunknownerror'] = 'Unknown server error.';
$messages['filterconnerror'] = 'Unable to connect to server.';
$messages['filterdeleteerror'] = 'Unable to delete filter. Server error occurred.';
$messages['filterdeleted'] = 'Filter deleted successfully.';
$messages['filtersaved'] = 'Filter saved successfully.';
$messages['filtersaveerror'] = 'Unable to save filter. Server error occurred.';
$messages['filterdeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete selected filter?';
$messages['ruledeleteconfirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete selected rule?';
$messages['actiondeleteconfirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete selected action?';
$messages['forbiddenchars'] = 'Forbidden characters in field.';
$messages['cannotbeempty'] = 'Field cannot be empty.';
$messages['ruleexist'] = 'Filter with specified name already exists.';
$messages['setactivateerror'] = 'Unable to activate selected filters set. Server error occurred.';
$messages['setdeactivateerror'] = 'Unable to deactivate selected filters set. Server error occurred.';
$messages['setdeleteerror'] = 'Unable to delete selected filters set. Server error occurred.';
$messages['setactivated'] = 'Filters set activated successfully.';
$messages['setdeactivated'] = 'Filters set deactivated successfully.';
$messages['setdeleted'] = 'Filters set deleted successfully.';
$messages['setdeleteconfirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete selected filters set?';
$messages['setcreateerror'] = 'Unable to create filters set. Server error occurred.';
$messages['setcreated'] = 'Filters set created successfully.';
$messages['activateerror'] = 'Unable to enable selected filter(s). Server error occurred.';
$messages['deactivateerror'] = 'Unable to disable selected filter(s). Server error occurred.';
$messages['deactivated'] = 'Filter(s) disabled successfully.';
$messages['activated'] = 'Filter(s) enabled successfully.';
$messages['moved'] = 'Filter moved successfully.';
$messages['moveerror'] = 'Unable to move selected filter. Server error occurred.';
$messages['nametoolong'] = 'Name too long.';
$messages['namereserved'] = 'Reserved name.';
$messages['setexist'] = 'Set already exists.';
$messages['nodata'] = 'At least one position must be selected!';
$messages['invaliddateformat'] = 'Invalid date or date part format';
$messages['saveerror'] = 'Unable to save data. Server error occurred.';
$messages['vacationsaved'] = 'Vacation data saved successfully.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/managesieve.php b/plugins/managesieve/managesieve.php
index 6adba4e2d..361099820 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/managesieve.php
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/managesieve.php
@@ -1,270 +1,272 @@
* Managesieve (Sieve Filters)
* Plugin that adds a possibility to manage Sieve filters in Thunderbird's style.
* It's clickable interface which operates on text scripts and communicates
* with server using managesieve protocol. Adds Filters tab in Settings.
* @version @package_version@
* @author Aleksander Machniak <>
* Configuration (see
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team
* Copyright (C) 2011-2013, Kolab Systems AG
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
class managesieve extends rcube_plugin
public $task = 'mail|settings';
private $rc;
private $engine;
function init()
$this->rc = rcmail::get_instance();
// register actions
$this->register_action('plugin.managesieve', array($this, 'managesieve_actions'));
$this->register_action('plugin.managesieve-action', array($this, 'managesieve_actions'));
$this->register_action('plugin.managesieve-vacation', array($this, 'managesieve_actions'));
$this->register_action('plugin.managesieve-save', array($this, 'managesieve_save'));
if ($this->rc->task == 'settings') {
$this->add_hook('settings_actions', array($this, 'settings_actions'));
else if ($this->rc->task == 'mail') {
// register message hook
$this->add_hook('message_headers_output', array($this, 'mail_headers'));
// inject Create Filter popup stuff
if (empty($this->rc->action) || $this->rc->action == 'show') {
* Initializes plugin's UI (localization, js script)
function init_ui()
if ($this->ui_initialized) {
// load localization
if ($this->rc->task == 'mail' || strpos($this->rc->action, 'plugin.managesieve') === 0) {
// include styles
$skin_path = $this->local_skin_path();
if ($this->rc->task == 'settings') {
if (is_file($this->home . "/$skin_path/managesieve.css")) {
else {
if (is_file($this->home . "/$skin_path/managesieve_mail.css")) {
$this->ui_initialized = true;
* Adds Filters section in Settings
function settings_actions($args)
$vacation_mode = (int) $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_vacation');
// register Filters action
if ($vacation_mode != 2) {
$args['actions'][] = array(
'action' => 'plugin.managesieve',
'class' => 'filter',
'label' => 'filters',
'domain' => 'managesieve',
+ 'title' => 'filterstitle',
// register Vacation action
if ($vacation_mode > 0) {
$args['actions'][] = array(
'action' => 'plugin.managesieve-vacation',
'class' => 'vacation',
'label' => 'vacation',
'domain' => 'managesieve',
+ 'title' => 'vacationtitle',
return $args;
* Add UI elements to the 'mailbox view' and 'show message' UI.
function mail_task_handler()
// make sure we're not in ajax request
if ($this->rc->output->type != 'html') {
// use jQuery for popup window
// include js script and localization
// add 'Create filter' item to message menu
$this->api->add_content(html::tag('li', null,
'command' => 'managesieve-create',
'label' => 'managesieve.filtercreate',
'type' => 'link',
'classact' => 'icon filterlink active',
'class' => 'icon filterlink',
'innerclass' => 'icon filterlink',
))), 'messagemenu');
// register some labels/messages
$this->rc->output->add_label('managesieve.newfilter', 'managesieve.usedata',
'managesieve.nodata', 'managesieve.nextstep', 'save');
* Get message headers for popup window
function mail_headers($args)
// this hook can be executed many times
if ($this->mail_headers_done) {
return $args;
$this->mail_headers_done = true;
$headers = $this->parse_headers($args['headers']);
if ($this->rc->action == 'preview')
$this->rc->output->command('parent.set_env', array('sieve_headers' => $headers));
$this->rc->output->set_env('sieve_headers', $headers);
return $args;
* Plugin action handler
function managesieve_actions()
// handle fetching email headers for the new filter form
if ($uid = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_uid', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC)) {
$mailbox = $this->rc->get_storage()->get_folder();
$message = new rcube_message($uid, $mailbox);
$headers = $this->parse_headers($message->headers);
$this->rc->output->set_env('sieve_headers', $headers);
$this->rc->output->command('managesieve_create', true);
// handle other actions
$engine_type = $this->rc->action == 'plugin.managesieve-vacation' ? 'vacation' : '';
$engine = $this->get_engine($engine_type);
* Forms save action handler
function managesieve_save()
// load localization
$this->add_texts('localization/', array('filters','managefilters'));
// include main js script
if ($this->api->output->type == 'html') {
$engine = $this->get_engine();
* Initializes engine object
private function get_engine($type = null)
if (!$this->engine) {
// Add include path for internal classes
$include_path = $this->home . '/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR;
$include_path .= ini_get('include_path');
$class_name = 'rcube_sieve_' . ($type ? $type : 'engine');
$this->engine = new $class_name($this);
return $this->engine;
* Extract mail headers for new filter form
private function parse_headers($headers)
$result = array();
if ($headers->subject)
$result[] = array('Subject', rcube_mime::decode_header($headers->subject));
// @TODO: List-Id, others?
foreach (array('From', 'To') as $h) {
$hl = strtolower($h);
if ($headers->$hl) {
$list = rcube_mime::decode_address_list($headers->$hl);
foreach ($list as $item) {
if ($item['mailto']) {
$result[] = array($h, $item['mailto']);
return $result;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 12:55 AM (2 h, 6 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(19 KB)

Event Timeline