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diff --git a/program/js/app.js b/program/js/app.js
index b2c9209a7..f0aadd970 100644
--- a/program/js/app.js
+++ b/program/js/app.js
@@ -1,7937 +1,7938 @@
* Roundcube Webmail Client Script
* This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client
* @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the
* JavaScript code in this file.
* Copyright (C) 2005-2014, The Roundcube Dev Team
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014, Kolab Systems AG
* The JavaScript code in this page is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details.
* As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you
* may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of
* that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by
* section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL
* through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.
* @licend The above is the entire license notice
* for the JavaScript code in this file.
* @author Thomas Bruederli <>
* @author Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak <>
* @author Charles McNulty <>
* @requires jquery.js, common.js, list.js
function rcube_webmail()
this.labels = {};
this.buttons = {};
this.buttons_sel = {};
this.gui_objects = {};
this.gui_containers = {};
this.commands = {};
this.command_handlers = {};
this.onloads = [];
this.messages = {};
this.group2expand = {};
this.http_request_jobs = {};
// webmail client settings
this.dblclick_time = 500;
this.message_time = 5000;
this.identifier_expr = new RegExp('[^0-9a-z\-_]', 'gi');
// environment defaults
this.env = {
request_timeout: 180, // seconds
draft_autosave: 0, // seconds
comm_path: './',
blankpage: 'program/resources/blank.gif',
recipients_separator: ',',
recipients_delimiter: ', ',
popup_width: 1150,
popup_width_small: 900
// create protected reference to myself
this.ref = 'rcmail';
var ref = this;
// set jQuery ajax options
cache: false,
timeout: this.env.request_timeout * 1000,
error: function(request, status, err){ ref.http_error(request, status, err); },
beforeSend: function(xmlhttp){ xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X-Roundcube-Request', ref.env.request_token); }
// unload fix
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function() { rcmail.unload = true; });
// set environment variable(s)
this.set_env = function(p, value)
if (p != null && typeof p === 'object' && !value)
for (var n in p)
this.env[n] = p[n];
this.env[p] = value;
// add a localized label to the client environment
this.add_label = function(p, value)
if (typeof p == 'string')
this.labels[p] = value;
else if (typeof p == 'object')
$.extend(this.labels, p);
// add a button to the button list
this.register_button = function(command, id, type, act, sel, over)
var button_prop = {id:id, type:type};
if (act) button_prop.act = act;
if (sel) button_prop.sel = sel;
if (over) button_prop.over = over;
if (!this.buttons[command])
this.buttons[command] = [];
if (this.loaded)
init_button(command, button_prop);
// register a specific gui object
this.gui_object = function(name, id)
this.gui_objects[name] = this.loaded ? rcube_find_object(id) : id;
// register a container object
this.gui_container = function(name, id)
this.gui_containers[name] = id;
// add a GUI element (html node) to a specified container
this.add_element = function(elm, container)
if (this.gui_containers[container] && this.gui_containers[container].jquery)
// register an external handler for a certain command
this.register_command = function(command, callback, enable)
this.command_handlers[command] = callback;
if (enable)
this.enable_command(command, true);
// execute the given script on load
this.add_onload = function(f)
// initialize webmail client
this.init = function()
var n;
this.task = this.env.task;
// check browser
if (this.env.server_error != 409 && (!bw.dom || !bw.xmlhttp_test() || ( && bw.vendver < 1.9) || ( && bw.vendver < 7))) {
this.goto_url('error', '_code=0x199');
// find all registered gui containers
for (n in this.gui_containers)
this.gui_containers[n] = $('#'+this.gui_containers[n]);
// find all registered gui objects
for (n in this.gui_objects)
this.gui_objects[n] = rcube_find_object(this.gui_objects[n]);
// clickjacking protection
if (this.env.x_frame_options) {
try {
// bust frame if not allowed
if (this.env.x_frame_options == 'deny' && top.location.href != self.location.href)
top.location.href = self.location.href;
else if (top.location.hostname != self.location.hostname)
throw 1;
} catch (e) {
// possible clickjacking attack: disable all form elements
$('form').each(function(){ ref.lock_form(this, true); });
this.display_message("Blocked: possible clickjacking attack!", 'error');
// init registered buttons
// tell parent window that this frame is loaded
if (this.is_framed()) {
parent.rcmail.set_busy(false, null, parent.rcmail.env.frame_lock);
parent.rcmail.env.frame_lock = null;
// enable general commands
this.enable_command('close', 'logout', 'mail', 'addressbook', 'settings', 'save-pref',
'compose', 'undo', 'about', 'switch-task', 'menu-open', 'menu-save', true);
// set active task button
this.set_button(this.task, 'sel');
if (this.env.permaurl)
this.enable_command('permaurl', 'extwin', true);
switch (this.task) {
case 'mail':
// enable mail commands
this.enable_command('list', 'checkmail', 'add-contact', 'search', 'reset-search', 'collapse-folder', 'import-messages', true);
if (this.gui_objects.messagelist) {
this.message_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.messagelist, {
multiselect:true, multiexpand:true, draggable:true, keyboard:true,
column_movable:this.env.col_movable, dblclick_time:this.dblclick_time
.addEventListener('initrow', function(o) { ref.init_message_row(o); })
.addEventListener('dblclick', function(o) { ref.msglist_dbl_click(o); })
.addEventListener('click', function(o) { ref.msglist_click(o); })
.addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { ref.msglist_keypress(o); })
.addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.msglist_select(o); })
.addEventListener('dragstart', function(o) { ref.drag_start(o); })
.addEventListener('dragmove', function(e) { ref.drag_move(e); })
.addEventListener('dragend', function(e) { ref.drag_end(e); })
.addEventListener('expandcollapse', function(o) { ref.msglist_expand(o); })
.addEventListener('column_replace', function(o) { ref.msglist_set_coltypes(o); })
.addEventListener('listupdate', function(o) { ref.triggerEvent('listupdate', o); })
// TODO: this should go into the list-widget code
$(this.message_list.thead).on('click', 'a.sortcol', function(e){
return ref.command('sort', $(this).attr('rel'), this);
document.onmouseup = function(e){ return ref.doc_mouse_up(e); };
this.gui_objects.messagelist.parentNode.onclick = function(e){ return ref.click_on_list(e || window.event); };
this.enable_command('toggle_status', 'toggle_flag', 'sort', true);
this.enable_command('set-listmode', this.env.threads && !this.is_multifolder_listing());
// load messages
$(this.gui_objects.qsearchbox).val(this.env.search_text).focusin(function() { rcmail.message_list.blur(); });
this.env.message_commands = ['show', 'reply', 'reply-all', 'reply-list',
'move', 'copy', 'delete', 'open', 'mark', 'edit', 'viewsource',
'print', 'load-attachment', 'download-attachment', 'show-headers', 'hide-headers', 'download',
'forward', 'forward-inline', 'forward-attachment', 'change-format'];
if (this.env.action == 'show' || this.env.action == 'preview') {
this.enable_command(this.env.message_commands, this.env.uid);
this.enable_command('reply-list', this.env.list_post);
if (this.env.action == 'show') {
this.http_request('pagenav', {_uid: this.env.uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox, _search: this.env.search_request},
this.display_message('', 'loading'));
if (this.env.blockedobjects) {
if (this.gui_objects.remoteobjectsmsg) = 'block';
this.enable_command('load-images', 'always-load', true);
// make preview/message frame visible
if (this.env.action == 'preview' && this.is_framed()) {
this.enable_command('compose', 'add-contact', false);
else if (this.env.action == 'compose') {
this.env.address_group_stack = [];
this.env.compose_commands = ['send-attachment', 'remove-attachment', 'send', 'cancel',
'toggle-editor', 'list-adresses', 'pushgroup', 'search', 'reset-search', 'extwin',
'insert-response', 'save-response'];
if (this.env.drafts_mailbox)
this.enable_command(this.env.compose_commands, 'identities', 'responses', true);
// add more commands (not enabled)
$.merge(this.env.compose_commands, ['add-recipient', 'firstpage', 'previouspage', 'nextpage', 'lastpage']);
if (this.env.spellcheck) {
this.env.spellcheck.spelling_state_observer = function(s) { ref.spellcheck_state(); };
this.enable_command('spellcheck', true);
// init canned response functions
if (this.gui_objects.responseslist) {
$('a.insertresponse', this.gui_objects.responseslist)
.attr('unselectable', 'on')
.mousedown(function(e){ return rcube_event.cancel(e); })
ref.command('insert-response', $(this).attr('rel'));
$(document.body).trigger('mouseup'); // hides the menu
return rcube_event.cancel(e);
// avoid textarea loosing focus when hitting the save-response button/link
for (var i=0; this.buttons['save-response'] && i < this.buttons['save-response'].length; i++) {
$('#'+this.buttons['save-response'][i].id).mousedown(function(e){ return rcube_event.cancel(e); })
document.onmouseup = function(e){ return ref.doc_mouse_up(e); };
// init message compose form
else if (this.env.action == 'get')
this.enable_command('download', 'print', true);
// show printing dialog
else if (this.env.action == 'print' && this.env.uid) {
if (bw.safari)
setTimeout('window.print()', 10);
// get unread count for each mailbox
if (this.gui_objects.mailboxlist) {
this.env.unread_counts = {};
this.gui_objects.folderlist = this.gui_objects.mailboxlist;
// init address book widget
if (this.gui_objects.contactslist) {
this.contact_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.contactslist,
{ multiselect:true, draggable:false, keyboard:false });
.addEventListener('initrow', function(o) { ref.triggerEvent('insertrow', { cid:o.uid, row:o }); })
.addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.compose_recipient_select(o); })
.addEventListener('dblclick', function(o) { ref.compose_add_recipient('to'); })
if (this.gui_objects.addressbookslist) {
this.gui_objects.folderlist = this.gui_objects.addressbookslist;
this.enable_command('list-adresses', true);
// ask user to send MDN
if (this.env.mdn_request && this.env.uid) {
var postact = 'sendmdn',
postdata = {_uid: this.env.uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox};
if (!confirm(this.get_label('mdnrequest'))) {
postdata._flag = 'mdnsent';
postact = 'mark';
this.http_post(postact, postdata);
// detect browser capabilities
if (!this.is_framed() && !this.env.extwin)
case 'addressbook':
this.env.address_group_stack = [];
if (this.gui_objects.folderlist)
this.env.contactfolders = $.extend($.extend({}, this.env.address_sources), this.env.contactgroups);
this.enable_command('add', 'import', this.env.writable_source);
this.enable_command('list', 'listgroup', 'pushgroup', 'popgroup', 'listsearch', 'search', 'reset-search', 'advanced-search', true);
if (this.gui_objects.contactslist) {
this.contact_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.contactslist,
{multiselect:true, draggable:this.gui_objects.folderlist?true:false, keyboard:true});
.addEventListener('initrow', function(o) { ref.triggerEvent('insertrow', { cid:o.uid, row:o }); })
.addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { ref.contactlist_keypress(o); })
.addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.contactlist_select(o); })
.addEventListener('dragstart', function(o) { ref.drag_start(o); })
.addEventListener('dragmove', function(e) { ref.drag_move(e); })
.addEventListener('dragend', function(e) { ref.drag_end(e); })
if (this.env.cid)
this.gui_objects.contactslist.parentNode.onmousedown = function(e){ return ref.click_on_list(e); };
document.onmouseup = function(e){ return ref.doc_mouse_up(e); };
$(this.gui_objects.qsearchbox).focusin(function() { ref.contact_list.blur(); });
if (this.env.cid) {
this.enable_command('show', 'edit', true);
// register handlers for group assignment via checkboxes
if (this.gui_objects.editform) {
$('input.groupmember').change(function() {
ref.group_member_change(this.checked ? 'add' : 'del', ref.env.cid, ref.env.source, this.value);
if (this.gui_objects.editform) {
this.enable_command('save', true);
if (this.env.action == 'add' || this.env.action == 'edit' || this.env.action == 'search')
case 'settings':
this.enable_command('preferences', 'identities', 'responses', 'save', 'folders', true);
if (this.env.action == 'identities') {
this.enable_command('add', this.env.identities_level < 2);
else if (this.env.action == 'edit-identity' || this.env.action == 'add-identity') {
this.enable_command('save', 'edit', 'toggle-editor', true);
this.enable_command('delete', this.env.identities_level < 2);
else if (this.env.action == 'folders') {
this.enable_command('subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'create-folder', 'rename-folder', true);
else if (this.env.action == 'edit-folder' && this.gui_objects.editform) {
this.enable_command('save', 'folder-size', true);
parent.rcmail.env.exists = this.env.messagecount;
parent.rcmail.enable_command('purge', this.env.messagecount);
else if (this.env.action == 'responses') {
this.enable_command('add', true);
if (this.gui_objects.identitieslist) {
this.identity_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.identitieslist,
{multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:false});
.addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.identity_select(o); })
if (this.env.iid)
else if (this.gui_objects.sectionslist) {
this.sections_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.sectionslist, {multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:false});
.addEventListener('select', function(o) { ref.section_select(o); })
else if (this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist) {
else if (this.gui_objects.responseslist) {
this.responses_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.responseslist, {multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:false});
.addEventListener('select', function(list) {
var win, id = list.get_single_selection();
ref.enable_command('delete', !!id && $.inArray(id, ref.env.readonly_responses) < 0);
if (id && (win = ref.get_frame_window(ref.env.contentframe))) {
ref.location_href({ _action:'edit-response', _key:id, _framed:1 }, win);
case 'login':
var input_user = $('#rcmloginuser');
input_user.bind('keyup', function(e){ return rcmail.login_user_keyup(e); });
if (input_user.val() == '')
// detect client timezone
if (window.jstz) {
var timezone = jstz.determine();
if (
else {
$('#rcmlogintz').val(new Date().getStdTimezoneOffset() / -60);
// display 'loading' message on form submit, lock submit button
$('form').submit(function () {
$('input[type=submit]', this).prop('disabled', true);
rcmail.display_message('', 'loading');
this.enable_command('login', true);
// select first input field in an edit form
if (this.gui_objects.editform)
$("input,select,textarea", this.gui_objects.editform)
// unset contentframe variable if preview_pane is enabled
if (this.env.contentframe && !$('#' + this.env.contentframe).is(':visible'))
this.env.contentframe = null;
// prevent from form submit with Enter key in file input fields
if (
$('input[type=file]').keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == '13') e.preventDefault(); });
// flag object as complete
this.loaded = true;
this.env.lastrefresh = new Date();
// show message
if (this.pending_message)
this.display_message(this.pending_message[0], this.pending_message[1], this.pending_message[2]);
// map implicit containers
if (this.gui_objects.folderlist) {
this.gui_containers.foldertray = $(this.gui_objects.folderlist);
// init treelist widget
if (window.rcube_treelist_widget) {
this.treelist = new rcube_treelist_widget(this.gui_objects.folderlist, {
id_prefix: 'rcmli',
id_encode: this.html_identifier_encode,
id_decode: this.html_identifier_decode,
check_droptarget: function(node) { return !node.virtual && ref.check_droptarget( }
.addEventListener('collapse', function(node) { ref.folder_collapsed(node) })
.addEventListener('expand', function(node) { ref.folder_collapsed(node) })
.addEventListener('select', function(node) { ref.triggerEvent('selectfolder', {, prefix:'rcmli' }) });
// activate html5 file drop feature (if browser supports it and if configured)
if (this.gui_objects.filedrop && this.env.filedrop && ((window.XMLHttpRequest && XMLHttpRequest.prototype && XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary) || window.FormData)) {
$(document.body).bind('dragover dragleave drop', function(e){ return ref.document_drag_hover(e, e.type == 'dragover'); });
.bind('dragover dragleave', function(e){ return ref.file_drag_hover(e, e.type == 'dragover'); })
.get(0).addEventListener('drop', function(e){ return ref.file_dropped(e); }, false);
// trigger init event hook
this.triggerEvent('init', { task:this.task, action:this.env.action });
// execute all foreign onload scripts
// @deprecated
for (var i in this.onloads) {
if (typeof this.onloads[i] === 'string')
else if (typeof this.onloads[i] === 'function')
// start keep-alive and refresh intervals
this.log = function(msg)
if (window.console && console.log)
/********* client command interface *********/
// execute a specific command on the web client
this.command = function(command, props, obj, event)
var ret, uid, cid, url, flag, aborted = false;
if (obj && obj.blur)
// do nothing if interface is locked by other command (with exception for searching reset)
if (this.busy && !(command == 'reset-search' && this.last_command == 'search'))
return false;
// let the browser handle this click (shift/ctrl usually opens the link in a new window/tab)
if ((obj && obj.href && String(obj.href).indexOf('#') < 0) && rcube_event.get_modifier(event)) {
return true;
// command not supported or allowed
if (!this.commands[command]) {
// pass command to parent window
if (this.is_framed())
parent.rcmail.command(command, props);
return false;
// check input before leaving compose step
if (this.task == 'mail' && this.env.action == 'compose' && $.inArray(command, this.env.compose_commands) < 0 && !this.env.server_error) {
if (this.cmp_hash != this.compose_field_hash() && !confirm(this.get_label('notsentwarning')))
return false;
// remove copy from local storage if compose screen is left intentionally
this.last_command = command;
// process external commands
if (typeof this.command_handlers[command] === 'function') {
ret = this.command_handlers[command](props, obj);
return ret !== undefined ? ret : (obj ? false : true);
else if (typeof this.command_handlers[command] === 'string') {
ret = window[this.command_handlers[command]](props, obj);
return ret !== undefined ? ret : (obj ? false : true);
// trigger plugin hooks
this.triggerEvent('actionbefore', {props:props, action:command});
ret = this.triggerEvent('before'+command, props);
if (ret !== undefined) {
// abort if one of the handlers returned false
if (ret === false)
return false;
props = ret;
ret = undefined;
// process internal command
switch (command) {
case 'login':
if (this.gui_objects.loginform)
// commands to switch task
case 'logout':
case 'mail':
case 'addressbook':
case 'settings':
case 'about':
this.redirect('?_task=settings&_action=about', false);
case 'permaurl':
if (obj && obj.href &&
return true;
else if (this.env.permaurl)
parent.location.href = this.env.permaurl;
case 'extwin':
if (this.env.action == 'compose') {
var form = this.gui_objects.messageform,
win = this.open_window('');
if (win) {
$("input[name='_action']", form).val('compose');
form.action = this.url('mail/compose', { _id: this.env.compose_id, _extwin: 1 }); =;
else {
// this.display_message(this.get_label('windowopenerror'), 'error');
else {
this.open_window(this.env.permaurl, true);
case 'change-format':
url = this.env.permaurl + '&_format=' + props;
if (this.env.action == 'preview')
url = url.replace(/_action=show/, '_action=preview') + '&_framed=1';
if (this.env.extwin)
url += '&_extwin=1';
location.href = url;
case 'menu-open':
if (props && == 'attachmentmenu') {
var mimetype = this.env.attachments[];
this.enable_command('open-attachment', mimetype && this.env.mimetypes && $.inArray(mimetype, this.env.mimetypes) >= 0);
case 'menu-save':
this.triggerEvent(command, {props:props});
return false;
case 'open':
if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) {
obj.href = this.url('show', {_mbox: this.get_message_mailbox(uid), _uid: uid});
return true;
case 'close':
if (this.env.extwin)
case 'list':
// re-send search query for the selected folder
if (props && props != '' && this.env.search_request && this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value) {
var oldmbox = this.env.search_scope == 'all' ? '*' : this.env.mailbox;
this.env.search_mods[props] = this.env.search_mods[oldmbox]; // copy search mods from active search
this.env.mailbox = props;
this.env.search_scope = 'sub';
this.select_folder(this.env.mailbox, '', true);
if (this.env.action == 'compose' && this.env.extwin)
else if (this.task == 'mail') {
else if (this.task == 'addressbook')
case 'set-listmode':
this.set_list_options(null, undefined, undefined, props == 'threads' ? 1 : 0);
case 'sort':
var sort_order = this.env.sort_order,
sort_col = !this.env.disabled_sort_col ? props : this.env.sort_col;
if (!this.env.disabled_sort_order)
sort_order = this.env.sort_col == sort_col && sort_order == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
// set table header and update env
this.set_list_sorting(sort_col, sort_order);
// reload message list
this.list_mailbox('', '', sort_col+'_'+sort_order);
case 'nextpage':
case 'lastpage':
case 'previouspage':
case 'firstpage':
case 'expunge':
if (this.env.exists)
case 'purge':
case 'empty-mailbox':
if (this.env.exists)
// common commands used in multiple tasks
case 'show':
if (this.task == 'mail') {
uid = this.get_single_uid();
if (uid && (!this.env.uid || uid != this.env.uid)) {
if (this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox)
this.open_compose_step({ _draft_uid: uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox });
else if (this.task == 'addressbook') {
cid = props ? props : this.get_single_cid();
if (cid && !(this.env.action == 'show' && cid == this.env.cid))
this.load_contact(cid, 'show');
case 'add':
if (this.task == 'addressbook')
this.load_contact(0, 'add');
else if (this.task == 'settings' && this.env.action == 'responses') {
var frame;
if ((frame = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe))) {
this.location_href({ _action:'add-response', _framed:1 }, frame);
else if (this.task == 'settings') {
this.load_identity(0, 'add-identity');
case 'edit':
if (this.task == 'addressbook' && (cid = this.get_single_cid()))
this.load_contact(cid, 'edit');
else if (this.task == 'settings' && props)
this.load_identity(props, 'edit-identity');
else if (this.task == 'mail' && (uid = this.get_single_uid())) {
url = { _mbox: this.get_message_mailbox(uid) };
url[this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox && props != 'new' ? '_draft_uid' : '_uid'] = uid;
case 'save':
var input, form = this.gui_objects.editform;
if (form) {
// adv. search
if (this.env.action == 'search') {
// user prefs
else if ((input = $("input[name='_pagesize']", form)) && input.length && isNaN(parseInt(input.val()))) {
// contacts/identities
else {
// reload form
if (props == 'reload') {
form.action += '?_reload=1';
else if (this.task == 'settings' && (this.env.identities_level % 2) == 0 &&
(input = $("input[name='_email']", form)) && input.length && !rcube_check_email(input.val())
) {
// clear empty input fields
$('input.placeholder').each(function(){ if (this.value == this._placeholder) this.value = ''; });
// add selected source (on the list)
if (parent.rcmail && parent.rcmail.env.source)
form.action = this.add_url(form.action, '_orig_source', parent.rcmail.env.source);
case 'delete':
// mail task
if (this.task == 'mail')
// addressbook task
else if (this.task == 'addressbook')
// settings: canned response
else if (this.task == 'settings' && this.env.action == 'responses')
// settings: user identities
else if (this.task == 'settings')
// mail task commands
case 'move':
case 'moveto': // deprecated
if (this.task == 'mail')
this.move_messages(props, obj);
else if (this.task == 'addressbook')
case 'copy':
if (this.task == 'mail')
this.copy_messages(props, obj);
else if (this.task == 'addressbook')
case 'mark':
if (props)
case 'toggle_status':
case 'toggle_flag':
flag = command == 'toggle_flag' ? 'flagged' : 'read';
if (uid = props) {
// toggle flagged/unflagged
if (flag == 'flagged') {
if (this.message_list.rows[uid].flagged)
flag = 'unflagged';
// toggle read/unread
else if (this.message_list.rows[uid].deleted)
flag = 'undelete';
else if (!this.message_list.rows[uid].unread)
flag = 'unread';
this.mark_message(flag, uid);
case 'always-load':
if (this.env.uid && this.env.sender) {
setTimeout(function(){ ref.command('load-images'); }, 300);
case 'load-images':
if (this.env.uid)
this.show_message(this.env.uid, true, this.env.action=='preview');
case 'load-attachment':
case 'open-attachment':
case 'download-attachment':
var qstring = '_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+'&_uid='+this.env.uid+'&_part='+props,
mimetype = this.env.attachments[props];
// open attachment in frame if it's of a supported mimetype
if (command != 'download-attachment' && mimetype && this.env.mimetypes && $.inArray(mimetype, this.env.mimetypes) >= 0) {
if (this.open_window(this.env.comm_path+'&_action=get&'+qstring+'&_frame=1'))
this.goto_url('get', qstring+'&_download=1', false);
case 'select-all':
this.select_all_mode = props ? false : true;
this.dummy_select = true; // prevent msg opening if there's only one msg on the list
if (props == 'invert')
this.message_list.select_all(props == 'page' ? '' : props);
this.dummy_select = null;
case 'select-none':
this.select_all_mode = false;
case 'expand-all':
this.env.autoexpand_threads = 1;
case 'expand-unread':
this.env.autoexpand_threads = 2;
case 'collapse-all':
this.env.autoexpand_threads = 0;
case 'nextmessage':
if (this.env.next_uid)
this.show_message(this.env.next_uid, false, this.env.action == 'preview');
case 'lastmessage':
if (this.env.last_uid)
case 'previousmessage':
if (this.env.prev_uid)
this.show_message(this.env.prev_uid, false, this.env.action == 'preview');
case 'firstmessage':
if (this.env.first_uid)
case 'compose':
url = {};
if (this.task == 'mail') {
url._mbox = this.env.mailbox;
if (props)
url._to = props;
// also send search request so we can go back to search result after message is sent
if (this.env.search_request)
url._search = this.env.search_request;
// modify url if we're in addressbook
else if (this.task == 'addressbook') {
// switch to mail compose step directly
if (props && props.indexOf('@') > 0) {
url._to = props;
else {
var a_cids = [];
// use contact id passed as command parameter
if (props)
// get selected contacts
else if (this.contact_list)
a_cids = this.contact_list.get_selection();
if (a_cids.length)
this.http_post('mailto', { _cid: a_cids.join(','), _source: this.env.source }, true);
else if (
this.http_post('mailto', { _gid:, _source: this.env.source }, true);
else if (props)
url._to = props;
case 'spellcheck':
if (this.spellcheck_state()) {
else {
if (window.tinyMCE && tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody)) {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceSpellCheck', true);
else if (this.env.spellcheck && this.env.spellcheck.spellCheck) {
case 'savedraft':
// Reset the auto-save timer
// compose form did not change (and draft wasn't saved already)
if (this.env.draft_id && this.cmp_hash == this.compose_field_hash()) {
case 'send':
if (!props.nocheck && !this.check_compose_input(command))
// Reset the auto-save timer
case 'send-attachment':
// Reset the auto-save timer
if (!(flag = this.upload_file(props || this.gui_objects.uploadform, 'upload'))) {
if (flag !== false)
aborted = true;
case 'insert-sig':
this.change_identity($("[name='_from']")[0], true);
case 'list-adresses':
this.enable_command('add-recipient', false);
case 'add-recipient':
case 'reply-all':
case 'reply-list':
case 'reply':
if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) {
url = {_reply_uid: uid, _mbox: this.get_message_mailbox(uid)};
if (command == 'reply-all')
// do reply-list, when list is detected and popup menu wasn't used
url._all = (!props && this.env.reply_all_mode == 1 && this.commands['reply-list'] ? 'list' : 'all');
else if (command == 'reply-list')
url._all = 'list';
case 'forward-attachment':
case 'forward-inline':
case 'forward':
var uids = this.env.uid ? [this.env.uid] : (this.message_list ? this.message_list.get_selection() : []);
if (uids.length) {
url = { _forward_uid: this.uids_to_list(uids), _mbox: this.env.mailbox, _search: this.env.search_request };
if (command == 'forward-attachment' || (!props && this.env.forward_attachment) || uids.length > 1)
url._attachment = 1;
case 'print':
if (this.env.action == 'get') {
else if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) {
ref.printwin = this.open_window(this.env.comm_path+'&_action=print&_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.get_message_mailbox(uid))+(this.env.safemode ? '&_safe=1' : ''), true, true);
if (this.printwin) {
if (this.env.action != 'show')
this.mark_message('read', uid);
case 'viewsource':
if (uid = this.get_single_uid())
this.open_window(this.env.comm_path+'&_action=viewsource&_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox), true, true);
case 'download':
if (this.env.action == 'get') {
location.href = location.href.replace(/_frame=/, '_download=');
else if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) {
this.goto_url('viewsource', { _uid: uid, _mbox: this.get_message_mailbox(uid), _save: 1 });
// quicksearch
case 'search':
if (!props && this.gui_objects.qsearchbox)
props = this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value;
if (props) {
// reset quicksearch
case 'reset-search':
var n, s = this.env.search_request || this.env.qsearch;
this.select_all_mode = false;
if (s && this.env.action == 'compose') {
if (this.contact_list)
else if (s && this.env.mailbox) {
this.list_mailbox(this.env.mailbox, 1);
else if (s && this.task == 'addressbook') {
if (this.env.source == '') {
for (n in this.env.address_sources) break;
this.env.source = n; = '';
this.list_contacts(this.env.source,, 1);
case 'pushgroup':
// add group ID to stack
if (obj && event)
case 'listgroup':
case 'popgroup':
if (this.env.address_group_stack.length > 1) {
this.list_contacts(props.source, this.env.address_group_stack[this.env.address_group_stack.length-1]);
case 'import-messages':
var form = props || this.gui_objects.importform,
importlock = this.set_busy(true, 'importwait');
$('input[name="_unlock"]', form).val(importlock);
if (!(flag = this.upload_file(form, 'import'))) {
this.set_busy(false, null, importlock);
if (flag !== false)
aborted = true;
case 'import':
if (this.env.action == 'import' && this.gui_objects.importform) {
var file = document.getElementById('rcmimportfile');
if (file && !file.value) {
aborted = true;
this.set_busy(true, 'importwait');
this.lock_form(this.gui_objects.importform, true);
this.goto_url('import', (this.env.source ? '_target='+urlencode(this.env.source)+'&' : ''));
case 'export':
if (this.contact_list.rowcount > 0) {
this.goto_url('export', { _source: this.env.source, _gid:, _search: this.env.search_request });
case 'export-selected':
if (this.contact_list.rowcount > 0) {
this.goto_url('export', { _source: this.env.source, _gid:, _cid: this.contact_list.get_selection().join(',') });
case 'upload-photo':
this.upload_contact_photo(props || this.gui_objects.uploadform);
case 'delete-photo':
// user settings commands
case 'preferences':
case 'identities':
case 'responses':
case 'folders':
this.goto_url('settings/' + command);
case 'undo':
this.http_request('undo', '', this.display_message('', 'loading'));
// unified command call (command name == function name)
var func = command.replace(/-/g, '_');
if (this[func] && typeof this[func] === 'function') {
ret = this[func](props, obj);
if (!aborted && this.triggerEvent('after'+command, props) === false)
ret = false;
this.triggerEvent('actionafter', { props:props, action:command, aborted:aborted });
return ret === false ? false : obj ? false : true;
// set command(s) enabled or disabled
this.enable_command = function()
var i, n, args =,
enable = args.pop(), cmd;
for (n=0; n<args.length; n++) {
cmd = args[n];
// argument of type array
if (typeof cmd === 'string') {
this.commands[cmd] = enable;
this.set_button(cmd, (enable ? 'act' : 'pas'));
this.triggerEvent('enable-command', {command: cmd, status: enable});
// push array elements into commands array
else {
for (i in cmd)
this.command_enabled = function(cmd)
return this.commands[cmd];
// lock/unlock interface
this.set_busy = function(a, message, id)
if (a && message) {
var msg = this.get_label(message);
if (msg == message)
msg = 'Loading...';
id = this.display_message(msg, 'loading');
else if (!a && id) {
this.busy = a;
// = a ? 'wait' : 'default';
if (this.gui_objects.editform)
this.lock_form(this.gui_objects.editform, a);
return id;
// return a localized string
this.get_label = function(name, domain)
if (domain && this.labels[domain+'.'+name])
return this.labels[domain+'.'+name];
else if (this.labels[name])
return this.labels[name];
return name;
// alias for convenience reasons
this.gettext = this.get_label;
// switch to another application task
this.switch_task = function(task)
if (this.task===task && task!='mail')
var url = this.get_task_url(task);
if (task == 'mail')
url += '&_mbox=INBOX';
else if (task == 'logout')
this.get_task_url = function(task, url)
if (!url)
url = this.env.comm_path;
return url.replace(/_task=[a-z0-9_-]+/i, '_task='+task);
this.reload = function(delay)
if (this.is_framed())
else if (delay)
setTimeout(function(){ rcmail.reload(); }, delay);
else if (window.location)
location.href = this.env.comm_path + (this.env.action ? '&_action='+this.env.action : '');
// Add variable to GET string, replace old value if exists
this.add_url = function(url, name, value)
value = urlencode(value);
if (/(\?.*)$/.test(url)) {
var urldata = RegExp.$1,
datax = RegExp('((\\?|&)'+RegExp.escape(name)+'=[^&]*)');
if (datax.test(urldata)) {
urldata = urldata.replace(datax, RegExp.$2 + name + '=' + value);
urldata += '&' + name + '=' + value
return url.replace(/(\?.*)$/, urldata);
return url + '?' + name + '=' + value;
this.is_framed = function()
return (this.env.framed && parent.rcmail && parent.rcmail != this && parent.rcmail.command);
this.save_pref = function(prop)
var request = {'_name':, '_value': prop.value};
if (prop.session)
request['_session'] = prop.session;
if (prop.env)
this.env[prop.env] = prop.value;
this.http_post('save-pref', request);
this.html_identifier = function(str, encode)
return encode ? this.html_identifier_encode(str) : String(str).replace(this.identifier_expr, '_');
this.html_identifier_encode = function(str)
return Base64.encode(String(str)).replace(/=+$/, '').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_');
this.html_identifier_decode = function(str)
str = String(str).replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
while (str.length % 4) str += '=';
return Base64.decode(str);
/********* event handling methods *********/
this.drag_menu = function(e, target)
var modkey = rcube_event.get_modifier(e),
menu = this.gui_objects.dragmenu;
if (menu && modkey == SHIFT_KEY && this.commands['copy']) {
var pos = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(e);
this.env.drag_target = target;
$(menu).css({top: (pos.y-10)+'px', left: (pos.x-10)+'px'}).show();
return true;
return false;
this.drag_menu_action = function(action)
var menu = this.gui_objects.dragmenu;
if (menu) {
this.command(action, this.env.drag_target);
this.env.drag_target = null;
this.drag_start = function(list)
this.drag_active = true;
if (this.preview_timer)
if (this.preview_read_timer)
// prepare treelist widget for dragging interactions
if (this.treelist)
this.drag_end = function(e)
var list, model;
if (this.treelist)
// execute drag & drop action when mouse was released
if (list = this.message_list)
model = this.env.mailboxes;
else if (list = this.contact_list)
model = this.env.contactfolders;
if (this.drag_active && model && this.env.last_folder_target) {
var target = model[this.env.last_folder_target];
if (this.contact_list) {
if (!this.contacts_drag_menu(e, target))
this.command('move', target);
else if (!this.drag_menu(e, target))
this.command('move', target);
this.drag_active = false;
this.env.last_folder_target = null;
this.drag_move = function(e)
if (this.gui_objects.folderlist) {
var drag_target, oldclass,
layerclass = 'draglayernormal',
mouse = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(e);
if (this.contact_list && this.contact_list.draglayer)
oldclass = this.contact_list.draglayer.attr('class');
// mouse intersects a valid drop target on the treelist
if (this.treelist && (drag_target = this.treelist.intersects(mouse, true))) {
this.env.last_folder_target = drag_target;
layerclass = 'draglayer' + (this.check_droptarget(drag_target) > 1 ? 'copy' : 'normal');
else {
// Clear target, otherwise drag end will trigger move into last valid droptarget
this.env.last_folder_target = null;
if (layerclass != oldclass && this.contact_list && this.contact_list.draglayer)
this.contact_list.draglayer.attr('class', layerclass);
this.collapse_folder = function(name)
if (this.treelist)
this.folder_collapsed = function(node)
var prefname = this.env.task == 'addressbook' ? 'collapsed_abooks' : 'collapsed_folders';
if (node.collapsed) {
this.env[prefname] = this.env[prefname] + '&'+urlencode('&';
// select the folder if one of its childs is currently selected
// don't select if it's virtual (#1488346)
if (this.env.mailbox && this.env.mailbox.startsWith(name + this.env.delimiter) && !node.virtual)
this.command('list', name);
else {
var reg = new RegExp('&'+urlencode('&');
this.env[prefname] = this.env[prefname].replace(reg, '');
if (!this.drag_active) {
this.command('save-pref', { name: prefname, value: this.env[prefname] });
if (this.env.unread_counts)
this.set_unread_count_display(, false);
this.doc_mouse_up = function(e)
var list, id;
// ignore event if jquery UI dialog is open
if ($(rcube_event.get_target(e)).closest('.ui-dialog, .ui-widget-overlay').length)
list = this.message_list || this.contact_list;
if (list && !rcube_mouse_is_over(e, list.list.parentNode))
// reset 'pressed' buttons
if (this.buttons_sel) {
for (id in this.buttons_sel)
if (typeof id !== 'function')
this.button_out(this.buttons_sel[id], id);
this.buttons_sel = {};
this.click_on_list = function(e)
if (this.gui_objects.qsearchbox)
if (this.message_list)
else if (this.contact_list)
return true;
this.msglist_select = function(list)
if (this.preview_timer)
if (this.preview_read_timer)
var selected = list.get_single_selection();
this.enable_command(this.env.message_commands, selected != null);
if (selected) {
// Hide certain command buttons when Drafts folder is selected
if (this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox)
this.enable_command('reply', 'reply-all', 'reply-list', 'forward', 'forward-attachment', 'forward-inline', false);
// Disable reply-list when List-Post header is not set
else {
var msg = this.env.messages[selected];
if (!
this.enable_command('reply-list', false);
// Multi-message commands
this.enable_command('delete', 'move', 'copy', 'mark', 'forward', 'forward-attachment', list.selection.length > 0);
// reset all-pages-selection
if (selected || (list.selection.length && list.selection.length != list.rowcount))
this.select_all_mode = false;
// start timer for message preview (wait for double click)
if (selected && this.env.contentframe && !list.multi_selecting && !this.dummy_select)
this.preview_timer = setTimeout(function() { ref.msglist_get_preview(); }, this.dblclick_time);
else if (this.env.contentframe)
// This allow as to re-select selected message and display it in preview frame
this.msglist_click = function(list)
if (list.multi_selecting || !this.env.contentframe)
if (list.get_single_selection())
var win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe);
if (win && win.location.href.indexOf(this.env.blankpage) >= 0) {
if (this.preview_timer)
if (this.preview_read_timer)
this.preview_timer = setTimeout(function() { ref.msglist_get_preview(); }, this.dblclick_time);
this.msglist_dbl_click = function(list)
if (this.preview_timer)
if (this.preview_read_timer)
var uid = list.get_single_selection();
if (uid && (this.env.messages[uid].mbox || this.env.mailbox) == this.env.drafts_mailbox)
this.open_compose_step({ _draft_uid: uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox });
else if (uid)
this.show_message(uid, false, false);
this.msglist_keypress = function(list)
if (list.modkey == CONTROL_KEY)
if (list.key_pressed == list.ENTER_KEY)
else if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY || list.key_pressed == list.BACKSPACE_KEY)
else if (list.key_pressed == 33)
else if (list.key_pressed == 34)
this.msglist_get_preview = function()
var uid = this.get_single_uid();
if (uid && this.env.contentframe && !this.drag_active)
this.show_message(uid, false, true);
else if (this.env.contentframe)
this.msglist_expand = function(row)
if (this.env.messages[row.uid])
this.env.messages[row.uid].expanded = row.expanded;
this.msglist_set_coltypes = function(list)
var i, found, name, cols = list.thead.rows[0].cells;
this.env.listcols = [];
for (i=0; i<cols.length; i++)
if (cols[i].id && cols[i].id.startsWith('rcm')) {
name = cols[i].id.slice(3);
if ((found = $.inArray('flag', this.env.listcols)) >= 0)
this.env.flagged_col = found;
if ((found = $.inArray('subject', this.env.listcols)) >= 0)
this.env.subject_col = found;
this.command('save-pref', { name: 'list_cols', value: this.env.listcols, session: 'list_attrib/columns' });
this.check_droptarget = function(id)
switch (this.task) {
case 'mail':
return (this.env.mailboxes[id]
&& !this.env.mailboxes[id].virtual
&& (this.env.mailboxes[id].id != this.env.mailbox || this.is_multifolder_listing())) ? 1 : 0;
case 'settings':
return id != this.env.mailbox ? 1 : 0;
case 'addressbook':
var target;
if (id != this.env.source && (target = this.env.contactfolders[id])) {
// droptarget is a group
if (target.type == 'group') {
if ( != && !this.env.contactfolders[target.source].readonly) {
var is_other = this.env.selection_sources.length > 1 || $.inArray(target.source, this.env.selection_sources) == -1;
return !is_other || this.commands.move ? 1 : 2;
// droptarget is a (writable) addressbook and it's not the source
else if (!target.readonly && (this.env.selection_sources.length > 1 || $.inArray(id, this.env.selection_sources) == -1)) {
return this.commands.move ? 1 : 2;
return 0;
// open popup window
this.open_window = function(url, small, toolbar)
var wname = 'rcmextwin' + new Date().getTime();
url += (url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + '_extwin=1';
if (this.env.standard_windows)
var extwin =, wname);
else {
var win = this.is_framed() ? parent.window : window,
page = $(win),
page_width = page.width(),
page_height = ? $('body', win).height() : page.height(),
w = Math.min(small ? this.env.popup_width_small : this.env.popup_width, page_width),
h = page_height, // always use same height
l = (win.screenLeft || win.screenX) + 20,
t = (win.screenTop || win.screenY) + 20,
extwin =, wname,
+(toolbar ? ',toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,status=yes' : ',toolbar=no,menubar=no,status=no'));
// write loading... message to empty windows
if (!url && extwin.document) {
extwin.document.write('<html><body>' + this.get_label('loading') + '</body></html>');
// allow plugins to grab the window reference (#1489413)
this.triggerEvent('openwindow', { url:url, handle:extwin });
// focus window, delayed to bring to front
window.setTimeout(function() { extwin && extwin.focus(); }, 10);
return extwin;
/********* (message) list functionality *********/
this.init_message_row = function(row)
var i, fn = {}, uid = row.uid,
status_icon = (this.env.status_col != null ? 'status' : 'msg') + 'icn' +;
if (uid && this.env.messages[uid])
$.extend(row, this.env.messages[uid]);
// set eventhandler to status icon
if (row.icon = document.getElementById(status_icon)) {
fn.icon = function(e) { ref.command('toggle_status', uid); };
// save message icon position too
if (this.env.status_col != null)
row.msgicon = document.getElementById('msgicn';
row.msgicon = row.icon;
// set eventhandler to flag icon
if (this.env.flagged_col != null && (row.flagicon = document.getElementById('flagicn' {
fn.flagicon = function(e) { ref.command('toggle_flag', uid); };
// set event handler to thread expand/collapse icon
if (!row.depth && row.has_children && (row.expando = document.getElementById('rcmexpando' {
fn.expando = function(e) { ref.expand_message_row(e, uid); };
// attach events
$.each(fn, function(i, f) {
row[i].onclick = function(e) { f(e); return rcube_event.cancel(e); };
if (bw.touch) {
row[i].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) {
if (e.changedTouches.length == 1) {
return rcube_event.cancel(e);
}, false);
this.triggerEvent('insertrow', { uid:uid, row:row });
// create a table row in the message list
this.add_message_row = function(uid, cols, flags, attop)
if (!this.gui_objects.messagelist || !this.message_list)
return false;
// Prevent from adding messages from different folder (#1487752)
if (flags.mbox != this.env.mailbox && !flags.skip_mbox_check)
return false;
if (!this.env.messages[uid])
this.env.messages[uid] = {};
// merge flags over local message object
$.extend(this.env.messages[uid], {
deleted: flags.deleted?1:0,
replied: flags.answered?1:0,
unread: !flags.seen?1:0,
forwarded: flags.forwarded?1:0,
flagged: flags.flagged?1:0,
has_children: flags.has_children?1:0,
depth: flags.depth?flags.depth:0,
unread_children: flags.unread_children?flags.unread_children:0,
parent_uid: flags.parent_uid?flags.parent_uid:0,
selected: this.select_all_mode || this.message_list.in_selection(uid),
ctype: flags.ctype,
mbox: flags.mbox,
// flags from plugins
flags: flags.extra_flags
var c, n, col, html, css_class,
tree = '', expando = '',
list = this.message_list,
rows = list.rows,
message = this.env.messages[uid],
row_class = 'message'
+ (!flags.seen ? ' unread' : '')
+ (flags.deleted ? ' deleted' : '')
+ (flags.flagged ? ' flagged' : '')
+ (message.selected ? ' selected' : ''),
row = { cols:[], style:{}, id:'rcmrow'+this.html_identifier(uid,true), uid:uid };
// message status icons
css_class = 'msgicon';
if (this.env.status_col === null) {
css_class += ' status';
if (flags.deleted)
css_class += ' deleted';
else if (!flags.seen)
css_class += ' unread';
else if (flags.unread_children > 0)
css_class += ' unreadchildren';
if (flags.answered)
css_class += ' replied';
if (flags.forwarded)
css_class += ' forwarded';
// update selection
if (message.selected && !list.in_selection(uid))
// threads
if (this.env.threading) {
if (message.depth) {
// This assumes that div width is hardcoded to 15px,
tree += '<span id="rcmtab' + + '" class="branch" style="width:' + (message.depth * 15) + 'px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>';
if ((rows[message.parent_uid] && rows[message.parent_uid].expanded === false)
|| ((this.env.autoexpand_threads == 0 || this.env.autoexpand_threads == 2) &&
(!rows[message.parent_uid] || !rows[message.parent_uid].expanded))
) { = 'none';
message.expanded = false;
message.expanded = true;
row_class += ' thread expanded';
else if (message.has_children) {
if (message.expanded === undefined && (this.env.autoexpand_threads == 1 || (this.env.autoexpand_threads == 2 && message.unread_children))) {
message.expanded = true;
expando = '<div id="rcmexpando' + + '" class="' + (message.expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed') + '">&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>';
row_class += ' thread' + (message.expanded? ' expanded' : '');
if (flags.unread_children && flags.seen && !message.expanded)
row_class += ' unroot';
tree += '<span id="msgicn''" class="'+css_class+'">&nbsp;</span>';
row.className = row_class;
// build subject link
if (cols.subject) {
var action = flags.mbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox ? 'compose' : 'show',
uid_param = flags.mbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox ? '_draft_uid' : '_uid',
query = { _mbox: flags.mbox };
query[uid_param] = uid;
cols.subject = '<a href="' + this.url(action, query) + '" onclick="return rcube_event.keyboard_only(event)"' +
' onmouseover="rcube_webmail.long_subject_title(this,'+(message.depth+1)+')" tabindex="-1"><span>'+cols.subject+'</span></a>';
// add each submitted col
for (n in this.env.listcols) {
c = this.env.listcols[n];
col = {className: String(c).toLowerCase(), events:{}};
if (this.env.coltypes[c] && this.env.coltypes[c].hidden) {
col.className += ' hidden';
if (c == 'flag') {
css_class = (flags.flagged ? 'flagged' : 'unflagged');
html = '<span id="flagicn''" class="'+css_class+'">&nbsp;</span>';
else if (c == 'attachment') {
if (flags.attachmentClass)
html = '<span class="'+flags.attachmentClass+'">&nbsp;</span>';
else if (/application\/|multipart\/(m|signed)/.test(flags.ctype))
html = '<span class="attachment">&nbsp;</span>';
else if (/multipart\/report/.test(flags.ctype))
html = '<span class="report">&nbsp;</span>';
html = '&nbsp;';
else if (c == 'status') {
if (flags.deleted)
css_class = 'deleted';
else if (!flags.seen)
css_class = 'unread';
else if (flags.unread_children > 0)
css_class = 'unreadchildren';
css_class = 'msgicon';
html = '<span id="statusicn''" class="'+css_class+'">&nbsp;</span>';
else if (c == 'threads')
html = expando;
else if (c == 'subject') {
if ( = function() { rcube_webmail.long_subject_title_ex(this); };
html = tree + cols[c];
else if (c == 'priority') {
if (flags.prio > 0 && flags.prio < 6)
html = '<span class="prio'+flags.prio+'">&nbsp;</span>';
html = '&nbsp;';
else if (c == 'folder') {
html = '<span onmouseover="rcube_webmail.long_subject_title(this)">' + cols[c] + '<span>';
html = cols[c];
col.innerHTML = html;
list.insert_row(row, attop);
// remove 'old' row
if (attop && this.env.pagesize && list.rowcount > this.env.pagesize) {
var uid = list.get_last_row();
this.set_list_sorting = function(sort_col, sort_order)
// set table header class
if (sort_col)
this.env.sort_col = sort_col;
this.env.sort_order = sort_order;
this.set_list_options = function(cols, sort_col, sort_order, threads)
var update, post_data = {};
if (sort_col === undefined)
sort_col = this.env.sort_col;
if (!sort_order)
sort_order = this.env.sort_order;
if (this.env.sort_col != sort_col || this.env.sort_order != sort_order) {
update = 1;
this.set_list_sorting(sort_col, sort_order);
if (this.env.threading != threads) {
update = 1;
post_data._threads = threads;
if (cols && cols.length) {
// make sure new columns are added at the end of the list
var i, idx, name, newcols = [], oldcols = this.env.listcols;
for (i=0; i<oldcols.length; i++) {
name = oldcols[i];
idx = $.inArray(name, cols);
if (idx != -1) {
delete cols[idx];
for (i=0; i<cols.length; i++)
if (cols[i])
if (newcols.join() != oldcols.join()) {
update = 1;
post_data._cols = newcols.join(',');
if (update)
this.list_mailbox('', '', sort_col+'_'+sort_order, post_data);
// when user double-clicks on a row
this.show_message = function(id, safe, preview)
if (!id)
var win, target = window,
action = preview ? 'preview': 'show',
url = '&_action='+action+'&_uid='+id+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.get_message_mailbox(id));
if (preview && (win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe))) {
target = win;
url += '&_framed=1';
if (safe)
url += '&_safe=1';
// also send search request to get the right messages
if (this.env.search_request)
url += '&_search='+this.env.search_request;
// add browser capabilities, so we can properly handle attachments
url += '&_caps='+urlencode(this.browser_capabilities());
if (this.env.extwin)
url += '&_extwin=1';
if (preview && String(target.location.href).indexOf(url) >= 0) {
else {
if (!preview && this.env.message_extwin && !this.env.extwin)
this.open_window(this.env.comm_path+url, true);
this.location_href(this.env.comm_path+url, target, true);
// mark as read and change mbox unread counter
if (preview && this.message_list && this.message_list.rows[id] && this.message_list.rows[id].unread && this.env.preview_pane_mark_read >= 0) {
this.preview_read_timer = setTimeout(function() {
ref.set_message(id, 'unread', false);
if (ref.env.unread_counts[ref.env.mailbox]) {
ref.env.unread_counts[ref.env.mailbox] -= 1;
ref.set_unread_count(ref.env.mailbox, ref.env.unread_counts[ref.env.mailbox], ref.env.mailbox == 'INBOX');
if (ref.env.preview_pane_mark_read > 0)
ref.http_post('mark', {_uid: id, _flag: 'read', _quiet: 1});
}, this.env.preview_pane_mark_read * 1000);
this.show_contentframe = function(show)
var frame, win, name = this.env.contentframe;
if (name && (frame = this.get_frame_element(name))) {
if (!show && (win = this.get_frame_window(name))) {
if (win.location.href.indexOf(this.env.blankpage) < 0) {
if (win.stop)
else // IE
win.location.href = this.env.blankpage;
else if (!bw.safari && !bw.konq)
$(frame)[show ? 'show' : 'hide']();
if (!show && this.env.frame_lock)
this.set_busy(false, null, this.env.frame_lock);
this.get_frame_element = function(id)
var frame;
if (id && (frame = document.getElementById(id)))
return frame;
this.get_frame_window = function(id)
var frame = this.get_frame_element(id);
if (frame && && window.frames)
return window.frames[];
this.lock_frame = function()
if (!this.env.frame_lock)
(this.is_framed() ? parent.rcmail : this).env.frame_lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
// list a specific page
this.list_page = function(page)
if (page == 'next')
page = this.env.current_page+1;
else if (page == 'last')
page = this.env.pagecount;
else if (page == 'prev' && this.env.current_page > 1)
page = this.env.current_page-1;
else if (page == 'first' && this.env.current_page > 1)
page = 1;
if (page > 0 && page <= this.env.pagecount) {
this.env.current_page = page;
if (this.task == 'addressbook' || this.contact_list)
this.list_contacts(this.env.source,, page);
else if (this.task == 'mail')
this.list_mailbox(this.env.mailbox, page);
// sends request to check for recent messages
this.checkmail = function()
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'checkingmail'),
params = this.check_recent_params();
this.http_post('check-recent', params, lock);
// list messages of a specific mailbox using filter
this.filter_mailbox = function(filter)
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'searching');
// reset vars
this.env.current_page = 1;
this.env.search_filter = filter;
this.http_request('search', this.search_params(false, filter), lock);
// reload the current message listing
this.refresh_list = function()
this.list_mailbox(this.env.mailbox, this.env.current_page || 1, null, { _clear:1 }, true);
if (this.message_list)
// list messages of a specific mailbox
this.list_mailbox = function(mbox, page, sort, url, update_only)
var win, target = window;
if (typeof url != 'object')
url = {};
if (!mbox)
mbox = this.env.mailbox ? this.env.mailbox : 'INBOX';
// add sort to url if set
if (sort)
url._sort = sort;
// also send search request to get the right messages
if (this.env.search_request)
url._search = this.env.search_request;
// set page=1 if changeing to another mailbox
if (this.env.mailbox != mbox) {
page = 1;
this.env.current_page = page;
this.select_all_mode = false;
if (!update_only) {
// unselect selected messages and clear the list and message data
if (mbox != this.env.mailbox || (mbox == this.env.mailbox && !page && !sort))
url._refresh = 1;
this.select_folder(mbox, '', true);
this.unmark_folder(mbox, 'recent', '', true);
this.env.mailbox = mbox;
// load message list remotely
if (this.gui_objects.messagelist) {
this.list_mailbox_remote(mbox, page, url);
if (win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe)) {
target = win;
url._framed = 1;
// load message list to target frame/window
if (mbox) {
this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
url._mbox = mbox;
if (page)
url._page = page;
this.location_href(url, target);
this.clear_message_list = function()
this.env.messages = {};
this.last_selected = 0;
if (this.message_list)
// send remote request to load message list
this.list_mailbox_remote = function(mbox, page, url)
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
if (typeof url != 'object')
url = {};
url._mbox = mbox;
if (page)
url._page = page;
this.http_request('list', url, lock);
// removes messages that doesn't exists from list selection array
this.update_selection = function()
var selected = this.message_list.selection,
rows = this.message_list.rows,
i, selection = [];
for (i in selected)
if (rows[selected[i]])
this.message_list.selection = selection;
// expand all threads with unread children
this.expand_unread = function()
var r, tbody = this.gui_objects.messagelist.tBodies[0],
new_row = tbody.firstChild;
while (new_row) {
if (new_row.nodeType == 1 && (r = this.message_list.rows[new_row.uid]) && r.unread_children) {
new_row = new_row.nextSibling;
return false;
// thread expanding/collapsing handler
this.expand_message_row = function(e, uid)
var row = this.message_list.rows[uid];
// handle unread_children mark
row.expanded = !row.expanded;
row.expanded = !row.expanded;
this.message_list.expand_row(e, uid);
// message list expanding
this.expand_threads = function()
if (!this.env.threading || !this.env.autoexpand_threads || !this.message_list)
switch (this.env.autoexpand_threads) {
case 2: this.expand_unread(); break;
case 1: this.message_list.expand_all(); break;
// Initializes threads indicators/expanders after list update
this.init_threads = function(roots, mbox)
// #1487752
if (mbox && mbox != this.env.mailbox)
return false;
for (var n=0, len=roots.length; n<len; n++)
// adds threads tree icons to the list (or specified thread)
this.add_tree_icons = function(root)
var i, l, r, n, len, pos, tmp = [], uid = [],
row, rows = this.message_list.rows;
if (root)
row = rows[root] ? rows[root].obj : null;
row = this.message_list.tbody.firstChild;
while (row) {
if (row.nodeType == 1 && (r = rows[row.uid])) {
if (r.depth) {
for (i=tmp.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
len = tmp[i].length;
if (len > r.depth) {
pos = len - r.depth;
if (!(tmp[i][pos] & 2))
tmp[i][pos] = tmp[i][pos] ? tmp[i][pos]+2 : 2;
else if (len == r.depth) {
if (!(tmp[i][0] & 2))
tmp[i][0] += 2;
if (r.depth > len)
tmp.push(new Array(r.depth));
tmp[tmp.length-1][0] = 1;
else {
if (tmp.length) {
for (i in tmp) {
this.set_tree_icons(uid[i], tmp[i]);
tmp = [];
uid = [];
if (root && row != rows[root].obj)
row = row.nextSibling;
if (tmp.length) {
for (i in tmp) {
this.set_tree_icons(uid[i], tmp[i]);
// adds tree icons to specified message row
this.set_tree_icons = function(uid, tree)
var i, divs = [], html = '', len = tree.length;
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (tree[i] > 2)
divs.push({'class': 'l3', width: 15});
else if (tree[i] > 1)
divs.push({'class': 'l2', width: 15});
else if (tree[i] > 0)
divs.push({'class': 'l1', width: 15});
// separator div
else if (divs.length && !divs[divs.length-1]['class'])
divs[divs.length-1].width += 15;
divs.push({'class': null, width: 15});
for (i=divs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (divs[i]['class'])
html += '<div class="tree '+divs[i]['class']+'" />';
html += '<div style="width:'+divs[i].width+'px" />';
if (html)
$('#rcmtab'+this.html_identifier(uid, true)).html(html);
// update parent in a thread
this.update_thread_root = function(uid, flag)
if (!this.env.threading)
var root = this.message_list.find_root(uid);
if (uid == root)
var p = this.message_list.rows[root];
if (flag == 'read' && p.unread_children) {
else if (flag == 'unread' && p.has_children) {
// unread_children may be undefined
p.unread_children = p.unread_children ? p.unread_children + 1 : 1;
else {
// update thread indicators for all messages in a thread below the specified message
// return number of removed/added root level messages
this.update_thread = function (uid)
if (!this.env.threading)
return 0;
var r, parent, count = 0,
rows = this.message_list.rows,
row = rows[uid],
depth = rows[uid].depth,
roots = [];
if (!row.depth) // root message: decrease roots count
else if (row.unread) {
// update unread_children for thread root
parent = this.message_list.find_root(uid);
parent = row.parent_uid;
// childrens
row = row.obj.nextSibling;
while (row) {
if (row.nodeType == 1 && (r = rows[row.uid])) {
if (!r.depth || r.depth <= depth)
r.depth--; // move left
// reset width and clear the content of a tab, icons will be added later
$('#rcmtab' * 15).html('');
if (!r.depth) { // a new root
count++; // increase roots count
r.parent_uid = 0;
if (r.has_children) {
// replace 'leaf' with 'collapsed'
$('#'' .leaf:first')
.attr('id', 'rcmexpando' +
.attr('class', ( != 'none' ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'))
.bind('mousedown', {uid:r.uid, p:this},
function(e) { return,; });
r.unread_children = 0;
// show if it was hidden
if ( == 'none')
else {
if (r.depth == depth)
r.parent_uid = parent;
if (r.unread && roots.length)
row = row.nextSibling;
// update unread_children for roots
for (var i=0; i<roots.length; i++)
return count;
this.delete_excessive_thread_rows = function()
var rows = this.message_list.rows,
tbody = this.message_list.tbody,
row = tbody.firstChild,
cnt = this.env.pagesize + 1;
while (row) {
if (row.nodeType == 1 && (r = rows[row.uid])) {
if (!r.depth && cnt)
if (!cnt)
row = row.nextSibling;
// set message icon
this.set_message_icon = function(uid)
var css_class,
row = this.message_list.rows[uid];
if (!row)
return false;
if (row.icon) {
css_class = 'msgicon';
if (row.deleted)
css_class += ' deleted';
else if (row.unread)
css_class += ' unread';
else if (row.unread_children)
css_class += ' unreadchildren';
if (row.msgicon == row.icon) {
if (row.replied)
css_class += ' replied';
if (row.forwarded)
css_class += ' forwarded';
css_class += ' status';
row.icon.className = css_class;
if (row.msgicon && row.msgicon != row.icon) {
css_class = 'msgicon';
if (!row.unread && row.unread_children)
css_class += ' unreadchildren';
if (row.replied)
css_class += ' replied';
if (row.forwarded)
css_class += ' forwarded';
row.msgicon.className = css_class;
if (row.flagicon) {
css_class = (row.flagged ? 'flagged' : 'unflagged');
row.flagicon.className = css_class;
// set message status
this.set_message_status = function(uid, flag, status)
var row = this.message_list.rows[uid];
if (!row)
return false;
if (flag == 'unread') {
if (row.unread != status)
this.update_thread_root(uid, status ? 'unread' : 'read');
row.unread = status;
else if(flag == 'deleted')
row.deleted = status;
else if (flag == 'replied')
row.replied = status;
else if (flag == 'forwarded')
row.forwarded = status;
else if (flag == 'flagged')
row.flagged = status;
// set message row status, class and icon
this.set_message = function(uid, flag, status)
var row = this.message_list && this.message_list.rows[uid];
if (!row)
return false;
if (flag)
this.set_message_status(uid, flag, status);
var rowobj = $(row.obj);
if (row.unread && !rowobj.hasClass('unread'))
else if (!row.unread && rowobj.hasClass('unread'))
if (row.deleted && !rowobj.hasClass('deleted'))
else if (!row.deleted && rowobj.hasClass('deleted'))
if (row.flagged && !rowobj.hasClass('flagged'))
else if (!row.flagged && rowobj.hasClass('flagged'))
// sets unroot (unread_children) class of parent row
this.set_unread_children = function(uid)
var row = this.message_list.rows[uid];
if (row.parent_uid)
if (!row.unread && row.unread_children && !row.expanded)
// copy selected messages to the specified mailbox
this.copy_messages = function(mbox, obj)
if (mbox && typeof mbox === 'object')
mbox =;
else if (!mbox)
return this.folder_selector(obj, function(folder) { ref.command('copy', folder); });
// exit if current or no mailbox specified
if (!mbox || mbox == this.env.mailbox)
var post_data = this.selection_post_data({_target_mbox: mbox});
// exit if selection is empty
if (!post_data._uid)
// send request to server
this.http_post('copy', post_data, this.display_message(this.get_label('copyingmessage'), 'loading'));
// move selected messages to the specified mailbox
this.move_messages = function(mbox, obj)
if (mbox && typeof mbox === 'object')
mbox =;
else if (!mbox)
return this.folder_selector(obj, function(folder) { ref.command('move', folder); });
// exit if current or no mailbox specified
if (!mbox || (mbox == this.env.mailbox && !this.is_multifolder_listing()))
var lock = false, post_data = this.selection_post_data({_target_mbox: mbox});
// exit if selection is empty
if (!post_data._uid)
// show wait message
if (this.env.action == 'show')
lock = this.set_busy(true, 'movingmessage');
// Hide message command buttons until a message is selected
this.enable_command(this.env.message_commands, false);
this._with_selected_messages('move', post_data, lock);
// delete selected messages from the current mailbox
this.delete_messages = function(event)
var list = this.message_list, trash = this.env.trash_mailbox;
// if config is set to flag for deletion
if (this.env.flag_for_deletion) {
return false;
// if there isn't a defined trash mailbox or we are in it
else if (!trash || this.env.mailbox == trash)
// we're in Junk folder and delete_junk is enabled
else if (this.env.delete_junk && this.env.junk_mailbox && this.env.mailbox == this.env.junk_mailbox)
// if there is a trash mailbox defined and we're not currently in it
else {
// if shift was pressed delete it immediately
if ((list && list.modkey == SHIFT_KEY) || (event && rcube_event.get_modifier(event) == SHIFT_KEY)) {
if (confirm(this.get_label('deletemessagesconfirm')))
return true;
// delete the selected messages permanently
this.permanently_remove_messages = function()
var post_data = this.selection_post_data();
// exit if selection is empty
if (!post_data._uid)
this._with_selected_messages('delete', post_data);
// Send a specific move/delete request with UIDs of all selected messages
// @private
this._with_selected_messages = function(action, post_data, lock)
var count = 0, msg,
remove = (action == 'delete' || !this.is_multifolder_listing());
// update the list (remove rows, clear selection)
if (this.message_list) {
var n, id, root, roots = [],
selection = this.message_list.get_selection();
for (n=0, len=selection.length; n<len; n++) {
id = selection[n];
if (this.env.threading) {
count += this.update_thread(id);
root = this.message_list.find_root(id);
if (root != id && $.inArray(root, roots) < 0) {
if (remove)
this.message_list.remove_row(id, (this.env.display_next && n == selection.length-1));
// make sure there are no selected rows
if (!this.env.display_next && remove)
// update thread tree icons
for (n=0, len=roots.length; n<len; n++) {
if (count < 0)
post_data._count = (count*-1);
// remove threads from the end of the list
else if (count > 0 && remove)
if (!remove)
post_data._refresh = 1;
if (!lock) {
msg = action == 'move' ? 'movingmessage' : 'deletingmessage';
lock = this.display_message(this.get_label(msg), 'loading');
// send request to server
this.http_post(action, post_data, lock);
// build post data for message delete/move/copy/flag requests
this.selection_post_data = function(data)
if (typeof(data) != 'object')
data = {};
data._mbox = this.env.mailbox;
if (!data._uid) {
var uids = this.env.uid ? [this.env.uid] : this.message_list.get_selection();
data._uid = this.uids_to_list(uids);
if (this.env.action)
data._from = this.env.action;
// also send search request to get the right messages
if (this.env.search_request)
data._search = this.env.search_request;
if (this.env.display_next && this.env.next_uid)
data._next_uid = this.env.next_uid;
return data;
// set a specific flag to one or more messages
this.mark_message = function(flag, uid)
var a_uids = [], r_uids = [], len, n, id,
list = this.message_list;
if (uid)
a_uids[0] = uid;
else if (this.env.uid)
a_uids[0] = this.env.uid;
else if (list)
a_uids = list.get_selection();
if (!list)
r_uids = a_uids;
else {
for (n=0, len=a_uids.length; n<len; n++) {
id = a_uids[n];
if ((flag == 'read' && list.rows[id].unread)
|| (flag == 'unread' && !list.rows[id].unread)
|| (flag == 'delete' && !list.rows[id].deleted)
|| (flag == 'undelete' && list.rows[id].deleted)
|| (flag == 'flagged' && !list.rows[id].flagged)
|| (flag == 'unflagged' && list.rows[id].flagged))
// nothing to do
if (!r_uids.length && !this.select_all_mode)
switch (flag) {
case 'read':
case 'unread':
this.toggle_read_status(flag, r_uids);
case 'delete':
case 'undelete':
case 'flagged':
case 'unflagged':
this.toggle_flagged_status(flag, a_uids);
// set class to read/unread
this.toggle_read_status = function(flag, a_uids)
var i, len = a_uids.length,
post_data = this.selection_post_data({_uid: this.uids_to_list(a_uids), _flag: flag}),
lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('markingmessage'), 'loading');
// mark all message rows as read/unread
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
this.set_message(a_uids[i], 'unread', (flag == 'unread' ? true : false));
this.http_post('mark', post_data, lock);
// set image to flagged or unflagged
this.toggle_flagged_status = function(flag, a_uids)
var i, len = a_uids.length,
post_data = this.selection_post_data({_uid: this.uids_to_list(a_uids), _flag: flag}),
lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('markingmessage'), 'loading');
// mark all message rows as flagged/unflagged
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
this.set_message(a_uids[i], 'flagged', (flag == 'flagged' ? true : false));
this.http_post('mark', post_data, lock);
// mark all message rows as deleted/undeleted
this.toggle_delete_status = function(a_uids)
var len = a_uids.length,
i, uid, all_deleted = true,
rows = this.message_list ? this.message_list.rows : {};
if (len == 1) {
if (!this.message_list || (rows[a_uids[0]] && !rows[a_uids[0]].deleted))
return true;
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
uid = a_uids[i];
if (rows[uid] && !rows[uid].deleted) {
all_deleted = false;
if (all_deleted)
return true;
this.flag_as_undeleted = function(a_uids)
var i, len = a_uids.length,
post_data = this.selection_post_data({_uid: this.uids_to_list(a_uids), _flag: 'undelete'}),
lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('markingmessage'), 'loading');
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
this.set_message(a_uids[i], 'deleted', false);
this.http_post('mark', post_data, lock);
this.flag_as_deleted = function(a_uids)
var r_uids = [],
post_data = this.selection_post_data({_uid: this.uids_to_list(a_uids), _flag: 'delete'}),
lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('markingmessage'), 'loading'),
rows = this.message_list ? this.message_list.rows : {},
count = 0;
for (var i=0, len=a_uids.length; i<len; i++) {
uid = a_uids[i];
if (rows[uid]) {
if (rows[uid].unread)
r_uids[r_uids.length] = uid;
if (this.env.skip_deleted) {
count += this.update_thread(uid);
this.message_list.remove_row(uid, (this.env.display_next && i == this.message_list.selection.length-1));
this.set_message(uid, 'deleted', true);
// make sure there are no selected rows
if (this.env.skip_deleted && this.message_list) {
if (!this.env.display_next)
if (count < 0)
post_data._count = (count*-1);
else if (count > 0)
// remove threads from the end of the list
// ??
if (r_uids.length)
post_data._ruid = this.uids_to_list(r_uids);
if (this.env.skip_deleted && this.env.display_next && this.env.next_uid)
post_data._next_uid = this.env.next_uid;
this.http_post('mark', post_data, lock);
// flag as read without mark request (called from backend)
// argument should be a coma-separated list of uids
this.flag_deleted_as_read = function(uids)
var icn_src, uid, i, len,
rows = this.message_list ? this.message_list.rows : {};
if (typeof uids == 'string')
uids = String(uids).split(',');
for (i=0, len=uids.length; i<len; i++) {
uid = uids[i];
if (rows[uid])
this.set_message(uid, 'unread', false);
// Converts array of message UIDs to comma-separated list for use in URL
// with select_all mode checking
this.uids_to_list = function(uids)
return this.select_all_mode ? '*' : (uids.length <= 1 ? uids.join(',') : uids);
// Sets title of the delete button
this.set_button_titles = function()
var label = 'deletemessage';
if (!this.env.flag_for_deletion
&& this.env.trash_mailbox && this.env.mailbox != this.env.trash_mailbox
&& (!this.env.delete_junk || !this.env.junk_mailbox || this.env.mailbox != this.env.junk_mailbox)
label = 'movemessagetotrash';
this.set_alttext('delete', label);
/********* mailbox folders methods *********/
this.expunge_mailbox = function(mbox)
var lock, post_data = {_mbox: mbox};
// lock interface if it's the active mailbox
if (mbox == this.env.mailbox) {
lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
post_data._reload = 1;
if (this.env.search_request)
post_data._search = this.env.search_request;
// send request to server
this.http_post('expunge', post_data, lock);
this.purge_mailbox = function(mbox)
var lock, post_data = {_mbox: mbox};
if (!confirm(this.get_label('purgefolderconfirm')))
return false;
// lock interface if it's the active mailbox
if (mbox == this.env.mailbox) {
lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
post_data._reload = 1;
// send request to server
this.http_post('purge', post_data, lock);
// test if purge command is allowed
this.purge_mailbox_test = function()
return (this.env.exists && (
this.env.mailbox == this.env.trash_mailbox
|| this.env.mailbox == this.env.junk_mailbox
|| this.env.mailbox.startsWith(this.env.trash_mailbox + this.env.delimiter)
|| this.env.mailbox.startsWith(this.env.junk_mailbox + this.env.delimiter)
/********* login form methods *********/
// handler for keyboard events on the _user field
this.login_user_keyup = function(e)
var key = rcube_event.get_keycode(e),
passwd = $('#rcmloginpwd');
// enter
if (key == 13 && passwd.length && !passwd.val()) {
return rcube_event.cancel(e);
return true;
/********* message compose methods *********/
this.open_compose_step = function(p)
var url = this.url('mail/compose', p);
// open new compose window
if (this.env.compose_extwin && !this.env.extwin) {
else {
if (this.env.extwin)
window.resizeTo(Math.max(this.env.popup_width, $(window).width()), $(window).height() + 24);
// init message compose form: set focus and eventhandlers
this.init_messageform = function()
if (!this.gui_objects.messageform)
return false;
var input_from = $("[name='_from']"),
input_to = $("[name='_to']"),
input_subject = $("input[name='_subject']"),
input_message = $("[name='_message']").get(0),
html_mode = $("input[name='_is_html']").val() == '1',
ac_fields = ['cc', 'bcc', 'replyto', 'followupto'],
ac_props, opener_rc = this.opener();
// close compose step in opener
if (opener_rc && opener_rc.env.action == 'compose') {
if (opener.history.length > 1)
}, 100);
this.env.opened_extwin = true;
// configure parallel autocompletion
if (this.env.autocomplete_threads > 0) {
ac_props = {
threads: this.env.autocomplete_threads,
sources: this.env.autocomplete_sources
// init live search events
this.init_address_input_events(input_to, ac_props);
for (var i in ac_fields) {
this.init_address_input_events($("[name='_"+ac_fields[i]+"']"), ac_props);
if (!html_mode) {
this.set_caret_pos(input_message, this.env.top_posting ? 0 : $(input_message).val().length);
// add signature according to selected identity
// if we have HTML editor, signature is added in callback
if (input_from.prop('type') == 'select-one') {
// check for locally stored compose data
if (window.localStorage) {
var index = this.local_storage_get_item('compose.index', []);
for (var key, i = 0; i < index.length; i++) {
key = index[i], formdata = this.local_storage_get_item('compose.' + key, null, true);
if (!formdata) {
// restore saved copy of current compose_id
if (formdata.changed && key == this.env.compose_id) {
this.restore_compose_form(key, html_mode);
// skip records from 'other' drafts
if (this.env.draft_id && formdata.draft_id && formdata.draft_id != this.env.draft_id) {
// skip records on reply
if (this.env.reply_msgid && formdata.reply_msgid != this.env.reply_msgid) {
// show dialog asking to restore the message
if (formdata.changed && formdata.session != this.env.session_id) {
.replace('$date', new Date(formdata.changed).toLocaleString())
.replace('$subject', formdata._subject)
.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'),
text: this.get_label('restore'),
click: function(){
ref.restore_compose_form(key, html_mode);
ref.remove_compose_data(key); // remove old copy
ref.save_compose_form_local(); // save under current compose_id
text: this.get_label('delete'),
click: function(){
text: this.get_label('ignore'),
click: function(){
if (input_to.val() == '')
else if (input_subject.val() == '')
else if (input_message)
this.env.compose_focus_elem = document.activeElement;
// get summary of all field values
// start the auto-save timer
this.init_address_input_events = function(obj, props)
this.env.recipients_delimiter = this.env.recipients_separator + ' ';
obj.keydown(function(e) { return ref.ksearch_keydown(e, this, props); })
.attr('autocomplete', 'off');
this.submit_messageform = function(draft)
var form = this.gui_objects.messageform;
if (!form)
// all checks passed, send message
var msgid = this.set_busy(true, draft ? 'savingmessage' : 'sendingmessage'),
lang = this.spellcheck_lang(),
files = [];
// send files list
$('li', this.gui_objects.attachmentlist).each(function() { files.push(^rcmfile/, '')); });
$('input[name="_attachments"]', form).val(files.join()); = 'savetarget';
form._draft.value = draft ? '1' : '';
form.action = this.add_url(form.action, '_unlock', msgid);
form.action = this.add_url(form.action, '_lang', lang);
// register timer to notify about connection timeout
this.submit_timer = setTimeout(function(){
ref.set_busy(false, null, msgid);
ref.display_message(ref.get_label('requesttimedout'), 'error');
}, this.env.request_timeout * 1000);
this.compose_recipient_select = function(list)
var id, n, recipients = 0;
for (n=0; n < list.selection.length; n++) {
id = list.selection[n];
if (this.env.contactdata[id])
this.enable_command('add-recipient', recipients);
this.compose_add_recipient = function(field)
var recipients = [], input = $('#_'+field), delim = this.env.recipients_delimiter;
if (this.contact_list && this.contact_list.selection.length) {
for (var id, n=0; n < this.contact_list.selection.length; n++) {
id = this.contact_list.selection[n];
if (id && this.env.contactdata[id]) {
// group is added, expand it
if (id.charAt(0) == 'E' && this.env.contactdata[id].indexOf('@') < 0 && input.length) {
var gid = id.substr(1);
this.group2expand[gid] = { name:this.env.contactdata[id], input:input.get(0) };
this.http_request('group-expand', {_source: this.env.source, _gid: gid}, false);
if (recipients.length && input.length) {
var oldval = input.val(), rx = new RegExp(RegExp.escape(delim) + '\\s*$');
if (oldval && !rx.test(oldval))
oldval += delim + ' ';
input.val(oldval + recipients.join(delim + ' ') + delim + ' ');
this.triggerEvent('add-recipient', { field:field, recipients:recipients });
// checks the input fields before sending a message
this.check_compose_input = function(cmd)
// check input fields
var ed, input_to = $("[name='_to']"),
input_cc = $("[name='_cc']"),
input_bcc = $("[name='_bcc']"),
input_from = $("[name='_from']"),
input_subject = $("[name='_subject']"),
input_message = $("[name='_message']");
// check sender (if have no identities)
if (input_from.prop('type') == 'text' && !rcube_check_email(input_from.val(), true)) {
return false;
// check for empty recipient
var recipients = input_to.val() ? input_to.val() : (input_cc.val() ? input_cc.val() : input_bcc.val());
if (!rcube_check_email(recipients.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/[\s,;]+$/, ''), true)) {
return false;
// check if all files has been uploaded
for (var key in this.env.attachments) {
if (typeof this.env.attachments[key] === 'object' && !this.env.attachments[key].complete) {
return false;
// display localized warning for missing subject
if (input_subject.val() == '') {
var myprompt = $('<div class="prompt">').html('<div class="message">' + this.get_label('nosubjectwarning') + '</div>').appendTo(document.body);
var prompt_value = $('<input>').attr('type', 'text').attr('size', 30).appendTo(myprompt).val(this.get_label('nosubject'));
var buttons = {};
buttons[this.get_label('cancel')] = function(){
buttons[this.get_label('sendmessage')] = function(){
ref.command(cmd, { nocheck:true }); // repeat command which triggered this
modal: true,
resizable: false,
buttons: buttons,
close: function(event, ui) { $(this).remove() }
return false;
// Apply spellcheck changes if spell checker is active
if (window.tinyMCE)
ed = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody);
// check for empty body
if (!ed && input_message.val() == '' && !confirm(this.get_label('nobodywarning'))) {
return false;
else if (ed) {
if (!ed.getContent() && !confirm(this.get_label('nobodywarning'))) {
return false;
// move body from html editor to textarea (just to be sure, #1485860)
return true;
this.toggle_editor = function(props)
if (props.mode == 'html') {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false,;
if (this.env.default_font)
setTimeout(function() {
$(tinyMCE.get('font-family', rcmail.env.default_font);
}, 500);
else {
var thisMCE = tinyMCE.get(, existingHtml;
if (existingHtml = thisMCE.getContent()) {
if (!confirm(this.get_label('editorwarning'))) {
return false;
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false,;
return true;
this.insert_response = function(key)
var insert = this.env.textresponses[key] ? this.env.textresponses[key].text : null;
if (!insert)
return false;
// insert into tinyMCE editor
if ($("input[name='_is_html']").val() == '1') {
var editor = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody);
editor.getWin().focus(); // correct focus in IE & Chrome
editor.selection.setContent(this.quote_html(insert).replace(/\r?\n/g, '<br/>'), { format:'text' });
// replace selection in compose textarea
else {
var textarea = rcube_find_object(this.env.composebody),
selection = $(textarea).is(':focus') ? this.get_input_selection(textarea) : { start:0, end:0 },
inp_value = textarea.value;
pre = inp_value.substring(0, selection.start),
end = inp_value.substring(selection.end, inp_value.length);
// insert response text
textarea.value = pre + insert + end;
// set caret after inserted text
this.set_caret_pos(textarea, selection.start + insert.length);
* Open the dialog to save a new canned response
this.save_response = function()
var sigstart, text = '', strip = false;
// get selected text from tinyMCE editor
if ($("input[name='_is_html']").val() == '1') {
var editor = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody);
editor.getWin().focus(); // correct focus in IE & Chrome
text = editor.selection.getContent({ format:'text' });
if (!text) {
text = editor.getContent({ format:'text' });
strip = true;
// get selected text from compose textarea
else {
var textarea = rcube_find_object(this.env.composebody), sigstart;
if (textarea && $(textarea).is(':focus')) {
text = this.get_input_selection(textarea).text;
if (!text && textarea) {
text = textarea.value;
strip = true;
// strip off signature
if (strip) {
sigstart = text.indexOf('-- \n');
if (sigstart > 0) {
text = text.substring(0, sigstart);
// show dialog to enter a name and to modify the text to be saved
var buttons = {},
html = '<form class="propform">' +
'<div class="prop block"><label>' + this.get_label('responsename') + '</label>' +
'<input type="text" name="name" id="ffresponsename" size="40" /></div>' +
'<div class="prop block"><label>' + this.get_label('responsetext') + '</label>' +
'<textarea name="text" id="ffresponsetext" cols="40" rows="8"></textarea></div>' +
buttons[this.gettext('save')] = function(e) {
var name = $('#ffresponsename').val(),
text = $('#ffresponsetext').val();
if (!text) {
return false;
if (!name)
name = text.substring(0,40);
var lock = ref.display_message(ref.get_label('savingresponse'), 'loading');
ref.http_post('settings/responses', { _insert:1, _name:name, _text:text }, lock);
buttons[this.gettext('cancel')] = function() {
this.show_popup_dialog(html, this.gettext('savenewresponse'), buttons);
this.add_response_item = function(response)
var key = response.key;
this.env.textresponses[key] = response;
// append to responses list
if (this.gui_objects.responseslist) {
var li = $('<li>').appendTo(this.gui_objects.responseslist);
$('<a>').addClass('insertresponse active')
.attr('href', '#')
.attr('rel', key)
return rcube_event.cancel(e);
ref.command('insert-response', key);
$(document.body).trigger('mouseup'); // hides the menu
return rcube_event.cancel(e);
this.edit_responses = function()
// TODO: implement inline editing of responses
this.delete_response = function(key)
if (!key && this.responses_list) {
var selection = this.responses_list.get_selection();
key = selection[0];
// submit delete request
if (key && confirm(this.get_label('deleteresponseconfirm'))) {
this.http_post('settings/delete-response', { _key: key }, false);
return true;
return false;
this.stop_spellchecking = function()
var ed;
if (window.tinyMCE && (ed = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody))) {
if (ed.plugins && ed.plugins.spellchecker &&
else if (ed = this.env.spellcheck) {
if (ed.state && ed.state != 'ready' && ed.state != 'no_error_found')
this.spellcheck_state = function()
var ed, active;
if (window.tinyMCE && (ed = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody)) && ed.plugins && ed.plugins.spellchecker)
active =;
else if ((ed = this.env.spellcheck) && ed.state)
active = ed.state != 'ready' && ed.state != 'no_error_found';
if (rcmail.buttons.spellcheck)
$('#'+rcmail.buttons.spellcheck[0].id)[active ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('selected');
return active;
// get selected language
this.spellcheck_lang = function()
var ed;
if (window.tinyMCE && (ed = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody)) && ed.plugins && ed.plugins.spellchecker)
return ed.plugins.spellchecker.selectedLang;
else if (this.env.spellcheck)
this.spellcheck_lang_set = function(lang)
var ed;
if (window.tinyMCE && (ed = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody)) && ed.plugins)
ed.plugins.spellchecker.selectedLang = lang;
else if (this.env.spellcheck)
// resume spellchecking, highlight provided mispellings without new ajax request
this.spellcheck_resume = function(ishtml, data)
if (ishtml) {
var ed = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody);
sp = ed.plugins.spellchecker; = 1;
else {
var sp = this.env.spellcheck;
sp.prepare(false, true);
this.set_draft_id = function(id)
var rc;
if (id && id != this.env.draft_id) {
if (rc = this.opener()) {
// refresh the drafts folder in opener window
if (rc.env.task == 'mail' && rc.env.action == '' && rc.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox)
this.env.draft_id = id;
// reset history of hidden iframe used for saving draft (#1489643)
// but don't do this on timer-triggered draft-autosaving (#1489789)
if (window.frames['savetarget'] && window.frames['savetarget'].history && !this.draft_autosave_submit) {
this.draft_autosave_submit = false;
// always remove local copy upon saving as draft
this.auto_save_start = function()
if (this.env.draft_autosave)
this.draft_autosave_submit = false;
this.save_timer = setTimeout(function(){
ref.draft_autosave_submit = true; // set auto-saved flag (#1489789)
}, this.env.draft_autosave * 1000);
// save compose form content to local storage every 5 seconds
if (!this.local_save_timer && window.localStorage) {
// track typing activity and only save on changes
this.compose_type_activity = this.compose_type_activity_last = 0;
$(document).bind('keypress', function(e){ ref.compose_type_activity++; });
this.local_save_timer = setInterval(function(){
if (ref.compose_type_activity > ref.compose_type_activity_last) {
ref.compose_type_activity_last = ref.compose_type_activity;
}, 5000);
// Unlock interface now that saving is complete
this.busy = false;
this.compose_field_hash = function(save)
// check input fields
var ed, i, val, str = '', hash_fields = ['to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject'];
for (i=0; i<hash_fields.length; i++)
if (val = $('[name="_' + hash_fields[i] + '"]').val())
str += val + ':';
if (window.tinyMCE && (ed = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody)))
str += ed.getContent();
str += $("[name='_message']").val();
if (this.env.attachments)
for (var upload_id in this.env.attachments)
str += upload_id;
if (save)
this.cmp_hash = str;
return str;
// store the contents of the compose form to localstorage
this.save_compose_form_local = function()
var formdata = { session:this.env.session_id, changed:new Date().getTime() },
ed, empty = true;
// get fresh content from editor
if (window.tinyMCE && (ed = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody))) {
if (this.env.draft_id) {
formdata.draft_id = this.env.draft_id;
if (this.env.reply_msgid) {
formdata.reply_msgid = this.env.reply_msgid;
$('input, select, textarea', this.gui_objects.messageform).each(function(i, elem) {
switch (elem.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
case 'input':
if (elem.type == 'button' || elem.type == 'submit' || (elem.type == 'hidden' && != '_is_html')) {
formdata[] = elem.type != 'checkbox' || elem.checked ? $(elem).val() : '';
if (formdata[] != '' && elem.type != 'hidden')
empty = false;
case 'select':
formdata[] = $('option:checked', elem).val();
formdata[] = $(elem).val();
if (formdata[] != '')
empty = false;
if (window.localStorage && !empty) {
var index = this.local_storage_get_item('compose.index', []),
key = this.env.compose_id;
if ($.inArray(key, index) < 0) {
this.local_storage_set_item('compose.' + key, formdata, true);
this.local_storage_set_item('compose.index', index);
// write stored compose data back to form
this.restore_compose_form = function(key, html_mode)
var ed, formdata = this.local_storage_get_item('compose.' + key, true);
if (formdata && typeof formdata == 'object') {
$.each(formdata, function(k, value) {
if (k[0] == '_') {
var elem = $("*[name='"+k+"']");
if (elem[0] && elem[0].type == 'checkbox') {
elem.prop('checked', value != '');
else {
// initialize HTML editor
if (formdata._is_html == '1') {
if (!html_mode) {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, this.env.composebody);
this.triggerEvent('aftertoggle-editor', { mode:'html' });
else if (html_mode) {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, this.env.composebody);
this.triggerEvent('aftertoggle-editor', { mode:'plain' });
// remove stored compose data from localStorage
this.remove_compose_data = function(key)
if (window.localStorage) {
var index = this.local_storage_get_item('compose.index', []);
if ($.inArray(key, index) >= 0) {
this.local_storage_remove_item('compose.' + key);
this.local_storage_set_item('compose.index', $.grep(index, function(val,i) { return val != key; }));
// clear all stored compose data of this user
this.clear_compose_data = function()
if (window.localStorage) {
var i, index = this.local_storage_get_item('compose.index', []);
for (i=0; i < index.length; i++) {
this.local_storage_remove_item('compose.' + index[i]);
this.change_identity = function(obj, show_sig)
if (!obj || !obj.options)
return false;
if (!show_sig)
show_sig = this.env.show_sig;
// first function execution
if (!this.env.identities_initialized) {
this.env.identities_initialized = true;
if (this.env.show_sig_later)
this.env.show_sig = true;
if (this.env.opened_extwin)
var i, rx, cursor_pos, p = -1,
id = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value,
input_message = $("[name='_message']"),
message = input_message.val(),
is_html = ($("input[name='_is_html']").val() == '1'),
sig = this.env.identity,
delim = this.env.recipients_separator,
rx_delim = RegExp.escape(delim),
headers = ['replyto', 'bcc'];
// update reply-to/bcc fields with addresses defined in identities
for (i in headers) {
var key = headers[i],
old_val = sig && this.env.identities[sig] ? this.env.identities[sig][key] : '',
new_val = id && this.env.identities[id] ? this.env.identities[id][key] : '',
input = $('[name="_'+key+'"]'), input_val = input.val();
// remove old address(es)
if (old_val && input_val) {
rx = new RegExp('\\s*' + RegExp.escape(old_val) + '\\s*');
input_val = input_val.replace(rx, '');
// cleanup
rx = new RegExp(rx_delim + '\\s*' + rx_delim, 'g');
input_val = input_val.replace(rx, delim);
rx = new RegExp('^[\\s' + rx_delim + ']+');
input_val = input_val.replace(rx, '');
// add new address(es)
if (new_val && input_val.indexOf(new_val) == -1 && input_val.indexOf(new_val.replace(/"/g, '')) == -1) {
if (input_val) {
rx = new RegExp('[' + rx_delim + '\\s]+$')
input_val = input_val.replace(rx, '') + delim + ' ';
input_val += new_val + delim + ' ';
if (old_val || new_val)
// enable manual signature insert
if (this.env.signatures && this.env.signatures[id]) {
this.enable_command('insert-sig', true);
this.enable_command('insert-sig', false);
if (!is_html) {
// remove the 'old' signature
if (show_sig && sig && this.env.signatures && this.env.signatures[sig]) {
sig = this.env.signatures[sig].text;
sig = sig.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
p = this.env.top_posting ? message.indexOf(sig) : message.lastIndexOf(sig);
if (p >= 0)
message = message.substring(0, p) + message.substring(p+sig.length, message.length);
// add the new signature string
if (show_sig && this.env.signatures && this.env.signatures[id]) {
sig = this.env.signatures[id].text;
sig = sig.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
if (this.env.top_posting) {
if (p >= 0) { // in place of removed signature
message = message.substring(0, p) + sig + message.substring(p, message.length);
cursor_pos = p - 1;
else if (!message) { // empty message
cursor_pos = 0;
message = '\n\n' + sig;
else if (pos = this.get_caret_pos(input_message.get(0))) { // at cursor position
message = message.substring(0, pos) + '\n' + sig + '\n\n' + message.substring(pos, message.length);
cursor_pos = pos;
else { // on top
cursor_pos = 0;
message = '\n\n' + sig + '\n\n' + message.replace(/^[\r\n]+/, '');
else {
message = message.replace(/[\r\n]+$/, '');
cursor_pos = !this.env.top_posting && message.length ? message.length+1 : 0;
message += '\n\n' + sig;
cursor_pos = this.env.top_posting ? 0 : message.length;
// move cursor before the signature
this.set_caret_pos(input_message.get(0), cursor_pos);
else if (show_sig && this.env.signatures) { // html
var editor = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody),
sigElem = editor.dom.get('_rc_sig');
// Append the signature as a div within the body
if (!sigElem) {
var body = editor.getBody(),
doc = editor.getDoc();
sigElem = doc.createElement('div');
sigElem.setAttribute('id', '_rc_sig');
if (this.env.top_posting) {
// if no existing sig and top posting then insert at caret pos
editor.getWin().focus(); // correct focus in IE & Chrome
var node = editor.selection.getNode();
if (node.nodeName == 'BODY') {
// no real focus, insert at start
body.insertBefore(sigElem, body.firstChild);
body.insertBefore(doc.createElement('br'), body.firstChild);
else {
body.insertBefore(sigElem, node.nextSibling);
body.insertBefore(doc.createElement('br'), node.nextSibling);
else {
if ( // add empty line before signature on IE
if (this.env.signatures[id])
sigElem.innerHTML = this.env.signatures[id].html;
this.env.identity = id;
return true;
// upload (attachment) file
this.upload_file = function(form, action)
if (!form)
// count files and size on capable browser
var size = 0, numfiles = 0;
$('input[type=file]', form).each(function(i, field) {
var files = field.files ? field.files.length : (field.value ? 1 : 0);
// check file size
if (field.files) {
for (var i=0; i < files; i++)
size += field.files[i].size;
numfiles += files;
// create hidden iframe and post upload form
if (numfiles) {
if (this.env.max_filesize && this.env.filesizeerror && size > this.env.max_filesize) {
this.display_message(this.env.filesizeerror, 'error');
return false;
var frame_name = this.async_upload_form(form, action || 'upload', function(e) {
var d, content = '';
try {
if (this.contentDocument) {
d = this.contentDocument;
} else if (this.contentWindow) {
d = this.contentWindow.document;
content = d.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
} catch (err) {}
if (!content.match(/add2attachment/) && (!bw.opera || (rcmail.env.uploadframe && rcmail.env.uploadframe == {
if (!content.match(/display_message/))
rcmail.display_message(rcmail.get_label('fileuploaderror'), 'error');
// Opera hack: handle double onload
if (bw.opera)
rcmail.env.uploadframe =;
// display upload indicator and cancel button
var content = '<span>' + this.get_label('uploading' + (numfiles > 1 ? 'many' : '')) + '</span>',
ts = frame_name.replace(/^rcmupload/, '');
this.add2attachment_list(ts, { name:'', html:content, classname:'uploading', frame:frame_name, complete:false });
// upload progress support
if (this.env.upload_progress_time) {
this.upload_progress_start('upload', ts);
// set reference to the form object
this.gui_objects.attachmentform = form;
return true;
// add file name to attachment list
// called from upload page
this.add2attachment_list = function(name, att, upload_id)
if (!this.gui_objects.attachmentlist)
return false;
if (!att.complete && ref.env.loadingicon)
att.html = '<img src="'+ref.env.loadingicon+'" alt="" class="uploading" />' + att.html;
if (!att.complete && att.frame)
att.html = '<a title="'+this.get_label('cancel')+'" onclick="return rcmail.cancel_attachment_upload(\''+name+'\', \''+att.frame+'\');" href="#cancelupload" class="cancelupload">'
+ (this.env.cancelicon ? '<img src="'+this.env.cancelicon+'" alt="" />' : this.get_label('cancel')) + '</a>' + att.html;
var indicator, li = $('<li>');
li.attr('id', name)
.on('mouseover', function() { rcube_webmail.long_subject_title_ex(this); });
// replace indicator's li
if (upload_id && (indicator = document.getElementById(upload_id))) {
else { // add new li
if (upload_id && this.env.attachments[upload_id])
delete this.env.attachments[upload_id];
this.env.attachments[name] = att;
return true;
this.remove_from_attachment_list = function(name)
if (this.env.attachments) {
delete this.env.attachments[name];
this.remove_attachment = function(name)
if (name && this.env.attachments[name])
this.http_post('remove-attachment', { _id:this.env.compose_id, _file:name });
return true;
this.cancel_attachment_upload = function(name, frame_name)
if (!name || !frame_name)
return false;
return false;
this.upload_progress_start = function(action, name)
setTimeout(function() { rcmail.http_request(action, {_progress: name}); },
this.env.upload_progress_time * 1000);
this.upload_progress_update = function(param)
var elem = $('#' + '> span');
if (!elem.length || !param.text)
if (!param.done)
// send remote request to add a new contact
this.add_contact = function(value)
if (value)
this.http_post('addcontact', {_address: value});
return true;
// send remote request to search mail or contacts
this.qsearch = function(value)
if (value != '') {
var r, lock = this.set_busy(true, 'searching'),
url = this.search_params(value);
if (this.message_list)
else if (this.contact_list)
if (this.env.source)
url._source = this.env.source;
if (
url._gid =;
// reset vars
this.env.current_page = 1;
var action = this.env.action == 'compose' && this.contact_list ? 'search-contacts' : 'search';
r = this.http_request(action, url, lock);
this.env.qsearch = {lock: lock, request: r};
this.enable_command('set-listmode', this.env.threads && (this.env.search_scope || 'base') == 'base');
return true;
return false;
this.continue_search = function(request_id)
var lock = ref.set_busy(true, 'stillsearching');
var url = ref.search_params();
url._continue = request_id;
ref.env.qsearch = { lock: lock, request: ref.http_request('search', url, lock) };
}, 100);
// build URL params for search
this.search_params = function(search, filter, smods)
var n, url = {}, mods_arr = [],
mods = this.env.search_mods,
scope = this.env.search_scope || 'base',
mbox = scope == 'all' ? '*' : this.env.mailbox;
if (!filter && this.gui_objects.search_filter)
filter = this.gui_objects.search_filter.value;
if (!search && this.gui_objects.qsearchbox)
search = this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value;
if (filter)
url._filter = filter;
if (search) {
url._q = search;
if (!smods && mods && this.message_list)
smods = mods[mbox] || mods['*'];
if (smods) {
for (n in smods)
url._headers = mods_arr.join(',');
if (scope)
url._scope = scope;
if (mbox && scope != 'all')
url._mbox = mbox;
return url;
// reset quick-search form
this.reset_qsearch = function()
if (this.gui_objects.qsearchbox)
this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value = '';
if (this.env.qsearch)
this.env.qsearch = null;
this.env.search_request = null;
this.env.search_id = null;
this.enable_command('set-listmode', this.env.threads);
this.set_searchscope = function(scope)
var old = this.env.search_scope;
this.env.search_scope = scope;
// re-send search query with new scope
if (scope != old && this.env.search_request) {
if (!this.qsearch(this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value) && this.env.search_filter && this.env.search_filter != 'ALL')
if (scope != 'all')
this.select_folder(this.env.mailbox, '', true);
this.set_searchmods = function(mods)
var mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox,
scope = this.env.search_scope || 'base';
if (scope == 'all')
mbox = '*';
if (!this.env.search_mods)
this.env.search_mods = {};
this.env.search_mods[mbox] = mods;
this.is_multifolder_listing = function()
return typeof this.env.multifolder_listing != 'undefined' ? this.env.multifolder_listing :
(this.env.search_request && (this.env.search_scope || 'base') != 'base');
this.sent_successfully = function(type, msg, folders)
this.display_message(msg, type);
if (this.env.extwin) {
var rc = this.opener();
if (rc) {
rc.display_message(msg, type);
// refresh the folder where sent message was saved or replied message comes from
if (folders && rc.env.task == 'mail' && rc.env.action == '' && $.inArray(rc.env.mailbox, folders) >= 0) {
// @TODO: try with 'checkmail' here when #1485186 is fixed. See also #1489249.
setTimeout(function(){ window.close() }, 1000);
else {
// before redirect we need to wait some time for Chrome (#1486177)
setTimeout(function(){ ref.list_mailbox(); }, 500);
/********* keyboard live-search methods *********/
// handler for keyboard events on address-fields
this.ksearch_keydown = function(e, obj, props)
if (this.ksearch_timer)
var highlight,
key = rcube_event.get_keycode(e),
mod = rcube_event.get_modifier(e);
switch (key) {
case 38: // arrow up
case 40: // arrow down
if (!this.ksearch_visible())
var dir = key==38 ? 1 : 0;
highlight = document.getElementById('rcmksearchSelected');
if (!highlight)
highlight = this.ksearch_pane.__ul.firstChild;
if (highlight)
this.ksearch_select(dir ? highlight.previousSibling : highlight.nextSibling);
return rcube_event.cancel(e);
case 9: // tab
if (mod == SHIFT_KEY || !this.ksearch_visible()) {
case 13: // enter
if (!this.ksearch_visible())
return false;
// insert selected address and hide ksearch pane
return rcube_event.cancel(e);
case 27: // escape
case 37: // left
case 39: // right
// start timer
this.ksearch_timer = setTimeout(function(){ ref.ksearch_get_results(props); }, 200);
this.ksearch_input = obj;
return true;
this.ksearch_visible = function()
return (this.ksearch_selected !== null && this.ksearch_selected !== undefined && this.ksearch_value);
this.ksearch_select = function(node)
var current = $('#rcmksearchSelected');
if (current[0] && node) {
if (node) {
$(node).attr('id', 'rcmksearchSelected').addClass('selected');
this.ksearch_selected = node._rcm_id;
this.insert_recipient = function(id)
if (id === null || !this.env.contacts[id] || !this.ksearch_input)
// get cursor pos
var inp_value = this.ksearch_input.value,
cpos = this.get_caret_pos(this.ksearch_input),
p = inp_value.lastIndexOf(this.ksearch_value, cpos),
trigger = false,
insert = '',
// replace search string with full address
pre = inp_value.substring(0, p),
end = inp_value.substring(p+this.ksearch_value.length, inp_value.length);
// insert all members of a group
if (typeof this.env.contacts[id] === 'object' && this.env.contacts[id].type == 'group') {
insert += this.env.contacts[id].name + this.env.recipients_delimiter;
this.group2expand[this.env.contacts[id].id] = $.extend({ input: this.ksearch_input }, this.env.contacts[id]);
this.http_request('mail/group-expand', {_source: this.env.contacts[id].source, _gid: this.env.contacts[id].id}, false);
else if (typeof this.env.contacts[id] === 'object' && this.env.contacts[id].name) {
insert = this.env.contacts[id].name + this.env.recipients_delimiter;
trigger = true;
else if (typeof this.env.contacts[id] === 'string') {
insert = this.env.contacts[id] + this.env.recipients_delimiter;
trigger = true;
this.ksearch_input.value = pre + insert + end;
// set caret to insert pos
cpos = p+insert.length;
if (this.ksearch_input.setSelectionRange)
this.ksearch_input.setSelectionRange(cpos, cpos);
if (trigger) {
this.triggerEvent('autocomplete_insert', { field:this.ksearch_input, insert:insert, data:this.env.contacts[id] });
this.replace_group_recipients = function(id, recipients)
if (this.group2expand[id]) {
this.group2expand[id].input.value = this.group2expand[id].input.value.replace(this.group2expand[id].name, recipients);
this.triggerEvent('autocomplete_insert', { field:this.group2expand[id].input, insert:recipients });
this.group2expand[id] = null;
// address search processor
this.ksearch_get_results = function(props)
var inp_value = this.ksearch_input ? this.ksearch_input.value : null;
if (inp_value === null)
if (this.ksearch_pane &&":visible"))
// get string from current cursor pos to last comma
var cpos = this.get_caret_pos(this.ksearch_input),
p = inp_value.lastIndexOf(this.env.recipients_separator, cpos-1),
q = inp_value.substring(p+1, cpos),
min = this.env.autocomplete_min_length,
data = this.ksearch_data;
// trim query string
q = $.trim(q);
// Don't (re-)search if the last results are still active
if (q == this.ksearch_value)
if (q.length && q.length < min) {
if (!this.ksearch_info) {
this.ksearch_info = this.display_message(
this.get_label('autocompletechars').replace('$min', min));
var old_value = this.ksearch_value;
this.ksearch_value = q;
// ...string is empty
if (!q.length)
// search value contains old one and previous search was not finished or its result was empty
if (old_value && old_value.length && q.startsWith(old_value) && (!data || data.num <= 0) && this.env.contacts && !this.env.contacts.length)
var sources = props && props.sources ? props.sources : [''];
var reqid = this.multi_thread_http_request({
items: sources,
threads: props && props.threads ? props.threads : 1,
action: props && props.action ? props.action : 'mail/autocomplete',
postdata: { _search:q, _source:'%s' },
lock: this.display_message(this.get_label('searching'), 'loading')
this.ksearch_data = { id:reqid, sources:sources.slice(), num:sources.length };
this.ksearch_query_results = function(results, search, reqid)
// trigger multi-thread http response callback
this.multi_thread_http_response(results, reqid);
// search stopped in meantime?
if (!this.ksearch_value)
// ignore this outdated search response
if (this.ksearch_input && search != this.ksearch_value)
// display search results
var i, len, ul, li, text, type, init,
value = this.ksearch_value,
maxlen = this.env.autocomplete_max ? this.env.autocomplete_max : 15;
// create results pane if not present
if (!this.ksearch_pane) {
ul = $('<ul>');
this.ksearch_pane = $('<div>').attr('id', 'rcmKSearchpane')
.css({ position:'absolute', 'z-index':30000 }).append(ul).appendTo(document.body);
this.ksearch_pane.__ul = ul[0];
ul = this.ksearch_pane.__ul;
// remove all search results or add to existing list if parallel search
if (reqid &&'reqid') == reqid) {
maxlen -= ul.childNodes.length;
else {'reqid', reqid);
init = 1;
// reset content
ul.innerHTML = '';
this.env.contacts = [];
// move the results pane right under the input box
var pos = $(this.ksearch_input).offset();
this.ksearch_pane.css({ left:pos.left+'px', top:( + this.ksearch_input.offsetHeight)+'px', display: 'none'});
// add each result line to list
if (results && (len = results.length)) {
for (i=0; i < len && maxlen > 0; i++) {
text = typeof results[i] === 'object' ? results[i].name : results[i];
type = typeof results[i] === 'object' ? results[i].type : '';
li = document.createElement('LI');
li.innerHTML = text.replace(new RegExp('('+RegExp.escape(value)+')', 'ig'), '##$1%%').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/##([^%]+)%%/g, '<b>$1</b>');
li.onmouseover = function(){ ref.ksearch_select(this); };
li.onmouseup = function(){ ref.ksearch_click(this) };
li._rcm_id = this.env.contacts.length + i;
if (type) li.className = type;
maxlen -= 1;
if (ul.childNodes.length) {;
// select the first
if (!this.env.contacts.length) {
$('li:first', ul).attr('id', 'rcmksearchSelected').addClass('selected');
this.ksearch_selected = 0;
if (len)
this.env.contacts = this.env.contacts.concat(results);
if ( == reqid)
this.ksearch_click = function(node)
if (this.ksearch_input)
this.ksearch_blur = function()
if (this.ksearch_timer)
this.ksearch_input = null;
this.ksearch_hide = function()
this.ksearch_selected = null;
this.ksearch_value = '';
if (this.ksearch_pane)
// Clears autocomplete data/requests
this.ksearch_destroy = function()
if (this.ksearch_data)
if (this.ksearch_info)
if (this.ksearch_msg)
this.ksearch_data = null;
this.ksearch_info = null;
this.ksearch_msg = null;
/********* address book methods *********/
this.contactlist_keypress = function(list)
if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY)
this.contactlist_select = function(list)
if (this.preview_timer)
var n, id, sid, contact, writable = false,
source = this.env.source ? this.env.address_sources[this.env.source] : null;
// we don't have dblclick handler here, so use 200 instead of this.dblclick_time
if (id = list.get_single_selection())
this.preview_timer = setTimeout(function(){ ref.load_contact(id, 'show'); }, 200);
else if (this.env.contentframe)
if (list.selection.length) {
list.draggable = false;
// no source = search result, we'll need to detect if any of
// selected contacts are in writable addressbook to enable edit/delete
// we'll also need to know sources used in selection for copy
// and group-addmember operations (drag&drop)
this.env.selection_sources = [];
if (source) {
for (n in list.selection) {
contact =[list.selection[n]];
if (!source) {
sid = String(list.selection[n]).replace(/^[^-]+-/, '');
if (sid && this.env.address_sources[sid]) {
writable = writable || (!this.env.address_sources[sid].readonly && !contact.readonly);
else {
writable = writable || (!source.readonly && !contact.readonly);
if (contact._type != 'group')
list.draggable = true;
this.env.selection_sources = $.unique(this.env.selection_sources);
// if a group is currently selected, and there is at least one contact selected
// thend we can enable the group-remove-selected command
this.enable_command('group-remove-selected', && list.selection.length > 0 && writable);
this.enable_command('compose', || list.selection.length > 0);
this.enable_command('export-selected', 'copy', list.selection.length > 0);
this.enable_command('edit', id && writable);
this.enable_command('delete', 'move', list.selection.length > 0 && writable);
return false;
this.list_contacts = function(src, group, page)
var win, folder, url = {},
target = window;
if (!src)
src = this.env.source;
if (page && this.current_page == page && src == this.env.source && group ==
return false;
if (src != this.env.source) {
page = this.env.current_page = 1;
else if (group !=
page = this.env.current_page = 1;
if (this.env.search_id)
folder = 'S'+this.env.search_id;
else if (!this.env.search_request)
folder = group ? 'G'+src+group : src;
this.env.source = src; = group;
// truncate groups listing stack
var index = $.inArray(, this.env.address_group_stack);
if (index < 0)
this.env.address_group_stack = [];
this.env.address_group_stack = this.env.address_group_stack.slice(0,index);
// make sure the current group is on top of the stack
if ( {
// mark the first group on the stack as selected in the directory list
folder = 'G'+src+this.env.address_group_stack[0];
else if (this.gui_objects.addresslist_title) {
this.select_folder(folder, '', true);
// load contacts remotely
if (this.gui_objects.contactslist) {
this.list_contacts_remote(src, group, page);
if (win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe)) {
target = win;
url._framed = 1;
if (group)
url._gid = group;
if (page)
url._page = page;
if (src)
url._source = src;
// also send search request to get the correct listing
if (this.env.search_request)
url._search = this.env.search_request;
this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
this.location_href(url, target);
// send remote request to load contacts list
this.list_contacts_remote = function(src, group, page)
// clear message list first
// send request to server
var url = {}, lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
if (src)
url._source = src;
if (page)
url._page = page;
if (group)
url._gid = group;
this.env.source = src; = group;
// also send search request to get the right records
if (this.env.search_request)
url._search = this.env.search_request;
this.http_request(this.env.task == 'mail' ? 'list-contacts' : 'list', url, lock);
this.list_contacts_clear = function()
{ = {};
this.enable_command('delete', 'move', 'copy', false);
this.enable_command('compose', ? true : false);
this.set_group_prop = function(prop)
if (this.gui_objects.addresslist_title) {
var boxtitle = $(this.gui_objects.addresslist_title).html(''); // clear contents
// add link to pop back to parent group
if (this.env.address_group_stack.length > 1) {
$('<a href="#list">...</a>')
.click(function(e){ return ref.command('popgroup','',this); });
this.triggerEvent('groupupdate', prop);
// load contact record
this.load_contact = function(cid, action, framed)
var win, url = {}, target = window,
rec = this.contact_list ?[cid] : null;
if (win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe)) {
url._framed = 1;
target = win;
// load dummy content, unselect selected row(s)
if (!cid)
this.enable_command('compose', rec &&;
this.enable_command('export-selected', rec && rec._type != 'group');
else if (framed)
return false;
if (action && (cid || action=='add') && !this.drag_active) {
if (
url._gid =;
url._action = action;
url._source = this.env.source;
url._cid = cid;
this.location_href(url, target, true);
return true;
// add/delete member to/from the group
this.group_member_change = function(what, cid, source, gid)
what = what == 'add' ? 'add' : 'del';
var label = this.get_label(what == 'add' ? 'addingmember' : 'removingmember'),
lock = this.display_message(label, 'loading'),
post_data = {_cid: cid, _source: source, _gid: gid};
this.http_post('group-'+what+'members', post_data, lock);
this.contacts_drag_menu = function(e, to)
var dest = to.type == 'group' ? to.source :,
source = this.env.source;
if (!this.env.address_sources[dest] || this.env.address_sources[dest].readonly)
return true;
// search result may contain contacts from many sources, but if there is only one...
if (source == '' && this.env.selection_sources.length == 1)
source = this.env.selection_sources[0];
if (to.type == 'group' && dest == source) {
var cid = this.contact_list.get_selection().join(',');
this.group_member_change('add', cid, dest,;
return true;
// move action is not possible, "redirect" to copy if menu wasn't requested
else if (!this.commands.move && rcube_event.get_modifier(e) != SHIFT_KEY) {
return true;
return this.drag_menu(e, to);
// copy contact(s) to the specified target (group or directory)
this.copy_contacts = function(to)
var n, dest = to.type == 'group' ? to.source :,
source = this.env.source,
group = ? : '',
cid = this.contact_list.get_selection().join(',');
if (!cid || !this.env.address_sources[dest] || this.env.address_sources[dest].readonly)
// search result may contain contacts from many sources, but if there is only one...
if (source == '' && this.env.selection_sources.length == 1)
source = this.env.selection_sources[0];
// tagret is a group
if (to.type == 'group') {
if (dest == source)
var lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('copyingcontact'), 'loading'),
post_data = {_cid: cid, _source: this.env.source, _to: dest, _togid:, _gid: group};
this.http_post('copy', post_data, lock);
// target is an addressbook
else if ( != source) {
var lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('copyingcontact'), 'loading'),
post_data = {_cid: cid, _source: this.env.source, _to:, _gid: group};
this.http_post('copy', post_data, lock);
// move contact(s) to the specified target (group or directory)
this.move_contacts = function(to)
var dest = to.type == 'group' ? to.source :,
source = this.env.source,
group = ? : '';
if (!this.env.address_sources[dest] || this.env.address_sources[dest].readonly)
// search result may contain contacts from many sources, but if there is only one...
if (source == '' && this.env.selection_sources.length == 1)
source = this.env.selection_sources[0];
if (to.type == 'group') {
if (dest == source)
this._with_selected_contacts('move', {_to: dest, _togid:});
// target is an addressbook
else if ( != source)
this._with_selected_contacts('move', {_to:});
// delete contact(s)
this.delete_contacts = function()
var undelete = this.env.source && this.env.address_sources[this.env.source].undelete;
if (!undelete && !confirm(this.get_label('deletecontactconfirm')))
return this._with_selected_contacts('delete');
this._with_selected_contacts = function(action, post_data)
var selection = this.contact_list ? this.contact_list.get_selection() : [];
// exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty
if (!selection.length && !this.env.cid)
var n, a_cids = [],
label = action == 'delete' ? 'contactdeleting' : 'movingcontact',
lock = this.display_message(this.get_label(label), 'loading');
if (this.env.cid)
else {
for (n=0; n<selection.length; n++) {
id = selection[n];
this.contact_list.remove_row(id, (n == selection.length-1));
// hide content frame if we delete the currently displayed contact
if (selection.length == 1)
if (!post_data)
post_data = {};
post_data._source = this.env.source;
post_data._from = this.env.action;
post_data._cid = a_cids.join(',');
if (
post_data._gid =;
// also send search request to get the right records from the next page
if (this.env.search_request)
post_data._search = this.env.search_request;
// send request to server
this.http_post(action, post_data, lock)
return true;
// update a contact record in the list
this.update_contact_row = function(cid, cols_arr, newcid, source, data)
var c, row, list = this.contact_list;
cid = this.html_identifier(cid);
// when in searching mode, concat cid with the source name
if (!list.rows[cid]) {
cid = cid+'-'+source;
if (newcid)
newcid = newcid+'-'+source;
list.update_row(cid, cols_arr, newcid, true);[cid] = data;
// add row to contacts list
this.add_contact_row = function(cid, cols, classes, data)
if (!this.gui_objects.contactslist)
return false;
var c, col, list = this.contact_list,
row = { cols:[] }; = 'rcmrow'+this.html_identifier(cid);
row.className = 'contact ' + (classes || '');
if (list.in_selection(cid))
row.className += ' selected';
// add each submitted col
for (c in cols) {
col = {};
col.className = String(c).toLowerCase();
col.innerHTML = cols[c];
// store data in list member[cid] = data;
this.enable_command('export', list.rowcount > 0);
this.init_contact_form = function()
var col;
if (this.env.coltypes) {
for (col in this.env.coltypes)
this.init_edit_field(col, null);
$('.contactfieldgroup .row a.deletebutton').click(function() {
return false;
$('select.addfieldmenu').change(function(e) {
ref.insert_edit_field($(this).val(), $(this).attr('rel'), this);
this.selectedIndex = 0;
// enable date pickers on date fields
if ($.datepicker && this.env.date_format) {
dateFormat: this.env.date_format,
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
yearRange: '-100:+10',
showOtherMonths: true,
selectOtherMonths: true,
onSelect: function(dateText) { $(this).focus().val(dateText) }
// Submit search form on Enter
if (this.env.action == 'search')
$(this.gui_objects.editform).append($('<input type="submit">').hide())
.submit(function() { $('input.mainaction').click(); return false; });
this.group_create = function()
this.group_rename = function()
if (! || !this.gui_objects.folderlist)
if (!this.name_input) {
this.enable_command('list', 'listgroup', false);
this.name_input = $('<input>').attr('type', 'text').val(this.env.contactgroups['G'].name);
this.name_input.bind('keydown', function(e){ return rcmail.add_input_keydown(e); });
this.env.group_renaming = true;
var link, li = this.get_folder_li('G','',true);
if (li && (link = li.firstChild)) {
this.group_delete = function()
if ( && confirm(this.get_label('deletegroupconfirm'))) {
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'groupdeleting');
this.http_post('group-delete', {_source: this.env.source, _gid:}, lock);
// callback from server upon group-delete command
this.remove_group_item = function(prop)
var key = 'G';
if (this.treelist.remove(key)) {
this.triggerEvent('group_delete', { source:prop.source, });
delete this.env.contactfolders[key];
delete this.env.contactgroups[key];
this.list_contacts(prop.source, 0);
// @TODO: maybe it would be better to use popup instead of inserting input to the list?
this.add_input_row = function(type)
if (!this.gui_objects.folderlist)
if (!this.name_input) {
this.name_input = $('<input>').attr('type', 'text').data('tt', type);
this.name_input.bind('keydown', function(e){ return rcmail.add_input_keydown(e); });
this.name_input_li = $('<li>').addClass(type).append(this.name_input);
var ul, li;
// find list (UL) element
if (type == 'contactsearch')
ul = this.gui_objects.folderlist;
ul = $('ul.groups', this.get_folder_li(this.env.source,'',true));
// append to the list
li = $('li:last', ul);
if (li.length)
else {
this.name_input_li.appendTo(ul);; // make sure the list is visible
//remove selected contacts from current active group
this.group_remove_selected = function()
ref.http_post('group-delmembers', {_cid: this.contact_list.selection,
_source: this.env.source, _gid:});
//callback after deleting contact(s) from current group
this.remove_group_contacts = function(props)
if('undefined' != typeof && ( === props.gid)){
var n, selection = this.contact_list.get_selection();
for (n=0; n<selection.length; n++) {
id = selection[n];
this.contact_list.remove_row(id, (n == selection.length-1));
// handler for keyboard events on the input field
this.add_input_keydown = function(e)
var key = rcube_event.get_keycode(e),
input = $(, itype ='tt');
// enter
if (key == 13) {
var newname = input.val();
if (newname) {
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
if (itype == 'contactsearch')
this.http_post('search-create', {_search: this.env.search_request, _name: newname}, lock);
else if (this.env.group_renaming)
this.http_post('group-rename', {_source: this.env.source, _gid:, _name: newname}, lock);
this.http_post('group-create', {_source: this.env.source, _name: newname}, lock);
return false;
// escape
else if (key == 27)
return true;
this.reset_add_input = function()
if (this.name_input) {
var li = this.name_input.parent();
if (this.env.group_renaming) {
this.env.group_renaming = false;
else if ($('li', li.parent()).length == 1)
if (this.name_input_li)
this.name_input = this.name_input_li = null;
this.enable_command('list', 'listgroup', true);
// callback for creating a new contact group
this.insert_contact_group = function(prop)
prop.type = 'group';
var key = 'G',
link = $('<a>').attr('href', '#')
.attr('rel', prop.source+':'
.click(function() { return rcmail.command('listgroup', prop, this); })
this.env.contactfolders[key] = this.env.contactgroups[key] = prop;
this.treelist.insert({ id:key, html:link, classes:['contactgroup'] }, prop.source, true);
this.triggerEvent('group_insert', {, source:prop.source,, li:this.treelist.get_item(key) });
// callback for renaming a contact group
this.update_contact_group = function(prop)
var key = 'G',
newnode = {};
// group ID has changed, replace link node and identifiers
if (prop.newid) {
var newkey = 'G'+prop.source+prop.newid,
newprop = $.extend({}, prop);
this.env.contactfolders[newkey] = this.env.contactfolders[key];
this.env.contactfolders[newkey].id = prop.newid; = prop.newid;
delete this.env.contactfolders[key];
delete this.env.contactgroups[key]; = prop.newid;
newprop.type = 'group'; = newkey;
newnode.html = $('<a>').attr('href', '#')
.attr('rel', prop.source+':'+prop.newid)
.click(function() { return rcmail.command('listgroup', newprop, this); })
// update displayed group name
else {
this.env.contactfolders[key].name = this.env.contactgroups[key].name =;
// update list node and re-sort it
this.treelist.update(key, newnode, true);
this.triggerEvent('group_update', {, source:prop.source,, li:this.treelist.get_item(key), newid:prop.newid });
this.update_group_commands = function()
var source = this.env.source != '' ? this.env.address_sources[this.env.source] : null;
this.enable_command('group-create', (source && source.groups && !source.readonly));
this.enable_command('group-rename', 'group-delete', (source && source.groups && && !source.readonly));
this.init_edit_field = function(col, elem)
var label = this.env.coltypes[col].label;
if (!elem)
elem = $('.ff_' + col);
if (label)
this.insert_edit_field = function(col, section, menu)
// just make pre-defined input field visible
var elem = $('#ff_'+col);
if (elem.length) {;
$(menu).children('option[value="'+col+'"]').prop('disabled', true);
else {
var lastelem = $('.ff_'+col),
appendcontainer = $('#contactsection'+section+' .contactcontroller'+col);
if (!appendcontainer.length) {
var sect = $('#contactsection'+section),
lastgroup = $('.contactfieldgroup', sect).last();
appendcontainer = $('<fieldset>').addClass('contactfieldgroup contactcontroller'+col);
if (lastgroup.length)
if (appendcontainer.length && appendcontainer.get(0).nodeName == 'FIELDSET') {
var input, colprop = this.env.coltypes[col],
row = $('<div>').addClass('row'),
cell = $('<div>').addClass('contactfieldcontent data'),
label = $('<div>').addClass('contactfieldlabel label');
if (colprop.subtypes_select)
var name_suffix = colprop.limit != 1 ? '[]' : '';
if (colprop.type == 'text' || colprop.type == 'date') {
input = $('<input>')
.attr({type: 'text', name: '_'+col+name_suffix, size: colprop.size})
this.init_edit_field(col, input);
if (colprop.type == 'date' && $.datepicker)
else if (colprop.type == 'textarea') {
input = $('<textarea>')
.attr({ name: '_'+col+name_suffix, cols:colprop.size, rows:colprop.rows })
this.init_edit_field(col, input);
else if (colprop.type == 'composite') {
var childcol, cp, first, templ, cols = [], suffices = [];
// read template for composite field order
if ((templ = this.env[col+'_template'])) {
for (var j=0; j < templ.length; j++) {
else { // list fields according to appearance in colprop
for (childcol in colprop.childs)
for (var i=0; i < cols.length; i++) {
childcol = cols[i];
cp = colprop.childs[childcol];
input = $('<input>')
.attr({ type: 'text', name: '_'+childcol+name_suffix, size: cp.size })
cell.append(suffices[i] || " ");
this.init_edit_field(childcol, input);
if (!first) first = input;
input = first; // set focus to the first of this composite fields
else if (colprop.type == 'select') {
input = $('<select>')
.attr('name', '_'+col+name_suffix)
var options = input.attr('options');
options[options.length] = new Option('---', '');
if (colprop.options)
$.each(colprop.options, function(i, val){ options[options.length] = new Option(val, i); });
if (input) {
var delbutton = $('<a href="#del"></a>')
.addClass('contactfieldbutton deletebutton')
.attr({title: this.get_label('delete'), rel: col})
.click(function(){ ref.delete_edit_field(this); return false })
// disable option if limit reached
if (!colprop.count) colprop.count = 0;
if (++colprop.count == colprop.limit && colprop.limit)
$(menu).children('option[value="'+col+'"]').prop('disabled', true);
this.delete_edit_field = function(elem)
var col = $(elem).attr('rel'),
colprop = this.env.coltypes[col],
fieldset = $(elem).parents('fieldset.contactfieldgroup'),
addmenu = fieldset.parent().find('select.addfieldmenu');
// just clear input but don't hide the last field
if (--colprop.count <= 0 && colprop.visible)
else {
// hide entire fieldset if no more rows
if (!fieldset.children('div.row').length)
// enable option in add-field selector or insert it if necessary
if (addmenu.length) {
var option = addmenu.children('option[value="'+col+'"]');
if (option.length)
option.prop('disabled', false);
option = $('<option>').attr('value', col).html(colprop.label).appendTo(addmenu);;
this.upload_contact_photo = function(form)
if (form && form.elements._photo.value) {
this.async_upload_form(form, 'upload-photo', function(e) {
rcmail.set_busy(false, null, rcmail.file_upload_id);
// display upload indicator
this.file_upload_id = this.set_busy(true, 'uploading');
this.replace_contact_photo = function(id)
var img_src = id == '-del-' ? this.env.photo_placeholder :
this.env.comm_path + '&_action=photo&_source=' + this.env.source + '&_cid=' + (this.env.cid || 0) + '&_photo=' + id;
$(this.gui_objects.contactphoto).children('img').attr('src', img_src);
this.photo_upload_end = function()
this.set_busy(false, null, this.file_upload_id);
delete this.file_upload_id;
this.set_photo_actions = function(id)
var n, buttons = this.buttons['upload-photo'];
for (n=0; buttons && n < buttons.length; n++)
$('a#'+buttons[n].id).html(this.get_label(id == '-del-' ? 'addphoto' : 'replacephoto'));
this.enable_command('upload-photo', ? true : false);
this.enable_command('delete-photo', && id != '-del-');
// load advanced search page
this.advanced_search = function()
var win, url = {_form: 1, _action: 'search'}, target = window;
if (win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe)) {
url._framed = 1;
target = win;
this.location_href(url, target, true);
return true;
// unselect directory/group
this.unselect_directory = function()
this.enable_command('search-delete', false);
// callback for creating a new saved search record
this.insert_saved_search = function(name, id)
var key = 'S'+id,
link = $('<a>').attr('href', '#')
.attr('rel', id)
.click(function() { return rcmail.command('listsearch', id, this); })
prop = { name:name, id:id };
this.treelist.insert({ id:key, html:link, classes:['contactsearch'] }, null, 'contactsearch');
this.enable_command('search-delete', true);
this.env.search_id = id;
this.triggerEvent('abook_search_insert', prop);
// creates an input for saved search name
this.search_create = function()
this.search_delete = function()
if (this.env.search_request) {
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'savedsearchdeleting');
this.http_post('search-delete', {_sid: this.env.search_id}, lock);
// callback from server upon search-delete command
this.remove_search_item = function(id)
var li, key = 'S'+id;
if (this.treelist.remove(key)) {
this.triggerEvent('search_delete', { id:id, li:li });
this.env.search_id = null;
this.env.search_request = null;
this.enable_command('search-delete', 'search-create', false);
this.listsearch = function(id)
var folder, lock = this.set_busy(true, 'searching');
if (this.contact_list) {
this.select_folder('S'+id, '', true);
// reset vars
this.env.current_page = 1;
this.http_request('search', {_sid: id}, lock);
/********* user settings methods *********/
// preferences section select and load options frame
this.section_select = function(list)
var win, id = list.get_single_selection(), target = window,
url = {_action: 'edit-prefs', _section: id};
if (id) {
if (win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe)) {
url._framed = 1;
target = win;
this.location_href(url, target, true);
return true;
this.identity_select = function(list)
var id;
if (id = list.get_single_selection()) {
this.enable_command('delete', list.rowcount > 1 && this.env.identities_level < 2);
this.load_identity(id, 'edit-identity');
// load identity record
this.load_identity = function(id, action)
if (action == 'edit-identity' && (!id || id == this.env.iid))
return false;
var win, target = window,
url = {_action: action, _iid: id};
if (win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe)) {
url._framed = 1;
target = win;
if (id || action == 'add-identity') {
this.location_href(url, target, true);
return true;
this.delete_identity = function(id)
// exit if no identity is specified or if selection is empty
var selection = this.identity_list.get_selection();
if (!(selection.length || this.env.iid))
if (!id)
id = this.env.iid ? this.env.iid : selection[0];
// submit request with appended token
if (confirm(this.get_label('deleteidentityconfirm')))
this.goto_url('delete-identity', { _iid: id, _token: this.env.request_token }, true);
return true;
this.update_identity_row = function(id, name, add)
var list = this.identity_list,
rid = this.html_identifier(id);
if (add) {
list.insert_row({ id:'rcmrow'+rid, cols:[ { className:'mail', innerHTML:name } ] });;
else {
list.update_row(rid, [ name ]);
this.update_response_row = function(response, oldkey)
var list = this.responses_list;
if (list && oldkey) {
list.update_row(oldkey, [ ], response.key, true);
else if (list) {
list.insert_row({ id:'rcmrow'+response.key, cols:[ { className:'name', } ] });;
this.remove_response = function(key)
var frame;
if (this.env.textresponses) {
delete this.env.textresponses[key];
if (this.responses_list) {
if (this.env.contentframe && (frame = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe))) {
frame.location.href = this.env.blankpage;
/********* folder manager methods *********/
this.init_subscription_list = function()
var delim = RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter);
this.last_sub_rx = RegExp('['+delim+']?[^'+delim+']+$');
this.subscription_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist,
{multiselect:false, draggable:true, keyboard:false, toggleselect:true});
.addEventListener('select', function(o){ ref.subscription_select(o); })
.addEventListener('dragstart', function(o){ ref.drag_active = true; })
.addEventListener('dragend', function(o){ ref.subscription_move_folder(o); })
.addEventListener('initrow', function (row) {
row.obj.onmouseover = function() { ref.focus_subscription(; };
row.obj.onmouseout = function() { ref.unfocus_subscription(; };
.mouseover(function(){ ref.focus_subscription(; })
.mouseout(function(){ ref.unfocus_subscription(; })
this.focus_subscription = function(id)
var row, folder;
if (this.drag_active && this.env.mailbox && (row = document.getElementById(id)))
if (this.env.subscriptionrows[id] &&
(folder = this.env.subscriptionrows[id][0]) !== null
) {
if (this.check_droptarget(folder) &&
!this.env.subscriptionrows[this.get_folder_row_id(this.env.mailbox)][2] &&
folder != this.env.mailbox.replace(this.last_sub_rx, '') &&
!folder.startsWith(this.env.mailbox + this.env.delimiter)
) {
this.env.dstfolder = folder;
this.unfocus_subscription = function(id)
var row = $('#'+id);
this.env.dstfolder = null;
if (this.env.subscriptionrows[id] && row.length)
this.subscription_select = function(list)
var id, folder;
if (list && (id = list.get_single_selection()) &&
(folder = this.env.subscriptionrows['rcmrow'+id])
) {
this.env.mailbox = folder[0];
this.enable_command('delete-folder', !folder[2]);
else {
this.env.mailbox = null;
this.enable_command('delete-folder', 'purge', false);
this.subscription_move_folder = function(list)
if (this.env.mailbox && this.env.dstfolder !== null &&
this.env.dstfolder != this.env.mailbox &&
this.env.dstfolder != this.env.mailbox.replace(this.last_sub_rx, '')
) {
var path = this.env.mailbox.split(this.env.delimiter),
basename = path.pop(),
newname = this.env.dstfolder === '' ? basename : this.env.dstfolder + this.env.delimiter + basename;
if (newname != this.env.mailbox) {
this.http_post('rename-folder', {_folder_oldname: this.env.mailbox, _folder_newname: newname}, this.set_busy(true, 'foldermoving'));
this.drag_active = false;
// tell server to create and subscribe a new mailbox
this.create_folder = function()
this.show_folder('', this.env.mailbox);
// delete a specific mailbox with all its messages
this.delete_folder = function(name)
var id = this.get_folder_row_id(name ? name : this.env.mailbox),
folder = this.env.subscriptionrows[id][0];
if (folder && confirm(this.get_label('deletefolderconfirm'))) {
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'folderdeleting');
this.http_post('delete-folder', {_mbox: folder}, lock);
// Add folder row to the table and initialize it
this.add_folder_row = function (name, display_name, is_protected, subscribed, skip_init, class_name)
if (!this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist)
return false;
var row, n, i, tmp, tmp_name, rowid, folders = [], list = [], slist = [],
tbody = this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist.tBodies[0],
refrow = $('tr', tbody).get(1),
id = 'rcmrow'+((new Date).getTime());
if (!refrow) {
// Refresh page if we don't have a table row to clone
return false;
// clone a table row if there are existing rows
row = $(refrow).clone(true);
// set ID, reset css class
row.attr({id: id, 'class': class_name});
// set folder name
// update subscription checkbox
$('input[name="_subscribed[]"]', row).val(name)
.prop({checked: subscribed ? true : false, disabled: is_protected ? true : false});
// add to folder/row-ID map
this.env.subscriptionrows[id] = [name, display_name, false];
// sort folders (to find a place where to insert the row)
// replace delimiter with \0 character to fix sorting
// issue where 'Abc Abc' would be placed before 'Abc/def'
var replace_from = RegExp(RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter), 'g'),
replace_to = String.fromCharCode(0);
$.each(this.env.subscriptionrows, function(k,v) {
if (v.length < 4) {
var n = v[0];
n = n.replace(replace_from, replace_to);
folders.sort(function(a, b) {
var len = a.length - 1; n1 = a[len], n2 = b[len];
return n1 < n2 ? -1 : 1;
for (n in folders) {
// protected folder
if (folders[n][2]) {
tmp_name = folders[n][0] + this.env.delimiter;
// prefix namespace cannot have subfolders (#1488349)
if (tmp_name == this.env.prefix_ns)
tmp = tmp_name;
// protected folder's child
else if (tmp && folders[n][0].startsWith(tmp))
// other
else {
tmp = null;
// check if subfolder of a protected folder
for (n=0; n<slist.length; n++) {
if (name.startsWith(slist[n] + this.env.delimiter))
rowid = this.get_folder_row_id(slist[n]);
// find folder position after sorting
for (n=0; !rowid && n<list.length; n++) {
if (n && list[n] == name)
rowid = this.get_folder_row_id(list[n-1]);
// add row to the table
if (rowid)
// update list widget
if (!skip_init)
row = row.get(0);
if (row.scrollIntoView)
return row;
// replace an existing table row with a new folder line (with subfolders)
this.replace_folder_row = function(oldfolder, newfolder, display_name, is_protected, class_name)
if (!this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist) {
if (this.is_framed)
return parent.rcmail.replace_folder_row(oldfolder, newfolder, display_name, is_protected, class_name);
return false;
var i, n, len, name, dispname, oldrow, tmprow, row, level,
tbody = this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist.tBodies[0],
folders = this.env.subscriptionrows,
id = this.get_folder_row_id(oldfolder),
prefix_len = oldfolder.length,
subscribed = $('input[name="_subscribed[]"]', $('#'+id)).prop('checked'),
// find subfolders of renamed folder
list = this.get_subfolders(oldfolder);
// no renaming, only update class_name
if (oldfolder == newfolder) {
$('#'+id).attr('class', class_name || '');
// replace an existing table row
row = $(this.add_folder_row(newfolder, display_name, is_protected, subscribed, true, class_name));
// detect tree depth change
if (len = list.length) {
level = (oldfolder.split(this.env.delimiter)).length - (newfolder.split(this.env.delimiter)).length;
// move subfolders to the new branch
for (n=0; n<len; n++) {
id = list[n];
name = this.env.subscriptionrows[id][0];
dispname = this.env.subscriptionrows[id][1];
oldrow = $('#'+id);
tmprow = oldrow.clone(true);
row = tmprow;
// update folder index
name = newfolder + name.slice(prefix_len);
$('input[name="_subscribed[]"]', row).val(name);
this.env.subscriptionrows[id][0] = name;
// update the name if level is changed
if (level != 0) {
if (level > 0) {
for (i=level; i>0; i--)
dispname = dispname.replace(/^&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/, '');
else {
for (i=level; i<0; i++)
dispname = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + dispname;
this.env.subscriptionrows[id][1] = dispname;
// update list widget
// remove the table row of a specific mailbox from the table
this.remove_folder_row = function(folder, subs)
var n, len, list = [], id = this.get_folder_row_id(folder);
// get subfolders if any
if (subs)
list = this.get_subfolders(folder);
// remove old row
// remove subfolders
for (n=0, len=list.length; n<len; n++)
this._remove_folder_row = function(id)
this.subscription_list.remove_row(id.replace(/^rcmrow/, ''));
delete this.env.subscriptionrows[id];
this.get_subfolders = function(folder)
var name, list = [],
prefix = folder + this.env.delimiter,
row = $('#'+this.get_folder_row_id(folder)).get(0);
while (row = row.nextSibling) {
if ( {
name = this.env.subscriptionrows[][0];
if (name && name.startsWith(prefix)) {
return list;
this.subscribe = function(folder)
if (folder) {
var lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('foldersubscribing'), 'loading');
this.http_post('subscribe', {_mbox: folder}, lock);
this.unsubscribe = function(folder)
if (folder) {
var lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('folderunsubscribing'), 'loading');
this.http_post('unsubscribe', {_mbox: folder}, lock);
// helper method to find a specific mailbox row ID
this.get_folder_row_id = function(folder)
var id, folders = this.env.subscriptionrows;
for (id in folders)
if (folders[id] && folders[id][0] == folder)
return id;
// when user select a folder in manager
this.show_folder = function(folder, path, force)
var win, target = window,
url = '&_action=edit-folder&_mbox='+urlencode(folder);
if (path)
url += '&_path='+urlencode(path);
if (win = this.get_frame_window(this.env.contentframe)) {
target = win;
url += '&_framed=1';
if (String(target.location.href).indexOf(url) >= 0 && !force)
this.location_href(this.env.comm_path+url, target, true);
// disables subscription checkbox (for protected folder)
this.disable_subscription = function(folder)
var id = this.get_folder_row_id(folder);
if (id)
$('input[name="_subscribed[]"]', $('#'+id)).prop('disabled', true);
this.folder_size = function(folder)
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
this.http_post('folder-size', {_mbox: folder}, lock);
this.folder_size_update = function(size)
/********* GUI functionality *********/
var init_button = function(cmd, prop)
var elm = document.getElementById(;
if (!elm)
var preload = false;
if (prop.type == 'image') {
elm = elm.parentNode;
preload = true;
elm._command = cmd;
elm._id =;
if (prop.sel) {
elm.onmousedown = function(e){ return rcmail.button_sel(this._command, this._id); };
elm.onmouseup = function(e){ return rcmail.button_out(this._command, this._id); };
if (preload)
new Image().src = prop.sel;
if (prop.over) {
elm.onmouseover = function(e){ return rcmail.button_over(this._command, this._id); };
elm.onmouseout = function(e){ return rcmail.button_out(this._command, this._id); };
if (preload)
new Image().src = prop.over;
// set event handlers on registered buttons
this.init_buttons = function()
for (var cmd in this.buttons) {
if (typeof cmd !== 'string')
for (var i=0; i<this.buttons[cmd].length; i++) {
init_button(cmd, this.buttons[cmd][i]);
// set button to a specific state
this.set_button = function(command, state)
var n, button, obj, a_buttons = this.buttons[command],
len = a_buttons ? a_buttons.length : 0;
for (n=0; n<len; n++) {
button = a_buttons[n];
obj = document.getElementById(;
if (!obj || button.status == state)
// get default/passive setting of the button
if (button.type == 'image' && !button.status) {
button.pas = obj._original_src ? obj._original_src : obj.src;
// respect PNG fix on IE browsers
if (obj.runtimeStyle && obj.runtimeStyle.filter && obj.runtimeStyle.filter.match(/src=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/))
button.pas = RegExp.$1;
else if (!button.status)
button.pas = String(obj.className);
// set image according to button state
if (button.type == 'image' && button[state]) {
button.status = state;
obj.src = button[state];
// set class name according to button state
else if (button[state] !== undefined) {
button.status = state;
obj.className = button[state];
// disable/enable input buttons
if (button.type == 'input') {
button.status = state;
obj.disabled = state == 'pas';
else if (button.type == 'uibutton') {
button.status = state;
$(obj).button('option', 'disabled', state == 'pas');
else {
.attr('tabindex', state == 'pas' || state == 'sel' ? '-1' : '0')
.attr('aria-disabled', state == 'pas' || state == 'sel' ? 'true' : 'false');
// display a specific alttext
this.set_alttext = function(command, label)
var n, button, obj, link, a_buttons = this.buttons[command],
len = a_buttons ? a_buttons.length : 0;
for (n=0; n<len; n++) {
button = a_buttons[n];
obj = document.getElementById(;
if (button.type == 'image' && obj) {
obj.setAttribute('alt', this.get_label(label));
if ((link = obj.parentNode) && link.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a')
link.setAttribute('title', this.get_label(label));
else if (obj)
obj.setAttribute('title', this.get_label(label));
// mouse over button
this.button_over = function(command, id)
this.button_event(command, id, 'over');
// mouse down on button
this.button_sel = function(command, id)
this.button_event(command, id, 'sel');
// mouse out of button
this.button_out = function(command, id)
this.button_event(command, id, 'act');
// event of button
this.button_event = function(command, id, event)
var n, button, obj, a_buttons = this.buttons[command],
len = a_buttons ? a_buttons.length : 0;
for (n=0; n<len; n++) {
button = a_buttons[n];
if ( == id && button.status == 'act') {
if (button[event] && (obj = document.getElementById( {
obj[button.type == 'image' ? 'src' : 'className'] = button[event];
if (event == 'sel') {
this.buttons_sel[id] = command;
// write to the document/window title
this.set_pagetitle = function(title)
if (title && document.title)
document.title = title;
// display a system message, list of types in common.css (below #message definition)
this.display_message = function(msg, type, timeout)
// pass command to parent window
if (this.is_framed())
return parent.rcmail.display_message(msg, type, timeout);
if (!this.gui_objects.message) {
// save message in order to display after page loaded
if (type != 'loading')
this.pending_message = [msg, type, timeout];
return 1;
type = type ? type : 'notice';
var key = this.html_identifier(msg),
date = new Date(),
id = type + date.getTime();
if (!timeout)
timeout = this.message_time * (type == 'error' || type == 'warning' ? 2 : 1);
if (type == 'loading') {
key = 'loading';
timeout = this.env.request_timeout * 1000;
if (!msg)
msg = this.get_label('loading');
// The same message is already displayed
if (this.messages[key]) {
// replace label
if (this.messages[key].obj)
// store label in stack
if (type == 'loading') {
this.messages[key].labels.push({'id': id, 'msg': msg});
// add element and set timeout
setTimeout(function() { ref.hide_message(id, type == 'loading'); }, timeout);
return id;
// create DOM object and display it
var obj = $('<div>').addClass(type).html(msg).data('key', key),
cont = $(this.gui_objects.message).append(obj).show();
this.messages[key] = {'obj': obj, 'elements': [id]};
if (type == 'loading') {
this.messages[key].labels = [{'id': id, 'msg': msg}];
else {
- { return ref.hide_message(obj); });
+ { return ref.hide_message(obj); })
+ .attr('role', 'alert');
this.triggerEvent('message', { message:msg, type:type, timeout:timeout, object:obj });
if (timeout > 0)
setTimeout(function() { ref.hide_message(id, type != 'loading'); }, timeout);
return id;
// make a message to disapear
this.hide_message = function(obj, fade)
// pass command to parent window
if (this.is_framed())
return parent.rcmail.hide_message(obj, fade);
if (!this.gui_objects.message)
var k, n, i, o, m = this.messages;
// Hide message by object, don't use for 'loading'!
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
o = $(obj);
k ='key');
this.hide_message_object(o, fade);
if (m[k])
delete m[k];
// Hide message by id
else {
for (k in m) {
for (n in m[k].elements) {
if (m[k] && m[k].elements[n] == obj) {
m[k].elements.splice(n, 1);
// hide DOM element if last instance is removed
if (!m[k].elements.length) {
this.hide_message_object(m[k].obj, fade);
delete m[k];
// set pending action label for 'loading' message
else if (k == 'loading') {
for (i in m[k].labels) {
if (m[k].labels[i].id == obj) {
delete m[k].labels[i];
else {
o = m[k].labels[i].msg;
// hide message object and remove from the DOM
this.hide_message_object = function(o, fade)
if (fade)
o.fadeOut(600, function() {$(this).remove(); });
// remove all messages immediately
this.clear_messages = function()
// pass command to parent window
if (this.is_framed())
return parent.rcmail.clear_messages();
var k, n, m = this.messages;
for (k in m)
for (n in m[k].elements)
if (m[k].obj)
this.messages = {};
// open a jquery UI dialog with the given content
this.show_popup_dialog = function(html, title, buttons, options)
// forward call to parent window
if (this.is_framed()) {
return parent.rcmail.show_popup_dialog(html, title, buttons, options);
var popup = $('<div class="popup">')
title: title,
buttons: buttons,
modal: true,
resizable: true,
width: 500,
close: function(event, ui) { $(this).remove() }
}, options || {}));
// resize and center popup
var win = $(window), w = win.width(), h = win.height(),
width = popup.width(), height = popup.height();
popup.dialog('option', {
height: Math.min(h - 40, height + 75 + (buttons ? 50 : 0)),
width: Math.min(w - 20, width + 36)
return popup;
// enable/disable buttons for page shifting
this.set_page_buttons = function()
this.enable_command('nextpage', 'lastpage', this.env.pagecount > this.env.current_page);
this.enable_command('previouspage', 'firstpage', this.env.current_page > 1);
// mark a mailbox as selected and set environment variable
this.select_folder = function(name, prefix, encode)
if (this.treelist) {;
else if (this.gui_objects.folderlist) {
$('li.selected', this.gui_objects.folderlist)
$(this.get_folder_li(name, prefix, encode))
// trigger event hook
this.triggerEvent('selectfolder', { folder:name, prefix:prefix });
// adds a class to selected folder
this.mark_folder = function(name, class_name, prefix, encode)
$(this.get_folder_li(name, prefix, encode)).addClass(class_name);
this.triggerEvent('markfolder', {folder: name, mark: class_name, status: true});
// adds a class to selected folder
this.unmark_folder = function(name, class_name, prefix, encode)
$(this.get_folder_li(name, prefix, encode)).removeClass(class_name);
this.triggerEvent('markfolder', {folder: name, mark: class_name, status: false});
// helper method to find a folder list item
this.get_folder_li = function(name, prefix, encode)
if (!prefix)
prefix = 'rcmli';
if (this.gui_objects.folderlist) {
name = this.html_identifier(name, encode);
return document.getElementById(prefix+name);
// for reordering column array (Konqueror workaround)
// and for setting some message list global variables
this.set_message_coltypes = function(listcols, repl, smart_col)
var list = this.message_list,
thead = list ? list.thead : null,
repl, cell, col, n, len, tr;
this.env.listcols = listcols;
// replace old column headers
if (thead) {
if (repl) {
thead.innerHTML = '';
tr = document.createElement('tr');
for (c=0, len=repl.length; c < len; c++) {
cell = document.createElement('td');
cell.innerHTML = repl[c].html || '';
if (repl[c].id) = repl[c].id;
if (repl[c].className) cell.className = repl[c].className;
for (n=0, len=this.env.listcols.length; n<len; n++) {
col = this.env.listcols[n];
if ((cell = thead.rows[0].cells[n]) && (col == 'from' || col == 'to' || col == 'fromto')) {
$(cell).attr('rel', col).find('span,a').text(this.get_label(col == 'fromto' ? smart_col : col));
this.env.subject_col = null;
this.env.flagged_col = null;
this.env.status_col = null;
if (this.env.coltypes.folder)
this.env.coltypes.folder.hidden = !(this.env.search_request || this.env.search_id) || this.env.search_scope == 'base';
if ((n = $.inArray('subject', this.env.listcols)) >= 0) {
this.env.subject_col = n;
if (list)
list.subject_col = n;
if ((n = $.inArray('flag', this.env.listcols)) >= 0)
this.env.flagged_col = n;
if ((n = $.inArray('status', this.env.listcols)) >= 0)
this.env.status_col = n;
if (list) {
list.hide_column('folder', (this.env.coltypes.folder && this.env.coltypes.folder.hidden) || $.inArray('folder', this.env.listcols) < 0);
// replace content of row count display
this.set_rowcount = function(text, mbox)
// #1487752
if (mbox && mbox != this.env.mailbox)
return false;
// update page navigation buttons
// replace content of mailboxname display
this.set_mailboxname = function(content)
if (this.gui_objects.mailboxname && content)
this.gui_objects.mailboxname.innerHTML = content;
// replace content of quota display
this.set_quota = function(content)
if (this.gui_objects.quotadisplay && content && content.type == 'text')
$(this.gui_objects.quotadisplay).html(content.percent+'%').attr('title', content.title);
this.triggerEvent('setquota', content);
this.env.quota_content = content;
// update trash folder state
this.set_trash_count = function(count)
this[(count ? 'un' : '') + 'mark_folder'](this.env.trash_mailbox, 'empty', '', true);
// update the mailboxlist
this.set_unread_count = function(mbox, count, set_title, mark)
if (!this.gui_objects.mailboxlist)
return false;
this.env.unread_counts[mbox] = count;
this.set_unread_count_display(mbox, set_title);
if (mark)
this.mark_folder(mbox, mark, '', true);
else if (!count)
this.unmark_folder(mbox, 'recent', '', true);
// update the mailbox count display
this.set_unread_count_display = function(mbox, set_title)
var reg, link, text_obj, item, mycount, childcount, div;
if (item = this.get_folder_li(mbox, '', true)) {
mycount = this.env.unread_counts[mbox] ? this.env.unread_counts[mbox] : 0;
link = $(item).children('a').eq(0);
text_obj = link.children('span.unreadcount');
if (!text_obj.length && mycount)
text_obj = $('<span>').addClass('unreadcount').appendTo(link);
reg = /\s+\([0-9]+\)$/i;
childcount = 0;
if ((div = item.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]) &&
div.className.match(/collapsed/)) {
// add children's counters
for (var k in this.env.unread_counts)
if (k.startsWith(mbox + this.env.delimiter))
childcount += this.env.unread_counts[k];
if (mycount && text_obj.length)
text_obj.html(this.env.unreadwrap.replace(/%[sd]/, mycount));
else if (text_obj.length)
// set parent's display
reg = new RegExp(RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter) + '[^' + RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter) + ']+$');
if (mbox.match(reg))
this.set_unread_count_display(mbox.replace(reg, ''), false);
// set the right classes
if ((mycount+childcount)>0)
// set unread count to window title
reg = /^\([0-9]+\)\s+/i;
if (set_title && document.title) {
var new_title = '',
doc_title = String(document.title);
if (mycount && doc_title.match(reg))
new_title = doc_title.replace(reg, '('+mycount+') ');
else if (mycount)
new_title = '('+mycount+') '+doc_title;
new_title = doc_title.replace(reg, '');
// display fetched raw headers
this.set_headers = function(content)
if (this.gui_objects.all_headers_row && this.gui_objects.all_headers_box && content)
// display all-headers row and fetch raw message headers
this.show_headers = function(props, elem)
if (!this.gui_objects.all_headers_row || !this.gui_objects.all_headers_box || !this.env.uid)
elem.onclick = function() { rcmail.command('hide-headers', '', elem); };
// fetch headers only once
if (!this.gui_objects.all_headers_box.innerHTML) {
this.http_post('headers', {_uid: this.env.uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox},
this.display_message(this.get_label('loading'), 'loading')
// hide all-headers row
this.hide_headers = function(props, elem)
if (!this.gui_objects.all_headers_row || !this.gui_objects.all_headers_box)
elem.onclick = function() { rcmail.command('show-headers', '', elem); };
// create folder selector popup, position and display it
this.folder_selector = function(obj, callback)
var container = this.folder_selector_element;
if (!container) {
var rows = [],
delim = this.env.delimiter,
ul = $('<ul class="toolbarmenu iconized">'),
li = document.createElement('li'),
link = document.createElement('a'),
span = document.createElement('span');
container = $('<div id="folder-selector" class="popupmenu"></div>');
link.href = '#';
link.className = 'icon';
// loop over sorted folders list
$.each(this.env.mailboxes_list, function() {
var tmp, n = 0, s = 0,
folder = ref.env.mailboxes[this],
id =,
a = link.cloneNode(false), row = li.cloneNode(false);
if (folder.virtual)
a.className += ' virtual';
else {
a.className += ' active';
a.onclick = function() { container.hide().data('callback')(; };
if (folder['class'])
a.className += ' ' + folder['class'];
// calculate/set indentation level
while ((s = id.indexOf(delim, s)) >= 0) {
n++; s++;
} = n ? (n * 16) + 'px' : 0;
// add folder name element
tmp = span.cloneNode(false);
// temporarily show element to calculate its size
container.css({left: '-1000px', top: '-1000px'})
// set max-height if the list is long
if (rows.length > 10)
container.css('max-height', $('li', container)[0].offsetHeight * 10 + 9)
// hide selector on click out of selector element
var fn = function(e) { if ( != container.get(0)) container.hide(); };
$(document.body).on('mouseup', fn);
$('iframe').contents().on('mouseup', fn)
.load(function(e) { try { $(this).contents().on('mouseup', fn); } catch(e) {}; });
this.folder_selector_element = container;
// position menu on the screen
this.element_position(container, obj);'callback', callback);
// position a menu element on the screen in relation to other object
this.element_position = function(element, obj)
var obj = $(obj), win = $(window),
width = obj.outerWidth(),
height = obj.outerHeight(),
menu_pos ='menu-pos'),
win_height = win.height(),
elem_height = $(element).height(),
elem_width = $(element).width(),
pos = obj.offset(),
top =,
left = pos.left + width;
if (menu_pos == 'bottom') {
top += height;
left -= width;
left -= 5;
if (top + elem_height > win_height) {
top -= elem_height - height;
if (top < 0)
top = Math.max(0, (win_height - elem_height) / 2);
if (left + elem_width > win.width())
left -= elem_width + width;
element.css({left: left + 'px', top: top + 'px'});
/********* html to text conversion functions *********/
this.html2plain = function(htmlText, id)
var url = '?_task=utils&_action=html2text',
lock = this.set_busy(true, 'converting');
this.log('HTTP POST: ' + url);
$.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: htmlText, contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
error: function(o, status, err) { ref.http_error(o, status, err, lock); },
success: function(data) { ref.set_busy(false, null, lock); $('#'+id).val(data); ref.log(data); }
this.plain2html = function(plain, id)
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'converting');
plain = plain.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
$('#'+id).val(plain ? '<pre>'+plain+'</pre>' : '');
this.set_busy(false, null, lock);
/********* remote request methods *********/
// compose a valid url with the given parameters
this.url = function(action, query)
var querystring = typeof query === 'string' ? '&' + query : '';
if (typeof action !== 'string')
query = action;
else if (!query || typeof query !== 'object')
query = {};
if (action)
query._action = action;
else if (this.env.action)
query._action = this.env.action;
var base = this.env.comm_path, k, param = {};
// overwrite task name
if (action && action.match(/([a-z0-9_-]+)\/([a-z0-9-_.]+)/)) {
query._action = RegExp.$2;
base = base.replace(/\_task=[a-z0-9_-]+/, '_task='+RegExp.$1);
// remove undefined values
for (k in query) {
if (query[k] !== undefined && query[k] !== null)
param[k] = query[k];
return base + (base.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + $.param(param) + querystring;
this.redirect = function(url, lock)
if (lock || lock === null)
if (this.is_framed()) {
parent.rcmail.redirect(url, lock);
else {
if (this.env.extwin) {
if (typeof url == 'string')
url += (url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&') + '_extwin=1';
url._extwin = 1;
this.location_href(url, window);
this.goto_url = function(action, query, lock)
this.redirect(this.url(action, query), lock);
this.location_href = function(url, target, frame)
if (frame)
if (typeof url == 'object')
url = this.env.comm_path + '&' + $.param(url);
// simulate real link click to force IE to send referer header
if ( && target == window)
$('<a>').attr('href', url).appendTo(document.body).get(0).click();
target.location.href = url;
// reset keep-alive interval
// send a http request to the server
this.http_request = function(action, query, lock)
var url = this.url(action, query);
// trigger plugin hook
var result = this.triggerEvent('request'+action, query);
if (result !== undefined) {
// abort if one the handlers returned false
if (result === false)
return false;
url = this.url(action, result);
url += '&_remote=1';
// send request
this.log('HTTP GET: ' + url);
// reset keep-alive interval
return $.ajax({
type: 'GET', url: url, data: { _unlock:(lock?lock:0) }, dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){ ref.http_response(data); },
error: function(o, status, err) { ref.http_error(o, status, err, lock, action); }
// send a http POST request to the server
this.http_post = function(action, postdata, lock)
var url = this.url(action);
if (postdata && typeof postdata === 'object') {
postdata._remote = 1;
postdata._unlock = (lock ? lock : 0);
postdata += (postdata ? '&' : '') + '_remote=1' + (lock ? '&_unlock='+lock : '');
// trigger plugin hook
var result = this.triggerEvent('request'+action, postdata);
if (result !== undefined) {
// abort if one of the handlers returned false
if (result === false)
return false;
postdata = result;
// send request
this.log('HTTP POST: ' + url);
// reset keep-alive interval
return $.ajax({
type: 'POST', url: url, data: postdata, dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){ ref.http_response(data); },
error: function(o, status, err) { ref.http_error(o, status, err, lock, action); }
// aborts ajax request
this.abort_request = function(r)
if (r.request)
if (r.lock)
this.set_busy(false, null, r.lock);
// handle HTTP response
this.http_response = function(response)
if (!response)
if (response.unlock)
this.triggerEvent('responsebefore', {response: response});
this.triggerEvent('responsebefore'+response.action, {response: response});
// set env vars
if (response.env)
// we have labels to add
if (typeof response.texts === 'object') {
for (var name in response.texts)
if (typeof response.texts[name] === 'string')
this.add_label(name, response.texts[name]);
// if we get javascript code from server -> execute it
if (response.exec) {
// execute callback functions of plugins
if (response.callbacks && response.callbacks.length) {
for (var i=0; i < response.callbacks.length; i++)
this.triggerEvent(response.callbacks[i][0], response.callbacks[i][1]);
// process the response data according to the sent action
switch (response.action) {
case 'delete':
if (this.task == 'addressbook') {
var sid, uid = this.contact_list.get_selection(), writable = false;
if (uid && this.contact_list.rows[uid]) {
// search results, get source ID from record ID
if (this.env.source == '') {
sid = String(uid).replace(/^[^-]+-/, '');
writable = sid && this.env.address_sources[sid] && !this.env.address_sources[sid].readonly;
else {
writable = !this.env.address_sources[this.env.source].readonly;
this.enable_command('compose', (uid && this.contact_list.rows[uid]));
this.enable_command('delete', 'edit', writable);
this.enable_command('export', (this.contact_list && this.contact_list.rowcount > 0));
this.enable_command('export-selected', false);
case 'move':
if (this.env.action == 'show') {
// re-enable commands on move/delete error
this.enable_command(this.env.message_commands, true);
if (!this.env.list_post)
this.enable_command('reply-list', false);
else if (this.task == 'addressbook') {
this.triggerEvent('listupdate', { folder:this.env.source, rowcount:this.contact_list.rowcount });
case 'purge':
case 'expunge':
if (this.task == 'mail') {
if (!this.env.exists) {
// clear preview pane content
if (this.env.contentframe)
// disable commands useless when mailbox is empty
this.enable_command(this.env.message_commands, 'purge', 'expunge',
'select-all', 'select-none', 'expand-all', 'expand-unread', 'collapse-all', false);
if (this.message_list)
this.triggerEvent('listupdate', { folder:this.env.mailbox, rowcount:this.message_list.rowcount });
case 'refresh':
case 'check-recent':
// update message flags
$.each(this.env.recent_flags || {}, function(uid, flags) {
ref.set_message(uid, 'deleted', flags.deleted);
ref.set_message(uid, 'replied', flags.answered);
ref.set_message(uid, 'unread', !flags.seen);
ref.set_message(uid, 'forwarded', flags.forwarded);
ref.set_message(uid, 'flagged', flags.flagged);
delete this.env.recent_flags;
case 'getunread':
case 'search':
this.env.qsearch = null;
case 'list':
if (this.task == 'mail') {
var is_multifolder = this.is_multifolder_listing();
this.enable_command('show', 'select-all', 'select-none', this.env.messagecount > 0);
this.enable_command('expunge', this.env.exists && !is_multifolder);
this.enable_command('purge', this.purge_mailbox_test() && !is_multifolder);
this.enable_command('import-messages', !is_multifolder);
this.enable_command('expand-all', 'expand-unread', 'collapse-all', this.env.threading && this.env.messagecount && !is_multifolder);
this.enable_command('set-listmode', this.env.threads && !is_multifolder);
if ((response.action == 'list' || response.action == 'search') && this.message_list) {
this.triggerEvent('listupdate', { folder:this.env.mailbox, rowcount:this.message_list.rowcount });
else if (this.task == 'addressbook') {
this.enable_command('export', (this.contact_list && this.contact_list.rowcount > 0));
if (response.action == 'list' || response.action == 'search') {
this.enable_command('search-create', this.env.source == '');
this.enable_command('search-delete', this.env.search_id);
this.triggerEvent('listupdate', { folder:this.env.source, rowcount:this.contact_list.rowcount });
if (response.unlock)
this.triggerEvent('responseafter', {response: response});
this.triggerEvent('responseafter'+response.action, {response: response});
// reset keep-alive interval
// handle HTTP request errors
this.http_error = function(request, status, err, lock, action)
var errmsg = request.statusText;
this.set_busy(false, null, lock);
// don't display error message on page unload (#1488547)
if (this.unload)
if (request.status && errmsg)
this.display_message(this.get_label('servererror') + ' (' + errmsg + ')', 'error');
else if (status == 'timeout')
this.display_message(this.get_label('requesttimedout'), 'error');
else if (request.status == 0 && status != 'abort')
this.display_message(this.get_label('connerror'), 'error');
// redirect to url specified in location header if not empty
var location_url = request.getResponseHeader("Location");
if (location_url && this.env.action != 'compose') // don't redirect on compose screen, contents might get lost (#1488926)
// 403 Forbidden response (CSRF prevention) - reload the page.
// In case there's a new valid session it will be used, otherwise
// login form will be presented (#1488960).
if (request.status == 403) {
(this.is_framed() ? parent : window).location.reload();
// re-send keep-alive requests after 30 seconds
if (action == 'keep-alive')
setTimeout(function(){ ref.keep_alive(); ref.start_keepalive(); }, 30000);
// handler for session errors detected on the server
this.session_error = function(redirect_url)
this.env.server_error = 401;
// save message in local storage and do not redirect
if (this.env.action == 'compose') {
else if (redirect_url) {
window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.redirect(redirect_url, true); }, 2000);
// callback when an iframe finished loading
this.iframe_loaded = function(unlock)
this.set_busy(false, null, unlock);
if (this.submit_timer)
Send multi-threaded parallel HTTP requests to the server for a list if items.
The string '%' in either a GET query or POST parameters will be replaced with the respective item value.
This is the argument object expected: {
items: ['foo','bar','gna'], // list of items to send requests for
action: 'task/some-action', // Roudncube action to call
query: { q:'%s' }, // GET query parameters
postdata: { source:'%s' }, // POST data (sends a POST request if present)
threads: 3, // max. number of concurrent requests
onresponse: function(data){ }, // Callback function called for every response received from server
whendone: function(alldata){ } // Callback function called when all requests have been sent
this.multi_thread_http_request = function(prop)
var i, item, reqid = new Date().getTime(),
threads = prop.threads || 1;
prop.reqid = reqid;
prop.running = 0;
prop.requests = [];
prop.result = [];
prop._items = $.extend([], prop.items); // copy items
if (!prop.lock)
prop.lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('loading'), 'loading');
// add the request arguments to the jobs pool
this.http_request_jobs[reqid] = prop;
// start n threads
for (i=0; i < threads; i++) {
item = prop._items.shift();
if (item === undefined)
prop.requests.push(this.multi_thread_send_request(prop, item));
return reqid;
// helper method to send an HTTP request with the given iterator value
this.multi_thread_send_request = function(prop, item)
var postdata, query;
// replace %s in post data
if (prop.postdata) {
postdata = {};
for (var k in prop.postdata) {
postdata[k] = String(prop.postdata[k]).replace('%s', item);
postdata._reqid = prop.reqid;
// replace %s in query
else if (typeof prop.query == 'string') {
query = prop.query.replace('%s', item);
query += '&_reqid=' + prop.reqid;
else if (typeof prop.query == 'object' && prop.query) {
query = {};
for (var k in prop.query) {
query[k] = String(prop.query[k]).replace('%s', item);
query._reqid = prop.reqid;
// send HTTP GET or POST request
return postdata ? this.http_post(prop.action, postdata) : this.http_request(prop.action, query);
// callback function for multi-threaded http responses
this.multi_thread_http_response = function(data, reqid)
var prop = this.http_request_jobs[reqid];
if (!prop || prop.running <= 0 || prop.cancelled)
// trigger response callback
if (prop.onresponse && typeof prop.onresponse == 'function') {
prop.result = $.extend(prop.result, data);
// send next request if prop.items is not yet empty
var item = prop._items.shift();
if (item !== undefined) {
prop.requests.push(this.multi_thread_send_request(prop, item));
// trigger whendone callback and mark this request as done
else if (prop.running == 0) {
if (prop.whendone && typeof prop.whendone == 'function') {
this.set_busy(false, '', prop.lock);
// remove from this.http_request_jobs pool
delete this.http_request_jobs[reqid];
// abort a running multi-thread request with the given identifier
this.multi_thread_request_abort = function(reqid)
var prop = this.http_request_jobs[reqid];
if (prop) {
for (var i=0; prop.running > 0 && i < prop.requests.length; i++) {
if (prop.requests[i].abort)
prop.running = 0;
prop.cancelled = true;
this.set_busy(false, '', prop.lock);
// post the given form to a hidden iframe
this.async_upload_form = function(form, action, onload)
var frame, ts = new Date().getTime(),
frame_name = 'rcmupload'+ts;
// upload progress support
if (this.env.upload_progress_name) {
var fname = this.env.upload_progress_name,
field = $('input[name='+fname+']', form);
if (!field.length) {
field = $('<input>').attr({type: 'hidden', name: fname});
// have to do it this way for IE
// otherwise the form will be posted to a new window
if (document.all) {
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('BeforeEnd', '<iframe name="'+frame_name+'"'
+ ' src="program/resources/blank.gif" style="width:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;"></iframe>');
frame = $('iframe[name="'+frame_name+'"]');
// for standards-compliant browsers
else {
frame = $('<iframe>').attr('name', frame_name)
.css({border: 'none', width: 0, height: 0, visibility: 'hidden'})
// handle upload errors, parsing iframe content in onload
frame.bind('load', {ts:ts}, onload);
target: frame_name,
action: this.url(action, { _id:this.env.compose_id||'', _uploadid:ts }),
method: 'POST'})
.attr(form.encoding ? 'encoding' : 'enctype', 'multipart/form-data')
return frame_name;
// html5 file-drop API
this.document_drag_hover = function(e, over)
this.file_drag_hover = function(e, over)
// handler when files are dropped to a designated area.
// compose a multipart form data and submit it to the server
this.file_dropped = function(e)
// abort event and reset UI
this.file_drag_hover(e, false);
// prepare multipart form data composition
var files = || e.dataTransfer.files,
formdata = window.FormData ? new FormData() : null,
fieldname = (this.env.filedrop.fieldname || '_file') + (this.env.filedrop.single ? '' : '[]'),
boundary = '------multipartformboundary' + (new Date).getTime(),
dashdash = '--', crlf = '\r\n',
multipart = dashdash + boundary + crlf;
if (!files || !files.length)
// inline function to submit the files to the server
var submit_data = function() {
var multiple = files.length > 1,
ts = new Date().getTime(),
content = '<span>' + (multiple ? ref.get_label('uploadingmany') : files[0].name) + '</span>';
// add to attachments list
if (!ref.add2attachment_list(ts, { name:'', html:content, classname:'uploading', complete:false }))
ref.file_upload_id = ref.set_busy(true, 'uploading');
// complete multipart content and post request
multipart += dashdash + boundary + dashdash + crlf;
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
url: ref.url(ref.env.filedrop.action||'upload', { _id:ref.env.compose_id||ref.env.cid||'', _uploadid:ts, _remote:1 }),
contentType: formdata ? false : 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary,
processData: false,
timeout: 0, // disable default timeout set in ajaxSetup()
data: formdata || multipart,
headers: {'X-Roundcube-Request': ref.env.request_token},
xhr: function() { var xhr = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr(); if (!formdata && xhr.sendAsBinary) xhr.send = xhr.sendAsBinary; return xhr; },
success: function(data){ ref.http_response(data); },
error: function(o, status, err) { ref.http_error(o, status, err, null, 'attachment'); }
// get contents of all dropped files
var last = this.env.filedrop.single ? 0 : files.length - 1;
for (var j=0, i=0, f; j <= last && (f = files[i]); i++) {
if (! = f.fileName;
if (!f.size) f.size = f.fileSize;
if (!f.type) f.type = 'application/octet-stream';
// file name contains non-ASCII characters, do UTF8-binary string conversion.
if (!formdata && /[^\x20-\x7E]/.test(
f.name_bin = unescape(encodeURIComponent(;
// filter by file type if requested
if (this.env.filedrop.filter && !f.type.match(new RegExp(this.env.filedrop.filter))) {
// TODO: show message to user
// do it the easy way with FormData (FF 4+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+)
if (formdata) {
formdata.append(fieldname, f);
if (j == last)
return submit_data();
// use FileReader supporetd by Firefox 3.6
else if (window.FileReader) {
var reader = new FileReader();
// closure to pass file properties to async callback function
reader.onload = (function(file, j) {
return function(e) {
multipart += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + fieldname + '"';
multipart += '; filename="' + (f.name_bin || + '"' + crlf;
multipart += 'Content-Length: ' + file.size + crlf;
multipart += 'Content-Type: ' + file.type + crlf + crlf;
multipart += reader.result + crlf;
multipart += dashdash + boundary + crlf;
if (j == last) // we're done, submit the data
return submit_data();
// Firefox 3
else if (f.getAsBinary) {
multipart += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + fieldname + '"';
multipart += '; filename="' + (f.name_bin || + '"' + crlf;
multipart += 'Content-Length: ' + f.size + crlf;
multipart += 'Content-Type: ' + f.type + crlf + crlf;
multipart += f.getAsBinary() + crlf;
multipart += dashdash + boundary +crlf;
if (j == last)
return submit_data();
// starts interval for keep-alive signal
this.start_keepalive = function()
if (!this.env.session_lifetime || this.env.framed || this.env.extwin || this.task == 'login' || this.env.action == 'print')
if (this._keepalive)
this._keepalive = setInterval(function(){ ref.keep_alive(); }, this.env.session_lifetime * 0.5 * 1000);
// starts interval for refresh signal
this.start_refresh = function()
if (!this.env.refresh_interval || this.env.framed || this.env.extwin || this.task == 'login' || this.env.action == 'print')
if (this._refresh)
this._refresh = setInterval(function(){ ref.refresh(); }, this.env.refresh_interval * 1000);
// sends keep-alive signal
this.keep_alive = function()
if (!this.busy)
// sends refresh signal
this.refresh = function()
if (this.busy) {
// try again after 10 seconds
setTimeout(function(){ ref.refresh(); ref.start_refresh(); }, 10000);
var params = {}, lock = this.set_busy(true, 'refreshing');
if (this.task == 'mail' && this.gui_objects.mailboxlist)
params = this.check_recent_params();
params._last = Math.floor(this.env.lastrefresh.getTime() / 1000);
this.env.lastrefresh = new Date();
// plugins should bind to 'requestrefresh' event to add own params
this.http_post('refresh', params, lock);
// returns check-recent request parameters
this.check_recent_params = function()
var params = {_mbox: this.env.mailbox};
if (this.gui_objects.mailboxlist)
params._folderlist = 1;
if (this.gui_objects.quotadisplay)
params._quota = 1;
if (this.env.search_request)
params._search = this.env.search_request;
if (this.gui_objects.messagelist) {
params._list = 1;
// message uids for flag updates check
params._uids = $.map(this.message_list.rows, function(row, uid) { return uid; }).join(',');
return params;
/********* helper methods *********/
* Quote html entities
this.quote_html = function(str)
return String(str).replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
// get window.opener.rcmail if available
this.opener = function()
// catch Error: Permission denied to access property rcmail
try {
if (window.opener && !opener.closed && opener.rcmail)
return opener.rcmail;
catch (e) {}
// check if we're in show mode or if we have a unique selection
// and return the message uid
this.get_single_uid = function()
return this.env.uid ? this.env.uid : (this.message_list ? this.message_list.get_single_selection() : null);
// same as above but for contacts
this.get_single_cid = function()
return this.env.cid ? this.env.cid : (this.contact_list ? this.contact_list.get_single_selection() : null);
// get the IMP mailbox of the message with the given UID
this.get_message_mailbox = function(uid)
var msg = this.env.messages ? this.env.messages[uid] : {};
return msg.mbox || this.env.mailbox;
// gets cursor position
this.get_caret_pos = function(obj)
if (obj.selectionEnd !== undefined)
return obj.selectionEnd;
if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
if (range.parentElement() != obj)
return 0;
var gm = range.duplicate();
if (obj.tagName == 'TEXTAREA')
gm.setEndPoint('EndToStart', range);
var p = gm.text.length;
return p <= obj.value.length ? p : -1;
return obj.value.length;
// moves cursor to specified position
this.set_caret_pos = function(obj, pos)
if (obj.setSelectionRange)
obj.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
else if (obj.createTextRange) {
var range = obj.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', pos);
range.moveStart('character', pos);;
// get selected text from an input field
this.get_input_selection = function(obj)
var start = 0, end = 0,
normalizedValue, range,
textInputRange, len, endRange;
if (typeof obj.selectionStart == "number" && typeof obj.selectionEnd == "number") {
normalizedValue = obj.value;
start = obj.selectionStart;
end = obj.selectionEnd;
else {
range = document.selection.createRange();
if (range && range.parentElement() == obj) {
len = obj.value.length;
normalizedValue = obj.value; //.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
// create a working TextRange that lives only in the input
textInputRange = obj.createTextRange();
// Check if the start and end of the selection are at the very end
// of the input, since moveStart/moveEnd doesn't return what we want
// in those cases
endRange = obj.createTextRange();
if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", endRange) > -1) {
start = end = len;
else {
start = -textInputRange.moveStart("character", -len);
start += normalizedValue.slice(0, start).split("\n").length - 1;
if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", endRange) > -1) {
end = len;
else {
end = -textInputRange.moveEnd("character", -len);
end += normalizedValue.slice(0, end).split("\n").length - 1;
return { start:start, end:end, text:normalizedValue.substr(start, end-start) };
// disable/enable all fields of a form
this.lock_form = function(form, lock)
if (!form || !form.elements)
var n, len, elm;
if (lock)
this.disabled_form_elements = [];
for (n=0, len=form.elements.length; n<len; n++) {
elm = form.elements[n];
if (elm.type == 'hidden')
// remember which elem was disabled before lock
if (lock && elm.disabled)
// check this.disabled_form_elements before inArray() as a workaround for FF5 bug
else if (lock || (this.disabled_form_elements && $.inArray(elm, this.disabled_form_elements)<0))
elm.disabled = lock;
this.mailto_handler_uri = function()
return location.href.split('?')[0] + '?_task=mail&_action=compose&_to=%s';
this.register_protocol_handler = function(name)
try {
window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler('mailto', this.mailto_handler_uri(), name);
catch(e) {
this.display_message(String(e), 'error');
this.check_protocol_handler = function(name, elem)
var nav = window.navigator;
if (!nav || (typeof nav.registerProtocolHandler != 'function')) {
$(elem).addClass('disabled').click(function(){ return false; });
else {
var status = null;
if (typeof nav.isProtocolHandlerRegistered == 'function') {
status = nav.isProtocolHandlerRegistered('mailto', this.mailto_handler_uri());
if (status)
else {
$(elem).click(function() { rcmail.register_protocol_handler(name); return false; });
// Checks browser capabilities eg. PDF support, TIF support
this.browser_capabilities_check = function()
if (!this.env.browser_capabilities)
this.env.browser_capabilities = {};
if (this.env.browser_capabilities.pdf === undefined)
this.env.browser_capabilities.pdf = this.pdf_support_check();
if (this.env.browser_capabilities.flash === undefined)
this.env.browser_capabilities.flash = this.flash_support_check();
if (this.env.browser_capabilities.tif === undefined)
// Returns browser capabilities string
this.browser_capabilities = function()
if (!this.env.browser_capabilities)
return '';
var n, ret = [];
for (n in this.env.browser_capabilities)
ret.push(n + '=' + this.env.browser_capabilities[n]);
return ret.join();
this.tif_support_check = function()
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() { rcmail.env.browser_capabilities.tif = 1; };
img.onerror = function() { rcmail.env.browser_capabilities.tif = 0; };
img.src = 'program/resources/blank.tif';
this.pdf_support_check = function()
var plugin = navigator.mimeTypes ? navigator.mimeTypes["application/pdf"] : {},
plugins = navigator.plugins,
len = plugins.length,
regex = /Adobe Reader|PDF|Acrobat/i;
if (plugin && plugin.enabledPlugin)
return 1;
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
try {
if (axObj = new ActiveXObject("AcroPDF.PDF"))
return 1;
catch (e) {}
try {
if (axObj = new ActiveXObject("PDF.PdfCtrl"))
return 1;
catch (e) {}
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
plugin = plugins[i];
if (typeof plugin === 'String') {
if (regex.test(plugin))
return 1;
else if ( && regex.test(
return 1;
return 0;
this.flash_support_check = function()
var plugin = navigator.mimeTypes ? navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"] : {};
if (plugin && plugin.enabledPlugin)
return 1;
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
try {
if (axObj = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"))
return 1;
catch (e) {}
return 0;
// Cookie setter
this.set_cookie = function(name, value, expires)
setCookie(name, value, expires, this.env.cookie_path, this.env.cookie_domain, this.env.cookie_secure);
this.get_local_storage_prefix = function()
if (!this.local_storage_prefix)
this.local_storage_prefix = 'roundcube.' + (this.env.user_id || 'anonymous') + '.';
return this.local_storage_prefix;
// wrapper for localStorage.getItem(key)
this.local_storage_get_item = function(key, deflt, encrypted)
// TODO: add encryption
var item = localStorage.getItem(this.get_local_storage_prefix() + key);
return item !== null ? JSON.parse(item) : (deflt || null);
// wrapper for localStorage.setItem(key, data)
this.local_storage_set_item = function(key, data, encrypted)
// TODO: add encryption
return localStorage.setItem(this.get_local_storage_prefix() + key, JSON.stringify(data));
// wrapper for localStorage.removeItem(key)
this.local_storage_remove_item = function(key)
return localStorage.removeItem(this.get_local_storage_prefix() + key);
} // end object rcube_webmail
// some static methods
rcube_webmail.long_subject_title = function(elem, indent)
if (!elem.title) {
var $elem = $(elem);
if ($elem.width() + (indent || 0) * 15 > $elem.parent().width())
elem.title = $elem.text();
rcube_webmail.long_subject_title_ex = function(elem)
if (!elem.title) {
var $elem = $(elem),
txt = $.trim($elem.text()),
tmp = $('<span>').text(txt)
.css({'position': 'absolute', 'float': 'left', 'visibility': 'hidden',
'font-size': $elem.css('font-size'), 'font-weight': $elem.css('font-weight')})
w = tmp.width();
if (w + $('span.branch', $elem).width() * 15 > $elem.width())
elem.title = txt;
rcube_webmail.prototype.get_cookie = getCookie;
// copy event engine prototype
rcube_webmail.prototype.addEventListener = rcube_event_engine.prototype.addEventListener;
rcube_webmail.prototype.removeEventListener = rcube_event_engine.prototype.removeEventListener;
rcube_webmail.prototype.triggerEvent = rcube_event_engine.prototype.triggerEvent;
diff --git a/skins/larry/includes/header.html b/skins/larry/includes/header.html
index 8ce784b02..4692913fa 100644
--- a/skins/larry/includes/header.html
+++ b/skins/larry/includes/header.html
@@ -1,37 +1,39 @@
-<div id="header" role="banner">
-<div id="topline">
+<div id="header">
+<div id="topline" role="banner" aria-labelledby="aria-label-topnav">
+ <h2 id="aria-label-topnav" class="voice">Window Control</h2>
<div class="topleft">
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<div id="topnav">
- <div id="taskbar" class="topright" role="navigation" aria-label="Application Tasks">
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- <roundcube:container name="taskbar" id="taskbar" />
- <roundcube:button command="settings" label="settings" class="button-settings" classSel="button-settings button-selected" innerClass="button-inner" />
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- <span class="minmodetoggle"></span>
+ <h2 id="aria-label-tasknav" class="voice">Application Tasks</h2>
+ <div id="taskbar" class="topright" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="aria-label-tasknav">
+ <roundcube:button command="mail" label="mail" class="button-mail" classSel="button-mail button-selected" innerClass="button-inner" />
+ <roundcube:button command="addressbook" label="addressbook" class="button-addressbook" classSel="button-addressbook button-selected" innerClass="button-inner" />
+ <roundcube:container name="taskbar" id="taskbar" />
+ <roundcube:button command="settings" label="settings" class="button-settings" classSel="button-settings button-selected" innerClass="button-inner" />
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+ <span class="minmodetoggle"></span>
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<br style="clear:both" />
diff --git a/skins/larry/includes/mailtoolbar.html b/skins/larry/includes/mailtoolbar.html
index 5efea7cf7..d73fa7dba 100644
--- a/skins/larry/includes/mailtoolbar.html
+++ b/skins/larry/includes/mailtoolbar.html
@@ -1,58 +1,62 @@
<roundcube:button command="compose" type="link" class="button compose disabled" classAct="button compose" classSel="button compose pressed" label="compose" title="writenewmessage" />
<span class="spacer"></span>
<roundcube:button command="reply" type="link" class="button reply disabled" classAct="button reply" classSel="button reply pressed" label="reply" title="replytomessage" />
<span class="dropbutton">
<roundcube:button command="reply-all" type="link" class="button reply-all disabled" classAct="button reply-all" classSel="button reply-all pressed" label="replyall" title="replytoallmessage" />
- <span class="dropbuttontip" id="replyallmenulink" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('replyallmenu',event);return false"></span>
+ <a href="#reply-all" class="dropbuttontip" id="replyallmenulink" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('replyallmenu',event);return false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="replyallmenu-menu" tabindex="0">Reply-all options</a>
<span class="dropbutton">
<roundcube:button command="forward" type="link" class="button forward disabled" classAct="button forward" classSel="button forward pressed" label="forward" title="forwardmessage" />
- <span class="dropbuttontip" id="forwardmenulink" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('forwardmenu',event);return false"></span>
+ <a href="#reply-all" class="dropbuttontip" id="forwardmenulink" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('forwardmenu',event);return false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="forwardmenu-menu" tabindex="0">Forwarding options</a>
<roundcube:button command="delete" type="link" class="button delete disabled" classAct="button delete" classSel="button delete pressed" label="delete" title="deletemessage" />
<roundcube:if condition="template:name == 'message'" />
<roundcube:button command="move" type="link" class="button move disabled" classAct="button move" classSel="button move pressed" label="move" title="moveto" data-menu-pos="bottom" />
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+<roundcube:button name="markmenulink" id="markmessagemenulink" type="link" class="button markmessage" label="mark" title="markmessages" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('markmessagemenu',event);return false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="markmessagemenu-menu" />
+<roundcube:button name="messagemenulink" id="messagemenulink" type="link" class="button more" label="more" title="moreactions" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('messagemenu',event);return false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="messagemenu-menu" />
<div id="forwardmenu" class="popupmenu">
- <ul class="toolbarmenu" role="menu">
+ <h3 id="aria-label-forwardmenu" class="voice">Forwarding options</h3>
+ <ul class="toolbarmenu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="aria-label-forwardmenu">
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="forward-inline" label="forwardinline" prop="sub" classAct="forwardlink active" class="forwardlink" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="forward-attachment" label="forwardattachment" prop="sub" classAct="forwardattachmentlink active" class="forwardattachmentlink" /></li>
<roundcube:container name="forwardmenu" id="forwardmenu" />
<div id="replyallmenu" class="popupmenu">
- <ul class="toolbarmenu" role="menu">
+ <h3 id="aria-label-replyallmenu" class="voice">Reply-all options</h3>
+ <ul class="toolbarmenu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="aria-label-replyallmenu">
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="reply-all" label="replyall" prop="sub" class="replyalllink" classAct="replyalllink active" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="reply-list" label="replylist" prop="sub" class="replylistlink" classAct="replylistlink active" /></li>
<roundcube:container name="replyallmenu" id="replyallmenu" />
<div id="messagemenu" class="popupmenu">
- <ul class="toolbarmenu iconized" role="menu">
+ <h3 id="aria-label-messagemenu" class="voice">More message toolbar actions</h3>
+ <ul id="messagemenu-menu" class="toolbarmenu iconized" role="menu" aria-labelledby="aria-label-messagemenu">
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="print" label="printmessage" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon print" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="download" label="emlsave" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon download" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="edit" prop="new" label="editasnew" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon edit" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="viewsource" label="viewsource" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon viewsource" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="move" label="moveto" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon move folder-selector-link" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="copy" label="copyto" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon copy folder-selector-link" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="open" label="openinextwin" target="_blank" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon extwin" /></li>
<roundcube:container name="messagemenu" id="messagemenu" />
<div id="markmessagemenu" class="popupmenu">
- <ul class="toolbarmenu iconized" role="menu">
+ <h3 id="aria-label-markmessagemenu" class="voice">Mark selected messages as...</h3>
+ <ul id="markmessagemenu-menu" class="toolbarmenu iconized" role="menu" aria-labelledby="aria-label-markmessagemenu">
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="mark" prop="read" label="markread" classAct="icon active" class="icon" innerclass="icon read" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="mark" prop="unread" label="markunread" classAct="icon active" class="icon" innerclass="icon unread" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="mark" prop="flagged" label="markflagged" classAct="icon active" class="icon" innerclass="icon flagged" /></li>
<li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="mark" prop="unflagged" label="markunflagged" classAct="icon active" class="icon" innerclass="icon unflagged" /></li>
<roundcube:container name="markmenu" id="markmessagemenu" />
diff --git a/skins/larry/mail.css b/skins/larry/mail.css
index a3f7e7ba8..c0bd3db5b 100644
--- a/skins/larry/mail.css
+++ b/skins/larry/mail.css
@@ -1,1620 +1,1630 @@
* Roundcube webmail styles for the Email section
* Copyright (c) 2012, The Roundcube Dev Team
* Screendesign by FLINT / Büro für Gestaltung,
* The contents are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
* License. It is allowed to copy, distribute, transmit and to adapt the work
* by keeping credits to the original autors in the README file.
* See for details.
#mailview-left {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 220px;
bottom: 0;
z-index: 2;
#mailview-right {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 232px;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
z-index: 3;
#mailview-right.fullwidth {
left: 0;
#mailview-top {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0px;
overflow: visible; /* fixes display issues of fixed list header in IE */
#mailview-bottom {
display: none;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
height: 0;
border-radius: 4px;
border-top: none;
#composeview-right #mailview-bottom {
border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
#messagelistcontainer {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
bottom: 0;
#messagelistcontainer {
top: 0;
bottom: 30px;
overflow: auto;
/* Real browsers accept this (not IE) */
html>/**/body #messagelist {
overflow: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
#messagelistfooter {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
height: 22px;
padding: 4px 6px;
border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
background: #ebebeb;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ebebeb 0%, #c6c6c6 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#ebebeb), color-stop(100%,#c6c6c6));
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #ebebeb 0%, #c6c6c6 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ebebeb 0%, #c6c6c6 100%);
background: linear-gradient(top, #ebebeb 0%, #c6c6c6 100%);
border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
#messagelistfooter.rightalign {
text-align: right;
#messagelistfooter #countcontrols {
display: inline-block;
#messagelistfooter #listcontrols,
#messagelistfooter #listselectors {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 2em;
vertical-align: middle;
#messagelistfooter #listselectors .menuselector {
margin-top: -2px;
a.iconbutton.listmode {
width: 26px;
height: 20px;
background-position: 0 -477px;
a.iconbutton.threadmode {
width: 26px;
height: 20px;
background-position: 0 -497px;
a.iconbutton.listmode.selected {
background-position: -26px -477px;
a.iconbutton.threadmode.selected {
background-position: -26px -497px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox {
position: relative;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 6px 2px;
#mailboxlist > li:first-child {
border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
border-top: 0;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox a {
padding-left: 36px;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
background-image: url(images/listicons.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 6px 3px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.unread > a {
padding-right: 36px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.selected > a {
background-position: 6px -21px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.inbox > a {
background-position: 6px -189px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.inbox > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.inbox.selected > a {
background-position: 6px -213px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.drafts > a {
background-position: 6px -238px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.drafts > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.drafts.selected > a {
background-position: 6px -262px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.sent > a {
background-position: 6px -286px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.sent > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.sent.selected > a {
background-position: 6px -310px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.junk > a {
background-position: 6px -334px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.junk > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.junk.selected > a {
background-position: 6px -358px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.trash > a {
background-position: 6px -382px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.trash > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.trash.selected > a {
background-position: 6px -406px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.trash.empty > a {
background-position: 6px -1924px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.trash.empty > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.trash.empty.selected > a {
background-position: 6px -1948px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.archive > a {
background-position: 6px -1699px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.archive > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox.archive.selected > a {
background-position: 6px -1723px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.drafts > a {
background-position: 23px -238px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.drafts > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.drafts.selected > a {
background-position: 23px -262px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.sent > a {
background-position: 23px -286px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.sent > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.sent.selected > a {
background-position: 23px -310px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.junk > a {
background-position: 23px -334px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.junk > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.junk.selected > a {
background-position: 23px -358px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.trash > a {
background-position: 23px -382px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.trash > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.trash.selected > a {
background-position: 23px -406px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.trash.empty > a {
background-position: 23px -1924px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.trash.empty > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.trash.empty.selected > a {
background-position: 23px -1948px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.archive > a {
background-position: 23px -1699px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.archive > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.archive.selected > a {
background-position: 23px -1723px;
#mailboxlist li.unread {
font-weight: bold;
#mailboxlist li.virtual > a {
color: #aaa;
#mailboxlist li.recent > a {
color: #017cb4;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox div.treetoggle {
top: 13px;
left: 19px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li:last-child {
border-bottom: 0;
/* nested mailboxes */
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul {
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border-top: 1px solid #bbd3da;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li a {
padding-left: 52px; /* 36 + 1 x 16 */
background-position: 22px -93px; /* 6 + 1 x 16 */
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li.selected > a {
background-position: 22px -117px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul li div.treetoggle {
left: 33px;
top: 14px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul li.mailbox a {
padding-left: 68px; /* 2x */
background-position: 38px -93px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul li > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul li.selected > a {
background-position: 38px -117px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul li div.treetoggle {
left: 48px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul li.mailbox a {
padding-left: 84px; /* 3x */
background-position: 54px -93px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul li > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul li.selected > a {
background-position: 54px -117px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul li div.treetoggle {
left: 64px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul ul li.mailbox a {
padding-left: 100px; /* 4x */
background-position: 70px -93px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul ul li > a:focus,
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul ul li.selected > a {
background-position: 70px -117px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul ul li div.treetoggle {
left: 80px;
/* indent folders on levels > 4 */
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul ul ul li {
padding-left: 16px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox ul ul ul ul ul li div.treetoggle {
left: 96px;
#mailboxlist li.mailbox .unreadcount {
position: absolute;
top: 3px;
right: 6px;
min-width: 1.8em;
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/*** message list ***/
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width: 155px;
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font-weight: bold;
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height: 18px;
width: 20px;
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background: url(images/listicons.png) -100px 0 no-repeat;
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background-position: 0 1056px; /* no icon */
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cursor: pointer;
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width: 26px;
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width: 99%;
white-space: nowrap;
.messagelist tbody tr td.subject a {
cursor: default;
vertical-align: middle; /* #1487091 */
/* thread parent message with unread children */
.messagelist tbody tr.unroot td.subject a {
text-decoration: underline;
/**** tree indicators ****/
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display: inline-block;
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width: 15px;
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min-width: 16em;
/**** message view ****/
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padding: 0 0 3px 72px;
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/*** message composition ***/
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diff --git a/skins/larry/styles.css b/skins/larry/styles.css
index 4ef57e722..6c59b88d5 100644
--- a/skins/larry/styles.css
+++ b/skins/larry/styles.css
@@ -1,2761 +1,2780 @@
* Roundcube webmail styles for skin "Larry"
* Copyright (c) 2012, The Roundcube Dev Team
* Screendesign by FLINT / Büro für Gestaltung,
* The contents are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
* License. It is allowed to copy, distribute, transmit and to adapt the work
* by keeping credits to the original autors in the README file.
* See for details.
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/* reduce the damage in FF3.0 */
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<div id="messagesearchtools">
<!-- search filter -->
<div id="searchfilter">
- <roundcube:object name="searchfilter" class="searchfilter decorated" aria-controls="messagelist" />
+ <label for="messagessearchfilter" class="voice">Email listing filter</label>
+ <roundcube:object name="searchfilter" class="searchfilter decorated" id="messagessearchfilter" aria-controls="messagelist" />
<!-- search box -->
-<div id="quicksearchbar" class="searchbox" role="search" aria-label="Email message search form">
+<div id="quicksearchbar" class="searchbox" role="search" aria-labelledby="aria-label-searchform">
+<h2 id="aria-label-searchform" class="voice">Email message search form</h2>
+<label for="quicksearchbox" class="voice">Email search input</label>
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+<div id="searchmenu" class="popupmenu">
+ <h3 id="aria-label-searchmenu" class="voice"><roundcube:label name="searchmod" /></h3>
+ <ul class="toolbarmenu" id="searchmenu-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="aria-label-searchmenu">
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="checkbox" name="s_mods[]" value="subject" id="s_mod_subject" onclick="UI.set_searchmod(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="subject" /></span></label></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="checkbox" name="s_mods[]" value="from" id="s_mod_from" onclick="UI.set_searchmod(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="from" /></span></label></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="checkbox" name="s_mods[]" value="to" id="s_mod_to" onclick="UI.set_searchmod(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="to" /></span></label></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="checkbox" name="s_mods[]" value="cc" id="s_mod_cc" onclick="UI.set_searchmod(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="cc" /></span></label></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="checkbox" name="s_mods[]" value="bcc" id="s_mod_bcc" onclick="UI.set_searchmod(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="bcc" /></span></label></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="checkbox" name="s_mods[]" value="body" id="s_mod_body" onclick="UI.set_searchmod(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="body" /></span></label></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="checkbox" name="s_mods[]" value="text" id="s_mod_text" onclick="UI.set_searchmod(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="msgtext" /></span></label></li>
+ <li role="separator" class="separator"><label><roundcube:label name="searchscope" /></label></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="radio" name="s_scope" value="base" id="s_scope_base" onclick="UI.set_searchscope(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="currentfolder" /></span></label></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="radio" name="s_scope" value="sub" id="s_scope_sub" onclick="UI.set_searchscope(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="subfolders" /></span></label></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><label><input type="radio" name="s_scope" value="all" id="s_scope_all" onclick="UI.set_searchscope(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="allfolders" /></span></label></li>
+ </ul>
<div id="mainscreencontent">
<div id="mailview-left">
<!-- folders list -->
-<div id="mailboxcontainer" class="uibox listbox" role="navigation" aria-label="Email folder selection">
+<div id="mailboxcontainer" class="uibox listbox" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="aria-label-folderlist">
+<h2 id="aria-label-folderlist" class="voice">Email folder selection</h2>
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<div id="folderlist-footer" class="boxfooter">
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<div id="mailview-top" class="uibox">
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<div id="mailview-top" class="uibox fullheight">
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<!-- messagelist -->
<div id="messagelistcontainer" class="boxlistcontent">
+<h2 id="aria-label-messagelist" class="voice">Messages list</h2>
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class="records-table messagelist sortheader fixedheader"
- optionsmenuIcon="true" />
+ optionsmenuIcon="true"
+ role="grid"
+ aria-labelledby="aria-label-messagelist" />
<!-- list footer -->
<div id="messagelistfooter">
<div id="listcontrols">
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- <a href="#select" id="listselectmenulink" class="menuselector" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('listselectmenu', event);return false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="listselectmenu"><span class="handle"><roundcube:label name="select" /></span></a>
+ <a href="#select" id="listselectmenulink" class="menuselector" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('listselectmenu', event);return false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="listselectmenu-menu"><span class="handle"><roundcube:label name="select" /></span></a>
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- &nbsp; <a href="#threads" id="threadselectmenulink" class="menuselector" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('threadselectmenu', event);return false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="threadselectmenu"><span class="handle"><roundcube:label name="threads" /></span></a>
+ &nbsp; <a href="#threads" id="threadselectmenulink" class="menuselector" onclick="UI.toggle_popup('threadselectmenu', event);return false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="threadselectmenu-menu"><span class="handle"><roundcube:label name="threads" /></span></a>
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</div><!-- end mailview-top -->
<div id="mailview-bottom" class="uibox">
-<div id="mailpreviewframe" class="iframebox">
+<div id="mailpreviewframe" class="iframebox" role="complementary" aria-labelledby="aria-label-mailpreviewframe">
+<h2 id="aria-label-mailpreviewframe" class="voice">Message preview</h2>
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</div><!-- end mailview-bottom -->
</div><!-- end mailview-right -->
</div><!-- end mainscreencontent -->
</div><!-- end mainscreen -->
-<div id="searchmenu" class="popupmenu">
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- <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="s_mods[]" value="from" id="s_mod_from" onclick="UI.set_searchmod(this)" /> <span><roundcube:label name="from" /></span></label></li>
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<div id="dragmessagemenu" class="popupmenu">
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<div id="mailboxmenu" class="popupmenu">
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- <li><roundcube:button command="folders" task="settings" type="link" label="managefolders" classAct="active" /></li>
+ <h3 id="aria-label-mailboxmenu" class="voice">Folder actions menu</h3>
+ <ul id="mailboxmenu-menu" class="toolbarmenu" id="mailboxoptionsmenu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="aria-label-mailboxmenu">
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+ <li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="purge" type="link" label="empty" classAct="active" /></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="import-messages" name="messageimport" type="link" classAct="active" label="importmessages" onclick="if(rcmail.command_enabled('import-messages'))UI.show_uploadform();return false" /></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="folders" task="settings" type="link" label="managefolders" classAct="active" /></li>
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<div id="listselectmenu" class="popupmenu dropdown">
- <ul class="toolbarmenu iconized">
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- <li><roundcube:button command="select-all" type="link" prop="flagged" label="flagged" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon flagged" /></li>
- <li><roundcube:button command="select-all" type="link" prop="invert" label="invert" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon invert" /></li>
- <li><roundcube:button command="select-none" type="link" label="none" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon cross" /></li>
+ <h3 id="aria-label-listselectmenu" class="voice">List selection menu</h3>
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+ <li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="select-all" type="link" prop="flagged" label="flagged" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon flagged" /></li>
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<div id="threadselectmenu" class="popupmenu dropdown">
- <ul class="toolbarmenu">
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- <li><roundcube:button command="collapse-all" type="link" label="collapse-all" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon conversation" /></li>
+ <h3 id="aria-label-threadselectmenu" class="voice">Threads listing menu</h3>
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+ <li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="expand-unread" type="link" label="expand-unread" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon conversation" /></li>
+ <li role="menuitem"><roundcube:button command="collapse-all" type="link" label="collapse-all" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon conversation" /></li>
-<div id="listoptions" class="propform popupdialog">
+<div id="listoptions" class="propform popupdialog" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="aria-label-listoptions">
+<h2 id="aria-label-listoptions" class="voice">Message list display and sorting options</h2>
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<ul class="proplist">
<li><label class="disabled"><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="threads" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" /> <span><roundcube:label name="threads" /></span></label></li>
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<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="fromto" /> <span><roundcube:label name="fromto" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="from" /> <span><roundcube:label name="from" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="to" /> <span><roundcube:label name="to" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="replyto" /> <span><roundcube:label name="replyto" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="cc" /> <span><roundcube:label name="cc" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="date" /> <span><roundcube:label name="date" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="size" /> <span><roundcube:label name="size" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="status" /> <span><roundcube:label name="readstatus" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="attachment" /> <span><roundcube:label name="attachment" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="flag" /> <span><roundcube:label name="flag" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" name="list_col[]" value="priority" /> <span><roundcube:label name="priority" /></span></label></li>
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<roundcube:if condition="!in_array('message_sort_col', (array)config:dont_override)" />
<fieldset class="floating">
<legend><roundcube:label name="listsorting" /></legend>
<ul class="proplist">
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_col" value="" /> <span><roundcube:label name="nonesort" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_col" value="arrival" /> <span><roundcube:label name="arrival" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_col" value="date" /> <span><roundcube:label name="sentdate" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_col" value="subject" /> <span><roundcube:label name="subject" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_col" value="fromto" /> <span><roundcube:label name="fromto" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_col" value="from" /> <span><roundcube:label name="from" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_col" value="to" /> <span><roundcube:label name="to" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_col" value="cc" /> <span><roundcube:label name="cc" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_col" value="size" /> <span><roundcube:label name="size" /></span></label></li>
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<fieldset class="floating">
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<ul class="proplist">
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_ord" value="ASC" /> <span><roundcube:label name="asc" /></span></label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="sort_ord" value="DESC" /> <span><roundcube:label name="desc" /></span></label></li>
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diff --git a/skins/larry/templates/message.html b/skins/larry/templates/message.html
index a661f5720..37ee71fe8 100644
--- a/skins/larry/templates/message.html
+++ b/skins/larry/templates/message.html
@@ -1,106 +1,105 @@
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<div id="mailview-left">
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<div class="scroller">
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-<h2 class="subject"><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="subject" /></h2>
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<roundcube:button command="change-format" prop="html" type="link" class="button first changeformat html" classSel="button first changeformat html pressed" innerClass="icon" title="changeformathtml" /><roundcube:button command="change-format" prop="text" type="link" class="button last changeformat text selected" innerClass="icon" title="changeformattext" />
<roundcube:endif />
+<h2 class="subject"><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="subject" /></h2>
+<div class="message-headers">
+<roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" class="headers-table" addicon="/images/addcontact.png" exclude="subject" max="20" />
+<roundcube:object name="messageFullHeaders" id="full-headers" />
<div id="contactphoto"><roundcube:object name="contactphoto" /></div>
-<div id="messagecontent">
+<div id="messagecontent" role="main">
<div class="rightcol">
<roundcube:object name="messageAttachments" id="attachment-list" class="attachmentslist" />
<div class="leftcol">
<roundcube:object name="messageObjects" id="message-objects" />
<roundcube:object name="messageBody" id="messagebody" headertableclass="message-partheaders headers-table" />
</div><!-- end mailview-right -->
<roundcube:if condition="!env:extwin" />
</div><!-- end mainscreencontent -->
<roundcube:endif />
</div><!-- end mainscreen -->
<div id="attachmentmenu" class="popupmenu">
<ul class="toolbarmenu">
<li><roundcube:button command="open-attachment" id="attachmenuopen" type="link" label="open" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon extwin" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button command="download-attachment" id="attachmenudownload" type="link" label="download" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon download" /></li>
<roundcube:container name="attachmentmenu" id="attachmentmenu" />
<roundcube:include file="/includes/footer.html" />
diff --git a/skins/larry/templates/messagepreview.html b/skins/larry/templates/messagepreview.html
index 4a6d76ead..e2be09937 100644
--- a/skins/larry/templates/messagepreview.html
+++ b/skins/larry/templates/messagepreview.html
@@ -1,76 +1,77 @@
<roundcube:object name="doctype" value="html5" />
<title><roundcube:object name="pagetitle" /></title>
<roundcube:include file="/includes/links.html" />
<body class="iframe fullheight">
<div id="messageheader" class="previewheader">
-<h3 class="subject"><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="subject" /></h3>
-<a href="#details" id="previewheaderstoggle" class="moreheaderstoggle"><span class="iconlink" title="<roundcube:label name='togglemoreheaders' />"></span></a>
-<div id="contactphoto"><roundcube:object name="contactphoto" /></div>
-<table class="headers-table" id="preview-shortheaders"><tbody><tr>
-<roundcube:if condition="env:mailbox == config:drafts_mbox || env:mailbox == config:sent_mbox">
- <td class="header-title"><roundcube:label name="to" /></td>
- <td class="header from"><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="to" max="3" addicon="/images/addcontact.png" /></td>
-<roundcube:else />
- <td class="header-title"><roundcube:label name="from" /></td>
- <td class="header from"><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="from" addicon="/images/addcontact.png" /></td>
-<roundcube:endif />
- <td class="header-title"><roundcube:label name="date" /></td>
- <td class="header date"><span><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="date" /></span></td>
-<roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" id="preview-allheaders" class="headers-table" addicon="/images/addcontact.png" max="10" exclude="subject,replyto" />
-<roundcube:object name="messageFullHeaders" id="full-headers" />
<!-- record navigation -->
<div id="countcontrols">
<roundcube:if condition="env:optional_format=='text'" />
<span class="buttongroup">
<roundcube:button command="change-format" prop="html" type="link" class="button first changeformat html selected" innerClass="icon" title="changeformathtml" content="HTML" /><roundcube:button command="change-format" prop="text" type="link" class="button last changeformat text" classSel="button changeformat text pressed" innerClass="icon" title="changeformattext" content="Text" />
<roundcube:elseif condition="env:optional_format=='html'" />
<span class="buttongroup">
<roundcube:button command="change-format" prop="html" type="link" class="button first changeformat html" classSel="button changeformat html pressed" innerClass="icon" title="changeformathtml" content="HTML" /><roundcube:button command="change-format" prop="text" type="link" class="button last changeformat text selected" innerClass="icon" title="changeformattext" content="Text" />
<roundcube:endif />
<roundcube:if condition="env:mailbox != config:drafts_mbox">
<roundcube:button command="reply" type="link" class="button reply" classSel="button reply pressed" innerClass="icon" title="replytomessage" content="&lt;-" />
<roundcube:button command="reply-all" type="link" class="button replyall" classSel="button replyall pressed" innerClass="icon" title="replytoallmessage" content="&lt;&lt;-" />
<roundcube:button command="forward" type="link" class="button forward" classSel="button forward pressed" innerClass="icon" title="forwardmessage" content="-&gt;" />
<roundcube:endif />
<roundcube:button command="extwin" type="link" class="button extwin" classSel="button extwin pressed" innerClass="icon" title="openinextwin" content="[]" />
+<h3 class="subject"><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="subject" /></h3>
+<a href="#details" id="previewheaderstoggle" class="moreheaderstoggle"><span class="iconlink" title="<roundcube:label name='togglemoreheaders' />"></span></a>
+<div id="contactphoto"><roundcube:object name="contactphoto" /></div>
+<table class="headers-table" id="preview-shortheaders"><tbody><tr>
+<roundcube:if condition="env:mailbox == config:drafts_mbox || env:mailbox == config:sent_mbox">
+ <td class="header-title"><roundcube:label name="to" /></td>
+ <td class="header from"><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="to" max="3" addicon="/images/addcontact.png" /></td>
+<roundcube:else />
+ <td class="header-title"><roundcube:label name="from" /></td>
+ <td class="header from"><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="from" addicon="/images/addcontact.png" /></td>
+<roundcube:endif />
+ <td class="header-title"><roundcube:label name="date" /></td>
+ <td class="header date"><span><roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" valueOf="date" /></span></td>
+<roundcube:object name="messageHeaders" id="preview-allheaders" class="headers-table" addicon="/images/addcontact.png" max="10" exclude="subject,replyto" />
+<roundcube:object name="messageFullHeaders" id="full-headers" />
-<div id="messagepreview">
+<div id="messagepreview" role="main">
<div class="rightcol">
<roundcube:object name="messageAttachments" id="attachment-list" class="attachmentslist" />
<div class="leftcol">
<roundcube:object name="messageObjects" id="message-objects" />
<roundcube:object name="messageBody" id="messagebody" headertableclass="message-partheaders headers-table" />
<div id="attachmentmenu" class="popupmenu">
<ul class="toolbarmenu">
<li><roundcube:button command="open-attachment" id="attachmenuopen" type="link" label="open" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon extwin" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button command="download-attachment" id="attachmenudownload" type="link" label="download" class="icon" classAct="icon active" innerclass="icon download" /></li>
<roundcube:container name="attachmentmenu" id="attachmentmenu" />
<roundcube:include file="/includes/footer.html" />
diff --git a/skins/larry/ui.js b/skins/larry/ui.js
index add02b85e..9006b35d2 100644
--- a/skins/larry/ui.js
+++ b/skins/larry/ui.js
@@ -1,1529 +1,1531 @@
// @license CC0
* Roundcube functions for default skin interface
* Copyright (c) 2013, The Roundcube Dev Team
* The contents are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
* License. It is allowed to copy, distribute, transmit and to adapt the work
* by keeping credits to the original autors in the README file.
* See for details.
function rcube_mail_ui()
var env = {};
var popups = {};
var popupconfig = {
forwardmenu: { editable:1 },
searchmenu: { editable:1, callback:searchmenu },
attachmentmenu: { },
listoptions: { editable:1 },
dragmenu: { sticky:1 },
groupmenu: { above:1 },
mailboxmenu: { above:1 },
spellmenu: { callback: spellmenu },
// toggle: #1486823, #1486930
'attachment-form': { editable:1, above:1, toggle:!!bw.linux },
'upload-form': { editable:1, toggle:!!bw.linux }
var me = this;
var mailviewsplit;
var compose_headers = {};
var prefs;
var focused_popup;
var popup_keyboard_active = false;
// export public methods
this.set = setenv;
this.init = init;
this.init_tabs = init_tabs;
this.show_about = show_about;
this.show_popup = show_popup;
this.toggle_popup = toggle_popup;
this.add_popup = add_popup;
this.set_searchmod = set_searchmod;
this.set_searchscope = set_searchscope;
this.show_uploadform = show_uploadform;
this.show_header_row = show_header_row;
this.hide_header_row = hide_header_row;
this.update_quota = update_quota;
this.get_pref = get_pref;
this.save_pref = save_pref;
// set minimal mode on small screens (don't wait for document.ready)
if (window.$ && document.body) {
var minmode = get_pref('minimalmode');
if (parseInt(minmode) || (minmode === null && $(window).height() < 850)) {
if (bw.tablet) {
$('#viewport').attr('content', "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0");
function setenv(key, val)
env[key] = val;
* Get preference stored in browser
function get_pref(key)
if (!prefs) {
prefs = window.localStorage ? rcmail.local_storage_get_item('prefs.larry', {}) : {};
// fall-back to cookies
if (prefs[key] == null) {
var cookie = rcmail.get_cookie(key);
if (cookie != null) {
prefs[key] = cookie;
// copy value to local storage and remove cookie
if (window.localStorage) {
rcmail.local_storage_set_item('prefs.larry', prefs);
rcmail.set_cookie(key, cookie, new Date()); // expire cookie
return prefs[key];
* Saves preference value to browser storage
function save_pref(key, val)
prefs[key] = val;
// write prefs to local storage
if (window.localStorage) {
rcmail.local_storage_set_item('prefs.larry', prefs);
else {
// store value in cookie
var exp = new Date();
exp.setYear(exp.getFullYear() + 1);
rcmail.set_cookie(key, val, exp);
* Initialize UI
* Called on document.ready
function init()
rcmail.addEventListener('message', message_displayed);
/*** prepare minmode functions ***/
$('#taskbar a').each(function(i,elem){
$(elem).append('<span class="tooltip">' + $('.button-inner', this).html() + '</span>')
$('#taskbar .minmodetoggle').click(function(e){
var ismin = $(document.body).toggleClass('minimal').hasClass('minimal');
save_pref('minimalmode', ismin?1:0);
/*** mail task ***/
if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') {
rcmail.addEventListener('menu-open', menu_open)
.addEventListener('menu-save', menu_save)
.addEventListener('responseafterlist', function(e){ switch_view_mode(rcmail.env.threading ? 'thread' : 'list', true) })
.addEventListener('responseaftersearch', function(e){ switch_view_mode(rcmail.env.threading ? 'thread' : 'list', true) });
var dragmenu = $('#dragmessagemenu');
if (dragmenu.length) {
rcmail.gui_object('dragmenu', 'dragmessagemenu');
popups.dragmenu = dragmenu;
if (rcmail.env.action == 'show' || rcmail.env.action == 'preview') {
rcmail.addEventListener('enable-command', enable_command)
.addEventListener('aftershow-headers', function() { layout_messageview(); })
.addEventListener('afterhide-headers', function() { layout_messageview(); });
$('#previewheaderstoggle').click(function(e){ toggle_preview_headers(); return false });
// add menu link for each attachment
$('#attachment-list > li').each(function() {
$(this).append($('<a class="drop"></a>').click(function() { attachmentmenu(this); }));
if (get_pref('previewheaders') == '1') {
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'compose') {
rcmail.addEventListener('aftersend-attachment', show_uploadform)
.addEventListener('add-recipient', function(p){ show_header_row(p.field, true); })
.addEventListener('aftertoggle-editor', function(e){
window.setTimeout(function(){ layout_composeview() }, 200);
if (e && e.mode)
// Show input elements with non-empty value
var f, v, field, fields = ['cc', 'bcc', 'replyto', 'followupto'];
for (f=0; f < fields.length; f++) {
v = fields[f]; field = $('#_'+v);
if (field.length) {
field.on('change', {v: v}, function(e) { if (this.value) show_header_row(, true); });
if (field.val() != '')
show_header_row(v, true);
save_pref('composeoptions', $('#composeoptions').is(':visible') ? '1' : '0');
return false;
}).css('cursor', 'pointer');
if (get_pref('composeoptions') !== '0') {
// adjust hight when textarea starts to scroll
$("textarea[name='_to'], textarea[name='_cc'], textarea[name='_bcc']").change(function(e){ adjust_compose_editfields(this); }).change();
rcmail.addEventListener('autocomplete_insert', function(p){ adjust_compose_editfields(p.field); });
// toggle compose options if opened in new window and they were visible before
var opener_rc = rcmail.opener();
if (opener_rc && opener_rc.env.action == 'compose' && $('#composeoptionstoggle', opener.document).hasClass('remove'))
new rcube_splitter({ id:'composesplitterv', p1:'#composeview-left', p2:'#composeview-right',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:248, min:170, size:12, render:layout_composeview }).init();
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'list' || !rcmail.env.action) {
var previewframe = $('#mailpreviewframe').is(':visible');
$('#mailpreviewtoggle').addClass(previewframe ? 'enabled' : 'closed').click(function(e){ toggle_preview_pane(e); return false });
$('#maillistmode').addClass(rcmail.env.threading ? '' : 'selected').click(function(e){ switch_view_mode('list'); return false });
$('#mailthreadmode').addClass(rcmail.env.threading ? 'selected' : '').click(function(e){ switch_view_mode('thread'); return false });
mailviewsplit = new rcube_splitter({ id:'mailviewsplitter', p1:'#mailview-top', p2:'#mailview-bottom',
orientation:'h', relative:true, start:310, min:150, size:12, offset:4 });
if (previewframe)
rcmail.addEventListener('setquota', update_quota)
.addEventListener('enable-command', enable_command)
.addEventListener('afterimport-messages', show_uploadform);
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'get') {
new rcube_splitter({ id:'mailpartsplitterv', p1:'#messagepartheader', p2:'#messagepartcontainer',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:226, min:150, size:12}).init();
if ($('#mailview-left').length) {
new rcube_splitter({ id:'mailviewsplitterv', p1:'#mailview-left', p2:'#mailview-right',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:226, min:150, size:12, callback:render_mailboxlist, render:resize_leftcol }).init();
/*** settings task ***/
else if (rcmail.env.task == 'settings') {
rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(){
var tab = '#settingstabpreferences';
if (rcmail.env.action)
tab = '#settingstab' + (rcmail.env.action.indexOf('identity')>0 ? 'identities' : rcmail.env.action.replace(/\./g, ''));
.children().first().removeAttr('onclick').click(function() { return false; });
if (rcmail.env.action == 'folders') {
new rcube_splitter({ id:'folderviewsplitter', p1:'#folderslist', p2:'#folder-details',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:266, min:180, size:12 }).init();
new rcube_scroller('#folderslist-content', '#folderslist-header', '#folderslist-footer');
rcmail.addEventListener('setquota', update_quota);
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'identities') {
new rcube_splitter({ id:'identviewsplitter', p1:'#identitieslist', p2:'#identity-details',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:266, min:180, size:12 }).init();
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'responses') {
new rcube_splitter({ id:'responseviewsplitter', p1:'#identitieslist', p2:'#identity-details',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:266, min:180, size:12 }).init();
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'preferences' || !rcmail.env.action) {
new rcube_splitter({ id:'prefviewsplitter', p1:'#sectionslist', p2:'#preferences-box',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:266, min:180, size:12 }).init();
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'edit-prefs') {
$('<a href="#toggle">&#9660;</a>')
.appendTo('#preferences-details fieldset.advanced legend');
$('#preferences-details fieldset.advanced legend').click(function(e){
var collapsed = $(this).hasClass('collapsed'),
toggle = $('.advanced-toggle', this).html(collapsed ? '&#9650;' : '&#9660;');
/*** addressbook task ***/
else if (rcmail.env.task == 'addressbook') {
rcmail.addEventListener('afterupload-photo', show_uploadform)
.addEventListener('beforepushgroup', push_contactgroup)
.addEventListener('beforepopgroup', pop_contactgroup);
if (rcmail.env.action == '') {
new rcube_splitter({ id:'addressviewsplitterd', p1:'#addressview-left', p2:'#addressview-right',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:226, min:150, size:12, render:resize_leftcol }).init();
new rcube_splitter({ id:'addressviewsplitter', p1:'#addresslist', p2:'#contacts-box',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:286, min:270, size:12 }).init();
var dragmenu = $('#dragcontactmenu');
if (dragmenu.length) {
rcmail.gui_object('dragmenu', 'dragcontactmenu');
popups.dragmenu = dragmenu;
// turn a group of fieldsets into tabs
$('.tabbed').each(function(idx, elem){ init_tabs(elem); })
// decorate select elements
if (bw.opera) {
var select = $(this),
parent = select.parent(),
height = Math.max(select.height(), 26) - 2,
width = select.width() - 22,
title = $('option', this).first().text();
if ($('option:selected', this).val() != '')
title = $('option:selected', this).text();
var overlay = $('<a class="menuselector"><span class="handle">' + title + '</span></a>')
.css('position', 'absolute')
overlay.children().width(width).height(height).css('line-height', (height - 1) + 'px');
if (parent.css('position') != 'absolute')
parent.css('position', 'relative');
// re-set original select width to fix click action and options width in some browsers
.change(function() {
var val = $('option:selected', this).text();
.on('focus', function(e){ overlay.addClass('focus'); })
.on('blur', function(e){ overlay.removeClass('focus'); });
// set min-width to show all toolbar buttons
var screen = $('body.minwidth');
if (screen.length) {
screen.css('min-width', $('.toolbar').width() + $('#quicksearchbar').width() + $('#searchfilter').width() + 30);
.bind('mouseup', body_mouseup)
.bind('keydown', popup_keypress);
// this = iframe
try {
var doc = this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : this.contentWindow ? this.contentWindow.document : null;
catch (e) {
// catch possible "Permission denied" error in IE
// don't use $(window).resize() due to some unwanted side-effects
window.onresize = resize;
* Handler for mouse-up events on the document body.
* This will close all open popup menus
function body_mouseup(e)
var config, obj, target =;
if (target.className == 'inner')
target =;
for (var id in popups) {
obj = popups[id];
config = popupconfig[id];
if (':visible')
&& != id+'link'
&& target != obj.get(0) // check if scroll bar was clicked (#1489832)
&& !config.toggle
&& (!config.editable || !target_overlaps(target, obj.get(0)))
&& (!config.sticky || !rcube_mouse_is_over(e, obj.get(0)))
&& !$(target).is('.folder-selector-link')
) {
var myid = id+'';
window.setTimeout(function() { show_popupmenu(myid, false); }, 10);
* Update UI on window resize
function resize(e)
// resize in intervals to prevent lags and double onresize calls in Chrome (#1489005)
var interval = e ? 10 : 0;
if (rcmail.resize_timeout)
rcmail.resize_timeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') {
if (rcmail.env.action == 'show' || rcmail.env.action == 'preview')
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'compose')
// make iframe footer buttons float if scrolling is active
$('body.iframe .footerleft').each(function(){
var footer = $(this),
body = $(document.body),
floating = footer.hasClass('floating'),
overflow = body.outerHeight(true) > $(window).height();
if (overflow != floating) {
var action = overflow ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass';
}, interval);
* Triggered when a new user message is displayed
function message_displayed(p)
var siblings = $(p.object).siblings('div');
if (siblings.length)
// show a popup dialog on errors
if (p.type == 'error' && rcmail.env.task != 'login') {
// hide original message object, we don't want both
if (me.message_timer) {
if (!me.messagedialog) {
me.messagedialog = $('<div>').addClass('popupdialog').hide();
var msg = p.message,
dialog_close = function() {
// check if dialog is still displayed, to prevent from js error':visible') && me.messagedialog.dialog('destroy').hide();
if (':visible'))
msg = me.messagedialog.html() + '<p>' + p.message + '</p>';
resizable: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
dialogClass: 'popupmessage ' + p.type,
title: env.errortitle,
close: dialog_close,
position: ['center', 'center'],
hide: {effect: 'fadeOut'},
width: 420,
minHeight: 90
+ me.messagedialog.closest('div[role=dialog]').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
me.message_timer = window.setTimeout(dialog_close, p.timeout);
* Adjust UI objects of the mail view screen
function layout_messageview()
$('#messagecontent').css('top', ($('#messageheader').outerHeight() + 1) + 'px');
$('#message-objects div a').addClass('button');
if (!$('#attachment-list li').length) {
$('div.leftcol').css('margin-right', '0');
function render_mailboxlist(splitter)
// TODO: implement smart shortening of long folder names
function resize_leftcol(splitter)
function adjust_compose_editfields(elem)
if (elem.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA') {
var $elem = $(elem), line_height = 14, // hard-coded because some browsers only provide the outer height in elem.clientHeight
content_height = elem.scrollHeight,
rows = elem.value.length > 80 && content_height > line_height*1.5 ? 2 : 1;
$elem.css('height', (line_height*rows) + 'px');
function layout_composeview()
var body = $('#composebody'),
form = $('#compose-content'),
bottom = $('#composeview-bottom'),
w, h, bh, ovflw, btns = 0,
minheight = 300,
bh = (form.height() - bottom.position().top);
ovflw = minheight - bh;
btns = ovflw > -100 ? 0 : 40;
bottom.css('height', Math.max(minheight, bh) + 'px');
form.css('overflow', ovflw > 0 ? 'auto' : 'hidden');
w = body.parent().width() - 5;
h = body.parent().height() - 16;
$('#composebody_tbl').width((w+8)+'px').height('').css('margin-top', '1px');
// $('#composebodycontainer')[(btns ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass')]('buttons');
// $('#composeformbuttons')[(btns ? 'show' : 'hide')]();
var abooks = $('#directorylist');
$('#compose-contacts .scroller').css('top', abooks.position().top + abooks.outerHeight());
function update_quota(p)
var step = 24, step_count = 20,
y = ? Math.ceil(p.percent / 100 * step_count) * step : 0;
// never show full-circle if quota is close to 100% but below.
if ( && y == step * step_count && p.percent < 100)
y -= step;
$('#quotadisplay').css('background-position', '0 -'+y+'px');
function enable_command(p)
if (p.command == 'reply-list' && rcmail.env.reply_all_mode == 1) {
var label = rcmail.gettext(p.status ? 'replylist' : 'replyall');
if (rcmail.env.action == 'preview')
$('a.button.replyall').attr('title', label);
$('a.button.reply-all').text(label).attr('title', label);
* Register a popup menu
function add_popup(popup, config)
var obj = popups[popup] = $('#'+popup);
obj.appendTo(document.body); // move it to top for proper absolute positioning
if (obj.length)
popupconfig[popup] = $.extend(popupconfig[popup] || {}, config || {});
* Trigger for popup menus
function toggle_popup(popup, e, config)
show_popup(popup, undefined, config, rcube_event.is_keyboard(e));
* (Deprecated) trigger for popup menus
function show_popup(popup, show, config, keyboard)
// auto-register menu object
if (config || !popupconfig[popup])
add_popup(popup, config);
var visible = show_popupmenu(popup, show, keyboard),
config = popupconfig[popup];
if (typeof config.callback == 'function')
* Show/hide a specific popup menu
function show_popupmenu(popup, show, keyboard)
var obj = popups[popup],
config = popupconfig[popup],
ref = $( ? : '#'+popup+'link'),
above = config.above;
if (!obj) {
obj = popups[popup] = $('#'+popup);
obj.appendTo(document.body); // move them to top for proper absolute positioning
if (!obj || !obj.length)
return false;
if (typeof show == 'undefined')
show =':visible') ? false : true;
else if (config.toggle && show &&':visible'))
show = false;
if (show && ref.length) {
var parent = ref.parent(),
win = $(window),
if (parent.hasClass('dropbutton'))
ref = parent;
pos = ref.offset();
ref.offsetHeight = ref.outerHeight();
if (!above && + ref.offsetHeight + obj.height() > win.height())
above = true;
if (pos.left + obj.width() > win.width())
pos.left = win.width() - obj.width() - 12;
obj.css({ left:pos.left, top:( + (above ? -obj.height() : ref.offsetHeight)) });
else if (!show && keyboard && ref.length) {
popup_keyboard_active = show && keyboard;
if (popup_keyboard_active) {
focused_popup = popup;
else {
focused_popup = null;
return show;
* Handler for keyboard events on active popups
function popup_keypress(e)
var target = || {},
keyCode = rcube_event.get_keycode(e);
if (e.keyCode != 27 && (!popup_keyboard_active || target.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA' || target.nodeName == 'SELECT'))
return true;
switch (keyCode) {
case 38:
case 40:
case 63232: // "up", in safari keypress
case 63233: // "down", in safari keypress
popup_focus_item(mod = keyCode == 38 || keyCode == 63232 ? -1 : 1);
case 9: // tab
if (focused_popup) {
var mod = rcube_event.get_modifier(e);
if (!popup_focus_item(mod == SHIFT_KEY ? -1 : 1)) {
show_popup(focused_popup, false, undefined, true);
return rcube_event.cancel(e);
case 27: // esc
for (var id in popups) {
if (popups[id].is(':visible'))
show_popup(id, false, undefined, true);
return true;
* Helper method to move focus to the next/prev popup menu item
function popup_focus_item(dir)
var obj, mod = dir < 0 ? 'prevAll' : 'nextAll', limit = dir < 0 ? 'last' : 'first';
if (focused_popup && (obj = popups[focused_popup])) {
return obj.find(':focus').closest('li')[mod](':has(:not([aria-disabled=true]))').find('a,input')[limit]().focus().length;
return 0;
function target_overlaps(target, elem)
while (target.parentNode) {
if (target.parentNode == elem)
return true;
target = target.parentNode;
return false;
* Show/hide the preview pane
function toggle_preview_pane(e)
var button = $(,
frame = $('#mailpreviewframe'),
visible = !':visible'),
splitter = mailviewsplit.pos || parseInt(get_pref('mailviewsplitter') || 320),
topstyles, bottomstyles, uid;
button.removeClass().addClass(visible ? 'enabled' : 'closed');
if (visible) {
$('#mailview-top').removeClass('fullheight').css({ bottom:'auto' });
$('#mailview-bottom').css({ height:'auto' }).show();
rcmail.env.contentframe = 'messagecontframe';
if (uid = rcmail.message_list.get_single_selection())
rcmail.show_message(uid, false, true);
// let the splitter set the correct size and position
if (mailviewsplit.handle) {;
else {
rcmail.env.contentframe = null;
$('#mailview-top').addClass('fullheight').css({ height:'auto', bottom:'0px' });
$('#mailview-bottom').css({ top:'auto', height:'0px' }).hide();
if (mailviewsplit.handle)
if (rcmail.message_list) {
if (visible && uid)
rcmail.command('save-pref', { name:'preview_pane', value:(visible?1:0) });
* Switch between short and full headers display in message preview
function toggle_preview_headers()
var full = $('#preview-allheaders').toggle(),
button = $('a#previewheaderstoggle');
// add toggle button to full headers table
if (':visible'))
button.attr('href', '#hide').removeClass('add').addClass('remove')
button.attr('href', '#details').removeClass('remove').addClass('add')
save_pref('previewheaders',':visible') ? '1' : '0');
function switch_view_mode(mode, force)
if (force || !$('#mail'+mode+'mode').hasClass('disabled')) {
$('#maillistmode, #mailthreadmode').removeClass('selected').attr('tabindex', '0').attr('aria-disabled', 'false');
$('#mail'+mode+'mode').addClass('selected').attr('tabindex', '-1').attr('aria-disabled', 'true');
/**** popup callbacks ****/
function menu_open(p)
if (p && p.props && == 'attachmentmenu')
function menu_save(prop)
function searchmenu(show)
if (show && rcmail.env.search_mods) {
var n, all,
obj = popups['searchmenu'],
list = $('input:checkbox[name="s_mods[]"]', obj),
mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox,
mods = rcmail.env.search_mods,
scope = rcmail.env.search_scope || 'base';
if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') {
if (scope == 'all')
mbox = '*';
mods = mods[mbox] ? mods[mbox] : mods['*'];
all = 'text';
$('input:radio[name="s_scope"]').prop('checked', false).filter('#s_scope_'+scope).prop('checked', true);
else {
all = '*';
if (mods[all]) {
this.checked = true;
this.disabled = this.value != all;
else {
list.prop('disabled', false).prop('checked', false);
for (n in mods)
$('#s_mod_' + n).prop('checked', true);
function attachmentmenu(elem)
var id =^attach/, '');
$('#attachmenuopen').unbind('click').attr('onclick', '').click(function(e) {
return rcmail.command('open-attachment', id, this);
$('#attachmenudownload').unbind('click').attr('onclick', '').click(function() {
rcmail.command('download-attachment', id, this);
}); = elem;
rcmail.command('menu-open', {menu: 'attachmentmenu', id: id});
function spellmenu(show)
var link, li,
lang = rcmail.spellcheck_lang(),
menu = popups.spellmenu,
ul = $('ul', menu);
if (!ul.length) {
ul = $('<ul class="toolbarmenu selectable">');
for (i in rcmail.env.spell_langs) {
li = $('<li>');
link = $('<a href="#"></a>').text(rcmail.env.spell_langs[i])
.addClass('active').data('lang', i)
.click(function() {
// select current language
$('li', ul).each(function() {
var el = $('a', this);
if ('lang') == lang)
else if (el.hasClass('selected'))
function show_listoptions()
var $dialog = $('#listoptions');
// close the dialog
if ($':visible')) {
// set form values
$('input[name="sort_col"][value="'+rcmail.env.sort_col+'"]').prop('checked', true);
$('input[name="sort_ord"][value="DESC"]').prop('checked', rcmail.env.sort_order == 'DESC');
$('input[name="sort_ord"][value="ASC"]').prop('checked', rcmail.env.sort_order != 'DESC');
// set checkboxes
$('input[name="list_col[]"]').each(function() {
$(this).prop('checked', $.inArray(this.value, rcmail.env.listcols) != -1);
modal: true,
resizable: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
title: null,
close: function() {
minWidth: 500,
width: $dialog.width()+25
function save_listoptions()
var sort = $('input[name="sort_col"]:checked').val(),
ord = $('input[name="sort_ord"]:checked').val(),
cols = $('input[name="list_col[]"]:checked')
.map(function(){ return this.value; }).get();
rcmail.set_list_options(cols, sort, ord, rcmail.env.threading);
function set_searchmod(elem)
var all, m, task = rcmail.env.task,
mods = rcmail.env.search_mods,
mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox,
scope = $('input[name="s_scope"]:checked').val();
if (scope == 'all')
mbox = '*';
if (!mods)
mods = {};
if (task == 'mail') {
if (!mods[mbox])
mods[mbox] = rcube_clone_object(mods['*']);
m = mods[mbox];
all = 'text';
else { //addressbook
m = mods;
all = '*';
if (!elem.checked)
m[elem.value] = 1;
// mark all fields
if (elem.value == all) {
$('input:checkbox[name="s_mods[]"]').map(function() {
if (this == elem)
this.checked = true;
if (elem.checked) {
this.disabled = true;
delete m[this.value];
else {
this.disabled = false;
m[this.value] = 1;
function set_searchscope(elem)
function push_contactgroup(p)
// lets the contacts list swipe to the left, nice!
var table = $('#contacts-table'),
scroller = table.parent().css('overflow', 'hidden');
.css({ position:'absolute', top:'0', left:'0', width:table.width()+'px', 'z-index':10 })
.animate({ left: -(table.width()+5) + 'px' }, 300, 'swing', function(){
scroller.css('overflow', 'auto')
function pop_contactgroup(p)
// lets the contacts list swipe to the left, nice!
var table = $('#contacts-table'),
scroller = table.parent().css('overflow', 'hidden'),
clone = table.clone().appendTo(scroller);
table.css({ position:'absolute', top:'0', left:-(table.width()+5) + 'px', width:table.width()+'px', height:table.height()+'px', 'z-index':10 })
.animate({ left:'0' }, 300, 'linear', function(){
$(this).css({ position:'relative', left:'0', width:'100%', height:'auto', 'z-index':1 });
scroller.css('overflow', 'auto')
function show_uploadform()
var $dialog = $('#upload-dialog');
// close the dialog
if ($':visible')) {
// add icons to clone file input field
if (rcmail.env.action == 'compose' && !$'extended')) {
.addClass('iconlink add')
.attr('href', '#add')
.appendTo($('input[type="file"]', $dialog).parent())
$'extended', true);
modal: true,
resizable: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
title: $dialog.attr('title'),
close: function() {
try { $('#upload-dialog form').get(0).reset(); }
catch(e){ } // ignore errors
$('div.addline', $dialog).remove();
width: 480
if (!document.all)
$('input[type=file]', $dialog).first().click();
function add_uploadfile(e)
var div = $(this).parent();
var clone = div.clone().addClass('addline').insertAfter(div);
if (!document.all)
$('input[type=file]', clone).click();
function show_header_row(which, updated)
var row = $('#compose-' + which);
if (':visible'))
return; // nothing to be done here
if (compose_headers[which] && !updated)
$('#_' + which).val(compose_headers[which]);;
$('#' + which + '-link').hide();
return false;
function hide_header_row(which)
// copy and clear field value
var field = $('#_' + which);
compose_headers[which] = field.val();
$('#compose-' + which).hide();
$('#' + which + '-link').show();
return false;
* Fieldsets-to-tabs converter
function init_tabs(elem, current)
var content = $(elem),
id = content.get(0).id,
fs = content.children('fieldset');
if (!fs.length)
if (!id) {
id = 'rcmtabcontainer';
content.attr('id', id);
// first hide not selected tabs
current = current || 0;
fs.each(function(idx) { if (idx != current) $(this).hide(); });
// create tabs container
var tabs = $('<div>').addClass('tabsbar').prependTo(content);
// convert fildsets into tabs
fs.each(function(idx) {
var tab, a, elm = $(this), legend = elm.children('legend');
// create a tab
a = $('<a>').text(legend.text()).attr('href', '#');
tab = $('<span>').attr({'id': 'tab'+idx, 'class': 'tablink'})
.click(function() { show_tab(id, idx); return false })
// remove legend
// style fieldset
// style selected tab
if (idx == current)
// add the tab to container
function show_tab(id, index)
var fs = $('#'+id).children('fieldset');
fs.each(function(idx) {
// Show/hide fieldset (tab content)
$(this)[index==idx ? 'show' : 'hide']();
// Select/unselect tab
$('#tab'+idx).toggleClass('selected', idx==index);
* Show about page as jquery UI dialog
function show_about(elem)
var frame = $('<iframe>').attr('id', 'aboutframe')
.attr('src', rcmail.url('settings/about'))
.attr('frameborder', '0')
var h = Math.floor($(window).height() * 0.75);
var buttons = {};
var supportln = $('#supportlink');
if (supportln.length && (env.supporturl = supportln.attr('href')))
buttons[supportln.html()] = function(e){ env.supporturl.indexOf('mailto:') < 0 ? : location.href = env.supporturl };
modal: true,
resizable: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
title: elem ? elem.title || elem.innerHTML : null,
close: function() {
buttons: buttons,
width: 640,
height: h
* Roundcube Scroller class
function rcube_scroller(list, top, bottom)
var ref = this;
this.list = $(list); = $(top);
this.bottom = $(bottom);
this.step_size = 6;
this.step_time = 20;
this.delay = 500;
.mouseenter(function() { if (rcmail.drag_active) ref.ts = window.setTimeout(function() { ref.scroll('down'); }, ref.delay); })
.mouseout(function() { if (ref.ts) window.clearTimeout(ref.ts); });
.mouseenter(function() { if (rcmail.drag_active) ref.ts = window.setTimeout(function() { ref.scroll('up'); }, ref.delay); })
.mouseout(function() { if (ref.ts) window.clearTimeout(ref.ts); });
this.scroll = function(dir)
var ref = this, size = this.step_size;
if (!rcmail.drag_active)
if (dir == 'down')
size *= -1;
this.list.get(0).scrollTop += size;
this.ts = window.setTimeout(function() { ref.scroll(dir); }, this.step_time);
* Roundcube UI splitter class
* @constructor
function rcube_splitter(p)
this.p = p; =;
this.horizontal = (p.orientation == 'horizontal' || p.orientation == 'h');
this.halfsize = (p.size !== undefined ? p.size : 10) / 2;
this.pos = p.start || 0;
this.min = p.min || 20;
this.offset = p.offset || 0;
this.relative = p.relative ? true : false;
this.drag_active = false;
this.render = p.render;
this.callback = p.callback;
var me = this;
rcube_splitter._instances[] = me;
this.init = function()
this.p1 = $(this.p.p1);
this.p2 = $(this.p.p2);
this.parent = this.p1.parent();
// check if referenced elements exist, otherwise abort
if (!this.p1.length || !this.p2.length)
// create and position the handle for this splitter
this.p1pos = this.relative ? this.p1.position() : this.p1.offset();
this.p2pos = this.relative ? this.p2.position() : this.p2.offset();
this.handle = $('<div>')
.attr('unselectable', 'on')
.addClass('splitter ' + (this.horizontal ? 'splitter-h' : 'splitter-v'))
.bind('mousedown', onDragStart);
if (this.horizontal) {
var top = + this.p1.outerHeight();
this.handle.css({ left:'0px', top:top+'px' });
else {
var left = this.p1pos.left + this.p1.outerWidth();
this.handle.css({ left:left+'px', top:'0px' });
// listen to window resize on IE
if (
// read saved position from cookie
var cookie = this.get_cookie();
if (cookie && !isNaN(cookie)) {
this.pos = parseFloat(cookie);
else if (this.pos) {
* Set size and position of all DOM objects
* according to the saved splitter position
this.resize = function()
if (this.horizontal) {
this.p1.css('height', Math.floor(this.pos - - this.halfsize) + 'px');
this.p2.css('top', Math.ceil(this.pos + this.halfsize + 2) + 'px');
this.handle.css('top', Math.round(this.pos - this.halfsize + this.offset)+'px');
if ( {
var new_height = parseInt(this.parent.outerHeight(), 10) - parseInt(this.p2.css('top'), 10) - (bw.ie8 ? 2 : 0);
this.p2.css('height', (new_height > 0 ? new_height : 0) + 'px');
else {
this.p1.css('width', Math.floor(this.pos - this.p1pos.left - this.halfsize) + 'px');
this.p2.css('left', Math.ceil(this.pos + this.halfsize) + 'px');
this.handle.css('left', Math.round(this.pos - this.halfsize + this.offset + 3)+'px');
if ( {
var new_width = parseInt(this.parent.outerWidth(), 10) - parseInt(this.p2.css('left'), 10) ;
this.p2.css('width', (new_width > 0 ? new_width : 0) + 'px');
// also resize iframe covers
if (this.drag_active) {
$('iframe').each(function(i, elem) {
var pos = $(this).offset();
$('#iframe-splitter-fix-'+i).css({ top:'px', left: pos.left+'px', width:elem.offsetWidth+'px', height: elem.offsetHeight+'px' });
if (typeof this.render == 'function')
* Handler for mousedown events
function onDragStart(e)
// disable text selection while dragging the splitter
if (bw.konq || || bw.safari) = 'none';
me.p1pos = me.relative ? me.p1.position() : me.p1.offset();
me.p2pos = me.relative ? me.p2.position() : me.p2.offset();
me.drag_active = true;
// start listening to mousemove events
$(document).bind('mousemove.', onDrag).bind('mouseup.', onDragStop);
// enable dragging above iframes
$('iframe').each(function(i, elem) {
.attr('id', 'iframe-splitter-fix-'+i)
.css({ background: '#fff',
width: elem.offsetWidth+'px', height: elem.offsetHeight+'px',
position: 'absolute', opacity: '0.001', zIndex: 1000
* Handler for mousemove events
function onDrag(e)
if (!me.drag_active)
return false;
// with timing events dragging action is more responsive
me.ts = window.setTimeout(function() { onDragAction(e); }, 1);
return false;
* Dragging action (see onDrag())
function onDragAction(e)
var pos = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(e);
if (me.relative) {
var parent = me.parent.offset();
pos.x -= parent.left;
pos.y -=;
if (me.horizontal) {
if (((pos.y - me.halfsize) > && ((pos.y + me.halfsize) < ( + me.p2.outerHeight()))) {
me.pos = Math.max(me.min, pos.y - me.offset);
if (me.pos > me.min)
me.pos = Math.min(me.pos, me.parent.height() - me.min);
else {
if (((pos.x - me.halfsize) > me.p1pos.left) && ((pos.x + me.halfsize) < (me.p2pos.left + me.p2.outerWidth()))) {
me.pos = Math.max(me.min, pos.x - me.offset);
if (me.pos > me.min)
me.pos = Math.min(me.pos, me.parent.width() - me.min);
me.p1pos = me.relative ? me.p1.position() : me.p1.offset();
me.p2pos = me.relative ? me.p2.position() : me.p2.offset();
* Handler for mouseup events
function onDragStop(e)
// resume the ability to highlight text
if (bw.konq || || bw.safari) = 'auto';
// cancel the listening for drag events
me.drag_active = false;
// remove temp divs
if (typeof me.callback == 'function')
return bw.safari ? true : rcube_event.cancel(e);
* Handler for window resize events
function onResize(e)
if (me.horizontal) {
var new_height = parseInt(me.parent.outerHeight(), 10) - parseInt(me.p2[0], 10) - (bw.ie8 ? 2 : 0);
me.p2.css('height', (new_height > 0 ? new_height : 0) +'px');
else {
var new_width = parseInt(me.parent.outerWidth(), 10) - parseInt(me.p2[0].style.left, 10);
me.p2.css('width', (new_width > 0 ? new_width : 0) + 'px');
* Get saved splitter position from cookie
this.get_cookie = function()
return window.UI ? UI.get_pref( : null;
* Saves splitter position in cookie
this.set_cookie = function()
if (window.UI)
UI.save_pref(, this.pos);
} // end class rcube_splitter
// static getter for splitter instances
rcube_splitter._instances = {};
rcube_splitter.get_instance = function(id)
return rcube_splitter._instances[id];
// @license-end
\ No newline at end of file

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 12:23 AM (1 h, 45 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(432 KB)

Event Timeline