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diff --git a/program/steps/addressbook/ b/program/steps/addressbook/
index d416cc14f..3db2409e8 100644
--- a/program/steps/addressbook/
+++ b/program/steps/addressbook/
@@ -1,819 +1,810 @@
| program/steps/addressbook/ |
| |
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2012, The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Provide addressbook functionality and GUI objects |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
$SEARCH_MODS_DEFAULT = array('name'=>1, 'firstname'=>1, 'surname'=>1, 'email'=>1, '*'=>1);
// general definition of contact coltypes
'name' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('name'), 'category' => 'main'),
'firstname' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 19, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('firstname'), 'category' => 'main'),
'surname' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 19, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('surname'), 'category' => 'main'),
'email' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 254, 'label' => rcube_label('email'), 'subtypes' => array('home','work','other'), 'category' => 'main'),
'middlename' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 19, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('middlename'), 'category' => 'main'),
'prefix' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 8, 'maxlength' => 20, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('nameprefix'), 'category' => 'main'),
'suffix' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 8, 'maxlength' => 20, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('namesuffix'), 'category' => 'main'),
'nickname' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('nickname'), 'category' => 'main'),
'jobtitle' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('jobtitle'), 'category' => 'main'),
'organization' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('organization'), 'category' => 'main'),
'department' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('department'), 'category' => 'main'),
'gender' => array('type' => 'select', 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('gender'), 'options' => array('male' => rcube_label('male'), 'female' => rcube_label('female')), 'category' => 'personal'),
'maidenname' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('maidenname'), 'category' => 'personal'),
'phone' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 20, 'label' => rcube_label('phone'), 'subtypes' => array('home','home2','work','work2','mobile','main','homefax','workfax','car','pager','video','assistant','other'), 'category' => 'main'),
'address' => array('type' => 'composite', 'label' => rcube_label('address'), 'subtypes' => array('home','work','other'), 'childs' => array(
'street' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'label' => rcube_label('street'), 'category' => 'main'),
'locality' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 28, 'maxlength' => 50, 'label' => rcube_label('locality'), 'category' => 'main'),
'zipcode' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 8, 'maxlength' => 15, 'label' => rcube_label('zipcode'), 'category' => 'main'),
'region' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 12, 'maxlength' => 50, 'label' => rcube_label('region'), 'category' => 'main'),
'country' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'label' => rcube_label('country'), 'category' => 'main'),
), 'category' => 'main'),
'birthday' => array('type' => 'date', 'size' => 12, 'maxlength' => 16, 'label' => rcube_label('birthday'), 'limit' => 1, 'render_func' => 'rcmail_format_date_col', 'category' => 'personal'),
'anniversary' => array('type' => 'date', 'size' => 12, 'maxlength' => 16, 'label' => rcube_label('anniversary'), 'limit' => 1, 'render_func' => 'rcmail_format_date_col', 'category' => 'personal'),
'website' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'label' => rcube_label('website'), 'subtypes' => array('homepage','work','blog','profile','other'), 'category' => 'main'),
'im' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'label' => rcube_label('instantmessenger'), 'subtypes' => array('aim','icq','msn','yahoo','jabber','skype','other'), 'category' => 'main'),
'notes' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'size' => 40, 'rows' => 15, 'maxlength' => 500, 'label' => rcube_label('notes'), 'limit' => 1),
'photo' => array('type' => 'image', 'limit' => 1, 'category' => 'main'),
'assistant' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('assistant'), 'category' => 'personal'),
'manager' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('manager'), 'category' => 'personal'),
'spouse' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 50, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => rcube_label('spouse'), 'category' => 'personal'),
// TODO: define fields for vcards like GEO, KEY
$PAGE_SIZE = $RCMAIL->config->get('addressbook_pagesize', $RCMAIL->config->get('pagesize', 50));
// Addressbook UI
if (!$RCMAIL->action && !$OUTPUT->ajax_call) {
// add list of address sources to client env
$js_list = $RCMAIL->get_address_sources();
// count all/writeable sources
$writeable = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($js_list as $sid => $s) {
if (!$s['readonly']) {
// unset hidden sources
if ($s['hidden']) {
$search_mods = $RCMAIL->config->get('addressbook_search_mods', $SEARCH_MODS_DEFAULT);
$OUTPUT->set_env('search_mods', $search_mods);
$OUTPUT->set_env('address_sources', $js_list);
$OUTPUT->set_env('writable_source', $writeable);
$OUTPUT->set_env('compose_extwin', $RCMAIL->config->get('compose_extwin',false));
$_SESSION['addressbooks_count'] = $count;
$_SESSION['addressbooks_count_writeable'] = $writeable;
// select address book
$source = get_input_value('_source', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC);
// use first directory by default
if (!strlen($source) || !isset($js_list[$source])) {
$source = $RCMAIL->config->get('default_addressbook');
if (!strlen($source) || !isset($js_list[$source])) {
$source = strval(key($js_list));
$CONTACTS = rcmail_contact_source($source, true);
// remove undo information...
if ($undo = $_SESSION['contact_undo']) {
// ...after timeout
$undo_time = $RCMAIL->config->get('undo_timeout', 0);
if ($undo['ts'] < time() - $undo_time)
// instantiate a contacts object according to the given source
function rcmail_contact_source($source=null, $init_env=false, $writable=false)
if (!strlen($source)) {
$source = get_input_value('_source', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC);
// Get object
$CONTACTS = $RCMAIL->get_address_book($source, $writable);
// set list properties and session vars
if (!empty($_GET['_page']))
$CONTACTS->set_page(($_SESSION['page'] = intval($_GET['_page'])));
$CONTACTS->set_page(isset($_SESSION['page']) ? $_SESSION['page'] : 1);
if (!empty($_REQUEST['_gid']))
$CONTACTS->set_group(get_input_value('_gid', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
if (!$init_env)
return $CONTACTS;
$OUTPUT->set_env('readonly', $CONTACTS->readonly);
$OUTPUT->set_env('source', $source);
// reduce/extend $CONTACT_COLTYPES with specification from the current $CONTACT object
if (is_array($CONTACTS->coltypes)) {
// remove cols not listed by the backend class
$contact_cols = $CONTACTS->coltypes[0] ? array_flip($CONTACTS->coltypes) : $CONTACTS->coltypes;
$CONTACT_COLTYPES = array_intersect_key($CONTACT_COLTYPES, $contact_cols);
// add associative coltypes definition
if (!$CONTACTS->coltypes[0]) {
foreach ($CONTACTS->coltypes as $col => $colprop) {
if (is_array($colprop['childs'])) {
foreach ($colprop['childs'] as $childcol => $childprop)
$colprop['childs'][$childcol] = array_merge((array)$CONTACT_COLTYPES[$col]['childs'][$childcol], $childprop);
$CONTACT_COLTYPES[$col] = $CONTACT_COLTYPES[$col] ? array_merge($CONTACT_COLTYPES[$col], $colprop) : $colprop;
$OUTPUT->set_env('photocol', is_array($CONTACT_COLTYPES['photo']));
return $CONTACTS;
function rcmail_set_sourcename($abook)
global $OUTPUT;
// get address book name (for display)
if ($abook && $_SESSION['addressbooks_count'] > 1) {
$name = $abook->get_name();
if (!$name) {
$name = rcube_label('personaladrbook');
$OUTPUT->set_env('sourcename', html_entity_decode($name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
function rcmail_directory_list($attrib)
global $RCMAIL, $OUTPUT;
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmdirectorylist';
$out = '';
$jsdata = array();
$line_templ = html::tag('li', array(
'id' => 'rcmli%s', 'class' => '%s', 'noclose' => true),
html::a(array('href' => '%s',
'rel' => '%s',
'onclick' => "return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('list','%s',this)"), '%s'));
$sources = (array) $OUTPUT->get_env('address_sources');
// currently selected source
$current = get_input_value('_source', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC);
foreach ($sources as $j => $source) {
$id = strval(strlen($source['id']) ? $source['id'] : $j);
$js_id = JQ($id);
// set class name(s)
$class_name = 'addressbook';
if ($current === $id)
$class_name .= ' selected';
if ($source['readonly'])
$class_name .= ' readonly';
if ($source['class_name'])
$class_name .= ' ' . $source['class_name'];
$name = !empty($source['name']) ? $source['name'] : $id;
$out .= sprintf($line_templ,
rcube_utils::html_identifier($id, true),
Q(rcmail_url(null, array('_source' => $id))),
$js_id, $name);
$groupdata = array('out' => $out, 'jsdata' => $jsdata, 'source' => $id);
if ($source['groups'])
$groupdata = rcmail_contact_groups($groupdata);
$jsdata = $groupdata['jsdata'];
$out = $groupdata['out'];
$out .= '</li>';
$line_templ = html::tag('li', array(
'id' => 'rcmli%s', 'class' => '%s'),
html::a(array('href' => '#', 'rel' => 'S%s',
'onclick' => "return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('listsearch', '%s', this)"), '%s'));
// Saved searches
$sources = $RCMAIL->user->list_searches(rcube_user::SEARCH_ADDRESSBOOK);
foreach ($sources as $j => $source) {
$id = $source['id'];
$js_id = JQ($id);
// set class name(s)
$class_name = 'contactsearch';
if ($current === $id)
$class_name .= ' selected';
if ($source['class_name'])
$class_name .= ' ' . $source['class_name'];
$out .= sprintf($line_templ,
rcube_utils::html_identifier('S'.$id, true),
$js_id, (!empty($source['name']) ? Q($source['name']) : Q($id)));
$OUTPUT->set_env('contactgroups', $jsdata);
$OUTPUT->set_env('collapsed_abooks', (string)$RCMAIL->config->get('collapsed_abooks',''));
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('folderlist', $attrib['id']);
// add some labels to client
$OUTPUT->add_label('deletegroupconfirm', 'groupdeleting', 'addingmember', 'removingmember');
return html::tag('ul', $attrib, $out, html::$common_attrib);
function rcmail_contact_groups($args)
global $RCMAIL;
$groups_html = '';
$groups = $RCMAIL->get_address_book($args['source'])->list_groups();
if (!empty($groups)) {
$line_templ = html::tag('li', array(
'id' => 'rcmli%s', 'class' => 'contactgroup'),
html::a(array('href' => '#',
'rel' => '%s:%s',
'onclick' => "return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('listgroup',{'source':'%s','id':'%s'},this)"), '%s'));
// append collapse/expand toggle and open a new <ul>
$is_collapsed = strpos($RCMAIL->config->get('collapsed_abooks',''), '&'.rawurlencode($args['source']).'&') !== false;
$args['out'] .= html::div('treetoggle ' . ($is_collapsed ? 'collapsed' : 'expanded'), ' ');
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$groups_html .= sprintf($line_templ,
rcube_utils::html_identifier('G' . $args['source'] . $group['ID'], true),
$args['source'], $group['ID'],
$args['source'], $group['ID'], Q($group['name'])
$args['jsdata']['G'.$args['source'].$group['ID']] = array(
'source' => $args['source'], 'id' => $group['ID'],
'name' => $group['name'], 'type' => 'group');
$args['out'] .= html::tag('ul',
array('class' => 'groups', 'style' => ($is_collapsed || empty($groups) ? "display:none;" : null)),
return $args;
// return the contacts list as HTML table
function rcmail_contacts_list($attrib)
// define list of cols to be displayed
$a_show_cols = array('name');
// add id to message list table if not specified
if (!strlen($attrib['id']))
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmAddressList';
// create XHTML table
$out = rcube_table_output($attrib, array(), $a_show_cols, $CONTACTS->primary_key);
// set client env
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('contactslist', $attrib['id']);
$OUTPUT->set_env('current_page', (int)$CONTACTS->list_page);
// add some labels to client
$OUTPUT->add_label('deletecontactconfirm', 'copyingcontact', 'contactdeleting');
return $out;
function rcmail_js_contacts_list($result, $prefix='')
global $OUTPUT;
if (empty($result) || $result->count == 0)
// define list of cols to be displayed
$a_show_cols = array('name');
while ($row = $result->next()) {
$a_row_cols = array();
$classes = array('person'); // org records will follow some day
// build contact ID with source ID
if (isset($row['sourceid'])) {
$row['ID'] = $row['ID'].'-'.$row['sourceid'];
// format each col
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col) {
$val = $col == 'name' ? rcube_addressbook::compose_list_name($row) : $row[$col];
$a_row_cols[$col] = Q($val);
if ($row['readonly'])
$classes[] = 'readonly';
$OUTPUT->command($prefix.'add_contact_row', $row['ID'], $a_row_cols, join(' ', $classes));
// similar function as /steps/settings/
function rcmail_contact_frame($attrib)
global $OUTPUT;
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmcontactframe';
return $OUTPUT->frame($attrib, true);
function rcmail_rowcount_display($attrib)
global $OUTPUT;
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmcountdisplay';
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('countdisplay', $attrib['id']);
if ($attrib['label'])
$_SESSION['contactcountdisplay'] = $attrib['label'];
return html::span($attrib, rcube_label('loading'));
function rcmail_get_rowcount_text($result=null)
// read nr of contacts
if (!$result) {
$result = $CONTACTS->get_result();
if ($result->count == 0)
$out = rcube_label('nocontactsfound');
$out = rcube_label(array(
'name' => $_SESSION['contactcountdisplay'] ? $_SESSION['contactcountdisplay'] : 'contactsfromto',
'vars' => array(
'from' => $result->first + 1,
'to' => min($result->count, $result->first + $PAGE_SIZE),
'count' => $result->count)
return $out;
function rcmail_get_type_label($type)
$label = 'type'.$type;
if (rcube_label_exists($label, '*', $domain))
return rcube_label($label, $domain);
else if (preg_match('/\w+(\d+)$/', $label, $m)
&& ($label = preg_replace('/(\d+)$/', '', $label))
&& rcube_label_exists($label, '*', $domain))
return rcube_label($label, $domain) . ' ' . $m[1];
return ucfirst($type);
function rcmail_contact_form($form, $record, $attrib = null)
global $RCMAIL, $CONFIG;
// Allow plugins to modify contact form content
$plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('contact_form', array(
'form' => $form, 'record' => $record));
$form = $plugin['form'];
$record = $plugin['record'];
$edit_mode = $RCMAIL->action != 'show';
$del_button = $attrib['deleteicon'] ? html::img(array('src' => $CONFIG['skin_path'] . $attrib['deleteicon'], 'alt' => rcube_label('delete'))) : rcube_label('delete');
$out = '';
// get default coltypes
$coltype_labels = array();
foreach ($coltypes as $col => $prop) {
if ($prop['subtypes']) {
$subtype_names = array_map('rcmail_get_type_label', $prop['subtypes']);
$select_subtype = new html_select(array('name' => '_subtype_'.$col.'[]', 'class' => 'contactselectsubtype'));
$select_subtype->add($subtype_names, $prop['subtypes']);
$coltypes[$col]['subtypes_select'] = $select_subtype->show();
if ($prop['childs']) {
foreach ($prop['childs'] as $childcol => $cp)
$coltype_labels[$childcol] = array('label' => $cp['label']);
foreach ($form as $section => $fieldset) {
// skip empty sections
if (empty($fieldset['content']))
$select_add = new html_select(array('class' => 'addfieldmenu', 'rel' => $section));
$select_add->add(rcube_label('addfield'), '');
// render head section with name fields (not a regular list of rows)
if ($section == 'head') {
$content = '';
// unset display name if it is composed from name parts
if ($record['name'] == rcube_addressbook::compose_display_name(array('name' => '') + (array)$record))
// group fields
$field_blocks = array(
'names' => array('prefix','firstname','middlename','surname','suffix'),
'displayname' => array('name'),
'nickname' => array('nickname'),
'organization' => array('organization'),
'department' => array('department'),
'jobtitle' => array('jobtitle'),
foreach ($field_blocks as $blockname => $colnames) {
$fields = '';
foreach ($colnames as $col) {
// skip cols unknown to the backend
if (!$coltypes[$col])
// only string values are expected here
if (is_array($record[$col]))
$record[$col] = join(' ', $record[$col]);
if ($RCMAIL->action == 'show') {
if (!empty($record[$col]))
$fields .= html::span('namefield ' . $col, Q($record[$col])) . " ";
else {
$colprop = (array)$fieldset['content'][$col] + (array)$coltypes[$col];
$colprop['id'] = 'ff_'.$col;
if (empty($record[$col]) && !$colprop['visible']) {
$colprop['style'] = 'display:none';
$select_add->add($colprop['label'], $col);
$fields .= rcmail_get_edit_field($col, $record[$col], $colprop, $colprop['type']);
$content .= html::div($blockname, $fields);
if ($edit_mode)
$content .= html::p('addfield', $select_add->show(null));
$out .= html::tag('fieldset', $attrib, (!empty($fieldset['name']) ? html::tag('legend', null, Q($fieldset['name'])) : '') . $content) ."\n";
$content = '';
if (is_array($fieldset['content'])) {
foreach ($fieldset['content'] as $col => $colprop) {
// remove subtype part of col name
list($field, $subtype) = explode(':', $col);
if (!$subtype) $subtype = 'home';
$fullkey = $col.':'.$subtype;
// skip cols unknown to the backend
if (!$coltypes[$field])
// merge colprop with global coltype configuration
$colprop += $coltypes[$field];
$label = isset($colprop['label']) ? $colprop['label'] : rcube_label($col);
// prepare subtype selector in edit mode
if ($edit_mode && is_array($colprop['subtypes'])) {
$subtype_names = array_map('rcmail_get_type_label', $colprop['subtypes']);
$select_subtype = new html_select(array('name' => '_subtype_'.$col.'[]', 'class' => 'contactselectsubtype'));
$select_subtype->add($subtype_names, $colprop['subtypes']);
$select_subtype = null;
if (!empty($colprop['value'])) {
$values = (array)$colprop['value'];
else {
// iterate over possible subtypes and collect values with their subtype
if (is_array($colprop['subtypes'])) {
$values = $subtypes = array();
- foreach ($colprop['subtypes'] as $i => $st) {
- $newval = false;
- if ($record[$field.':'.$st]) {
- $subtypes[count($values)] = $st;
- $newval = $record[$field.':'.$st];
- }
- else if ($i == 0 && $record[$field]) {
- $subtypes[count($values)] = $st;
- $newval = $record[$field];
- }
- if ($newval !== false) {
- if (is_array($newval) && isset($newval[0]))
- $values = array_merge($values, $newval);
- else
- $values[] = $newval;
+ foreach (rcube_addressbook::get_col_values($field, $record) as $st => $vals) {
+ foreach((array)$vals as $value) {
+ $i = count($values);
+ $subtypes[$i] = $st;
+ $values[$i] = $value;
+ // TODO: add $st to $select_subtype if missing ?
else {
$values = $record[$fullkey] ? $record[$fullkey] : $record[$field];
$subtypes = null;
// hack: create empty values array to force this field to be displayed
if (empty($values) && $colprop['visible'])
$values[] = '';
if (!is_array($values)) {
// $values can be an object, don't use (array)$values syntax
$values = !empty($values) ? array($values) : array();
$rows = '';
foreach ($values as $i => $val) {
if ($subtypes[$i])
$subtype = $subtypes[$i];
// render composite field
if ($colprop['type'] == 'composite') {
$composite = array(); $j = 0;
$template = $RCMAIL->config->get($col . '_template', '{'.join('} {', array_keys($colprop['childs'])).'}');
foreach ($colprop['childs'] as $childcol => $cp) {
if (!empty($val) && is_array($val)) {
$childvalue = $val[$childcol] ? $val[$childcol] : $val[$j];
else {
$childvalue = '';
if ($edit_mode) {
if ($colprop['subtypes'] || $colprop['limit'] != 1) $cp['array'] = true;
$composite['{'.$childcol.'}'] = rcmail_get_edit_field($childcol, $childvalue, $cp, $cp['type']) . " ";
else {
$childval = $cp['render_func'] ? call_user_func($cp['render_func'], $childvalue, $childcol) : Q($childvalue);
$composite['{'.$childcol.'}'] = html::span('data ' . $childcol, $childval) . " ";
$coltypes[$field] += (array)$colprop;
$val = preg_replace('/\{\w+\}/', '', strtr($template, $composite));
else if ($edit_mode) {
// call callback to render/format value
if ($colprop['render_func'])
$val = call_user_func($colprop['render_func'], $val, $col);
$coltypes[$field] = (array)$colprop + $coltypes[$field];
if ($colprop['subtypes'] || $colprop['limit'] != 1)
$colprop['array'] = true;
// load jquery UI datepicker for date fields
if ($colprop['type'] == 'date') {
$colprop['class'] .= ($colprop['class'] ? ' ' : '') . 'datepicker';
if (!$colprop['render_func'])
$val = rcmail_format_date_col($val);
$val = rcmail_get_edit_field($col, $val, $colprop, $colprop['type']);
else if ($colprop['render_func'])
$val = call_user_func($colprop['render_func'], $val, $col);
else if (is_array($colprop['options']) && isset($colprop['options'][$val]))
$val = $colprop['options'][$val];
$val = Q($val);
// use subtype as label
if ($colprop['subtypes'])
$label = rcmail_get_type_label($subtype);
// add delete button/link
if ($edit_mode && !($colprop['visible'] && $colprop['limit'] == 1))
$val .= html::a(array('href' => '#del', 'class' => 'contactfieldbutton deletebutton', 'title' => rcube_label('delete'), 'rel' => $col), $del_button);
// display row with label
if ($label) {
$rows .= html::div('row',
html::div('contactfieldlabel label', $select_subtype ? $select_subtype->show($subtype) : Q($label)) .
html::div('contactfieldcontent '.$colprop['type'], $val));
else // row without label
$rows .= html::div('row', html::div('contactfield', $val));
// add option to the add-field menu
if (!$colprop['limit'] || $coltypes[$field]['count'] < $colprop['limit']) {
$select_add->add($colprop['label'], $col);
// wrap rows in fieldgroup container
if ($rows) {
$content .= html::tag('fieldset', array('class' => 'contactfieldgroup ' . ($colprop['subtypes'] ? 'contactfieldgroupmulti ' : '') . 'contactcontroller' . $col, 'style' => ($rows ? null : 'display:none')),
($colprop['subtypes'] ? html::tag('legend', null, Q($colprop['label'])) : ' ') .
if (!$content && (!$edit_mode || !$select_add->_count))
// also render add-field selector
if ($edit_mode)
$content .= html::p('addfield', $select_add->show(null, array('style' => $select_add->_count ? null : 'display:none')));
$content = html::div(array('id' => 'contactsection' . $section), $content);
else {
$content = $fieldset['content'];
if ($content)
$out .= html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, Q($fieldset['name'])) . $content) ."\n";
if ($edit_mode) {
$RCMAIL->output->set_env('coltypes', $coltypes + $coltype_labels);
$RCMAIL->output->set_env('delbutton', $del_button);
return $out;
function rcmail_contact_photo($attrib)
if ($result = $CONTACTS->get_result())
$record = $result->first();
$photo_img = $attrib['placeholder'] ? $CONFIG['skin_path'] . $attrib['placeholder'] : 'program/resources/blank.gif';
$RCMAIL->output->set_env('photo_placeholder', $photo_img);
$plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('contact_photo', array('record' => $record, 'data' => $record['photo']));
if ($plugin['url'])
$photo_img = $plugin['url'];
else if (preg_match('!^https?://!i', $record['photo']))
$photo_img = $record['photo'];
else if ($record['photo'])
$photo_img = $RCMAIL->url(array('_action' => 'photo', '_cid' => $record['ID'], '_source' => $SOURCE_ID));
$ff_value = '-del-'; // will disable delete-photo action
$img = html::img(array('src' => $photo_img, 'border' => 1, 'alt' => ''));
$content = html::div($attrib, $img);
if ($CONTACT_COLTYPES['photo'] && ($RCMAIL->action == 'edit' || $RCMAIL->action == 'add')) {
$RCMAIL->output->add_gui_object('contactphoto', $attrib['id']);
$hidden = new html_hiddenfield(array('name' => '_photo', 'id' => 'ff_photo', 'value' => $ff_value));
$content .= $hidden->show();
return $content;
function rcmail_format_date_col($val)
global $RCMAIL;
return format_date($val, $RCMAIL->config->get('date_format', 'Y-m-d'), false);
* Returns contact ID(s) and source(s) from GET/POST data
* @return array List of contact IDs per-source
function rcmail_get_cids($filter = null)
// contact ID (or comma-separated list of IDs) is provided in two
// forms. If _source is an empty string then the ID is a string
// containing contact ID and source name in form: <ID>-<SOURCE>
$cid = get_input_value('_cid', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC);
$source = (string) get_input_value('_source', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC);
if (is_array($cid)) {
return $cid;
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\/=_-]+(,[a-zA-Z0-9\+\/=_-]+)*$/', $cid)) {
return array();
$cid = explode(',', $cid);
$got_source = strlen($source);
$result = array();
// create per-source contact IDs array
foreach ($cid as $id) {
// extract source ID from contact ID (it's there in search mode)
// see #1488959 and #1488862 for reference
if (!$got_source) {
if ($sep = strrpos($id, '-')) {
$contact_id = substr($id, 0, $sep);
$source_id = (string) substr($id, $sep+1);
if (strlen($source_id)) {
$result[$source_id][] = $contact_id;
else {
if (substr($id, -($got_source+1)) === "-$source") {
$id = substr($id, 0, -($got_source+1));
$result[$source][] = $id;
return $filter !== null ? $result[$filter] : $result;
// register UI objects
'directorylist' => 'rcmail_directory_list',
// 'groupslist' => 'rcmail_contact_groups',
'addresslist' => 'rcmail_contacts_list',
'addressframe' => 'rcmail_contact_frame',
'recordscountdisplay' => 'rcmail_rowcount_display',
'searchform' => array($OUTPUT, 'search_form')
// register action aliases
'add' => '',
'photo' => '',
'group-create' => '',
'group-rename' => '',
'group-delete' => '',
'group-addmembers' => '',
'group-delmembers' => '',
'search-create' => '',
'search-delete' => '',
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 9:19 AM (1 d, 19 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(35 KB)
Attached To
R3 roundcubemail
Detach File
Event Timeline
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