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diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 7c2d23032..721aefc7c 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -1,261 +1,261 @@
| RoundCube Webmail IMAP Client |
| Version 0.3-20090419 |
| |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2009, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 |
| as published by the Free Software Foundation. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along |
| with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., |
| 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
// include environment
require_once 'program/include/iniset.php';
// init application and start session with requested task
$RCMAIL = rcmail::get_instance();
// init output class
$OUTPUT = !empty($_REQUEST['_remote']) ? $RCMAIL->init_json() : $RCMAIL->load_gui(!empty($_REQUEST['_framed']));
// init plugin API
// set output buffering
if ($RCMAIL->action != 'get' && $RCMAIL->action != 'viewsource') {
// use gzip compression if supported
if (function_exists('ob_gzhandler')
&& !ini_get('zlib.output_compression')
&& ini_get('output_handler') != 'ob_gzhandler') {
else {
// check if config files had errors
if ($err_str = $RCMAIL->config->get_error()) {
'code' => 601,
'type' => 'php',
'message' => $err_str), false, true);
// check DB connections and exit on failure
if ($err_str = $DB->is_error()) {
'code' => 603,
'type' => 'db',
'message' => $err_str), FALSE, TRUE);
// error steps
if ($RCMAIL->action=='error' && !empty($_GET['_code'])) {
raise_error(array('code' => hexdec($_GET['_code'])), FALSE, TRUE);
// trigger startup plugin hook
$startup = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('startup', array('task' => $RCMAIL->task, 'action' => $RCMAIL->action));
$RCMAIL->action = $startup['action'];
// try to log in
if ($RCMAIL->action=='login' && $RCMAIL->task=='mail') {
// purge the session in case of new login when a session already exists
$auth = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('authenticate', array(
'host' => $RCMAIL->autoselect_host(),
'user' => trim(get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)),
)) + array('pass' => get_input_value('_pass', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, true, 'ISO-8859-1'));
// check if client supports cookies
if (empty($_COOKIE)) {
$OUTPUT->show_message("cookiesdisabled", 'warning');
else if ($_SESSION['temp'] && !empty($auth['user']) && !empty($auth['host']) && isset($auth['pass']) &&
$RCMAIL->login($auth['user'], $auth['pass'], $auth['host'])) {
// create new session ID
- unset($_SESSION['temp']);
+ rcube_sess_unset('temp');
// send auth cookie if necessary
// log successful login
if ($RCMAIL->config->get('log_logins')) {
write_log('userlogins', sprintf('Successful login for %s (id %d) from %s',
// restore original request parameters
$query = array();
if ($url = get_input_value('_url', RCUBE_INPUT_POST))
parse_str($url, $query);
// allow plugins to control the redirect url after login success
$redir = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('login_after', $query + array('task' => $RCMAIL->task));
// send redirect
else {
$OUTPUT->show_message($IMAP->error_code < -1 ? 'imaperror' : 'loginfailed', 'warning');
$RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('login_failed', array('code' => $IMAP->error_code, 'host' => $auth['host'], 'user' => $auth['user']));
// end session
else if (($RCMAIL->task=='logout' || $RCMAIL->action=='logout') && isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
// check session and auth cookie
else if ($RCMAIL->action != 'login' && $_SESSION['user_id'] && $RCMAIL->action != 'send') {
if (!$RCMAIL->authenticate_session()) {
$OUTPUT->show_message('sessionerror', 'error');
// check client X-header to verify request origin
if ($OUTPUT->ajax_call) {
if (!$RCMAIL->config->get('devel_mode') && !rc_request_header('X-RoundCube-Referer')) {
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
die("Invalid Request");
// not logged in -> show login page
if (empty($RCMAIL->user->ID)) {
if ($OUTPUT->ajax_call)
$OUTPUT->redirect(array(), 2000);
// check if installer is still active
if ($RCMAIL->config->get('enable_installer') && is_readable('./installer/index.php')) {
$OUTPUT->add_footer(html::div(array('style' => "background:#ef9398; border:2px solid #dc5757; padding:0.5em; margin:2em auto; width:50em"),
html::tag('h2', array('style' => "margin-top:0.2em"), "Installer script is still accessible") .
html::p(null, "The install script of your RoundCube installation is still stored in its default location!") .
html::p(null, "Please <b>remove</b> the whole <tt>installer</tt> folder from the RoundCube directory because .
these files may expose sensitive configuration data like server passwords and encryption keys
to the public. Make sure you cannot access the <a href=\"./installer/\">installer script</a> from your browser.")
$OUTPUT->set_env('task', 'login');
// handle keep-alive signal
if ($RCMAIL->action == 'keep-alive') {
// save preference value
else if ($RCMAIL->action == 'save-pref') {
$RCMAIL->user->save_prefs(array(get_input_value('_name', RCUBE_INPUT_POST) => get_input_value('_value', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)));
// map task/action to a certain include file
$action_map = array(
'mail' => array(
'preview' => '',
'print' => '',
'moveto' => '',
'delete' => '',
'send' => '',
'expunge' => '',
'purge' => '',
'remove-attachment' => '',
'display-attachment' => '',
'upload' => '',
'addressbook' => array(
'add' => '',
'settings' => array(
'folders' => '',
'create-folder' => '',
'rename-folder' => '',
'delete-folder' => '',
'subscribe' => '',
'unsubscribe' => '',
'add-identity' => '',
// include task specific functions
include_once 'program/steps/'.$RCMAIL->task.'/';
// allow 5 "redirects" to another action
$redirects = 0; $incstep = null;
while ($redirects < 5) {
$stepfile = !empty($action_map[$RCMAIL->task][$RCMAIL->action]) ?
$action_map[$RCMAIL->task][$RCMAIL->action] : strtr($RCMAIL->action, '-', '_') . '.inc';
// execute a plugin action
if (eregi('^plugin.', $RCMAIL->action)) {
// try to include the step file
else if (is_file(($incfile = 'program/steps/'.$RCMAIL->task.'/'.$stepfile))) {
else {
// parse main template (default)
// if we arrive here, something went wrong
'code' => 404,
'type' => 'php',
'line' => __LINE__,
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Invalid request"), true, true);
diff --git a/program/include/rcmail.php b/program/include/rcmail.php
index 45b59ae49..1443617c4 100644
--- a/program/include/rcmail.php
+++ b/program/include/rcmail.php
@@ -1,971 +1,973 @@
| program/include/rcmail.php |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2008-2009, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Application class providing core functions and holding |
| instances of all 'global' objects like db- and imap-connections |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
$Id: rcmail.php 328 2006-08-30 17:41:21Z thomasb $
* Application class of RoundCube Webmail
* implemented as singleton
* @package Core
class rcmail
static public $main_tasks = array('mail','settings','addressbook','login','logout');
static private $instance;
public $config;
public $user;
public $db;
public $imap;
public $output;
public $plugins;
public $task = 'mail';
public $action = '';
public $comm_path = './';
private $texts;
* This implements the 'singleton' design pattern
* @return object rcmail The one and only instance
static function get_instance()
if (!self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new rcmail();
self::$instance->startup(); // init AFTER object was linked with self::$instance
return self::$instance;
* Private constructor
private function __construct()
// load configuration
$this->config = new rcube_config();
register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown'));
* Initial startup function
* to register session, create database and imap connections
* @todo Remove global vars $DB, $USER
private function startup()
$config_all = $this->config->all();
// initialize syslog
if ($this->config->get('log_driver') == 'syslog') {
$syslog_id = $this->config->get('syslog_id', 'roundcube');
$syslog_facility = $this->config->get('syslog_facility', LOG_USER);
openlog($syslog_id, LOG_ODELAY, $syslog_facility);
// set task and action properties
$this->set_task(get_input_value('_task', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
$this->action = asciiwords(get_input_value('_action', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
// connect to database
$GLOBALS['DB'] = $this->get_dbh();
// use database for storing session data
// set session domain
if (!empty($config_all['session_domain'])) {
ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $config_all['session_domain']);
// set session garbage collecting time according to session_lifetime
if (!empty($config_all['session_lifetime'])) {
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', ($config_all['session_lifetime']) * 120);
// start PHP session (if not in CLI mode)
// set initial session vars
if (!isset($_SESSION['auth_time'])) {
$_SESSION['auth_time'] = time();
$_SESSION['temp'] = true;
// create user object
$this->set_user(new rcube_user($_SESSION['user_id']));
// reset some session parameters when changing task
if ($_SESSION['task'] != $this->task)
// set current task to session
$_SESSION['task'] = $this->task;
// create IMAP object
if ($this->task == 'mail')
// create plugin API and load plugins
$this->plugins = rcube_plugin_api::get_instance();
* Setter for application task
* @param string Task to set
public function set_task($task)
$task = asciiwords($task);
$this->task = $task ? $task : 'mail';
$this->comm_path = $this->url(array('task' => $this->task));
if ($this->output)
$this->output->set_env('task', $this->task);
* Setter for system user object
* @param object rcube_user Current user instance
public function set_user($user)
if (is_object($user)) {
$this->user = $user;
$GLOBALS['USER'] = $this->user;
// overwrite config with user preferences
$_SESSION['language'] = $this->user->language = $this->language_prop($this->config->get('language', $_SESSION['language']));
// set localization
setlocale(LC_ALL, $_SESSION['language'] . '.utf8', 'en_US.utf8');
// workaround for
if (in_array($_SESSION['language'], array('tr_TR', 'ku', 'az_AZ')))
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_US' . '.utf8');
* Check the given string and return a valid language code
* @param string Language code
* @return string Valid language code
private function language_prop($lang)
static $rcube_languages, $rcube_language_aliases;
// user HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE if no language is specified
if (empty($lang) || $lang == 'auto') {
$accept_langs = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
$lang = str_replace('-', '_', $accept_langs[0]);
if (empty($rcube_languages)) {
@include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/');
// check if we have an alias for that language
if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) && isset($rcube_language_aliases[$lang])) {
$lang = $rcube_language_aliases[$lang];
// try the first two chars
else if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang])) {
$short = substr($lang, 0, 2);
// check if we have an alias for the short language code
if (!isset($rcube_languages[$short]) && isset($rcube_language_aliases[$short])) {
$lang = $rcube_language_aliases[$short];
// expand 'nn' to 'nn_NN'
else if (!isset($rcube_languages[$short])) {
$lang = $short.'_'.strtoupper($short);
if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) || !is_dir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang)) {
$lang = 'en_US';
return $lang;
* Get the current database connection
* @return object rcube_mdb2 Database connection object
public function get_dbh()
if (!$this->db) {
$config_all = $this->config->all();
$this->db = new rcube_mdb2($config_all['db_dsnw'], $config_all['db_dsnr'], $config_all['db_persistent']);
$this->db->sqlite_initials = INSTALL_PATH . 'SQL/sqlite.initial.sql';
return $this->db;
* Return instance of the internal address book class
* @param boolean True if the address book needs to be writeable
* @return object rcube_contacts Address book object
public function get_address_book($id, $writeable = false)
$contacts = null;
$ldap_config = (array)$this->config->get('ldap_public');
$abook_type = strtolower($this->config->get('address_book_type'));
$plugin = $this->plugins->exec_hook('get_address_book', array('id' => $id, 'writeable' => $writeable));
// plugin returned instance of a rcube_addressbook
if ($plugin['instance'] instanceof rcube_addressbook) {
$contacts = $plugin['instance'];
else if ($id && $ldap_config[$id]) {
$contacts = new rcube_ldap($ldap_config[$id]);
else if ($id === '0') {
$contacts = new rcube_contacts($this->db, $this->user->ID);
else if ($abook_type == 'ldap') {
// Use the first writable LDAP address book.
foreach ($ldap_config as $id => $prop) {
if (!$writeable || $prop['writable']) {
$contacts = new rcube_ldap($prop);
else {
$contacts = new rcube_contacts($this->db, $this->user->ID);
return $contacts;
* Init output object for GUI and add common scripts.
* This will instantiate a rcmail_template object and set
* environment vars according to the current session and configuration
* @param boolean True if this request is loaded in a (i)frame
* @return object rcube_template Reference to HTML output object
public function load_gui($framed = false)
// init output page
if (!($this->output instanceof rcube_template))
$this->output = new rcube_template($this->task, $framed);
foreach (array('flag_for_deletion','read_when_deleted') as $js_config_var) {
$this->output->set_env($js_config_var, $this->config->get($js_config_var));
// set keep-alive/check-recent interval
if ($keep_alive = $this->config->get('keep_alive')) {
// be sure that it's less than session lifetime
if ($session_lifetime = $this->config->get('session_lifetime'))
$keep_alive = min($keep_alive, $session_lifetime * 60 - 30);
$this->output->set_env('keep_alive', max(60, $keep_alive));
if ($framed) {
$this->comm_path .= '&_framed=1';
$this->output->set_env('framed', true);
$this->output->set_env('task', $this->task);
$this->output->set_env('action', $this->action);
$this->output->set_env('comm_path', $this->comm_path);
$this->output->set_charset($this->config->get('charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET));
// add some basic label to client
return $this->output;
* Create an output object for JSON responses
* @return object rcube_json_output Reference to JSON output object
public function init_json()
if (!($this->output instanceof rcube_json_output))
$this->output = new rcube_json_output($this->task);
return $this->output;
* Create global IMAP object and connect to server
* @param boolean True if connection should be established
* @todo Remove global $IMAP
public function imap_init($connect = false)
$this->imap = new rcube_imap($this->db);
$this->imap->debug_level = $this->config->get('debug_level');
$this->imap->skip_deleted = $this->config->get('skip_deleted');
// enable caching of imap data
if ($this->config->get('enable_caching')) {
// set pagesize from config
$this->imap->set_pagesize($this->config->get('pagesize', 50));
// Setting root and delimiter before iil_Connect can save time detecting them
// using NAMESPACE and LIST
$options = array(
'imap' => $this->config->get('imap_auth_type', 'check'),
'delimiter' => isset($_SESSION['imap_delimiter']) ? $_SESSION['imap_delimiter'] : $this->config->get('imap_delimiter'),
'rootdir' => isset($_SESSION['imap_root']) ? $_SESSION['imap_root'] : $this->config->get('imap_root'),
// set global object for backward compatibility
$GLOBALS['IMAP'] = $this->imap;
if ($connect)
* Connect to IMAP server with stored session data
* @return bool True on success, false on error
public function imap_connect()
$conn = false;
if ($_SESSION['imap_host'] && !$this->imap->conn) {
if (!($conn = $this->imap->connect($_SESSION['imap_host'], $_SESSION['username'], $this->decrypt_passwd($_SESSION['password']), $_SESSION['imap_port'], $_SESSION['imap_ssl']))) {
if ($this->output)
$this->output->show_message($this->imap->error_code == -1 ? 'imaperror' : 'sessionerror', 'error');
return $conn;
* Perfom login to the IMAP server and to the webmail service.
* This will also create a new user entry if auto_create_user is configured.
* @param string IMAP user name
* @param string IMAP password
* @param string IMAP host
* @return boolean True on success, False on failure
function login($username, $pass, $host=NULL)
$user = NULL;
$config = $this->config->all();
if (!$host)
$host = $config['default_host'];
// Validate that selected host is in the list of configured hosts
if (is_array($config['default_host'])) {
$allowed = false;
foreach ($config['default_host'] as $key => $host_allowed) {
if (!is_numeric($key))
$host_allowed = $key;
if ($host == $host_allowed) {
$allowed = true;
if (!$allowed)
return false;
else if (!empty($config['default_host']) && $host != $config['default_host'])
return false;
// parse $host URL
$a_host = parse_url($host);
if ($a_host['host']) {
$host = $a_host['host'];
$imap_ssl = (isset($a_host['scheme']) && in_array($a_host['scheme'], array('ssl','imaps','tls'))) ? $a_host['scheme'] : null;
$imap_port = $a_host['port'];
else if ($imap_ssl && $imap_ssl != 'tls')
$imap_port = 993;
$imap_port = $imap_port ? $imap_port : $config['default_port'];
/* Modify username with domain if required
Inspired by Marco <>
// Check if we need to add domain
if (!empty($config['username_domain']) && !strpos($username, '@')) {
if (is_array($config['username_domain']) && isset($config['username_domain'][$host]))
$username .= '@'.$config['username_domain'][$host];
else if (is_string($config['username_domain']))
$username .= '@'.$config['username_domain'];
// try to resolve email address from virtuser table
if (strpos($username, '@'))
if ($virtuser = rcube_user::email2user($username))
$username = $virtuser;
// lowercase username if it's an e-mail address (#1484473)
if (strpos($username, '@'))
$username = rc_strtolower($username);
// user already registered -> overwrite username
if ($user = rcube_user::query($username, $host))
$username = $user->data['username'];
// exit if IMAP login failed
if (!($imap_login = $this->imap->connect($host, $username, $pass, $imap_port, $imap_ssl)))
return false;
// user already registered -> update user's record
if (is_object($user)) {
// create new system user
else if ($config['auto_create_user']) {
if ($created = rcube_user::create($username, $host)) {
$user = $created;
// get existing mailboxes (but why?)
// $a_mailboxes = $this->imap->list_mailboxes();
else {
'code' => 600,
'type' => 'php',
'file' => RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR."/",
'message' => "Acces denied for new user $username. 'auto_create_user' is disabled"
), true, false);
// login succeeded
if (is_object($user) && $user->ID) {
// set session vars
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->ID;
$_SESSION['username'] = $user->data['username'];
$_SESSION['imap_host'] = $host;
$_SESSION['imap_port'] = $imap_port;
$_SESSION['imap_ssl'] = $imap_ssl;
$_SESSION['password'] = $this->encrypt_passwd($pass);
$_SESSION['login_time'] = mktime();
if ($_REQUEST['_timezone'] != '_default_')
$_SESSION['timezone'] = floatval($_REQUEST['_timezone']);
// force reloading complete list of subscribed mailboxes
if ($config['create_default_folders'])
return true;
return false;
* Set root dir and last stored mailbox
* This must be done AFTER connecting to the server!
public function set_imap_prop()
$this->imap->set_charset($this->config->get('default_charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET));
if ($default_folders = $this->config->get('default_imap_folders')) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['mbox'])) {
if (isset($_SESSION['page'])) {
// cache IMAP root and delimiter in session for performance reasons
$_SESSION['imap_root'] = $this->imap->root_dir;
$_SESSION['imap_delimiter'] = $this->imap->delimiter;
* Auto-select IMAP host based on the posted login information
* @return string Selected IMAP host
public function autoselect_host()
$default_host = $this->config->get('default_host');
$host = null;
if (is_array($default_host)) {
$post_host = get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
// direct match in default_host array
if ($default_host[$post_host] || in_array($post_host, array_values($default_host))) {
$host = $post_host;
// try to select host by mail domain
list($user, $domain) = explode('@', get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_POST));
if (!empty($domain)) {
foreach ($default_host as $imap_host => $mail_domains) {
if (is_array($mail_domains) && in_array($domain, $mail_domains)) {
$host = $imap_host;
// take the first entry if $host is still an array
if (empty($host)) {
$host = array_shift($default_host);
else if (empty($default_host)) {
$host = get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
$host = $default_host;
return $host;
* Get localized text in the desired language
* @param mixed Named parameters array or label name
* @return string Localized text
public function gettext($attrib, $domain=null)
// load localization files if not done yet
if (empty($this->texts))
// extract attributes
if (is_string($attrib))
$attrib = array('name' => $attrib);
$nr = is_numeric($attrib['nr']) ? $attrib['nr'] : 1;
$vars = isset($attrib['vars']) ? $attrib['vars'] : '';
$command_name = !empty($attrib['command']) ? $attrib['command'] : NULL;
$alias = $attrib['name'] ? $attrib['name'] : ($command_name && $command_label_map[$command_name] ? $command_label_map[$command_name] : '');
// check for text with domain
if ($domain && ($text_item = $this->texts[$domain.'.'.$alias]))
// text does not exist
else if (!($text_item = $this->texts[$alias])) {
'code' => 500,
'type' => 'php',
'line' => __LINE__,
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Missing localized text for '$alias' in '$sess_user_lang'"), TRUE, FALSE);
return "[$alias]";
// make text item array
$a_text_item = is_array($text_item) ? $text_item : array('single' => $text_item);
// decide which text to use
if ($nr == 1) {
$text = $a_text_item['single'];
else if ($nr > 0) {
$text = $a_text_item['multiple'];
else if ($nr == 0) {
if ($a_text_item['none'])
$text = $a_text_item['none'];
else if ($a_text_item['single'])
$text = $a_text_item['single'];
else if ($a_text_item['multiple'])
$text = $a_text_item['multiple'];
// default text is single
if ($text == '') {
$text = $a_text_item['single'];
// replace vars in text
if (is_array($attrib['vars'])) {
foreach ($attrib['vars'] as $var_key => $var_value)
$a_replace_vars[$var_key{0}=='$' ? substr($var_key, 1) : $var_key] = $var_value;
if ($a_replace_vars)
$text = preg_replace('/\$\{?([_a-z]{1}[_a-z0-9]*)\}?/ei', '$a_replace_vars["\1"]', $text);
// format output
if (($attrib['uppercase'] && strtolower($attrib['uppercase']=='first')) || $attrib['ucfirst'])
return ucfirst($text);
else if ($attrib['uppercase'])
return strtoupper($text);
else if ($attrib['lowercase'])
return strtolower($text);
return $text;
* Load a localization package
* @param string Language ID
public function load_language($lang = null, $add = array())
$lang = $this->language_prop(($lang ? $lang : $_SESSION['language']));
// load localized texts
if (empty($this->texts) || $lang != $_SESSION['language']) {
$this->texts = array();
// get english labels (these should be complete)
@include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/en_US/');
@include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/en_US/');
if (is_array($labels))
$this->texts = $labels;
if (is_array($messages))
$this->texts = array_merge($this->texts, $messages);
// include user language files
if ($lang != 'en' && is_dir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang)) {
include_once(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang . '/');
include_once(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang . '/');
if (is_array($labels))
$this->texts = array_merge($this->texts, $labels);
if (is_array($messages))
$this->texts = array_merge($this->texts, $messages);
$_SESSION['language'] = $lang;
// append additional texts (from plugin)
if (is_array($add) && !empty($add))
$this->texts += $add;
* Read directory program/localization and return a list of available languages
* @return array List of available localizations
public function list_languages()
static $sa_languages = array();
if (!sizeof($sa_languages)) {
@include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/');
if ($dh = @opendir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization')) {
while (($name = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($name{0}=='.' || !is_dir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $name))
if ($label = $rcube_languages[$name])
$sa_languages[$name] = $label ? $label : $name;
return $sa_languages;
* Check the auth hash sent by the client against the local session credentials
* @return boolean True if valid, False if not
function authenticate_session()
// advanced session authentication
if ($this->config->get('double_auth')) {
$now = time();
$valid = ($_COOKIE['sessauth'] == $this->get_auth_hash(session_id(), $_SESSION['auth_time']) ||
$_COOKIE['sessauth'] == $this->get_auth_hash(session_id(), $_SESSION['last_auth']));
// renew auth cookie every 5 minutes (only for GET requests)
if (!$valid || ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']!='POST' && $now - $_SESSION['auth_time'] > 300)) {
$_SESSION['last_auth'] = $_SESSION['auth_time'];
$_SESSION['auth_time'] = $now;
rcmail::setcookie('sessauth', $this->get_auth_hash(session_id(), $now), 0);
else {
$valid = $this->config->get('ip_check') ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $SESS_CLIENT_IP : true;
// check session filetime
$lifetime = $this->config->get('session_lifetime');
if (!empty($lifetime) && isset($SESS_CHANGED) && $SESS_CHANGED + $lifetime*60 < time()) {
$valid = false;
return $valid;
* Destroy session data and remove cookie
public function kill_session()
+ foreach (array_keys($_SESSION) as $var)
+ rcube_sess_unset($var);
$_SESSION = array('language' => $this->user->language, 'auth_time' => time(), 'temp' => true);
rcmail::setcookie('sessauth', '-del-', time() - 60);
* Do server side actions on logout
public function logout_actions()
$config = $this->config->all();
// on logout action we're not connected to imap server
if (($config['logout_purge'] && !empty($config['trash_mbox'])) || $config['logout_expunge']) {
if (!$this->authenticate_session())
if ($config['logout_purge'] && !empty($config['trash_mbox'])) {
if ($config['logout_expunge']) {
* Function to be executed in script shutdown
* Registered with register_shutdown_function()
public function shutdown()
if (is_object($this->imap)) {
if (is_object($this->contacts))
// before closing the database connection, write session data
* Create unique authorization hash
* @param string Session ID
* @param int Timestamp
* @return string The generated auth hash
private function get_auth_hash($sess_id, $ts)
$auth_string = sprintf('rcmail*sess%sR%s*Chk:%s;%s',
$this->config->get('ip_check') ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '***.***.***.***',
if (function_exists('sha1'))
return sha1($auth_string);
return md5($auth_string);
* Encrypt IMAP password using DES encryption
* @param string Password to encrypt
* @return string Encryprted string
public function encrypt_passwd($pass)
if (function_exists('mcrypt_module_open') && ($td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TripleDES, "", MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, ""))) {
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this->config->get_des_key(), $iv);
$cypher = mcrypt_generic($td, $pass);
else if (function_exists('des')) {
$cypher = des($this->config->get_des_key(), $pass, 1, 0, NULL);
else {
$cypher = $pass;
'code' => 500,
'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Could not convert encrypt password. Make sure Mcrypt is installed or lib/ is available"
), true, false);
return base64_encode($cypher);
* Decrypt IMAP password using DES encryption
* @param string Encrypted password
* @return string Plain password
public function decrypt_passwd($cypher)
if (function_exists('mcrypt_module_open') && ($td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TripleDES, "", MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, ""))) {
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this->config->get_des_key(), $iv);
$pass = mdecrypt_generic($td, base64_decode($cypher));
else if (function_exists('des')) {
$pass = des($this->config->get_des_key(), base64_decode($cypher), 0, 0, NULL);
else {
$pass = base64_decode($cypher);
return preg_replace('/\x00/', '', $pass);
* Build a valid URL to this instance of RoundCube
* @param mixed Either a string with the action or url parameters as key-value pairs
* @return string Valid application URL
public function url($p)
if (!is_array($p))
$p = array('_action' => @func_get_arg(0));
$task = $p['_task'] ? $p['_task'] : ($p['task'] ? $p['task'] : $this->task);
$p['_task'] = $task;
$url = './';
$delm = '?';
foreach (array_reverse($p) as $key => $val)
if (!empty($val)) {
$par = $key[0] == '_' ? $key : '_'.$key;
$url .= $delm.urlencode($par).'='.urlencode($val);
$delm = '&';
return $url;
* Helper method to set a cookie with the current path and host settings
* @param string Cookie name
* @param string Cookie value
* @param string Expiration time
public static function setcookie($name, $value, $exp = 0)
$cookie = session_get_cookie_params();
setcookie($name, $value, $exp, $cookie['path'], $cookie['domain'],
($_SERVER['HTTPS'] && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off')));

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 2:16 PM (12 m, 32 s)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(38 KB)

Event Timeline