if ($RCI->configured && !$RCI->getprop('enable_installer') && !$_SESSION['allowinstaller']) {
// header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
if ($RCI->configured && $RCI->legacy_config) {
echo '<h2 class="error">Your configuration needs to be migrated!</h2>';
echo '<p>We changed the configuration files structure and your installation needs to be updated accordingly.</p>';
echo '<p>Please run the <tt>bin/update.sh</tt> script from the command line or set <p> <tt>$rcube_config[\'enable_installer\'] = true;</tt></p>';
echo ' in your RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR/main.inc.php to let the installer help you migrating it.</p>';
else {
echo '<h2 class="error">The installer is disabled!</h2>';
echo '<p>To enable it again, set <tt>$config[\'enable_installer\'] = true;</tt> in RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR/config.inc.php</p>';
echo '</div></body></html>';
<h1>Roundcube Webmail Installer</h1>
<ol id="progress">
$include_steps = array(
1 => './check.php',
2 => './config.php',
3 => './test.php',
if (!in_array($RCI->step, array_keys($include_steps))) {