$labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify assignees about modifications';
$labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify assignees about task cancellation';
$labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been assigned to "$title"';
$labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the task details which you can import to your tasks application.";
$labels['itipupdatesubject'] = '"$title" has been updated';
$labels['itipupdatesubjectempty'] = 'A task that concerns you has been updated';
$labels['itipupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details which you can import to your tasks application.";
$labels['itipcancelsubject'] = '"$title" has been canceled';
$labels['itipcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees\n\nThe task has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated task details.";
$labels['saveintasklist'] = 'save in ';
// invitation handling (overrides labels from libcalendaring)
$labels['itipobjectnotfound'] = 'The task referred by this message was not found in your tasks list.';
$labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees";
$labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees";
$labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date\n\nAssignees: \$attendees";
$labels['itipmailbodycancel'] = "\$sender has rejected your assignment to the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date";
$labels['itipmailbodyin-process'] = "\$sender has set the status of the following task to in-process:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date";
$labels['itipmailbodycompleted'] = "\$sender has completed the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date";
$labels['itipmailbodydelegated'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date";
$labels['itipmailbodydelegatedto'] = "\$sender has delegated the following task to you:\n\n*\$title*\n\nDue: \$date";
$labels['attendeeaccepted'] = 'Assignee has accepted';
$labels['attendeetentative'] = 'Assignee has tentatively accepted';
$labels['attendeedeclined'] = 'Assignee has declined';
$labels['attendeedelegated'] = 'Assignee has delegated to $delegatedto';
$labels['attendeein-process'] = 'Assignee is in-process';
$labels['attendeecompleted'] = 'Assignee has completed';
$labels['acceptinvitation'] = 'Do you accept this assignment?';
$labels['itipdeclinetask'] = 'Decline your assignment to this task to the organizer';
$labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined task from your tasks list?';