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* Localizations for Kolab Calendar plugin
* Copyright (C) 2014, Kolab Systems AG
* For translation see
$labels['default_view'] = 'Default view';
$labels['time_format'] = 'Time format';
$labels['timeslots'] = 'Time slots per hour';
$labels['first_day'] = 'First weekday';
$labels['first_hour'] = 'First hour to show';
$labels['workinghours'] = 'Working hours';
$labels['add_category'] = 'Add category';
$labels['remove_category'] = 'Remove category';
$labels['defaultcalendar'] = 'Create new events in';
$labels['eventcoloring'] = 'Event coloring';
$labels['coloringmode0'] = 'According to calendar';
$labels['coloringmode1'] = 'According to category';
$labels['coloringmode2'] = 'Calendar for outline, category for content';
$labels['coloringmode3'] = 'Category for outline, calendar for content';
$labels['calendar'] = 'Calendar';
$labels['calendars'] = 'Calendars';
$labels['category'] = 'Category';
$labels['categories'] = 'Categories';
$labels['createcalendar'] = 'Create new calendar';
$labels['editcalendar'] = 'Edit calendar properties';
$labels['name'] = 'Nimi';
$labels['color'] = 'Color';
$labels['day'] = 'Day';
$labels['week'] = 'Week';
$labels['month'] = 'Month';
$labels['agenda'] = 'Agenda';
$labels['new'] = 'New';
$labels['new_event'] = 'New event';
$labels['edit_event'] = 'Edit event';
$labels['edit'] = 'Edit';
$labels['save'] = 'Salvesta';
$labels['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$labels['select'] = 'Select';
$labels['print'] = 'Print';
$labels['printtitle'] = 'Print calendars';
$labels['title'] = 'Summary';
$labels['description'] = 'Description';
$labels['all-day'] = 'all-day';
$labels['export'] = 'Export';
$labels['exporttitle'] = 'Export to iCalendar';
$labels['exportrange'] = 'Events from';
$labels['exportattachments'] = 'With attachments';
$labels['customdate'] = 'Custom date';
$labels['location'] = 'Location';
$labels['url'] = 'URL';
$labels['date'] = 'Date';
$labels['start'] = 'Start';
$labels['end'] = 'End';
$labels['repeat'] = 'Repeat';
$labels['selectdate'] = 'Choose date';
$labels['freebusy'] = 'Show me as';
$labels['free'] = 'Free';
$labels['busy'] = 'Busy';
$labels['outofoffice'] = 'Absent';
$labels['tentative'] = 'Tentative';
$labels['status'] = 'Status';
$labels['priority'] = 'Priority';
$labels['sensitivity'] = 'Privacy';
$labels['public'] = 'public';
$labels['private'] = 'private';
$labels['confidential'] = 'confidential';
$labels['alarms'] = 'Reminder';
$labels['comment'] = 'Kommentaar';
$labels['unknown'] = 'Unknown';
$labels['generated'] = 'generated at';
$labels['printdescriptions'] = 'Print descriptions';
$labels['parentcalendar'] = 'Insert inside';
$labels['searchearlierdates'] = Search for earlier events';
$labels['searchlaterdates'] = 'Search for later events »';
$labels['andnmore'] = '$nr more...';
$labels['togglerole'] = 'Click to toggle role';
$labels['createfrommail'] = 'Save as event';
$labels['importevents'] = 'Import events';
$labels['importrange'] = 'Events from';
$labels['onemonthback'] = '1 month back';
$labels['nmonthsback'] = '$nr months back';
$labels['showurl'] = 'Show calendar URL';
$labels['showurldescription'] = 'Use the following address to access (read only) your calendar from other applications. You can copy and paste this into any calendar software that supports the iCal format.';
$labels['caldavurldescription'] = 'Copy this address to a <a href="" target="_blank">CalDAV</a> client application (e.g. Evolution or Mozilla Thunderbird) to fully synchronize this specific calendar with your computer or mobile device.';
$labels['listrange'] = 'Range to display:';
$labels['listsections'] = 'Divide into:';
$labels['smartsections'] = 'Smart sections';
$labels['until'] = 'until';
$labels['today'] = 'Today';
$labels['tomorrow'] = 'Tomorrow';
$labels['thisweek'] = 'This week';
$labels['nextweek'] = 'Next week';
$labels['thismonth'] = 'This month';
$labels['nextmonth'] = 'Next month';
$labels['weekofyear'] = 'Week';
$labels['pastevents'] = 'Past';
$labels['futureevents'] = 'Future';
$labels['showalarms'] = 'Show reminders';
$labels['defaultalarmtype'] = 'Default reminder setting';
$labels['defaultalarmoffset'] = 'Default reminder time';
$labels['attendee'] = 'Participant';
$labels['role'] = 'Role';
$labels['availability'] = 'Avail.';
$labels['confirmstate'] = 'Status';
$labels['addattendee'] = 'Add participant';
$labels['roleorganizer'] = 'Organizer';
$labels['rolerequired'] = 'Kohustuslik';
$labels['roleoptional'] = 'Optional';
$labels['rolechair'] = 'Chair';
$labels['rolenonparticipant'] = 'Absent';
$labels['cutypeindividual'] = 'Individual';
$labels['cutypegroup'] = 'Group';
$labels['cutyperesource'] = 'Resource';
$labels['cutyperoom'] = 'Room';
$labels['availfree'] = 'Free';
$labels['availbusy'] = 'Busy';
$labels['availunknown'] = 'Unknown';
$labels['availtentative'] = 'Tentative';
$labels['availoutofoffice'] = 'Absent';
$labels['scheduletime'] = 'Find availability';
$labels['sendinvitations'] = 'Send invitations';
$labels['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify participants about modifications';
$labels['sendcancellation'] = 'Notify participants about event cancellation';
$labels['onlyworkinghours'] = 'Find availability within my working hours';
$labels['reqallattendees'] = 'Required/all participants';
$labels['prevslot'] = 'Previous Slot';
$labels['nextslot'] = 'Next Slot';
$labels['noslotfound'] = 'Unable to find a free time slot';
$labels['invitationsubject'] = 'You\'ve been invited to "$title"';
$labels['invitationmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the event details which you can import to your calendar application.";
$labels['invitationattendlinks'] = "In case your email client doesn't support iTip requests you can use the following link to either accept or decline this invitation:\n\$url";
$labels['eventupdatesubject'] = '"$title" has been updated';
$labels['eventupdatesubjectempty'] = 'An event that concerns you has been updated';
$labels['eventupdatemailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated event details which you can import to your calendar application.";
$labels['eventcancelsubject'] = '"$title" has been canceled';
$labels['eventcancelmailbody'] = "*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees\n\nThe event has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated event details.";
$labels['itipmailbodyaccepted'] = "\$sender has accepted the invitation to the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees";
$labels['itipmailbodytentative'] = "\$sender has tentatively accepted the invitation to the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees";
$labels['itipmailbodydeclined'] = "\$sender has declined the invitation to the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees";
$labels['itipdeclineevent'] = 'Do you want to decline your invitation to this event?';
$labels['declinedeleteconfirm'] = 'Do you also want to delete this declined event from your calendar?';
$labels['notanattendee'] = 'You\'re not listed as an attendee of this event';
$labels['eventcancelled'] = 'The event has been cancelled';
$labels['saveincalendar'] = 'save in';
$labels['resource'] = 'Resource';
$labels['tabsummary'] = 'Summary';
$labels['tabrecurrence'] = 'Recurrence';
$labels['tabattendees'] = 'Participants';
$labels['tabattachments'] = 'Attachments';
$labels['tabsharing'] = 'Sharing';
$labels['deleteobjectconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this event?';
$labels['deleteventconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this event?';
$labels['deletecalendarconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this calendar with all its events?';
$labels['deletecalendarconfirmrecursive'] = 'Do you really want to delete this calendar with all its events and sub-calendars?';
$labels['savingdata'] = 'Saving data...';
$labels['errorsaving'] = 'Failed to save changes.';
$labels['operationfailed'] = 'The requested operation failed.';
$labels['invalideventdates'] = 'Invalid dates entered! Please check your input.';
$labels['invalidcalendarproperties'] = 'Invalid calendar properties! Please set a valid name.';
$labels['searchnoresults'] = 'No events found in the selected calendars.';
$labels['successremoval'] = 'The event has been deleted successfully.';
$labels['successrestore'] = 'The event has been restored successfully.';
$labels['errornotifying'] = 'Failed to send notifications to event participants';
$labels['errorimportingevent'] = 'Failed to import the event';
$labels['newerversionexists'] = 'A newer version of this event already exists! Aborted.';
$labels['nowritecalendarfound'] = 'No calendar found to save the event';
$labels['importedsuccessfully'] = 'The event was successfully added to \'$calendar\'';
$labels['attendeupdateesuccess'] = 'Successfully updated the participant\'s status';
$labels['itipsendsuccess'] = 'Invitation sent to participants.';
$labels['itipresponseerror'] = 'Failed to send the response to this event invitation';
$labels['itipinvalidrequest'] = 'This invitation is no longer valid';
$labels['sentresponseto'] = 'Successfully sent invitation response to $mailto';
$labels['localchangeswarning'] = 'You are about to make changes that will only be reflected on your calendar and not be sent to the organizer of the event.';
$labels['importsuccess'] = 'Successfully imported $nr events';
$labels['importnone'] = 'No events found to be imported';
$labels['importerror'] = 'An error occured while importing';
$labels['aclnorights'] = 'You do not have administrator rights on this calendar.';
$labels['changeeventconfirm'] = 'Change event';
$labels['changerecurringeventwarning'] = 'This is a recurring event. Would you like to edit the current event only, this and all future occurences, all occurences or save it as a new event?';
$labels['currentevent'] = 'Current';
$labels['futurevents'] = 'Future';
$labels['allevents'] = 'All';
$labels['saveasnew'] = 'Save as new';
$labels['birthdays'] = 'Birthdays';
$labels['birthdayscalendar'] = 'Birthdays Calendar';
$labels['displaybirthdayscalendar'] = 'Display birthdays calendar';
$labels['birthdayscalendarsources'] = 'From these address books';
$labels['birthdayeventtitle'] = '$name\'s Birthday';
$labels['birthdayage'] = 'Age $age';
$labels['operation'] = 'Toiming';

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Nov 22, 7:04 AM (20 h, 16 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (10 KB)

Event Timeline