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diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 71e2c630a..8bfb9d603 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -1,181 +1,181 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
| bin/ |
| |
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2010-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Check local configuration and database schema after upgrading |
| to a new version |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
define('INSTALL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/' );
require_once INSTALL_PATH . 'program/include/clisetup.php';
require_once INSTALL_PATH . 'installer/rcube_install.php';
// get arguments
$opts = rcube_utils::get_opt(array('v' => 'version', 'y' => 'accept'));
// ask user if no version is specified
if (!$opts['version']) {
echo "What version are you upgrading from? Type '?' if you don't know.\n";
if (($input = trim(fgets(STDIN))) && preg_match('/^[0-9.]+[a-z-]*$/', $input))
$opts['version'] = $input;
$opts['version'] = RCMAIL_VERSION;
$RCI = rcube_install::get_instance();
if ($RCI->configured) {
$success = true;
if (($messages = $RCI->check_config()) || $RCI->legacy_config) {
$success = false;
$err = 0;
// list old/replaced config options
if (is_array($messages['replaced'])) {
echo "WARNING: Replaced config options:\n";
echo "(These config options have been replaced or renamed)\n";
foreach ($messages['replaced'] as $msg) {
echo "- '" . $msg['prop'] . "' was replaced by '" . $msg['replacement'] . "'\n";
echo "\n";
// list obsolete config options (just a notice)
if (is_array($messages['obsolete'])) {
echo "NOTICE: Obsolete config options:\n";
echo "(You still have some obsolete or inexistent properties set. This isn't a problem but should be noticed)\n";
foreach ($messages['obsolete'] as $msg) {
echo "- '" . $msg['prop'] . ($msg['name'] ? "': " . $msg['name'] : "'") . "\n";
echo "\n";
if (!$err && $RCI->legacy_config) {
echo "WARNING: Your configuration needs to be migrated!\n";
echo "We changed the configuration files structure and your two config files and have to be merged into one single file.\n";
// ask user to update config files
if ($err) {
if (!$opts['accept']) {
echo "Do you want me to fix your local configuration? (y/N)\n";
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
// positive: let's merge the local config with the defaults
if ($opts['accept'] || strtolower($input) == 'y') {
$error = $written = false;
// backup current config
echo ". backing up the current config file(s)...\n";
foreach (array('config', 'main', 'db') as $file) {
if (file_exists(RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/' . $file . '.inc.php')) {
if (!copy(RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/' . $file . '.inc.php', RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/' . $file . '.old.php')) {
$error = true;
if (!$error) {
echo ". writing " . RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . "/\n";
- $written = file_put_contents(RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/', $RCI->create_config());
+ $written = $RCI->save_configfile($RCI->create_config());
// Success!
if ($written) {
echo "Done.\n";
echo "Your configuration files are now up-to-date!\n";
if ($messages['missing']) {
echo "But you still need to add the following missing options:\n";
foreach ($messages['missing'] as $msg)
echo "- '" . $msg['prop'] . ($msg['name'] ? "': " . $msg['name'] : "'") . "\n";
if ($RCI->legacy_config) {
foreach (array('main', 'db') as $file) {
@unlink(RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/' . $file . '.inc.php');
else {
echo "Failed to write config file(s)!\n";
echo "Grant write privileges to the current user or update the files manually according to the above messages.\n";
else {
echo "Please update your config files manually according to the above messages.\n";
// check dependencies based on the current configuration
if (is_array($messages['dependencies'])) {
echo "WARNING: Dependency check failed!\n";
echo "(Some of your configuration settings require other options to be configured or additional PHP modules to be installed)\n";
foreach ($messages['dependencies'] as $msg) {
echo "- " . $msg['prop'] . ': ' . $msg['explain'] . "\n";
echo "Please fix your config files and run this script again!\n";
echo "See ya.\n";
// check file type detection
if ($RCI->check_mime_detection()) {
echo "WARNING: File type detection doesn't work properly!\n";
echo "Please check the 'mime_magic' config option or the finfo functions of PHP andrun this script again.\n";
if ($RCI->check_mime_extensions()) {
echo "WARNING: Mimetype to file extension mapping doesn't work properly!\n";
echo "Please check the 'mime_types' config option and run this script again.\n";
// check database schema
if ($RCI->config['db_dsnw']) {
echo "Executing database schema update.\n";
system(INSTALL_PATH . "bin/ --package=roundcube --version=" . $opts['version']
. " --dir=" . INSTALL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "SQL", $res);
$success = !$res;
// index contacts for fulltext searching
if ($opts['version'] && version_compare(version_parse($opts['version']), '0.6.0', '<')) {
system(INSTALL_PATH . 'bin/');
if ($success) {
echo "This instance of Roundcube is up-to-date.\n";
echo "Have fun!\n";
else {
echo "This instance of Roundcube is not yet configured!\n";
echo "Open http://url-to-roundcube/installer/ in your browser and follow the instuctions.\n";
diff --git a/installer/config.php b/installer/config.php
index f990fc23f..fd7932af4 100644
--- a/installer/config.php
+++ b/installer/config.php
@@ -1,664 +1,678 @@
if (!class_exists('rcube_install') || !is_object($RCI)) {
die("Not allowed! Please open installer/index.php instead.");
<form action="index.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="_step" value="2" />
// register these boolean fields
$RCI->bool_config_props = array(
'ip_check' => 1,
'enable_spellcheck' => 1,
'auto_create_user' => 1,
'smtp_log' => 1,
'prefer_html' => 1,
'preview_pane' => 1,
'debug_level' => 1,
// allow the current user to get to the next step
$_SESSION['allowinstaller'] = true;
if (!empty($_POST['submit'])) {
- echo '<p class="notice">Copy or download the following configuration and save it';
- echo ' as <tt><b></b></tt> within the <tt>'.RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR.'</tt> directory of your Roundcube installation.<br/>';
- echo ' Make sure that there are no characters outside the <tt>&lt;?php ?&gt;</tt> brackets when saving the file.';
- echo '&nbsp;<input type="button" onclick="location.href=\'index.php?_getconfig=1\'" value="Download" />';
- if ($RCI->legacy_config) {
- echo '<br/><br/>Afterwards, please <b>remove</b> the old configuration files <tt></tt> and <tt></tt>';
- echo ' from the config directory.';
+ $_SESSION['config'] = $RCI->create_config();
+ if ($RCI->save_configfile($_SESSION['config'])) {
+ echo '<p class="notice">The config file was saved successfully into <tt>'.RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR.'</tt> directory of your Roundcube installation.';
+ if ($RCI->legacy_config) {
+ echo '<br/><br/>Afterwards, please <b>remove</b> the old configuration files <tt></tt> and <tt></tt> from the config directory.';
+ }
+ echo '</p>';
- echo '</p>';
+ else {
+ echo '<p class="notice">Copy or download the following configuration and save it';
+ echo ' as <tt><b></b></tt> within the <tt>'.RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR.'</tt> directory of your Roundcube installation.<br/>';
+ echo ' Make sure that there are no characters outside the <tt>&lt;?php ?&gt;</tt> brackets when saving the file.';
+ echo '&nbsp;<input type="button" onclick="location.href=\'index.php?_getconfig=1\'" value="Download" />';
+ if ($RCI->legacy_config) {
+ echo '<br/><br/>Afterwards, please <b>remove</b> the old configuration files <tt></tt> and <tt></tt> from the config directory.';
+ }
+ echo '</p>';
- $textbox = new html_textarea(array('rows' => 16, 'cols' => 60, 'class' => "configfile"));
- echo $textbox->show(($_SESSION['config'] = $RCI->create_config()));
+ $textbox = new html_textarea(array('rows' => 16, 'cols' => 60, 'class' => "configfile"));
+ echo $textbox->show(($_SESSION['config']));
+ }
echo '<p class="hint">Of course there are more options to configure.
- Have a look at the file or visit <a href="">Howto_Config</a> to find out.</p>';
+ Have a look at the file or visit <a href="" target="_blank">Howto_Config</a> to find out.</p>';
echo '<p><input type="button" onclick="location.href=\'./index.php?_step=3\'" value="CONTINUE" /></p>';
// echo '<style type="text/css"> .configblock { display:none } </style>';
echo "\n<hr style='margin-bottom:1.6em' />\n";
<legend>General configuration</legend>
<dl class="configblock">
<dt class="propname">product_name</dt>
$input_prodname = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_product_name', 'size' => 30, 'id' => "cfgprodname"));
echo $input_prodname->show($RCI->getprop('product_name'));
<div>The name of your service (used to compose page titles)</div>
<dt class="propname">support_url</dt>
$input_support = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_support_url', 'size' => 50, 'id' => "cfgsupporturl"));
echo $input_support->show($RCI->getprop('support_url'));
<div>Provide an URL where a user can get support for this Roundcube installation.<br/>PLEASE DO NOT LINK TO THE ROUNDCUBE.NET WEBSITE HERE!</div>
<p class="hint">Enter an absolute URL (inculding http://) to a support page/form or a mailto: link.</p>
<dt class="propname">skin_logo</dt>
$input_skin = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_skin_logo', 'size' => 50, 'id' => "cfgskinlogo"));
echo $input_skin->show($RCI->getprop('skin_logo'));
<div>Custom image to display instead of the Roundcube logo.</div>
<p class="hint">Enter a URL relative to the document root of this Roundcube installation.</p>
<dt class="propname">temp_dir</dt>
$input_tempdir = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_temp_dir', 'size' => 30, 'id' => "cfgtempdir"));
echo $input_tempdir->show($RCI->getprop('temp_dir'));
<div>Use this folder to store temp files (must be writeable for webserver)</div>
<dt class="propname">des_key</dt>
$input_deskey = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_des_key', 'size' => 30, 'id' => "cfgdeskey"));
echo $input_deskey->show($RCI->getprop('des_key'));
<div>This key is used to encrypt the users imap password before storing in the session record</div>
<p class="hint">It's a random generated string to ensure that every installation has its own key.
If you enter it manually please provide a string of exactly 24 chars.</p>
<dt class="propname">ip_check</dt>
$check_ipcheck = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_ip_check', 'id' => "cfgipcheck"));
echo $check_ipcheck->show(intval($RCI->getprop('ip_check')), array('value' => 1));
<label for="cfgipcheck">Check client IP in session authorization</label><br />
<p class="hint">This increases security but can cause sudden logouts when someone uses a proxy with changing IPs.</p>
<dt class="propname">enable_spellcheck</dt>
$check_spell = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_enable_spellcheck', 'id' => "cfgspellcheck"));
echo $check_spell->show(intval($RCI->getprop('enable_spellcheck')), array('value' => 1));
<label for="cfgspellcheck">Make use of the spell checker</label><br />
<dt class="propname">spellcheck_engine</dt>
$select_spell = new html_select(array('name' => '_spellcheck_engine', 'id' => "cfgspellcheckengine"));
if (extension_loaded('pspell'))
$select_spell->add('pspell', 'pspell');
$select_spell->add('Googie', 'googie');
echo $select_spell->show($RCI->is_post ? $_POST['_spellcheck_engine'] : 'pspell');
<label for="cfgspellcheckengine">Which spell checker to use</label><br />
<p class="hint">GoogieSpell implies that the message content will be sent to Google in order to check the spelling.</p>
<dt class="propname">identities_level</dt>
$input_ilevel = new html_select(array('name' => '_identities_level', 'id' => "cfgidentitieslevel"));
$input_ilevel->add('many identities with possibility to edit all params', 0);
$input_ilevel->add('many identities with possibility to edit all params but not email address', 1);
$input_ilevel->add('one identity with possibility to edit all params', 2);
$input_ilevel->add('one identity with possibility to edit all params but not email address', 3);
echo $input_ilevel->show($RCI->getprop('identities_level'), 0);
<div>Level of identities access</div>
<p class="hint">Defines what users can do with their identities.</p>
<legend>Logging & Debugging</legend>
<dl class="loggingblock">
<dt class="propname">debug_level</dt>
$value = $RCI->getprop('debug_level');
$check_debug = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_debug_level[]'));
echo $check_debug->show(($value & 1) ? 1 : 0 , array('value' => 1, 'id' => 'cfgdebug1'));
echo '<label for="cfgdebug1">Log errors</label><br />';
echo $check_debug->show(($value & 4) ? 4 : 0, array('value' => 4, 'id' => 'cfgdebug4'));
echo '<label for="cfgdebug4">Print errors (to the browser)</label><br />';
echo $check_debug->show(($value & 8) ? 8 : 0, array('value' => 8, 'id' => 'cfgdebug8'));
echo '<label for="cfgdebug8">Verbose display (enables debug console)</label><br />';
<dt class="propname">log_driver</dt>
$select_log_driver = new html_select(array('name' => '_log_driver', 'id' => "cfglogdriver"));
$select_log_driver->add(array('file', 'syslog'), array('file', 'syslog'));
echo $select_log_driver->show($RCI->getprop('log_driver', 'file'));
<div>How to do logging? 'file' - write to files in the log directory, 'syslog' - use the syslog facility.</div>
<dt class="propname">log_dir</dt>
$input_logdir = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_log_dir', 'size' => 30, 'id' => "cfglogdir"));
echo $input_logdir->show($RCI->getprop('log_dir'));
<div>Use this folder to store log files (must be writeable for webserver). Note that this only applies if you are using the 'file' log_driver.</div>
<dt class="propname">syslog_id</dt>
$input_syslogid = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_syslog_id', 'size' => 30, 'id' => "cfgsyslogid"));
echo $input_syslogid->show($RCI->getprop('syslog_id', 'roundcube'));
<div>What ID to use when logging with syslog. Note that this only applies if you are using the 'syslog' log_driver.</div>
<dt class="propname">syslog_facility</dt>
$input_syslogfacility = new html_select(array('name' => '_syslog_facility', 'id' => "cfgsyslogfacility"));
$input_syslogfacility->add('user-level messages', LOG_USER);
$input_syslogfacility->add('mail subsystem', LOG_MAIL);
$input_syslogfacility->add('local level 0', LOG_LOCAL0);
$input_syslogfacility->add('local level 1', LOG_LOCAL1);
$input_syslogfacility->add('local level 2', LOG_LOCAL2);
$input_syslogfacility->add('local level 3', LOG_LOCAL3);
$input_syslogfacility->add('local level 4', LOG_LOCAL4);
$input_syslogfacility->add('local level 5', LOG_LOCAL5);
$input_syslogfacility->add('local level 6', LOG_LOCAL6);
$input_syslogfacility->add('local level 7', LOG_LOCAL7);
echo $input_syslogfacility->show($RCI->getprop('syslog_facility'), LOG_USER);
<div>What ID to use when logging with syslog. Note that this only applies if you are using the 'syslog' log_driver.</div>
<legend>Database setup</legend>
<dl class="configblock" id="cgfblockdb">
<dt class="propname">db_dsnw</dt>
<p>Database settings for read/write operations:</p>
$select_dbtype = new html_select(array('name' => '_dbtype', 'id' => "cfgdbtype"));
foreach ($RCI->supported_dbs as $database => $ext) {
if (extension_loaded($ext)) {
$select_dbtype->add($database, substr($ext, 4));
$input_dbhost = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_dbhost', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgdbhost"));
$input_dbname = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_dbname', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgdbname"));
$input_dbuser = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_dbuser', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgdbuser"));
$input_dbpass = new html_passwordfield(array('name' => '_dbpass', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgdbpass"));
$dsnw = rcube_db::parse_dsn($RCI->getprop('db_dsnw'));
echo $select_dbtype->show($RCI->is_post ? $_POST['_dbtype'] : $dsnw['phptype']);
echo '<label for="cfgdbtype">Database type</label><br />';
echo $input_dbhost->show($RCI->is_post ? $_POST['_dbhost'] : $dsnw['hostspec']);
echo '<label for="cfgdbhost">Database server (omit for sqlite)</label><br />';
echo $input_dbname->show($RCI->is_post ? $_POST['_dbname'] : $dsnw['database']);
echo '<label for="cfgdbname">Database name (use absolute path and filename for sqlite)</label><br />';
echo $input_dbuser->show($RCI->is_post ? $_POST['_dbuser'] : $dsnw['username']);
echo '<label for="cfgdbuser">Database user name (needs write permissions)(omit for sqlite)</label><br />';
echo $input_dbpass->show($RCI->is_post ? $_POST['_dbpass'] : $dsnw['password']);
echo '<label for="cfgdbpass">Database password (omit for sqlite)</label><br />';
<dt class="propname">db_prefix</dt>
$input_prefix = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_db_prefix', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgdbprefix"));
echo $input_prefix->show($RCI->getprop('db_prefix'));
<div>Optional prefix that will be added to database object names (tables and sequences).</div>
<legend>IMAP Settings</legend>
<dl class="configblock" id="cgfblockimap">
<dt class="propname">default_host</dt>
<div>The IMAP host(s) chosen to perform the log-in</div>
<div id="defaulthostlist">
$text_imaphost = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_default_host[]', 'size' => 30));
$default_hosts = $RCI->get_hostlist();
if (empty($default_hosts))
$default_hosts = array('');
$i = 0;
foreach ($default_hosts as $host) {
echo '<div id="defaulthostentry'.$i.'">' . $text_imaphost->show($host);
if ($i++ > 0)
echo '<a href="#" onclick="removehostfield(this.parentNode);return false" class="removelink" title="Remove this entry">remove</a>';
echo '</div>';
<div><a href="javascript:addhostfield()" class="addlink" title="Add another field">add</a></div>
<p class="hint">Leave blank to show a textbox at login. To use SSL/IMAPS connection, type ssl://hostname</p>
<dt class="propname">default_port</dt>
$text_imapport = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_default_port', 'size' => 6, 'id' => "cfgimapport"));
echo $text_imapport->show($RCI->getprop('default_port'));
<div>TCP port used for IMAP connections</div>
<dt class="propname">username_domain</dt>
$text_userdomain = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_username_domain', 'size' => 30, 'id' => "cfguserdomain"));
echo $text_userdomain->show($RCI->getprop('username_domain'));
<div>Automatically add this domain to user names for login</div>
<p class="hint">Only for IMAP servers that require full e-mail addresses for login</p>
<dt class="propname">auto_create_user</dt>
$check_autocreate = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_auto_create_user', 'id' => "cfgautocreate"));
echo $check_autocreate->show(intval($RCI->getprop('auto_create_user')), array('value' => 1));
<label for="cfgautocreate">Automatically create a new Roundcube user when log-in the first time</label><br />
<p class="hint">A user is authenticated by the IMAP server but it requires a local record to store settings
and contacts. With this option enabled a new user record will automatically be created once the IMAP login succeeds.</p>
<p class="hint">If this option is disabled, the login only succeeds if there's a matching user-record in the local Roundcube database
what means that you have to create those records manually or disable this option after the first login.</p>
<dt class="propname">sent_mbox</dt>
$text_sentmbox = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_sent_mbox', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgsentmbox"));
echo $text_sentmbox->show($RCI->getprop('sent_mbox'));
<div>Store sent messages in this folder</div>
<p class="hint">Leave blank if sent messages should not be stored. Note: folder must include namespace prefix if any.</p>
<dt class="propname">trash_mbox</dt>
$text_trashmbox = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_trash_mbox', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgtrashmbox"));
echo $text_trashmbox->show($RCI->getprop('trash_mbox'));
<div>Move messages to this folder when deleting them</div>
<p class="hint">Leave blank if they should be deleted directly. Note: folder must include namespace prefix if any.</p>
<dt class="propname">drafts_mbox</dt>
$text_draftsmbox = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_drafts_mbox', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgdraftsmbox"));
echo $text_draftsmbox->show($RCI->getprop('drafts_mbox'));
<div>Store draft messages in this folder</div>
<p class="hint">Leave blank if they should not be stored. Note: folder must include namespace prefix if any.</p>
<dt class="propname">junk_mbox</dt>
$text_junkmbox = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_junk_mbox', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgjunkmbox"));
echo $text_junkmbox->show($RCI->getprop('junk_mbox'));
<div>Store spam messages in this folder</div>
<p class="hint">Note: folder must include namespace prefix if any.</p>
<legend>SMTP Settings</legend>
<dl class="configblock" id="cgfblocksmtp">
<dt class="propname">smtp_server</dt>
$text_smtphost = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_smtp_server', 'size' => 30, 'id' => "cfgsmtphost"));
echo $text_smtphost->show($RCI->getprop('smtp_server'));
<div>Use this host for sending mails</div>
<p class="hint">To use SSL connection, set ssl:// If left blank, the PHP mail() function is used</p>
<dt class="propname">smtp_port</dt>
$text_smtpport = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_smtp_port', 'size' => 6, 'id' => "cfgsmtpport"));
echo $text_smtpport->show($RCI->getprop('smtp_port'));
<div>SMTP port (default is 25; 465 for SSL; 587 for submission)</div>
<dt class="propname">smtp_user/smtp_pass</dt>
$text_smtpuser = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_smtp_user', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgsmtpuser"));
$text_smtppass = new html_passwordfield(array('name' => '_smtp_pass', 'size' => 20, 'id' => "cfgsmtppass"));
echo $text_smtpuser->show($RCI->getprop('smtp_user'));
echo $text_smtppass->show($RCI->getprop('smtp_pass'));
<div>SMTP username and password (if required)</div>
$check_smtpuser = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_smtp_user_u', 'id' => "cfgsmtpuseru"));
echo $check_smtpuser->show($RCI->getprop('smtp_user') == '%u' || $_POST['_smtp_user_u'] ? 1 : 0, array('value' => 1));
<label for="cfgsmtpuseru">Use the current IMAP username and password for SMTP authentication</label>
<dt class="propname">smtp_auth_type</dt>
$select_smtpauth = new html_select(array('name' => '_smtp_auth_type', 'id' => "cfgsmtpauth"));
$select_smtpauth->add(array('(auto)', 'PLAIN', 'DIGEST-MD5', 'CRAM-MD5', 'LOGIN'), array('0', 'PLAIN', 'DIGEST-MD5', 'CRAM-MD5', 'LOGIN'));
echo $select_smtpauth->show(intval($RCI->getprop('smtp_auth_type')));
<div>Method to authenticate at the SMTP server. Choose (auto) if you don't know what this is</div>
<dt class="propname">smtp_log</dt>
$check_smtplog = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_smtp_log', 'id' => "cfgsmtplog"));
echo $check_smtplog->show(intval($RCI->getprop('smtp_log')), array('value' => 1));
<label for="cfgsmtplog">Log sent messages in <tt>{log_dir}/sendmail</tt> or to syslog.</label><br />
<legend>Display settings &amp; user prefs</legend>
<dl class="configblock" id="cgfblockdisplay">
<dt class="propname">language <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
$input_locale = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_language', 'size' => 6, 'id' => "cfglocale"));
echo $input_locale->show($RCI->getprop('language'));
<div>The default locale setting. This also defines the language of the login screen.<br/>Leave it empty to auto-detect the user agent language.</div>
<p class="hint">Enter a <a href="">RFC1766</a> formatted language name. Examples: en_US, de_DE, de_CH, fr_FR, pt_BR</p>
<dt class="propname">skin <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
$input_skin = new html_select(array('name' => '_skin', 'id' => "cfgskin"));
echo $input_skin->show($RCI->getprop('skin'));
<div>Name of interface skin (folder in /skins)</div>
<dt class="propname">mail_pagesize <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
$pagesize = $RCI->getprop('mail_pagesize');
if (!$pagesize) {
$pagesize = $RCI->getprop('pagesize');
$input_pagesize = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_mail_pagesize', 'size' => 6, 'id' => "cfgmailpagesize"));
echo $input_pagesize->show($pagesize);
<div>Show up to X items in the mail messages list view.</div>
<dt class="propname">addressbook_pagesize <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
$pagesize = $RCI->getprop('addressbook_pagesize');
if (!$pagesize) {
$pagesize = $RCI->getprop('pagesize');
$input_pagesize = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_addressbook_pagesize', 'size' => 6, 'id' => "cfgabookpagesize"));
echo $input_pagesize->show($pagesize);
<div>Show up to X items in the contacts list view.</div>
<dt class="propname">prefer_html <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
$check_htmlview = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_prefer_html', 'id' => "cfghtmlview", 'value' => 1));
echo $check_htmlview->show(intval($RCI->getprop('prefer_html')));
<label for="cfghtmlview">Prefer displaying HTML messages</label><br />
<dt class="propname">preview_pane <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
$check_prevpane = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_preview_pane', 'id' => "cfgprevpane", 'value' => 1));
echo $check_prevpane->show(intval($RCI->getprop('preview_pane')));
<label for="cfgprevpane">If preview pane is enabled</label><br />
<dt class="propname">htmleditor <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
<label for="cfghtmlcompose">Compose HTML formatted messages</label>
$select_htmlcomp = new html_select(array('name' => '_htmleditor', 'id' => "cfghtmlcompose"));
$select_htmlcomp->add('never', 0);
$select_htmlcomp->add('always', 1);
$select_htmlcomp->add('on reply to HTML message only', 2);
echo $select_htmlcomp->show(intval($RCI->getprop('htmleditor')));
<dt class="propname">draft_autosave <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
<label for="cfgautosave">Save compose message every</label>
$select_autosave = new html_select(array('name' => '_draft_autosave', 'id' => 'cfgautosave'));
$select_autosave->add('never', 0);
foreach (array(1, 3, 5, 10) as $i => $min)
$select_autosave->add("$min min", $min*60);
echo $select_autosave->show(intval($RCI->getprop('draft_autosave')));
<dt class="propname">mdn_requests <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
$mdn_opts = array(
0 => 'ask the user',
1 => 'send automatically',
3 => 'send receipt to user contacts, otherwise ask the user',
4 => 'send receipt to user contacts, otherwise ignore',
2 => 'ignore',
$select_mdnreq = new html_select(array('name' => '_mdn_requests', 'id' => "cfgmdnreq"));
$select_mdnreq->add(array_values($mdn_opts), array_keys($mdn_opts));
echo $select_mdnreq->show(intval($RCI->getprop('mdn_requests')));
<div>Behavior if a received message requests a message delivery notification (read receipt)</div>
<dt class="propname">mime_param_folding <span class="userconf">*</span></dt>
$select_param_folding = new html_select(array('name' => '_mime_param_folding', 'id' => "cfgmimeparamfolding"));
$select_param_folding->add('Full RFC 2231 (Roundcube, Thunderbird)', '0');
$select_param_folding->add('RFC 2047/2231 (MS Outlook, OE)', '1');
$select_param_folding->add('Full RFC 2047 (deprecated)', '2');
echo $select_param_folding->show(strval($RCI->getprop('mime_param_folding')));
<div>How to encode attachment long/non-ascii names</div>
<p class="hint"><span class="userconf">*</span>&nbsp; These settings are defaults for the user preferences</p>
echo '<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . ($RCI->configured ? 'UPDATE' : 'CREATE') . ' CONFIG" ' . ($RCI->failures ? 'disabled' : '') . ' /></p>';
diff --git a/installer/rcube_install.php b/installer/rcube_install.php
index 0f1bfe23e..9c9794cc2 100644
--- a/installer/rcube_install.php
+++ b/installer/rcube_install.php
@@ -1,827 +1,845 @@
| rcube_install.php |
| |
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail package |
| Copyright (C) 2008-2012, The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
* Class to control the installation process of the Roundcube Webmail package
* @category Install
* @package Roundcube
* @author Thomas Bruederli
class rcube_install
var $step;
var $is_post = false;
var $failures = 0;
var $config = array();
var $configured = false;
var $legacy_config = false;
var $last_error = null;
var $email_pattern = '([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-\.\+\_]*@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-][.]?)*[a-z0-9])';
var $bool_config_props = array();
var $local_config = array('db_dsnw', 'default_host', 'support_url', 'des_key', 'plugins');
- var $obsolete_config = array('db_backend', 'double_auth');
+ var $obsolete_config = array('db_backend', 'db_max_length', 'double_auth');
var $replaced_config = array(
'skin_path' => 'skin',
'locale_string' => 'language',
'multiple_identities' => 'identities_level',
'addrbook_show_images' => 'show_images',
'imap_root' => 'imap_ns_personal',
'pagesize' => 'mail_pagesize',
'default_imap_folders' => 'default_folders',
'top_posting' => 'reply_mode',
+ 'keep_alive' => 'refresh_interval',
+ 'min_keep_alive' => 'min_refresh_interval',
// list of supported database drivers
var $supported_dbs = array(
'MySQL' => 'pdo_mysql',
'PostgreSQL' => 'pdo_pgsql',
'SQLite' => 'pdo_sqlite',
'SQLite (v2)' => 'pdo_sqlite2',
'SQL Server (SQLSRV)' => 'pdo_sqlsrv',
'SQL Server (DBLIB)' => 'pdo_dblib',
* Constructor
function __construct()
$this->step = intval($_REQUEST['_step']);
$this->is_post = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST';
* Singleton getter
static function get_instance()
static $inst;
if (!$inst)
$inst = new rcube_install();
return $inst;
* Read the local config files and store properties
function load_config()
// defaults
if ($config = $this->load_config_file(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR . '')) {
$this->config = (array) $config;
$this->defaults = $this->config;
$config = null;
// config
if ($config = $this->load_config_file(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR . '')) {
$this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config);
else {
if ($config = $this->load_config_file(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR . '')) {
$this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config);
$this->legacy_config = true;
if ($config = $this->load_config_file(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR . '')) {
$this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config);
$this->legacy_config = true;
$this->configured = !empty($config);
* Read the default config file and store properties
public function load_config_file($file)
if (is_readable($file)) {
include $file;
// read comments from config file
if (function_exists('token_get_all')) {
$tokens = token_get_all(file_get_contents($file));
$in_config = false;
$buffer = '';
for ($i=0; $i < count($tokens); $i++) {
$token = $tokens[$i];
if ($token[0] == T_VARIABLE && $token[1] == '$config' || $token[1] == '$rcmail_config') {
$in_config = true;
if ($buffer && $tokens[$i+1] == '[' && $tokens[$i+2][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) {
$propname = trim($tokens[$i+2][1], "'\"");
$this->comments[$propname] = $buffer;
$buffer = '';
$i += 3;
else if ($in_config && $token[0] == T_COMMENT) {
$buffer .= strtr($token[1], array('\n' => "\n"));
// deprecated name of config variable
if (is_array($rcmail_config)) {
return $rcmail_config;
return $config;
* Getter for a certain config property
* @param string Property name
* @param string Default value
* @return string The property value
function getprop($name, $default = '')
$value = $this->config[$name];
if ($name == 'des_key' && !$this->configured && !isset($_REQUEST["_$name"]))
$value = rcube_install::random_key(24);
return $value !== null && $value !== '' ? $value : $default;
* Create configuration file that contains parameters
* that differ from default values.
* @return string The complete config file content
function create_config()
$config = array();
foreach ($this->config as $prop => $default) {
$is_default = !isset($_POST["_$prop"]);
$value = !$is_default || $this->bool_config_props[$prop] ? $_POST["_$prop"] : $default;
// always disable installer
if ($prop == 'enable_installer')
$value = false;
// reset useragent to default (keeps version up-to-date)
if ($prop == 'useragent' && stripos($value, 'Roundcube Webmail/') !== false)
$value = $this->defaults[$prop];
// generate new encryption key, never use the default value
if ($prop == 'des_key' && $value == $this->defaults[$prop])
$value = $this->random_key(24);
// convert some form data
if ($prop == 'debug_level' && !$is_default) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$val = 0;
foreach ($value as $dbgval)
$val += intval($dbgval);
$value = $val;
else if ($prop == 'db_dsnw' && !empty($_POST['_dbtype'])) {
if ($_POST['_dbtype'] == 'sqlite')
$value = sprintf('%s://%s?mode=0646', $_POST['_dbtype'], $_POST['_dbname']{0} == '/' ? '/' . $_POST['_dbname'] : $_POST['_dbname']);
else if ($_POST['_dbtype'])
$value = sprintf('%s://%s:%s@%s/%s', $_POST['_dbtype'],
rawurlencode($_POST['_dbuser']), rawurlencode($_POST['_dbpass']), $_POST['_dbhost'], $_POST['_dbname']);
else if ($prop == 'smtp_auth_type' && $value == '0') {
$value = '';
else if ($prop == 'default_host' && is_array($value)) {
$value = rcube_install::_clean_array($value);
if (count($value) <= 1)
$value = $value[0];
else if ($prop == 'mail_pagesize' || $prop == 'addressbook_pagesize') {
$value = max(2, intval($value));
else if ($prop == 'smtp_user' && !empty($_POST['_smtp_user_u'])) {
$value = '%u';
else if ($prop == 'smtp_pass' && !empty($_POST['_smtp_user_u'])) {
$value = '%p';
else if ($prop == 'default_folders') {
$value = array();
foreach ($this->config['default_folders'] as $_folder) {
switch ($_folder) {
case 'Drafts': $_folder = $this->config['drafts_mbox']; break;
case 'Sent': $_folder = $this->config['sent_mbox']; break;
case 'Junk': $_folder = $this->config['junk_mbox']; break;
case 'Trash': $_folder = $this->config['trash_mbox']; break;
if (!in_array($_folder, $value))
$value[] = $_folder;
else if (is_bool($default)) {
$value = (bool)$value;
else if (is_numeric($value)) {
$value = intval($value);
// skip this property
- if ((!array_key_exists($prop, $this->defaults) || ($value == $this->defaults[$prop])) && !in_array($prop, $this->local_config)) {
+ if (($value == $this->defaults[$prop]) && !in_array($prop, $this->local_config)
+ || in_array($prop, array_merge($this->obsolete_config, array_keys($this->replaced_config)))
+ || preg_match('/^db_(table|sequence)_/', $prop)) {
// save change
$this->config[$prop] = $value;
$config[$prop] = $value;
$out = "<?php\n\n";
$out .= "/* Local configuration for Roundcube Webmail */\n\n";
foreach ($config as $prop => $value) {
// copy option descriptions from existing config or
$out .= $this->comments[$prop];
$out .= "\$config['$prop'] = " . rcube_install::_dump_var($value, $prop) . ";\n\n";
return $out;
+ /**
+ * save generated config file in RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR
+ *
+ * @return boolean True if the file was saved successfully, false if not
+ */
+ function save_configfile($config)
+ {
+ if (is_writable(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR)) {
+ return file_put_contents(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR . '', $config);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
* Check the current configuration for missing properties
* and deprecated or obsolete settings
* @return array List with problems detected
function check_config()
if (!$this->configured) {
return null;
$out = $seen = array();
// iterate over the current configuration
foreach ($this->config as $prop => $value) {
if ($replacement = $this->replaced_config[$prop]) {
$out['replaced'][] = array('prop' => $prop, 'replacement' => $replacement);
$seen[$replacement] = true;
else if (!$seen[$prop] && in_array($prop, $this->obsolete_config)) {
$out['obsolete'][] = array('prop' => $prop);
$seen[$prop] = true;
// the old default mime_magic reference is obsolete
if ($this->config['mime_magic'] == '/usr/share/misc/magic') {
$out['obsolete'][] = array('prop' => 'mime_magic', 'explain' => "Set value to null in order to use system default");
// check config dependencies and contradictions
if ($this->config['enable_spellcheck'] && $this->config['spellcheck_engine'] == 'pspell') {
if (!extension_loaded('pspell')) {
$out['dependencies'][] = array('prop' => 'spellcheck_engine',
'explain' => 'This requires the <tt>pspell</tt> extension which could not be loaded.');
else if (!empty($this->config['spellcheck_languages'])) {
foreach ($this->config['spellcheck_languages'] as $lang => $descr)
if (!@pspell_new($lang))
$out['dependencies'][] = array('prop' => 'spellcheck_languages',
'explain' => "You are missing pspell support for language $lang ($descr)");
if ($this->config['log_driver'] == 'syslog') {
if (!function_exists('openlog')) {
$out['dependencies'][] = array('prop' => 'log_driver',
'explain' => 'This requires the <tt>syslog</tt> extension which could not be loaded.');
if (empty($this->config['syslog_id'])) {
$out['dependencies'][] = array('prop' => 'syslog_id',
'explain' => 'Using <tt>syslog</tt> for logging requires a syslog ID to be configured');
// check ldap_public sources having global_search enabled
if (is_array($this->config['ldap_public']) && !is_array($this->config['autocomplete_addressbooks'])) {
foreach ($this->config['ldap_public'] as $ldap_public) {
if ($ldap_public['global_search']) {
$out['replaced'][] = array('prop' => 'ldap_public::global_search', 'replacement' => 'autocomplete_addressbooks');
return $out;
* Merge the current configuration with the defaults
* and copy replaced values to the new options.
function merge_config()
$current = $this->config;
$this->config = array();
foreach ($this->replaced_config as $prop => $replacement) {
if (isset($current[$prop])) {
if ($prop == 'skin_path')
$this->config[$replacement] = preg_replace('#skins/(\w+)/?$#', '\\1', $current[$prop]);
else if ($prop == 'multiple_identities')
$this->config[$replacement] = $current[$prop] ? 2 : 0;
$this->config[$replacement] = $current[$prop];
foreach ($this->obsolete_config as $prop) {
// add all ldap_public sources having global_search enabled to autocomplete_addressbooks
if (is_array($current['ldap_public'])) {
foreach ($current['ldap_public'] as $key => $ldap_public) {
if ($ldap_public['global_search']) {
$this->config['autocomplete_addressbooks'][] = $key;
$this->config = array_merge($this->config, $current);
foreach (array_keys((array)$current['ldap_public']) as $key) {
$this->config['ldap_public'][$key] = $current['ldap_public'][$key];
* Compare the local database schema with the reference schema
* required for this version of Roundcube
* @param rcube_db Database object
* @return boolean True if the schema is up-to-date, false if not or an error occured
function db_schema_check($DB)
if (!$this->configured)
return false;
// read reference schema from mysql.initial.sql
$db_schema = $this->db_read_schema(INSTALL_PATH . 'SQL/mysql.initial.sql');
$errors = array();
// check list of tables
$existing_tables = $DB->list_tables();
foreach ($db_schema as $table => $cols) {
$table = $this->config['db_prefix'] . $table;
if (!in_array($table, $existing_tables)) {
$errors[] = "Missing table '".$table."'";
else { // compare cols
$db_cols = $DB->list_cols($table);
$diff = array_diff(array_keys($cols), $db_cols);
if (!empty($diff))
$errors[] = "Missing columns in table '$table': " . join(',', $diff);
return !empty($errors) ? $errors : false;
* Utility function to read database schema from an .sql file
private function db_read_schema($schemafile)
$lines = file($schemafile);
$table_block = false;
$schema = array();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (preg_match('/^\s*create table `?([a-z0-9_]+)`?/i', $line, $m)) {
$table_block = $m[1];
else if ($table_block && preg_match('/^\s*`?([a-z0-9_-]+)`?\s+([a-z]+)/', $line, $m)) {
$col = $m[1];
if (!in_array(strtoupper($col), array('PRIMARY','KEY','INDEX','UNIQUE','CONSTRAINT','REFERENCES','FOREIGN'))) {
$schema[$table_block][$col] = $m[2];
return $schema;
* Try to detect some file's mimetypes to test the correct behavior of fileinfo
function check_mime_detection()
$files = array(
'installer/images/roundcube_logo.png' => 'image/png',
'program/resources/blank.tif' => 'image/tiff',
'skins/larry/templates/login.html' => 'text/html',
$errors = array();
foreach ($files as $path => $expected) {
$mimetype = rcube_mime::file_content_type(INSTALL_PATH . $path, basename($path));
if ($mimetype != $expected) {
$errors[] = array($path, $mimetype, $expected);
return $errors;
* Check the correct configuration of the 'mime_types' mapping option
function check_mime_extensions()
$types = array(
'application/zip' => 'zip',
'application/x-tar' => 'tar',
'application/java-archive' => 'jar',
'image/bmp' => 'bmp',
'image/svg+xml' => 'svg',
$errors = array();
foreach ($types as $mimetype => $expected) {
$ext = rcube_mime::get_mime_extensions($mimetype);
if ($ext[0] != $expected) {
$errors[] = array($mimetype, $ext, $expected);
return $errors;
* Getter for the last error message
* @return string Error message or null if none exists
function get_error()
return $this->last_error['message'];
* Return a list with all imap hosts configured
* @return array Clean list with imap hosts
function get_hostlist()
$default_hosts = (array)$this->getprop('default_host');
$out = array();
foreach ($default_hosts as $key => $name) {
if (!empty($name))
$out[] = rcube_parse_host(is_numeric($key) ? $name : $key);
return $out;
* Create a HTML dropdown to select a previous version of Roundcube
function versions_select($attrib = array())
$select = new html_select($attrib);
'0.1-stable', '0.1.1',
'0.2-alpha', '0.2-beta', '0.2-stable',
'0.3-stable', '0.3.1',
'0.4-beta', '0.4.2',
'0.5-beta', '0.5', '0.5.1', '0.5.2', '0.5.3', '0.5.4',
'0.6-beta', '0.6',
'0.7-beta', '0.7', '0.7.1', '0.7.2', '0.7.3', '0.7.4',
'0.8-beta', '0.8-rc', '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3', '0.8.4', '0.8.5', '0.8.6',
'0.9-beta', '0.9-rc', '0.9-rc2',
// Note: Do not add newer versions here
return $select;
* Return a list with available subfolders of the skin directory
function list_skins()
$skins = array();
$skindir = INSTALL_PATH . 'skins/';
foreach (glob($skindir . '*') as $path) {
if (is_dir($path) && is_readable($path)) {
$skins[] = substr($path, strlen($skindir));
return $skins;
* Display OK status
* @param string Test name
* @param string Confirm message
function pass($name, $message = '')
echo Q($name) . ':&nbsp; <span class="success">OK</span>';
* Display an error status and increase failure count
* @param string Test name
* @param string Error message
* @param string URL for details
* @param bool Do not count this failure
function fail($name, $message = '', $url = '', $optional=false)
if (!$optional) {
echo Q($name) . ':&nbsp; <span class="fail">NOT OK</span>';
$this->_showhint($message, $url);
* Display an error status for optional settings/features
* @param string Test name
* @param string Error message
* @param string URL for details
function optfail($name, $message = '', $url = '')
echo Q($name) . ':&nbsp; <span class="na">NOT OK</span>';
$this->_showhint($message, $url);
* Display warning status
* @param string Test name
* @param string Warning message
* @param string URL for details
function na($name, $message = '', $url = '')
echo Q($name) . ':&nbsp; <span class="na">NOT AVAILABLE</span>';
$this->_showhint($message, $url);
function _showhint($message, $url = '')
$hint = Q($message);
if ($url)
$hint .= ($hint ? '; ' : '') . 'See <a href="' . Q($url) . '" target="_blank">' . Q($url) . '</a>';
if ($hint)
echo '<span class="indent">(' . $hint . ')</span>';
static function _clean_array($arr)
$out = array();
foreach (array_unique($arr) as $k => $val) {
if (!empty($val)) {
if (is_numeric($k))
$out[] = $val;
$out[$k] = $val;
return $out;
static function _dump_var($var, $name=null)
// special values
switch ($name) {
case 'syslog_facility':
$list = array(32 => 'LOG_AUTH', 80 => 'LOG_AUTHPRIV', 72 => ' LOG_CRON',
24 => 'LOG_DAEMON', 0 => 'LOG_KERN', 128 => 'LOG_LOCAL0',
136 => 'LOG_LOCAL1', 144 => 'LOG_LOCAL2', 152 => 'LOG_LOCAL3',
160 => 'LOG_LOCAL4', 168 => 'LOG_LOCAL5', 176 => 'LOG_LOCAL6',
184 => 'LOG_LOCAL7', 48 => 'LOG_LPR', 16 => 'LOG_MAIL',
56 => 'LOG_NEWS', 40 => 'LOG_SYSLOG', 8 => 'LOG_USER', 64 => 'LOG_UUCP');
if ($val = $list[$var])
return $val;
case 'mail_header_delimiter':
$var = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\r', '\n'), $var);
return '"' . $var. '"';
// RCMAIL_VERSION is undefined here
case 'useragent':
if (preg_match('|^(.*)/('.preg_quote(RCMAIL_VERSION, '|').')$|i', $var, $m)) {
return '"' . addcslashes($var, '"') . '/" . RCMAIL_VERSION';
if (is_array($var)) {
if (empty($var)) {
return 'array()';
else { // check if all keys are numeric
$isnum = true;
foreach (array_keys($var) as $key) {
if (!is_numeric($key)) {
$isnum = false;
if ($isnum)
return 'array(' . join(', ', array_map(array('rcube_install', '_dump_var'), $var)) . ')';
return var_export($var, true);
* Initialize the database with the according schema
* @param object rcube_db Database connection
* @return boolen True on success, False on error
function init_db($DB)
$engine = $DB->db_provider;
// read schema file from /SQL/*
$fname = INSTALL_PATH . "SQL/$engine.initial.sql";
if ($sql = @file_get_contents($fname)) {
$this->exec_sql($sql, $DB);
else {
$this->fail('DB Schema', "Cannot read the schema file: $fname");
return false;
if ($err = $this->get_error()) {
$this->fail('DB Schema', "Error creating database schema: $err");
return false;
return true;
* Update database schema
* @param string Version to update from
* @return boolen True on success, False on error
function update_db($version)
system(INSTALL_PATH . "bin/ --package=roundcube"
. " --version=" . escapeshellarg($version)
. " --dir=" . INSTALL_PATH . "SQL"
. " 2>&1", $result);
return !$result;
* Execute the given SQL queries on the database connection
* @param string SQL queries to execute
* @param object rcube_db Database connection
* @return boolen True on success, False on error
function exec_sql($sql, $DB)
$sql = $this->fix_table_names($sql, $DB);
$buff = '';
foreach (explode("\n", $sql) as $line) {
if (preg_match('/^--/', $line) || trim($line) == '')
$buff .= $line . "\n";
if (preg_match('/(;|^GO)$/', trim($line))) {
$buff = '';
if ($DB->is_error())
return !$DB->is_error();
* Parse SQL file and fix table names according to db_prefix
* Note: This need to be a complete database initial file
private function fix_table_names($sql, $DB)
if (empty($this->config['db_prefix'])) {
return $sql;
// replace table names
if (preg_match_all('/CREATE TABLE (\[dbo\]\.|IF NOT EXISTS )?[`"\[\]]*([^`"\[\] \r\n]+)/i', $sql, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[2] as $table) {
$real_table = $this->config['db_prefix'] . $table;
$sql = preg_replace("/([^a-zA-Z0-9_])$table([^a-zA-Z0-9_])/", "\\1$real_table\\2", $sql);
// replace sequence names
if ($DB->db_provider == 'postgres' && preg_match_all('/CREATE SEQUENCE (IF NOT EXISTS )?"?([^" \n\r]+)/i', $sql, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[2] as $sequence) {
$real_sequence = $this->config['db_prefix'] . $sequence;
$sql = preg_replace("/([^a-zA-Z0-9_])$sequence([^a-zA-Z0-9_])/", "\\1$real_sequence\\2", $sql);
return $sql;
* Handler for Roundcube errors
function raise_error($p)
$this->last_error = $p;
* Generarte a ramdom string to be used as encryption key
* @param int Key length
* @return string The generated random string
* @static
function random_key($length)
$alpha = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQERSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrtsuvwxyz0123456789+*%&?!$-_=';
$out = '';
for ($i=0; $i < $length; $i++)
$out .= $alpha{rand(0, strlen($alpha)-1)};
return $out;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 3:40 AM (1 d, 4 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(55 KB)

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