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diff --git a/lib/kolab_sync_timezone_converter.php b/lib/kolab_sync_timezone_converter.php
index 95fcddf..cceeb36 100644
--- a/lib/kolab_sync_timezone_converter.php
+++ b/lib/kolab_sync_timezone_converter.php
@@ -1,669 +1,674 @@
| Kolab Sync (ActiveSync for Kolab) |
| |
| Copyright (C) 2011-2017, Kolab Systems AG <> |
| Copyright (C) 2008-2012, Metaways Infosystems GmbH |
| |
| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published |
| by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
| (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License |
| along with this program. If not, see <> |
| Author: Aleksander Machniak <> |
| Author: Jonas Fischer <> |
* Activesync timezone converter
class kolab_sync_timezone_converter
* holds the instance of the singleton
* @var kolab_sync_timezone_onverter
private static $_instance = NULL;
protected $_startDate = array();
* If set then the timezone guessing results will be cached.
* This is strongly recommended for performance reasons.
* @var rcube_cache
protected $cache = null;
* array of offsets known by ActiceSync clients, but unknown by php
* @var array
protected $_knownTimezones = array(
'Pacific/Kwajalein' => 'MHT'
* don't use the constructor. Use the singleton.
* @param $_logger
private function __construct()
* don't clone. Use the singleton.
private function __clone()
* the singleton pattern
* @return kolab_sync_timezone_converter
public static function getInstance()
if (self::$_instance === NULL) {
self::$_instance = new kolab_sync_timezone_converter();
return self::$_instance;
* Returns a timezone with an offset matching the time difference
* of $dt from $referenceDt.
* If set and matching the offset, kolab_format::$timezone is preferred.
* @param DateTime $dt The date time value for which we
* calculate the offset.
* @param DateTime $referenceDt The reference value, for instance in UTC.
* @return DateTimeZone|null
public function getOffsetTimezone($dt, $referenceDt)
$interval = $referenceDt->diff($dt);
$tz = new DateTimeZone($interval->format('%R%H%I')); //e.g. +0200
$utcOffset = $tz->getOffset($dt);
//Prefer the configured timezone if it matches the offset.
if (kolab_format::$timezone) {
if (kolab_format::$timezone->getOffset($dt) == $utcOffset) {
return kolab_format::$timezone;
//Look for any timezone with a matching offset.
foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $timezoneIdentifier) {
$timezone = new DateTimeZone($timezoneIdentifier);
if ($timezone->getOffset($dt) == $utcOffset) {
return $timezone;
return null;
* Returns a list of timezones that match to the {@param $_offsets}
* If {@see $_expectedTimezone} is set then the method will terminate as soon
* as the expected timezone has matched and the expected timezone will be the
* first entry to the returned array.
* @param string|array $_offsets
* @return array
public function getListOfTimezones($_offsets)
if (is_string($_offsets) && isset($this->_knownTimezones[$_offsets])) {
$timezones = $this->_knownTimezones[$_offsets];
else {
if (is_string($_offsets)) {
// unpack timezone info to array
$_offsets = $this->_unpackTimezoneInfo($_offsets);
if (!$this->_validateOffsets($_offsets)) {
return array();
$cacheId = $this->_getCacheId('timezones', $_offsets);
$timezones = $this->_loadFromCache($cacheId);
if (!is_array($timezones)) {
$timezones = array();
foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $timezoneIdentifier) {
$timezone = new DateTimeZone($timezoneIdentifier);
if (false !== ($matchingTransition = $this->_checkTimezone($timezone, $_offsets))) {
$timezones[$timezoneIdentifier] = $matchingTransition['abbr'];
$this->_saveInCache($timezones, $cacheId);
return $timezones;
* Returns PHP timezone that matches to the {@param $_offsets}
* If {@see $_expectedTimezone} is set then the method will return this timezone if it matches.
* @param string|array $_offsets Activesync timezone definition
* @param string $_expectedTomezone Expected timezone name
* @return string Expected timezone name
public function getTimezone($_offsets, $_expectedTimezone = null)
$timezones = $this->getListOfTimezones($_offsets);
if ($_expectedTimezone && isset($timezones[$_expectedTimezone])) {
return $_expectedTimezone;
else {
return key($timezones);
* Return packed string for given {@param $_timezone}
* @param string $_timezone Timezone identifier
* @param string|int $_startDate Start date
* @return string Packed timezone offsets
public function encodeTimezone($_timezone, $_startDate = null)
foreach ($this->_knownTimezones as $packedString => $knownTimezone) {
if (array_key_exists($_timezone, $knownTimezone)) {
return $packedString;
$offsets = $this->getOffsetsForTimezone($_timezone, $_startDate);
return $this->_packTimezoneInfo($offsets);
* Get offsets for given timezone
* @param string $_timezone Timezone identifier
* @param string|int $_startDate Start date
* @return array Timezone offsets
public function getOffsetsForTimezone($_timezone, $_startDate = null)
$cacheId = $this->_getCacheId('offsets', array($_timezone));
if (false === ($offsets = $this->_loadFromCache($cacheId))) {
$offsets = $this->_getOffsetsTemplate();
try {
$timezone = new DateTimeZone($_timezone);
catch (Exception $e) {
return null;
list($standardTransition, $daylightTransition) = $this->_getTransitionsForTimezoneAndYear($timezone, $this->_startDate['year']);
if ($standardTransition) {
$offsets['bias'] = $standardTransition['offset']/60*-1;
if ($daylightTransition) {
$offsets = $this->_generateOffsetsForTransition($offsets, $standardTransition, 'standard', $timezone);
$offsets = $this->_generateOffsetsForTransition($offsets, $daylightTransition, 'daylight', $timezone);
//@todo how do we get the standardBias (is usually 0)?
//$offsets['standardBias'] = ...
$offsets['daylightBias'] = ($daylightTransition['offset'] - $standardTransition['offset'])/60*-1;
$offsets['standardHour'] -= $offsets['daylightBias'] / 60;
$offsets['daylightHour'] += $offsets['daylightBias'] / 60;
$this->_saveInCache($offsets, $cacheId);
return $offsets;
* Get offsets for timezone transition
* @param array $_offsets Timezone offsets
* @param array $_transition Timezone transition information
* @param string $_type Transition type: 'standard' or 'daylight'
* @param DateTimeZone $_timezone Timezone of the transition
* @return array
protected function _generateOffsetsForTransition(array $_offsets, array $_transition, $_type, $_timezone)
$transitionDate = new DateTime($_transition['time'], $_timezone);
if ($_transition['offset']) {
$transitionDate->modify($_transition['offset'] . ' seconds');
$_offsets[$_type . 'Month'] = (int) $transitionDate->format('n');
$_offsets[$_type . 'DayOfWeek'] = (int) $transitionDate->format('w');
$_offsets[$_type . 'Minute'] = (int) $transitionDate->format('i');
$_offsets[$_type . 'Hour'] = (int) $transitionDate->format('G');
for ($i=5; $i>0; $i--) {
if ($this->_isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($transitionDate, $i)) {
- $_offsets[$_type . 'Day'] = $i;
+ $_offsets[$_type . 'Week'] = $i;
return $_offsets;
* Test if the weekday of the given {@param $_timestamp} is the {@param $_occurence}th occurence of this weekday within its month.
* @param DateTime $_datetime
* @param int $_occurence [1 to 5, where 5 indicates the final occurrence during the month if that day of the week does not occur 5 times]
* @return bool
protected function _isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($_datetime, $_occurence)
if ($_occurence <= 1) {
return true;
$orig = $_datetime->format('n');
if ($_occurence == 5) {
$modified = clone($_datetime);
$modified->modify('1 week');
$mod = $modified->format('n');
// modified date is a next month
return $mod > $orig || ($mod == 1 && $orig == 12);
$modified = clone($_datetime);
$modified->modify(sprintf('-%d weeks', $_occurence - 1));
$mod = $modified->format('n');
if ($mod != $orig) {
return false;
$modified = clone($_datetime);
$modified->modify(sprintf('-%d weeks', $_occurence));
$mod = $modified->format('n');
// modified month is earlier than original
return $mod < $orig || ($mod == 12 && $orig == 1);
* Check if the given {@param $_standardTransition} and {@param $_daylightTransition}
* match to the object property {@see $_offsets}
* @param array $standardTransition
* @param array $daylightTransition
* @return bool
protected function _checkTransition($_standardTransition, $_daylightTransition, $_offsets, $tz)
if (empty($_standardTransition) || empty($_offsets)) {
return false;
$standardOffset = ($_offsets['bias'] + $_offsets['standardBias']) * 60 * -1;
// check each condition in a single if statement and break the chain when one condition is not met - for performance reasons
- if ($standardOffset == $_standardTransition['offset'] ) {
+ if ($standardOffset == $_standardTransition['offset']) {
if (empty($_offsets['daylightMonth']) && (empty($_daylightTransition) || empty($_daylightTransition['isdst']))) {
// No DST
return true;
$daylightOffset = ($_offsets['bias'] + $_offsets['daylightBias']) * 60 * -1;
// the milestone is sending a positive value for daylightBias while it should send a negative value
$daylightOffsetMilestone = ($_offsets['bias'] + ($_offsets['daylightBias'] * -1) ) * 60 * -1;
if (
&& ($daylightOffset == $_daylightTransition['offset'] || $daylightOffsetMilestone == $_daylightTransition['offset'])
) {
- $standardDate = new DateTime($_standardTransition['time'], $tz);
- $daylightDate = new DateTime($_daylightTransition['time'], $tz);
+ // date-time input here contains UTC timezone specifier (+0000),
+ // we have to convert the date to the requested timezone afterwards.
+ $standardDate = new DateTime($_standardTransition['time']);
+ $daylightDate = new DateTime($_daylightTransition['time']);
+ $standardDate->setTimezone($tz);
+ $daylightDate->setTimezone($tz);
if ($standardDate->format('n') == $_offsets['standardMonth'] &&
$daylightDate->format('n') == $_offsets['daylightMonth'] &&
$standardDate->format('w') == $_offsets['standardDayOfWeek'] &&
$daylightDate->format('w') == $_offsets['daylightDayOfWeek']
) {
- return $this->_isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($daylightDate, $_offsets['daylightDay']) &&
- $this->_isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($standardDate, $_offsets['standardDay']);
+ return $this->_isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($daylightDate, $_offsets['daylightWeek']) &&
+ $this->_isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($standardDate, $_offsets['standardWeek']);
return false;
* decode timezone info from activesync
* @param string $_packedTimezoneInfo the packed timezone info
* @return array
protected function _unpackTimezoneInfo($_packedTimezoneInfo)
- $timezoneUnpackString = 'lbias/a64standardName/vstandardYear/vstandardMonth/vstandardDayOfWeek/vstandardDay/vstandardHour/vstandardMinute/vstandardSecond/vstandardMilliseconds/lstandardBias/a64daylightName/vdaylightYear/vdaylightMonth/vdaylightDayOfWeek/vdaylightDay/vdaylightHour/vdaylightMinute/vdaylightSecond/vdaylightMilliseconds/ldaylightBias';
+ $timezoneUnpackString = 'lbias/a64standardName/vstandardYear/vstandardMonth/vstandardDayOfWeek/vstandardWeek/vstandardHour/vstandardMinute/vstandardSecond/vstandardMilliseconds/lstandardBias'
+ . '/a64daylightName/vdaylightYear/vdaylightMonth/vdaylightDayOfWeek/vdaylightWeek/vdaylightHour/vdaylightMinute/vdaylightSecond/vdaylightMilliseconds/ldaylightBias';
$timezoneInfo = unpack($timezoneUnpackString, base64_decode($_packedTimezoneInfo));
if ($timezoneInfo['standardHour'] == 23 && $timezoneInfo['standardMilliseconds'] == 999
&& $timezoneInfo['standardMinute'] == 59 && $timezoneInfo['standardSecond'] == 59
) {
$timezoneInfo['standardHour'] = 24;
$timezoneInfo['standardMinute'] = 0;
$timezoneInfo['standardSecond'] = 0;
$timezoneInfo['standardMilliseconds'] = 0;
return $timezoneInfo;
* encode timezone info to activesync
* @param array $_timezoneInfo
* @return string
protected function _packTimezoneInfo($_timezoneInfo)
if (!is_array($_timezoneInfo)) {
return null;
// According to e.g.,
// 24 is not allowed in the Hour field, and consequently Outlook can't deal with it.
// This is the same workaround that Outlook applies.
if ($_timezoneInfo['standardHour'] == 24) {
$_timezoneInfo['standardHour'] = 23;
$_timezoneInfo['standardMinute'] = 59;
$_timezoneInfo['standardSecond'] = 59;
$_timezoneInfo['standardMilliseconds'] = 999;
$packed = pack(
- $_timezoneInfo['standardDay'],
+ $_timezoneInfo['standardWeek'],
- $_timezoneInfo['daylightDay'],
+ $_timezoneInfo['daylightWeek'],
return base64_encode($packed);
* Returns complete offsets array with all fields empty
* Used e.g. when reverse-generating ActiveSync Timezone Offset Information
* based on a given Timezone, {@see getOffsetsForTimezone}
* @return unknown_type
protected function _getOffsetsTemplate()
return array(
'bias' => 0,
'standardName' => '',
'standardYear' => 0,
'standardMonth' => 0,
'standardDayOfWeek' => 0,
- 'standardDay' => 0,
+ 'standardWeek' => 0,
'standardHour' => 0,
'standardMinute' => 0,
'standardSecond' => 0,
'standardMilliseconds' => 0,
'standardBias' => 0,
'daylightName' => '',
'daylightYear' => 0,
'daylightMonth' => 0,
'daylightDayOfWeek' => 0,
- 'daylightDay' => 0,
+ 'daylightWeek' => 0,
'daylightHour' => 0,
'daylightMinute' => 0,
'daylightSecond' => 0,
'daylightMilliseconds' => 0,
'daylightBias' => 0
* Validate and set offsets
* @param array $value
* @return bool Validation result
protected function _validateOffsets($value)
// validate $value
- if ((!empty($value['standardMonth']) || !empty($value['standardDay']) || !empty($value['daylightMonth']) || !empty($value['daylightDay'])) &&
- (empty($value['standardMonth']) || empty($value['standardDay']) || empty($value['daylightMonth']) || empty($value['daylightDay']))
+ if ((!empty($value['standardMonth']) || !empty($value['standardWeek']) || !empty($value['daylightMonth']) || !empty($value['daylightWeek'])) &&
+ (empty($value['standardMonth']) || empty($value['standardWeek']) || empty($value['daylightMonth']) || empty($value['daylightWeek']))
) {
// It is not possible not set standard offsets without setting daylight offsets and vice versa
return false;
return true;
* Parse and set object property {@see $_startDate}
* @param string|int $_startDate
* @return void
protected function _setStartDate($_startDate)
if (empty($_startDate)) {
$startDateParsed = array();
if (is_string($_startDate)) {
$startDateParsed['string'] = $_startDate;
$startDateParsed['ts'] = strtotime($_startDate);
else if (is_int($_startDate)) {
$startDateParsed['ts'] = $_startDate;
$startDateParsed['string'] = strftime('%F', $_startDate);
else {
$startDateParsed['object'] = new DateTime($startDateParsed['string']);
$startDateParsed = array_merge($startDateParsed, getdate($startDateParsed['ts']));
$this->_startDate = $startDateParsed;
* Set default value for object property {@see $_startdate} if it is not set yet.
* Tries to guess the correct startDate depending on object property {@see $_offsets} and
* falls back to current date.
* @param array $_offsets [offsets may be avaluated for a given start year]
* @return void
protected function _setDefaultStartDateIfEmpty($_offsets = null)
if (!empty($this->_startDate)) {
if (!empty($_offsets['standardYear'])) {
else {
* Check if the given {@param $_timezone} matches the {@see $_offsets}
* and also evaluate the daylight saving time transitions for this timezone if necessary.
* @param DateTimeZone $timezone
* @param array $offsets
* @return array|bool
protected function _checkTimezone(DateTimeZone $timezone, $offsets)
list($standardTransition, $daylightTransition) = $this->_getTransitionsForTimezoneAndYear($timezone, $this->_startDate['year']);
if ($this->_checkTransition($standardTransition, $daylightTransition, $offsets, $timezone)) {
return $standardTransition;
return false;
* Returns the standard and daylight transitions for the given {@param $_timezone}
* and {@param $_year}.
* @param DateTimeZone $_timezone
* @param int $_year
* @return array
protected function _getTransitionsForTimezoneAndYear(DateTimeZone $_timezone, $_year)
$standardTransition = null;
$daylightTransition = null;
$start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 1, $_year - 1);
$end = mktime(24, 0, 0, 12, 31, $_year);
$transitions = $_timezone->getTransitions($start, $end);
if ($transitions === false) {
return array();
foreach ($transitions as $index => $transition) {
if (strftime('%Y', $transition['ts']) == $_year) {
if (isset($transitions[$index+1]) && strftime('%Y', $transitions[$index]['ts']) == strftime('%Y', $transitions[$index+1]['ts'])) {
$daylightTransition = $transition['isdst'] ? $transition : $transitions[$index+1];
$standardTransition = $transition['isdst'] ? $transitions[$index+1] : $transition;
else {
$daylightTransition = $transition['isdst'] ? $transition : null;
$standardTransition = $transition['isdst'] ? null : $transition;
else if ($index == count($transitions) -1) {
$standardTransition = $transition;
return array($standardTransition, $daylightTransition);
protected function _getCacheId($_prefix, $_offsets)
return $_prefix . md5(serialize($_offsets));
protected function _loadFromCache($key)
if ($cache = $this->getCache()) {
return $cache->get($key);
return false;
protected function _saveInCache($value, $key)
if ($cache = $this->getCache()) {
$cache->set($key, $value);
* Getter for the cache engine object
protected function getCache()
if ($this->cache === null) {
$rcube = rcube::get_instance();
$cache = $rcube->get_cache_shared('activesync');
$this->cache = $cache ? $cache : false;
return $this->cache;
diff --git a/tests/timezone_converter.php b/tests/timezone_converter.php
index 743b76d..623a399 100644
--- a/tests/timezone_converter.php
+++ b/tests/timezone_converter.php
@@ -1,128 +1,161 @@
class timezone_converter extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
function setUp()
function test_list_timezones()
- date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles');
+// date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles');
$converter = timezone_converter_test::getInstance();
- $output = $converter->getListOfTimezones($input);
+ $this->assertSame(array(), $output);
$converter = timezone_converter_test::getInstance();
$converter = timezone_converter_test::getInstance();
+ $converter = timezone_converter_test::getInstance();
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($output));
+ $this->assertTrue(isset($output['Asia/Tehran']));
function test_get_timezone()
$converter = timezone_converter_test::getInstance();
$datetime = new DateTime('2017-01-01T12:00:00Z');
$offsets = $converter->getOffsetsForTimezone('UTC', $datetime);
$output = $converter->getTimezone($offsets, 'UTC');
$this->assertSame('UTC', $output);
$offsets = $converter->getOffsetsForTimezone('Europe/Warsaw', $datetime);
$output = $converter->getTimezone($offsets, 'Europe/Warsaw');
$this->assertSame('Europe/Warsaw', $output);
$offsets = $converter->getOffsetsForTimezone('America/Los_Angeles', $datetime);
$output = $converter->getTimezone($offsets, 'America/Los_Angeles');
$this->assertSame('America/Los_Angeles', $output);
function test_get_offsets_for_timezone()
$converter = timezone_converter_test::getInstance();
$datetime = new DateTime('2017-01-01T12:00:00Z');
$output = $converter->getOffsetsForTimezone('UTC', $datetime);
$this->assertSame($output['bias'], 0);
$this->assertSame($output['standardBias'], 0);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightBias'], 0);
$this->assertSame($output['standardMonth'], 0);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightMonth'], 0);
$output = $converter->getOffsetsForTimezone('Europe/Warsaw', $datetime);
$this->assertSame($output['standardBias'], 0);
$this->assertSame($output['standardMonth'], 10);
- $this->assertSame($output['standardDay'], 5);
+ $this->assertSame($output['standardWeek'], 5);
$this->assertSame($output['standardHour'], 3);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightBias'], -60);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightMonth'], 3);
- $this->assertSame($output['daylightDay'], 5);
+ $this->assertSame($output['daylightWeek'], 5);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightHour'], 2);
$output = $converter->getOffsetsForTimezone('America/Los_Angeles', $datetime);
$this->assertSame($output['bias'], 480);
$this->assertSame($output['standardBias'], 0);
$this->assertSame($output['standardMonth'], 11);
- $this->assertSame($output['standardDay'], 1);
+ $this->assertSame($output['standardWeek'], 1);
$this->assertSame($output['standardHour'], 2);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightBias'], -60);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightMonth'], 3);
- $this->assertSame($output['daylightDay'], 2);
+ $this->assertSame($output['daylightWeek'], 2);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightHour'], 2);
$output = $converter->getOffsetsForTimezone('Atlantic/Azores', $datetime);
$this->assertSame($output['bias'], 60);
$this->assertSame($output['standardBias'], 0);
$this->assertSame($output['standardMonth'], 10);
- $this->assertSame($output['standardDay'], 5);
+ $this->assertSame($output['standardWeek'], 5);
$this->assertSame($output['standardHour'], 1);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightBias'], -60);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightMonth'], 3);
- $this->assertSame($output['daylightDay'], 5);
+ $this->assertSame($output['daylightWeek'], 5);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightHour'], 0);
$output = $converter->getOffsetsForTimezone('Asia/Tehran', $datetime);
$this->assertSame($output['bias'], -210);
$this->assertSame($output['standardBias'], 0);
$this->assertSame($output['standardMonth'], 9);
- $this->assertSame($output['standardDay'], 3);
+ $this->assertSame($output['standardWeek'], 3);
+ $this->assertSame($output['standardDayOfWeek'], 2);
$this->assertSame($output['standardHour'], 24);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightBias'], -60);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightMonth'], 3);
- $this->assertSame($output['daylightDay'], 4);
+ $this->assertSame($output['daylightWeek'], 4);
+ $this->assertSame($output['daylightDayOfWeek'], 1);
$this->assertSame($output['daylightHour'], 0);
+ function data_timezone_conversion()
+ {
+ return array(
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider data_timezone_conversion
+ */
+ function test_timezone_conversion($tz, $expected)
+ {
+ $datetime = new DateTime('2021-07-01T12:00:00Z');
+ $converter = timezone_converter_test::getInstance();
+ $output = $converter->encodeTimezone($tz, $datetime);
+ $this->assertSame($expected, $output);
+ $output = $converter->getListOfTimezones($output);
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($output));
+ $this->assertTrue(isset($output[$tz]));
+ }
class timezone_converter_test extends kolab_sync_timezone_converter
// disable cache
function getCache()
return null;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Jan 18, 9:38 PM (13 h, 36 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(33 KB)

Event Timeline