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diff --git a/plugins/kolab_addressbook/lib/rcube_kolab_contacts.php b/plugins/kolab_addressbook/lib/rcube_kolab_contacts.php
index 1443e864..1b3ea01b 100644
--- a/plugins/kolab_addressbook/lib/rcube_kolab_contacts.php
+++ b/plugins/kolab_addressbook/lib/rcube_kolab_contacts.php
@@ -1,1286 +1,1288 @@
* Backend class for a custom address book
* This part of the Roundcube+Kolab integration and connects the
* rcube_addressbook interface with the kolab_storage wrapper from libkolab
* @author Thomas Bruederli <>
* @author Aleksander Machniak <>
* Copyright (C) 2011, Kolab Systems AG <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @see rcube_addressbook
class rcube_kolab_contacts extends rcube_addressbook
public $primary_key = 'ID';
public $readonly = true;
public $editable = false;
public $undelete = true;
public $groups = true;
public $coltypes = array(
'name' => array('limit' => 1),
'firstname' => array('limit' => 1),
'surname' => array('limit' => 1),
'middlename' => array('limit' => 1),
'prefix' => array('limit' => 1),
'suffix' => array('limit' => 1),
'nickname' => array('limit' => 1),
'jobtitle' => array('limit' => 1),
'organization' => array('limit' => 1),
'department' => array('limit' => 1),
'email' => array('subtypes' => array('home','work','other')),
'phone' => array(),
'address' => array('subtypes' => array('home','work','office')),
'website' => array('subtypes' => array('homepage','blog')),
'im' => array('subtypes' => null),
'gender' => array('limit' => 1),
'birthday' => array('limit' => 1),
'anniversary' => array('limit' => 1),
'profession' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 80, 'limit' => 1,
'label' => 'kolab_addressbook.profession', 'category' => 'personal'),
'manager' => array('limit' => null),
'assistant' => array('limit' => null),
'spouse' => array('limit' => 1),
'children' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 80, 'limit' => null,
'label' => 'kolab_addressbook.children', 'category' => 'personal'),
'freebusyurl' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 40, 'limit' => 1,
'label' => 'kolab_addressbook.freebusyurl'),
'pgppublickey' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'size' => 70, 'rows' => 10, 'limit' => 1,
'label' => 'kolab_addressbook.pgppublickey'),
'pkcs7publickey' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'size' => 70, 'rows' => 10, 'limit' => 1,
'label' => 'kolab_addressbook.pkcs7publickey'),
'notes' => array('limit' => 1),
'photo' => array('limit' => 1),
// TODO: define more Kolab-specific fields such as: language, latitude, longitude, crypto settings
* vCard additional fields mapping
public $vcard_map = array(
'profession' => 'X-PROFESSION',
'officelocation' => 'X-OFFICE-LOCATION',
'initials' => 'X-INITIALS',
'children' => 'X-CHILDREN',
'freebusyurl' => 'X-FREEBUSY-URL',
'pgppublickey' => 'KEY',
* List of date type fields
public $date_cols = array('birthday', 'anniversary');
private $gid;
private $storagefolder;
private $dataset;
private $sortindex;
private $contacts;
private $distlists;
private $groupmembers;
private $filter;
private $result;
private $namespace;
private $imap_folder = 'INBOX/Contacts';
private $action;
public function __construct($imap_folder = null)
if ($imap_folder) {
$this->imap_folder = $imap_folder;
// extend coltypes configuration
$format = kolab_format::factory('contact');
$this->coltypes['phone']['subtypes'] = array_keys($format->phonetypes);
$this->coltypes['address']['subtypes'] = array_keys($format->addresstypes);
// set localized labels for proprietary cols
foreach ($this->coltypes as $col => $prop) {
if (is_string($prop['label']))
$this->coltypes[$col]['label'] = rcube_label($prop['label']);
// fetch objects from the given IMAP folder
$this->storagefolder = kolab_storage::get_folder($this->imap_folder);
$this->ready = $this->storagefolder && !PEAR::isError($this->storagefolder);
// Set readonly and editable flags according to folder permissions
if ($this->ready) {
if ($this->storagefolder->get_owner() == $_SESSION['username']) {
$this->editable = true;
$this->readonly = false;
else {
$rights = $this->storagefolder->get_myrights();
if (!PEAR::isError($rights)) {
if (strpos($rights, 'i') !== false)
$this->readonly = false;
if (strpos($rights, 'a') !== false || strpos($rights, 'x') !== false)
$this->editable = true;
$this->action = rcube::get_instance()->action;
* Getter for the address book name to be displayed
* @return string Name of this address book
public function get_name()
$folder = kolab_storage::object_name($this->imap_folder, $this->namespace);
return $folder;
* Wrapper for kolab_storage_folder::get_foldername()
public function get_foldername()
return $this->storagefolder->get_foldername();
* Getter for the IMAP folder name
* @return string Name of the IMAP folder
public function get_realname()
return $this->imap_folder;
* Getter for the name of the namespace to which the IMAP folder belongs
* @return string Name of the namespace (personal, other, shared)
public function get_namespace()
if ($this->namespace === null && $this->ready) {
$this->namespace = $this->storagefolder->get_namespace();
return $this->namespace;
* Getter for parent folder path
* @return string Full path to parent folder
public function get_parent()
return $this->storagefolder->get_parent();
* Check subscription status of this folder
* @return boolean True if subscribed, false if not
public function is_subscribed()
return kolab_storage::folder_is_subscribed($this->imap_folder);
* Compose an URL for CardDAV access to this address book (if configured)
public function get_carddav_url()
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
if ($template = $rcmail->config->get('kolab_addressbook_carddav_url', null)) {
return strtr($template, array(
'%h' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
'%u' => urlencode($rcmail->get_user_name()),
'%i' => urlencode($this->storagefolder->get_uid()),
'%n' => urlencode($this->imap_folder),
return false;
* Setter for the current group
public function set_group($gid)
$this->gid = $gid;
* Save a search string for future listings
* @param mixed Search params to use in listing method, obtained by get_search_set()
public function set_search_set($filter)
$this->filter = $filter;
* Getter for saved search properties
* @return mixed Search properties used by this class
public function get_search_set()
return $this->filter;
* Reset saved results and search parameters
public function reset()
$this->result = null;
$this->filter = null;
* List all active contact groups of this source
* @param string Optional search string to match group name
* @return array Indexed list of contact groups, each a hash array
function list_groups($search = null)
$groups = array();
foreach ((array)$this->distlists as $group) {
if (!$search || strstr(strtolower($group['name']), strtolower($search)))
$groups[$group['name']] = array('ID' => $group['ID'], 'name' => $group['name']);
// sort groups
ksort($groups, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);
return array_values($groups);
* List the current set of contact records
* @param array List of cols to show
* @param int Only return this number of records, use negative values for tail
* @param boolean True to skip the count query (select only)
* @return array Indexed list of contact records, each a hash array
public function list_records($cols = null, $subset = 0, $nocount = false)
$this->result = new rcube_result_set(0, ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size);
$fetch_all = false;
// list member of the selected group
if ($this->gid) {
$this->sortindex = array();
$this->contacts = array();
$local_sortindex = array();
$uids = array();
// get members with email specified
foreach ((array)$this->distlists[$this->gid]['member'] as $member) {
// skip member that don't match the search filter
if (!empty($this->filter['ids']) && array_search($member['ID'], $this->filter['ids']) === false) {
if (!empty($member['uid'])) {
$uids[] = $member['uid'];
else if (!empty($member['email'])) {
$this->contacts[$member['ID']] = $member;
$local_sortindex[$member['ID']] = $this->_sort_string($member);
$fetch_all = true;
// get members by UID
if (!empty($uids)) {
$this->_fetch_contacts($query = array(array('uid', '=', $uids)), !$fetch_all);
$this->sortindex = array_merge($this->sortindex, $local_sortindex);
else if (is_array($this->filter['ids'])) {
$ids = $this->filter['ids'];
if (count($ids)) {
$uids = array_map(array($this, 'id2uid'), $this->filter['ids']);
$this->_fetch_contacts($query = array(array('uid', '=', $uids)), true);
else {
$this->_fetch_contacts($query = 'contact', true);
if ($fetch_all) {
// sort results (index only)
asort($this->sortindex, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);
$ids = array_keys($this->sortindex);
// fill contact data into the current result set
$this->result->count = count($ids);
$start_row = $subset < 0 ? $this->result->first + $this->page_size + $subset : $this->result->first;
$last_row = min($subset != 0 ? $start_row + abs($subset) : $this->result->first + $this->page_size, $this->result->count);
for ($i = $start_row; $i < $last_row; $i++) {
if (array_key_exists($i, $ids)) {
$idx = $ids[$i];
$this->result->add($this->contacts[$idx] ?: $this->_to_rcube_contact($this->dataset[$idx]));
else if (!empty($this->dataset)) {
// get all records count, skip the query if possible
if (!isset($query) || count($this->dataset) < $this->page_size) {
$this->result->count = count($this->dataset) + $this->page_size * ($this->list_page - 1);
else {
$this->result->count = $this->storagefolder->count($query);
$start_row = $subset < 0 ? $this->page_size + $subset : 0;
$last_row = min($subset != 0 ? $start_row + abs($subset) : $this->page_size, $this->result->count);
for ($i = $start_row; $i < $last_row; $i++) {
return $this->result;
* Search records
* @param mixed $fields The field name of array of field names to search in
* @param mixed $value Search value (or array of values when $fields is array)
* @param int $mode Matching mode:
* 0 - partial (*abc*),
* 1 - strict (=),
* 2 - prefix (abc*)
* @param boolean $select True if results are requested, False if count only
* @param boolean $nocount True to skip the count query (select only)
* @param array $required List of fields that cannot be empty
* @return object rcube_result_set List of contact records and 'count' value
public function search($fields, $value, $mode=0, $select=true, $nocount=false, $required=array())
// search by ID
if ($fields == $this->primary_key) {
$ids = !is_array($value) ? explode(',', $value) : $value;
$result = new rcube_result_set();
foreach ($ids as $id) {
if ($rec = $this->get_record($id, true)) {
return $result;
else if ($fields == '*') {
$fields = array_keys($this->coltypes);
if (!is_array($fields))
$fields = array($fields);
if (!is_array($required) && !empty($required))
$required = array($required);
// advanced search
if (is_array($value)) {
$advanced = true;
$value = array_map('mb_strtolower', $value);
$value = mb_strtolower($value);
$scount = count($fields);
// build key name regexp
$regexp = '/^(' . implode($fields, '|') . ')(?:.*)$/';
// pass query to storage if only indexed cols are involved
// NOTE: this is only some rough pre-filtering but probably includes false positives
$squery = $this->_search_query($fields, $value, $mode);
// add magic selector to select contacts with birthday dates only
if (in_array('birthday', $required)) {
$squery[] = array('tags', '=', 'x-has-birthday');
// get all/matching records
// save searching conditions
$this->filter = array('fields' => $fields, 'value' => $value, 'mode' => $mode, 'ids' => array());
// search by iterating over all records in dataset
foreach ($this->dataset as $record) {
$contact = $this->_to_rcube_contact($record);
$id = $contact['ID'];
// check if current contact has required values, otherwise skip it
if ($required) {
foreach ($required as $f) {
// required field might be 'email', but contact might contain 'email:home'
if (!($v = rcube_addressbook::get_col_values($f, $contact, true)) || empty($v)) {
continue 2;
$found = array();
foreach (preg_grep($regexp, array_keys($contact)) as $col) {
$pos = strpos($col, ':');
$colname = $pos ? substr($col, 0, $pos) : $col;
$search = $advanced ? $value[array_search($colname, $fields)] : $value;
foreach ((array)$contact[$col] as $val) {
if ($this->compare_search_value($colname, $val, $search, $mode)) {
if (!$advanced) {
$this->filter['ids'][] = $id;
break 2;
else {
$found[$colname] = true;
if (count($found) >= $scount) // && $advanced
$this->filter['ids'][] = $id;
// dummy result with contacts count
if (!$select) {
return new rcube_result_set(count($this->filter['ids']), ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size);
// list records (now limited by $this->filter)
return $this->list_records();
* Refresh saved search results after data has changed
public function refresh_search()
if ($this->filter)
$this->search($this->filter['fields'], $this->filter['value'], $this->filter['mode']);
return $this->get_search_set();
* Count number of available contacts in database
* @return rcube_result_set Result set with values for 'count' and 'first'
public function count()
if ($this->gid) {
$count = count($this->distlists[$this->gid]['member']);
else if (is_array($this->filter['ids'])) {
$count = count($this->filter['ids']);
else {
$count = $this->storagefolder->count('contact');
return new rcube_result_set($count, ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size);
* Return the last result set
* @return rcube_result_set Current result set or NULL if nothing selected yet
public function get_result()
return $this->result;
* Get a specific contact record
* @param mixed record identifier(s)
* @param boolean True to return record as associative array, otherwise a result set is returned
* @return mixed Result object with all record fields or False if not found
public function get_record($id, $assoc=false)
$rec = null;
$uid = $this->id2uid($id);
if (strpos($uid, 'mailto:') === 0) {
$rec = $this->contacts[$id];
$this->readonly = true; // set source to read-only
else if ($object = $this->storagefolder->get_object($uid)) {
$rec = $this->_to_rcube_contact($object);
if ($rec) {
$this->result = new rcube_result_set(1);
return $assoc ? $rec : $this->result;
return false;
* Get group assignments of a specific contact record
* @param mixed Record identifier
* @return array List of assigned groups as ID=>Name pairs
public function get_record_groups($id)
$out = array();
foreach ((array)$this->groupmembers[$id] as $gid) {
if ($group = $this->distlists[$gid])
$out[$gid] = $group['name'];
return $out;
* Create a new contact record
* @param array Assoziative array with save data
* Keys: Field name with optional section in the form FIELD:SECTION
* Values: Field value. Can be either a string or an array of strings for multiple values
* @param boolean True to check for duplicates first
* @return mixed The created record ID on success, False on error
public function insert($save_data, $check=false)
if (!is_array($save_data))
return false;
$insert_id = $existing = false;
// check for existing records by e-mail comparison
if ($check) {
foreach ($this->get_col_values('email', $save_data, true) as $email) {
if (($res = $this->search('email', $email, true, false)) && $res->count) {
$existing = true;
if (!$existing) {
// remove existing id attributes (#1101)
unset($save_data['ID'], $save_data['uid']);
// generate new Kolab contact item
$object = $this->_from_rcube_contact($save_data);
$saved = $this->storagefolder->save($object, 'contact');
if (!$saved) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error saving contact object to Kolab server"),
true, false);
else {
$insert_id = $this->uid2id($object['uid']);
return $insert_id;
* Update a specific contact record
* @param mixed Record identifier
* @param array Assoziative array with save data
* Keys: Field name with optional section in the form FIELD:SECTION
* Values: Field value. Can be either a string or an array of strings for multiple values
* @return boolean True on success, False on error
public function update($id, $save_data)
$updated = false;
if ($old = $this->storagefolder->get_object($this->id2uid($id))) {
$object = $this->_from_rcube_contact($save_data, $old);
if (!$this->storagefolder->save($object, 'contact', $old['uid'])) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error saving contact object to Kolab server"),
true, false);
else {
$updated = true;
// TODO: update data in groups this contact is member of
return $updated;
* Mark one or more contact records as deleted
* @param array Record identifiers
* @param boolean Remove record(s) irreversible (mark as deleted otherwise)
* @return int Number of records deleted
public function delete($ids, $force=true)
if (!is_array($ids))
$ids = explode(',', $ids);
$count = 0;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
if ($uid = $this->id2uid($id)) {
$is_mailto = strpos($uid, 'mailto:') === 0;
$deleted = $is_mailto || $this->storagefolder->delete($uid, $force);
if (!$deleted) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error deleting a contact object $uid from the Kolab server"),
true, false);
else {
// remove from distribution lists
foreach ((array)$this->groupmembers[$id] as $gid) {
if (!$is_mailto || $gid == $this->gid)
$this->remove_from_group($gid, $id);
// clear internal cache
return $count;
* Undelete one or more contact records.
* Only possible just after delete (see 2nd argument of delete() method).
* @param array Record identifiers
* @return int Number of records restored
public function undelete($ids)
if (!is_array($ids))
$ids = explode(',', $ids);
$count = 0;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$uid = $this->id2uid($id);
if ($this->storagefolder->undelete($uid)) {
else {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error undeleting a contact object $uid from the Kolab server"),
true, false);
return $count;
* Remove all records from the database
public function delete_all()
if ($this->storagefolder->delete_all()) {
$this->contacts = array();
$this->sortindex = array();
$this->dataset = null;
$this->result = null;
* Close connection to source
* Called on script shutdown
public function close()
* Create a contact group with the given name
* @param string The group name
* @return mixed False on error, array with record props in success
function create_group($name)
$result = false;
$list = array(
'name' => $name,
'member' => array(),
$saved = $this->storagefolder->save($list, 'distribution-list');
if (!$saved) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error saving distribution-list object to Kolab server"),
true, false);
return false;
else {
$id = $this->uid2id($list['uid']);
$this->distlists[$id] = $list;
$result = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name);
return $result;
* Delete the given group and all linked group members
* @param string Group identifier
* @return boolean True on success, false if no data was changed
function delete_group($gid)
$result = false;
if ($list = $this->distlists[$gid]) {
$deleted = $this->storagefolder->delete($list['uid']);
if (!$deleted) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error deleting distribution-list object from the Kolab server"),
true, false);
else {
$result = true;
return $result;
* Rename a specific contact group
* @param string Group identifier
* @param string New name to set for this group
* @return boolean New name on success, false if no data was changed
function rename_group($gid, $newname)
$list = $this->distlists[$gid];
if ($newname != $list['name']) {
$list['name'] = $newname;
$saved = $this->storagefolder->save($list, 'distribution-list', $list['uid']);
if (!$saved) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error saving distribution-list object to Kolab server"),
true, false);
return false;
return $newname;
* Add the given contact records the a certain group
* @param string Group identifier
* @param array List of contact identifiers to be added
* @return int Number of contacts added
function add_to_group($gid, $ids)
if (!is_array($ids)) {
$ids = explode(',', $ids);
$list = $this->distlists[$gid];
$added = 0;
$uids = array();
$exists = array();
foreach ((array)$list['member'] as $member) {
$exists[] = $member['ID'];
// substract existing assignments from list
$ids = array_unique(array_diff($ids, $exists));
// add mailto: members
foreach ($ids as $contact_id) {
$uid = $this->id2uid($contact_id);
if (strpos($uid, 'mailto:') === 0 && ($contact = $this->contacts[$contact_id])) {
$list['member'][] = array(
'email' => $contact['email'],
'name' => $contact['name'],
$this->groupmembers[$contact_id][] = $gid;
else {
$uids[$uid] = $contact_id;
// add members with UID
if (!empty($uids)) {
foreach ($uids as $uid => $contact_id) {
$list['member'][] = array('uid' => $uid);
$this->groupmembers[$contact_id][] = $gid;
if ($added)
$saved = $this->storagefolder->save($list, 'distribution-list', $list['uid']);
$saved = true;
if (!$saved) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error saving distribution-list to Kolab server"),
true, false);
$added = false;
$this->set_error(self::ERROR_SAVING, 'errorsaving');
else {
$this->distlists[$gid] = $list;
return $added;
* Remove the given contact records from a certain group
* @param string Group identifier
* @param array List of contact identifiers to be removed
* @return int Number of deleted group members
function remove_from_group($gid, $ids)
if (!is_array($ids))
$ids = explode(',', $ids);
if (!($list = $this->distlists[$gid]))
return false;
$new_member = array();
foreach ((array)$list['member'] as $member) {
if (!in_array($member['ID'], $ids))
$new_member[] = $member;
// write distribution list back to server
$list['member'] = $new_member;
$saved = $this->storagefolder->save($list, 'distribution-list', $list['uid']);
if (!$saved) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Error saving distribution-list object to Kolab server"),
true, false);
else {
// remove group assigments in local cache
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$j = array_search($gid, $this->groupmembers[$id]);
$this->distlists[$gid] = $list;
return true;
return false;
* Check the given data before saving.
* If input not valid, the message to display can be fetched using get_error()
* @param array Associative array with contact data to save
* @return boolean True if input is valid, False if not.
public function validate(&$save_data)
// validate e-mail addresses
$valid = parent::validate($save_data);
- // require at least one e-mail address (syntax check is already done)
+ // require at least one e-mail address if there's no name
+ // (syntax check is already done)
if ($valid) {
if (!strlen($save_data['name'])
+ && !strlen($save_data['organization'])
&& !array_filter($this->get_col_values('email', $save_data, true))
) {
$this->set_error('warning', 'kolab_addressbook.noemailnamewarning');
$valid = false;
return $valid;
* Query storage layer and store records in private member var
private function _fetch_contacts($query = array(), $limit = false)
if (!isset($this->dataset) || !empty($query)) {
if ($limit) {
$this->storagefolder->set_order_and_limit($this->_sort_columns(), $this->page_size, ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size);
$this->sortindex = array();
$this->dataset = $this->storagefolder->select($query);
foreach ($this->dataset as $idx => $record) {
$contact = $this->_to_rcube_contact($record);
$this->sortindex[$idx] = $this->_sort_string($contact);
* Extract a string for sorting from the given contact record
private function _sort_string($rec)
$str = '';
switch ($this->sort_col) {
case 'name':
$str = $rec['name'] . $rec['prefix'];
case 'firstname':
$str .= $rec['firstname'] . $rec['middlename'] . $rec['surname'];
case 'surname':
$str = $rec['surname'] . $rec['firstname'] . $rec['middlename'];
$str = $rec[$this->sort_col];
$str .= is_array($rec['email']) ? $rec['email'][0] : $rec['email'];
return mb_strtolower($str);
* Return the cache table columns to order by
private function _sort_columns()
$sortcols = array();
switch ($this->sort_col) {
case 'name':
$sortcols[] = 'name';
case 'firstname':
$sortcols[] = 'firstname';
case 'surname':
$sortcols[] = 'surname';
$sortcols[] = 'email';
return $sortcols;
* Read distribution-lists AKA groups from server
private function _fetch_groups($with_contacts = false)
if (!isset($this->distlists)) {
$this->distlists = $this->groupmembers = array();
foreach ($this->storagefolder->get_objects('distribution-list') as $record) {
$record['ID'] = $this->uid2id($record['uid']);
foreach ((array)$record['member'] as $i => $member) {
$mid = $this->uid2id($member['uid'] ? $member['uid'] : 'mailto:' . $member['email']);
$record['member'][$i]['ID'] = $mid;
$record['member'][$i]['readonly'] = empty($member['uid']);
$this->groupmembers[$mid][] = $record['ID'];
if ($with_contacts && empty($member['uid']))
$this->contacts[$mid] = $record['member'][$i];
$this->distlists[$record['ID']] = $record;
* Encode object UID into a safe identifier
public function uid2id($uid)
return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($uid), '+/', '-_'), '=');
* Convert Roundcube object identifier back into the original UID
public function id2uid($id)
return base64_decode(str_pad(strtr($id, '-_', '+/'), strlen($id) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT));
* Build SQL query for fulltext matches
private function _search_query($fields, $value, $mode)
$query = array();
$cols = array();
// $fulltext_cols might contain composite field names e.g. 'email:address' while $fields not
foreach (kolab_format_contact::$fulltext_cols as $col) {
if ($pos = strpos($col, ':')) {
$col = substr($col, 0, $pos);
if (in_array($col, $fields)) {
$cols[] = $col;
if (count($cols) == count($fields)) {
switch ($mode) {
case 1: $prefix = '^'; $suffix = '$'; break; // strict
case 2: $prefix = '^'; $suffix = ''; break; // prefix
default: $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; break; // substring
$search_string = is_array($value) ? join(' ', $value) : $value;
foreach (rcube_utils::normalize_string($search_string, true) as $word) {
$query[] = array('words', 'LIKE', $prefix . $word . $suffix);
return $query;
* Map fields from internal Kolab_Format to Roundcube contact format
private function _to_rcube_contact($record)
$record['ID'] = $this->uid2id($record['uid']);
// convert email, website, phone values
foreach (array('email'=>'address', 'website'=>'url', 'phone'=>'number') as $col => $propname) {
if (is_array($record[$col])) {
$values = $record[$col];
foreach ((array)$values as $i => $val) {
$key = $col . ($val['type'] ? ':' . $val['type'] : '');
$record[$key][] = $val[$propname];
if (is_array($record['address'])) {
$addresses = $record['address'];
foreach ($addresses as $i => $adr) {
$key = 'address' . ($adr['type'] ? ':' . $adr['type'] : '');
$record[$key][] = array(
'street' => $adr['street'],
'locality' => $adr['locality'],
'zipcode' => $adr['code'],
'region' => $adr['region'],
'country' => $adr['country'],
// photo is stored as separate attachment
if ($record['photo'] && strlen($record['photo']) < 255 && ($att = $record['_attachments'][$record['photo']])) {
// only fetch photo content if requested
if ($this->action == 'photo')
$record['photo'] = $att['content'] ? $att['content'] : $this->storagefolder->get_attachment($record['uid'], $att['id']);
// truncate publickey value for display
if ($record['pgppublickey'] && $this->action == 'show')
$record['pgppublickey'] = substr($record['pgppublickey'], 0, 140) . '...';
// remove empty fields
$record = array_filter($record);
// remove kolab_storage internal data
unset($record['_msguid'], $record['_formatobj'], $record['_mailbox'], $record['_type'], $record['_size']);
return $record;
* Map fields from Roundcube format to internal kolab_format_contact properties
private function _from_rcube_contact($contact, $old = array())
if (!$contact['uid'] && $contact['ID'])
$contact['uid'] = $this->id2uid($contact['ID']);
else if (!$contact['uid'] && $old['uid'])
$contact['uid'] = $old['uid'];
$contact['im'] = array_filter($this->get_col_values('im', $contact, true));
// convert email, website, phone values
foreach (array('email'=>'address', 'website'=>'url', 'phone'=>'number') as $col => $propname) {
$col_values = $this->get_col_values($col, $contact);
$contact[$col] = array();
foreach ($col_values as $type => $values) {
foreach ((array)$values as $val) {
if (!empty($val)) {
$contact[$col][] = array($propname => $val, 'type' => $type);
$addresses = array();
foreach ($this->get_col_values('address', $contact) as $type => $values) {
foreach ((array)$values as $adr) {
// skip empty address
$adr = array_filter($adr);
if (empty($adr))
$addresses[] = array(
'type' => $type,
'street' => $adr['street'],
'locality' => $adr['locality'],
'code' => $adr['zipcode'],
'region' => $adr['region'],
'country' => $adr['country'],
$contact['address'] = $addresses;
// categories are not supported in the web client but should be preserved (#2608)
$contact['categories'] = $old['categories'];
// copy meta data (starting with _) from old object
foreach ((array)$old as $key => $val) {
if (!isset($contact[$key]) && $key[0] == '_')
$contact[$key] = $val;
// convert one-item-array elements into string element
// this is needed e.g. to properly import birthday field
foreach ($this->coltypes as $type => $col_def) {
if ($col_def['limit'] == 1 && is_array($contact[$type])) {
$contact[$type] = array_shift(array_filter($contact[$type]));
// When importing contacts 'vcard' data is added, we don't need it (Bug #1711)
// add empty values for some fields which can be removed in the UI
return array_filter($contact) + array('nickname' => '', 'birthday' => '', 'anniversary' => '', 'freebusyurl' => '', 'photo' => $contact['photo']);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Jan 19, 5:02 AM (21 h, 20 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(43 KB)

Event Timeline