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diff --git a/src/app/Http/Controllers/API/SignupController.php b/src/app/Http/Controllers/API/SignupController.php
index 2a8558bf..6a4ca1d4 100644
--- a/src/app/Http/Controllers/API/SignupController.php
+++ b/src/app/Http/Controllers/API/SignupController.php
@@ -1,596 +1,599 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\API;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Jobs\SignupVerificationEmail;
use App\Discount;
use App\Domain;
use App\Plan;
use App\Providers\PaymentProvider;
use App\Rules\SignupExternalEmail;
use App\Rules\SignupToken;
use App\Rules\Password;
use App\Rules\UserEmailDomain;
use App\Rules\UserEmailLocal;
use App\SignupCode;
use App\SignupInvitation;
use App\User;
use App\Utils;
use App\VatRate;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
* Signup process API
class SignupController extends Controller
* Returns plans definitions for signup.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request HTTP request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse JSON response
public function plans(Request $request)
// Use reverse order just to have individual on left, group on right ;)
// But prefer monthly on left, yearly on right
$plans = Plan::withEnvTenantContext()->orderBy('months')->orderByDesc('title')->get()
->map(function ($plan) {
$button = self::trans("app.planbutton-{$plan->title}");
if (strpos($button, 'app.planbutton') !== false) {
$button = self::trans('app.planbutton', ['plan' => $plan->name]);
return [
'title' => $plan->title,
'name' => $plan->name,
'button' => $button,
'description' => $plan->description,
'mode' => $plan->mode ?: Plan::MODE_EMAIL,
'isDomain' => $plan->hasDomain(),
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'plans' => $plans]);
* Returns list of public domains for signup.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request HTTP request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse JSON response
public function domains(Request $request)
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'domains' => Domain::getPublicDomains()]);
* Starts signup process.
* Verifies user name and email/phone, sends verification email/sms message.
* Returns the verification code.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request HTTP request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse JSON response
public function init(Request $request)
$rules = [
'first_name' => 'max:128',
'last_name' => 'max:128',
'voucher' => 'max:32',
$plan = $this->getPlan();
if ($plan->mode == Plan::MODE_TOKEN) {
$rules['token'] = ['required', 'string', new SignupToken()];
} else {
$rules['email'] = ['required', 'string', new SignupExternalEmail()];
// Check required fields, validate input
$v = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
if ($v->fails()) {
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $v->errors()->toArray()], 422);
// Generate the verification code
$code = SignupCode::create([
'email' => $plan->mode == Plan::MODE_TOKEN ? $request->token : $request->email,
'first_name' => $request->first_name,
'last_name' => $request->last_name,
'plan' => $plan->title,
'voucher' => $request->voucher,
$response = [
'status' => 'success',
'code' => $code->code,
'mode' => $plan->mode ?: 'email',
if ($plan->mode == Plan::MODE_TOKEN) {
// Token verification, jump to the last step
$has_domain = $plan->hasDomain();
$response['short_code'] = $code->short_code;
$response['is_domain'] = $has_domain;
$response['domains'] = $has_domain ? [] : Domain::getPublicDomains();
} else {
// External email verification, send an email message
return response()->json($response);
* Returns signup invitation information.
* @param string $id Signup invitation identifier
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse|void
public function invitation($id)
$invitation = SignupInvitation::withEnvTenantContext()->find($id);
if (empty($invitation) || $invitation->isCompleted()) {
return $this->errorResponse(404);
$has_domain = $this->getPlan()->hasDomain();
$result = [
'id' => $id,
'is_domain' => $has_domain,
'domains' => $has_domain ? [] : Domain::getPublicDomains(),
return response()->json($result);
* Validation of the verification code.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request HTTP request
* @param bool $update Update the signup code record
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse JSON response
public function verify(Request $request, $update = true)
// Validate the request args
$v = Validator::make(
'code' => 'required',
'short_code' => 'required',
if ($v->fails()) {
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $v->errors()], 422);
// Validate the verification code
$code = SignupCode::find($request->code);
if (
|| $code->isExpired()
|| Str::upper($request->short_code) !== Str::upper($code->short_code)
) {
$errors = ['short_code' => "The code is invalid or expired."];
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $errors], 422);
// For signup last-step mode remember the code object, so we can delete it
// with single SQL query (->delete()) instead of two
$request->code = $code;
if ($update) {
$code->verify_ip_address = $request->ip();
$has_domain = $this->getPlan()->hasDomain();
// Return user name and email/phone/voucher from the codes database,
// domains list for selection and "plan type" flag
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'email' => $code->email,
'first_name' => $code->first_name,
'last_name' => $code->last_name,
'voucher' => $code->voucher,
'is_domain' => $has_domain,
'domains' => $has_domain ? [] : Domain::getPublicDomains(),
* Validates the input to the final signup request.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request HTTP request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse JSON response
public function signupValidate(Request $request)
// Validate input
$v = Validator::make(
'login' => 'required|min:2',
'password' => ['required', 'confirmed', new Password()],
'domain' => 'required',
'voucher' => 'max:32',
if ($v->fails()) {
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $v->errors()], 422);
$settings = [];
// Plan parameter is required/allowed in mandate mode
if (!empty($request->plan) && empty($request->code) && empty($request->invitation)) {
$plan = Plan::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', $request->plan)->first();
if (!$plan || $plan->mode != Plan::MODE_MANDATE) {
$msg = self::trans('validation.exists', ['attribute' => 'plan']);
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => ['plan' => $msg]], 422);
} elseif ($request->invitation) {
// Signup via invitation
$invitation = SignupInvitation::withEnvTenantContext()->find($request->invitation);
if (empty($invitation) || $invitation->isCompleted()) {
return $this->errorResponse(404);
// Check required fields
$v = Validator::make(
'first_name' => 'max:128',
'last_name' => 'max:128',
$errors = $v->fails() ? $v->errors()->toArray() : [];
if (!empty($errors)) {
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $errors], 422);
$settings = [
'external_email' => $invitation->email,
'first_name' => $request->first_name,
'last_name' => $request->last_name,
} else {
// Validate verification codes (again)
$v = $this->verify($request, false);
if ($v->status() !== 200) {
return $v;
$plan = $this->getPlan();
// Get user name/email from the verification code database
$code_data = $v->getData();
$settings = [
'first_name' => $code_data->first_name,
'last_name' => $code_data->last_name,
if ($plan->mode == Plan::MODE_TOKEN) {
$settings['signup_token'] = $code_data->email;
} else {
$settings['external_email'] = $code_data->email;
// Find the voucher discount
if ($request->voucher) {
$discount = Discount::where('code', \strtoupper($request->voucher))
->where('active', true)->first();
if (!$discount) {
$errors = ['voucher' => self::trans('validation.voucherinvalid')];
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $errors], 422);
if (empty($plan)) {
$plan = $this->getPlan();
$is_domain = $plan->hasDomain();
// Validate login
if ($errors = self::validateLogin($request->login, $request->domain, $is_domain)) {
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $errors], 422);
// Set some properties for signup() method
$request->settings = $settings;
$request->plan = $plan;
$request->discount = $discount ?? null;
$request->invitation = $invitation ?? null;
$result = [];
if ($plan->mode == Plan::MODE_MANDATE) {
$result = $this->mandateForPlan($plan, $request->discount);
return response()->json($result + ['status' => 'success']);
* Finishes the signup process by creating the user account.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request HTTP request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse JSON response
public function signup(Request $request)
$v = $this->signupValidate($request);
if ($v->status() !== 200) {
return $v;
$is_domain = $request->plan->hasDomain();
// We allow only ASCII, so we can safely lower-case the email address
$login = Str::lower($request->login);
$domain_name = Str::lower($request->domain);
$domain = null;
// Create domain record
if ($is_domain) {
$domain = Domain::create([
'namespace' => $domain_name,
'type' => Domain::TYPE_EXTERNAL,
// Create user record
$user = User::create([
'email' => $login . '@' . $domain_name,
'password' => $request->password,
'status' => User::STATUS_RESTRICTED,
if ($request->discount) {
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
$user->assignPlan($request->plan, $domain);
// Save the external email and plan in user settings
// Update the invitation
if ($request->invitation) {
$request->invitation->status = SignupInvitation::STATUS_COMPLETED;
$request->invitation->user_id = $user->id;
// Soft-delete the verification code, and store some more info with it
if ($request->code) {
$request->code->user_id = $user->id;
$request->code->submit_ip_address = $request->ip();
$request->code->deleted_at = \now();
$request->code->timestamps = false;
$response = AuthController::logonResponse($user, $request->password);
if ($request->plan->mode == Plan::MODE_MANDATE) {
$data = $response->getData(true);
$data['checkout'] = $this->mandateForPlan($request->plan, $request->discount, $user);
return $response;
* Collects some content to display to the user before redirect to a checkout page.
* Optionally creates a recurrent payment mandate for specified user/plan.
protected function mandateForPlan(Plan $plan, Discount $discount = null, User $user = null): array
$result = [];
$min = \App\Payment::MIN_AMOUNT;
$planCost = $cost = $plan->cost() * $plan->months;
$disc = 0;
if ($discount) {
$planCost = (int) ($planCost * (100 - $discount->discount) / 100);
$disc = $cost - $planCost;
if ($planCost > $min) {
$min = $planCost;
if ($user) {
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
'mandate_amount' => sprintf('%.2f', round($min / 100, 2)),
'mandate_balance' => 0,
$mandate = [
'currency' => $wallet->currency,
- 'description' => \App\Tenant::getConfig($user->tenant_id, '') . ' Auto-Payment Setup',
+ 'description' => \App\Tenant::getConfig($user->tenant_id, '')
+ . ' ' . self::trans('app.mandate-description-suffix'),
'methodId' => PaymentProvider::METHOD_CREDITCARD,
'redirectUrl' => Utils::serviceUrl('/payment/status', $user->tenant_id),
$provider = PaymentProvider::factory($wallet);
$result = $provider->createMandate($wallet, $mandate);
$country = Utils::countryForRequest();
$period = $plan->months == 12 ? 'yearly' : 'monthly';
$currency = \config('app.currency');
$rate = VatRate::where('country', $country)
->where('start', '<=', now()->format('Y-m-d h:i:s'))
$summary = '<tr class="subscription">'
. '<td>' . self::trans("app.signup-subscription-{$period}") . '</td>'
. '<td class="money">' . Utils::money($cost, $currency) . '</td>'
. '</tr>';
if ($discount) {
$summary .= '<tr class="discount">'
. '<td>' . self::trans('', ['code' => $discount->code]) . '</td>'
. '<td class="money">' . Utils::money(-$disc, $currency) . '</td>'
. '</tr>';
$summary .= '<tr class="sep"><td colspan="2"></td></tr>'
. '<tr class="total">'
. '<td>' . self::trans('') . '</td>'
. '<td class="money">' . Utils::money($planCost, $currency) . '</td>'
. '</tr>';
if ($rate && $rate->rate > 0) {
// TODO: app.vat.mode
$vat = round($planCost * $rate->rate / 100);
$content = self::trans('app.vat-incl', [
'rate' => Utils::percent($rate->rate),
'cost' => Utils::money($planCost - $vat, $currency),
'vat' => Utils::money($vat, $currency),
$summary .= '<tr class="vat-summary"><td colspan="2">*' . $content . '</td></tr>';
$trialEnd = $plan->free_months ? now()->copy()->addMonthsWithoutOverflow($plan->free_months) : now();
$params = [
'cost' => Utils::money($planCost, $currency),
'date' => $trialEnd->toDateString(),
$result['title'] = self::trans("app.signup-plan-{$period}");
$result['content'] = self::trans('app.signup-account-mandate', $params);
$result['summary'] = '<table>' . $summary . '</table>';
return $result;
* Returns plan for the signup process
* @returns \App\Plan Plan object selected for current signup process
protected function getPlan()
$request = request();
if (!$request->plan || !$request->plan instanceof Plan) {
// Get the plan if specified and exists...
if (($request->code instanceof SignupCode) && $request->code->plan) {
$plan = Plan::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', $request->code->plan)->first();
} elseif ($request->plan) {
$plan = Plan::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', $request->plan)->first();
// ...otherwise use the default plan
if (empty($plan)) {
// TODO: Get default plan title from config
$plan = Plan::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'individual')->first();
$request->plan = $plan;
return $request->plan;
* Login (kolab identity) validation
* @param string $login Login (local part of an email address)
* @param string $domain Domain name
* @param bool $external Enables additional checks for domain part
* @return array Error messages on validation error
protected static function validateLogin($login, $domain, $external = false): ?array
// Validate login part alone
$v = Validator::make(
['login' => $login],
['login' => ['required', 'string', new UserEmailLocal($external)]]
if ($v->fails()) {
return ['login' => $v->errors()->toArray()['login'][0]];
$domains = $external ? null : Domain::getPublicDomains();
// Validate the domain
$v = Validator::make(
['domain' => $domain],
['domain' => ['required', 'string', new UserEmailDomain($domains)]]
if ($v->fails()) {
return ['domain' => $v->errors()->toArray()['domain'][0]];
$domain = Str::lower($domain);
// Check if domain is already registered with us
if ($external) {
if (Domain::withTrashed()->where('namespace', $domain)->exists()) {
return ['domain' => self::trans('validation.domainexists')];
// Check if user with specified login already exists
$email = $login . '@' . $domain;
if (User::emailExists($email) || User::aliasExists($email) || \App\Group::emailExists($email)) {
return ['login' => self::trans('validation.loginexists')];
return null;
diff --git a/src/app/Http/Controllers/API/V4/PaymentsController.php b/src/app/Http/Controllers/API/V4/PaymentsController.php
index d0a79130..c6318673 100644
--- a/src/app/Http/Controllers/API/V4/PaymentsController.php
+++ b/src/app/Http/Controllers/API/V4/PaymentsController.php
@@ -1,591 +1,597 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\API\V4;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Payment;
use App\Providers\PaymentProvider;
use App\Tenant;
use App\Wallet;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
class PaymentsController extends Controller
* Get the auto-payment mandate info.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function mandate()
$user = $this->guard()->user();
// TODO: Wallet selection
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
$mandate = self::walletMandate($wallet);
return response()->json($mandate);
* Create a new auto-payment mandate.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The API request.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function mandateCreate(Request $request)
$user = $this->guard()->user();
// TODO: Wallet selection
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
// Input validation
if ($errors = self::mandateValidate($request, $wallet)) {
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $errors], 422);
'mandate_amount' => $request->amount,
'mandate_balance' => $request->balance,
$mandate = [
'currency' => $wallet->currency,
- 'description' => Tenant::getConfig($user->tenant_id, '') . ' Auto-Payment Setup',
+ 'description' => Tenant::getConfig($user->tenant_id, '')
+ . ' ' . self::trans('app.mandate-description-suffix'),
'methodId' => $request->methodId ?: PaymentProvider::METHOD_CREDITCARD,
// Normally the auto-payment setup operation is 0, if the balance is below the threshold
// we'll top-up the wallet with the configured auto-payment amount
if ($wallet->balance < intval($request->balance * 100)) {
$mandate['amount'] = intval($request->amount * 100);
self::addTax($wallet, $mandate);
$provider = PaymentProvider::factory($wallet);
$result = $provider->createMandate($wallet, $mandate);
$result['status'] = 'success';
return response()->json($result);
* Revoke the auto-payment mandate.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function mandateDelete()
$user = $this->guard()->user();
// TODO: Wallet selection
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
$provider = PaymentProvider::factory($wallet);
$wallet->setSetting('mandate_disabled', null);
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'message' => self::trans('app.mandate-delete-success'),
* Update a new auto-payment mandate.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The API request.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function mandateUpdate(Request $request)
$user = $this->guard()->user();
// TODO: Wallet selection
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
// Input validation
if ($errors = self::mandateValidate($request, $wallet)) {
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $errors], 422);
'mandate_amount' => $request->amount,
'mandate_balance' => $request->balance,
// Re-enable the mandate to give it a chance to charge again
// after it has been disabled (e.g. because the mandate amount was too small)
'mandate_disabled' => null,
// Trigger auto-payment if the balance is below the threshold
if ($wallet->balance < intval($request->balance * 100)) {
$result = self::walletMandate($wallet);
$result['status'] = 'success';
$result['message'] = self::trans('app.mandate-update-success');
return response()->json($result);
* Reset the auto-payment mandate, create a new payment for it.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The API request.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function mandateReset(Request $request)
$user = $this->guard()->user();
// TODO: Wallet selection
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
$mandate = [
'currency' => $wallet->currency,
- 'description' => Tenant::getConfig($user->tenant_id, '') . ' Auto-Payment Setup',
+ 'description' => Tenant::getConfig($user->tenant_id, '')
+ . ' ' . self::trans('app.mandate-description-suffix'),
'methodId' => $request->methodId ?: PaymentProvider::METHOD_CREDITCARD,
'redirectUrl' => \App\Utils::serviceUrl('/payment/status', $user->tenant_id),
$provider = PaymentProvider::factory($wallet);
$result = $provider->createMandate($wallet, $mandate);
$result['status'] = 'success';
return response()->json($result);
* Validate an auto-payment mandate request.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The API request.
* @param \App\Wallet $wallet The wallet
* @return array|null List of errors on error or Null on success
protected static function mandateValidate(Request $request, Wallet $wallet)
$rules = [
'amount' => 'required|numeric',
'balance' => 'required|numeric|min:0',
// Check required fields
$v = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
// TODO: allow comma as a decimal point?
if ($v->fails()) {
return $v->errors()->toArray();
$amount = (int) ($request->amount * 100);
// Validate the minimum value
// It has to be at least minimum payment amount and must cover current debt,
// and must be more than a yearly/monthly payment (according to the plan)
$min = $wallet->getMinMandateAmount();
$label = 'minamount';
if ($wallet->balance < 0 && $wallet->balance < $min * -1) {
$min = $wallet->balance * -1;
$label = 'minamountdebt';
if ($amount < $min) {
return ['amount' => self::trans("validation.{$label}", ['amount' => $wallet->money($min)])];
return null;
* Get status of the last payment.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function paymentStatus()
$user = $this->guard()->user();
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
$payment = $wallet->payments()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first();
if (empty($payment)) {
return $this->errorResponse(404);
$done = [Payment::STATUS_PAID, Payment::STATUS_CANCELED, Payment::STATUS_FAILED, Payment::STATUS_EXPIRED];
if (in_array($payment->status, $done)) {
$label = "app.payment-status-{$payment->status}";
} else {
$label = "app.payment-status-checking";
return response()->json([
'id' => $payment->id,
'status' => $payment->status,
'type' => $payment->type,
'statusMessage' => self::trans($label),
'description' => $payment->description,
* Create a new payment.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The API request.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function store(Request $request)
$user = $this->guard()->user();
// TODO: Wallet selection
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
$rules = [
'amount' => 'required|numeric',
// Check required fields
$v = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
// TODO: allow comma as a decimal point?
if ($v->fails()) {
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $v->errors()], 422);
$amount = (int) ($request->amount * 100);
// Validate the minimum value
if ($amount < Payment::MIN_AMOUNT) {
$min = $wallet->money(Payment::MIN_AMOUNT);
$errors = ['amount' => self::trans('validation.minamount', ['amount' => $min])];
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'errors' => $errors], 422);
$currency = $request->currency;
$request = [
'type' => Payment::TYPE_ONEOFF,
'currency' => $currency,
'amount' => $amount,
'methodId' => $request->methodId ?: PaymentProvider::METHOD_CREDITCARD,
'description' => Tenant::getConfig($user->tenant_id, '') . ' Payment',
self::addTax($wallet, $request);
$provider = PaymentProvider::factory($wallet, $currency);
$result = $provider->payment($wallet, $request);
$result['status'] = 'success';
return response()->json($result);
* Delete a pending payment.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The API request.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
// TODO currently unused
// public function cancel(Request $request)
// {
// $user = $this->guard()->user();
// // TODO: Wallet selection
// $wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
// $paymentId = $request->payment;
// $user_owns_payment = Payment::where('id', $paymentId)
// ->where('wallet_id', $wallet->id)
// ->exists();
// if (!$user_owns_payment) {
// return $this->errorResponse(404);
// }
// $provider = PaymentProvider::factory($wallet);
// if ($provider->cancel($wallet, $paymentId)) {
// $result = ['status' => 'success'];
// return response()->json($result);
// }
// return $this->errorResponse(404);
// }
* Update payment status (and balance).
* @param string $provider Provider name
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response The response
public function webhook($provider)
$code = 200;
if ($provider = PaymentProvider::factory($provider)) {
$code = $provider->webhook();
return response($code < 400 ? 'Success' : 'Server error', $code);
* Top up a wallet with a "recurring" payment.
* @param \App\Wallet $wallet The wallet to charge
* @return bool True if the payment has been initialized
public static function topUpWallet(Wallet $wallet): bool
$settings = $wallet->getSettings(['mandate_disabled', 'mandate_balance', 'mandate_amount']);
\Log::debug("Requested top-up for wallet {$wallet->id}");
if (!empty($settings['mandate_disabled'])) {
\Log::debug("Top-up for wallet {$wallet->id}: mandate disabled");
return false;
$min_balance = (int) (floatval($settings['mandate_balance']) * 100);
$amount = (int) (floatval($settings['mandate_amount']) * 100);
// The wallet balance is greater than the auto-payment threshold
if ($wallet->balance >= $min_balance) {
// Do nothing
return false;
$provider = PaymentProvider::factory($wallet);
$mandate = (array) $provider->getMandate($wallet);
if (empty($mandate['isValid'])) {
\Log::debug("Top-up for wallet {$wallet->id}: mandate invalid");
return false;
// The defined top-up amount is not enough
// Disable auto-payment and notify the user
if ($wallet->balance + $amount < 0) {
// Disable (not remove) the mandate
$wallet->setSetting('mandate_disabled', 1);
return false;
$request = [
'type' => Payment::TYPE_RECURRING,
'currency' => $wallet->currency,
'amount' => $amount,
'methodId' => PaymentProvider::METHOD_CREDITCARD,
'description' => Tenant::getConfig($wallet->owner->tenant_id, '') . ' Recurring Payment',
self::addTax($wallet, $request);
$result = $provider->payment($wallet, $request);
return !empty($result);
* Returns auto-payment mandate info for the specified wallet
* @param \App\Wallet $wallet A wallet object
* @return array A mandate metadata
public static function walletMandate(Wallet $wallet): array
$provider = PaymentProvider::factory($wallet);
$settings = $wallet->getSettings(['mandate_disabled', 'mandate_balance', 'mandate_amount']);
// Get the Mandate info
$mandate = (array) $provider->getMandate($wallet);
$mandate['amount'] = $mandate['minAmount'] = round($wallet->getMinMandateAmount() / 100, 2);
$mandate['balance'] = 0;
$mandate['isDisabled'] = !empty($mandate['id']) && $settings['mandate_disabled'];
$mandate['isValid'] = !empty($mandate['isValid']);
foreach (['amount', 'balance'] as $key) {
if (($value = $settings["mandate_{$key}"]) !== null) {
$mandate[$key] = $value;
// Unrestrict the wallet owner if mandate is valid
if (!empty($mandate['isValid']) && $wallet->owner->isRestricted()) {
return $mandate;
* List supported payment methods.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The API request.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function paymentMethods(Request $request)
$user = $this->guard()->user();
// TODO: Wallet selection
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
$methods = PaymentProvider::paymentMethods($wallet, $request->type);
\Log::debug("Provider methods" . var_export(json_encode($methods), true));
return response()->json($methods);
* Check for pending payments.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The API request.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function hasPayments(Request $request)
$user = $this->guard()->user();
// TODO: Wallet selection
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
$exists = Payment::where('wallet_id', $wallet->id)
->where('type', Payment::TYPE_ONEOFF)
->whereIn('status', [
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'hasPending' => $exists
* List pending payments.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The API request.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse The response
public function payments(Request $request)
$user = $this->guard()->user();
// TODO: Wallet selection
$wallet = $user->wallets()->first();
$pageSize = 10;
$page = intval(request()->input('page')) ?: 1;
$hasMore = false;
$result = Payment::where('wallet_id', $wallet->id)
->where('type', Payment::TYPE_ONEOFF)
->whereIn('status', [
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
->limit($pageSize + 1)
->offset($pageSize * ($page - 1))
if (count($result) > $pageSize) {
$hasMore = true;
$result = $result->map(function ($item) use ($wallet) {
$provider = PaymentProvider::factory($item->provider);
$payment = $provider->getPayment($item->id);
$entry = [
'id' => $item->id,
'createdAt' => $item->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i'),
'type' => $item->type,
'description' => $item->description,
'amount' => $item->amount,
'currency' => $wallet->currency,
// note: $item->currency/$item->currency_amount might be different
'status' => $item->status,
'isCancelable' => $payment['isCancelable'],
'checkoutUrl' => $payment['checkoutUrl']
return $entry;
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'list' => $result,
'count' => count($result),
'hasMore' => $hasMore,
'page' => $page,
* Calculates tax for the payment, fills the request with additional properties
* @param \App\Wallet $wallet The wallet
* @param array $request The request data with the payment amount
protected static function addTax(Wallet $wallet, array &$request): void
$request['vat_rate_id'] = null;
$request['credit_amount'] = $request['amount'];
if ($rate = $wallet->vatRate()) {
$request['vat_rate_id'] = $rate->id;
switch (\config('app.vat.mode')) {
case 1:
// In this mode tax is added on top of the payment. The amount
// to pay grows, but we keep wallet balance without tax.
$request['amount'] = $request['amount'] + round($request['amount'] * $rate->rate / 100);
// In this mode tax is "swallowed" by the vendor. The payment
// amount does not change
diff --git a/src/resources/lang/en/app.php b/src/resources/lang/en/app.php
index 07320f1c..fe4e40e1 100644
--- a/src/resources/lang/en/app.php
+++ b/src/resources/lang/en/app.php
@@ -1,165 +1,167 @@
return [
| Application Language Lines
| The following language lines are used in the application.
'chart-created' => 'Created',
'chart-deleted' => 'Deleted',
'chart-average' => 'average',
'chart-allusers' => 'All Users - last year',
'chart-discounts' => 'Discounts',
'chart-vouchers' => 'Vouchers',
'chart-income' => 'Income in :currency - last 8 weeks',
'chart-payers' => 'Payers - last year',
'chart-users' => 'Users - last 8 weeks',
'companion-create-success' => 'Companion app has been created.',
'companion-delete-success' => 'Companion app has been removed.',
'mandate-delete-success' => 'The auto-payment has been removed.',
'mandate-update-success' => 'The auto-payment has been updated.',
+ 'mandate-description-suffix' => ' Auto-Payment Setup',
'planbutton' => 'Choose :plan',
'process-async' => 'Setup process has been pushed. Please wait.',
'process-user-new' => 'Registering a user...',
'process-user-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a user...',
'process-user-imap-ready' => 'Creating a mailbox...',
'process-domain-new' => 'Registering a custom domain...',
'process-domain-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a custom domain...',
'process-domain-verified' => 'Verifying a custom domain...',
'process-domain-confirmed' => 'Verifying an ownership of a custom domain...',
'process-success' => 'Setup process finished successfully.',
'process-error-distlist-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a distribution list.',
'process-error-domain-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a domain.',
'process-error-domain-verified' => 'Failed to verify a domain.',
'process-error-domain-confirmed' => 'Failed to verify an ownership of a domain.',
'process-error-resource-imap-ready' => 'Failed to verify that a shared folder exists.',
'process-error-resource-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a resource.',
'process-error-shared-folder-imap-ready' => 'Failed to verify that a shared folder exists.',
'process-error-shared-folder-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a shared folder.',
'process-error-user-ldap-ready' => 'Failed to create a user.',
'process-error-user-imap-ready' => 'Failed to verify that a mailbox exists.',
'process-distlist-new' => 'Registering a distribution list...',
'process-distlist-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a distribution list...',
'process-resource-new' => 'Registering a resource...',
'process-resource-imap-ready' => 'Creating a shared folder...',
'process-resource-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a resource...',
'process-shared-folder-new' => 'Registering a shared folder...',
'process-shared-folder-imap-ready' => 'Creating a shared folder...',
'process-shared-folder-ldap-ready' => 'Creating a shared folder...',
'discount-code' => 'Discount: :code',
'distlist-update-success' => 'Distribution list updated successfully.',
'distlist-create-success' => 'Distribution list created successfully.',
'distlist-delete-success' => 'Distribution list deleted successfully.',
'distlist-suspend-success' => 'Distribution list suspended successfully.',
'distlist-unsuspend-success' => 'Distribution list unsuspended successfully.',
'distlist-setconfig-success' => 'Distribution list settings updated successfully.',
'domain-create-success' => 'Domain created successfully.',
'domain-delete-success' => 'Domain deleted successfully.',
'domain-notempty-error' => 'Unable to delete a domain with assigned users or other objects.',
'domain-verify-success' => 'Domain verified successfully.',
'domain-verify-error' => 'Domain ownership verification failed.',
'domain-suspend-success' => 'Domain suspended successfully.',
'domain-unsuspend-success' => 'Domain unsuspended successfully.',
'domain-setconfig-success' => 'Domain settings updated successfully.',
'file-create-success' => 'File created successfully.',
'file-delete-success' => 'File deleted successfully.',
'file-update-success' => 'File updated successfully.',
'file-permissions-create-success' => 'File permissions created successfully.',
'file-permissions-update-success' => 'File permissions updated successfully.',
'file-permissions-delete-success' => 'File permissions deleted successfully.',
'payment-status-paid' => 'The payment has been completed successfully.',
'payment-status-canceled' => 'The payment has been canceled.',
'payment-status-failed' => 'The payment failed.',
'payment-status-expired' => 'The payment expired.',
'payment-status-checking' => "The payment hasn't been completed yet. Checking the status...",
'period-year' => 'year',
'period-month' => 'month',
'resource-update-success' => 'Resource updated successfully.',
'resource-create-success' => 'Resource created successfully.',
'resource-delete-success' => 'Resource deleted successfully.',
'resource-setconfig-success' => 'Resource settings updated successfully.',
'room-update-success' => 'Room updated successfully.',
'room-create-success' => 'Room created successfully.',
'room-delete-success' => 'Room deleted successfully.',
'room-setconfig-success' => 'Room configuration updated successfully.',
'room-unsupported-option-error' => 'Invalid room configuration option.',
'shared-folder-update-success' => 'Shared folder updated successfully.',
'shared-folder-create-success' => 'Shared folder created successfully.',
'shared-folder-delete-success' => 'Shared folder deleted successfully.',
'shared-folder-setconfig-success' => 'Shared folder settings updated successfully.',
'user-update-success' => 'User data updated successfully.',
'user-create-success' => 'User created successfully.',
'user-delete-success' => 'User deleted successfully.',
'user-suspend-success' => 'User suspended successfully.',
'user-unsuspend-success' => 'User unsuspended successfully.',
'user-reset-2fa-success' => '2-Factor authentication reset successfully.',
'user-reset-geo-lock-success' => 'Geo-lockin setup reset successfully.',
'user-setconfig-success' => 'User settings updated successfully.',
'user-set-sku-success' => 'The subscription added successfully.',
'user-set-sku-already-exists' => 'The subscription already exists.',
'search-foundxdomains' => ':x domains have been found.',
'search-foundxdistlists' => ':x distribution lists have been found.',
'search-foundxresources' => ':x resources have been found.',
'search-foundxshared-folders' => ':x shared folders have been found.',
'search-foundxusers' => ':x user accounts have been found.',
'signup-account-mandate' => 'Now it is required to provide your credit card details.'
. ' This way you agree to charge you with an appropriate amount of money according to the plan you signed up for.',
'signup-plan-monthly' => 'You are choosing a monthly subscription.',
'signup-plan-yearly' => 'You are choosing a yearly subscription.',
'signup-subscription-monthly' => 'Monthly subscription',
'signup-subscription-yearly' => 'Yearly subscription',
'signup-invitations-created' => 'The invitation has been created.|:count invitations has been created.',
'signup-invitations-csv-empty' => 'Failed to find any valid email addresses in the uploaded file.',
'signup-invitations-csv-invalid-email' => 'Found an invalid email address (:email) on line :line.',
'signup-invitation-delete-success' => 'Invitation deleted successfully.',
'signup-invitation-resend-success' => 'Invitation added to the sending queue successfully.',
'support-request-success' => 'Support request submitted successfully.',
'support-request-error' => 'Failed to submit the support request.',
'siteuser' => ':site User',
'total' => 'Total',
'wallet-award-success' => 'The bonus has been added to the wallet successfully.',
'wallet-penalty-success' => 'The penalty has been added to the wallet successfully.',
'wallet-update-success' => 'User wallet updated successfully.',
'password-reset-code-delete-success' => 'Password reset code deleted successfully.',
'password-rule-min' => 'Minimum password length: :param characters',
'password-rule-max' => 'Maximum password length: :param characters',
'password-rule-lower' => 'Password contains a lower-case character',
'password-rule-upper' => 'Password contains an upper-case character',
'password-rule-digit' => 'Password contains a digit',
'password-rule-special' => 'Password contains a special character',
'password-rule-last' => 'Password cannot be the same as the last :param passwords',
'wallet-notice-date' => 'With your current subscriptions your account balance will last until about :date (:days).',
'wallet-notice-nocredit' => 'You are out of credit, top up your balance now.',
'wallet-notice-today' => 'You will run out of credit today, top up your balance now.',
'wallet-notice-trial' => 'You are in your free trial period.',
'wallet-notice-trial-end' => 'Your free trial is about to end, top up to continue.',
'vat-incl' => 'Incl. VAT :vat (:rate of :cost)',

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Jan 18, 7:39 PM (8 h, 46 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(49 KB)

Event Timeline