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diff --git a/program/lib/Net/SMTP.php b/program/lib/Net/SMTP.php
index b9ad4b2e8..a116b3bae 100644
--- a/program/lib/Net/SMTP.php
+++ b/program/lib/Net/SMTP.php
@@ -1,1029 +1,1029 @@
/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
// | |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
// | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Chuck Hagenbuch <> |
// | Jon Parise <> |
// | Damian Alejandro Fernandez Sosa <> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id$
require_once 'PEAR.php';
require_once 'Net/Socket.php';
* Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol using PEAR's
* Net_Socket:: class.
* @package Net_SMTP
* @author Chuck Hagenbuch <>
* @author Jon Parise <>
* @author Damian Alejandro Fernandez Sosa <>
* @example basic.php A basic implementation of the Net_SMTP package.
class Net_SMTP
* The server to connect to.
* @var string
* @access public
var $host = 'localhost';
* The port to connect to.
* @var int
* @access public
var $port = 25;
* The value to give when sending EHLO or HELO.
* @var string
* @access public
var $localhost = 'localhost';
* List of supported authentication methods, in preferential order.
* @var array
* @access public
var $auth_methods = array('DIGEST-MD5', 'CRAM-MD5', 'LOGIN', 'PLAIN');
* Should debugging output be enabled?
* @var boolean
* @access private
var $_debug = false;
* The socket resource being used to connect to the SMTP server.
* @var resource
* @access private
var $_socket = null;
* The most recent server response code.
* @var int
* @access private
var $_code = -1;
* The most recent server response arguments.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_arguments = array();
* Stores detected features of the SMTP server.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_esmtp = array();
* Instantiates a new Net_SMTP object, overriding any defaults
* with parameters that are passed in.
* If you have SSL support in PHP, you can connect to a server
* over SSL using an 'ssl://' prefix:
* // 465 is a common smtps port.
* $smtp = new Net_SMTP('ssl://', 465);
* $smtp->connect();
* @param string $host The server to connect to.
* @param integer $port The port to connect to.
* @param string $localhost The value to give when sending EHLO or HELO.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function Net_SMTP($host = null, $port = null, $localhost = null)
if (isset($host)) $this->host = $host;
if (isset($port)) $this->port = $port;
if (isset($localhost)) $this->localhost = $localhost;
$this->_socket = new Net_Socket();
* Include the Auth_SASL package. If the package is not available,
* we disable the authentication methods that depend upon it.
if ((@include_once 'Auth/SASL.php') === false) {
$pos = array_search('DIGEST-MD5', $this->auth_methods);
$pos = array_search('CRAM-MD5', $this->auth_methods);
* Set the value of the debugging flag.
* @param boolean $debug New value for the debugging flag.
* @access public
* @since 1.1.0
function setDebug($debug)
$this->_debug = $debug;
* Send the given string of data to the server.
* @param string $data The string of data to send.
* @return mixed True on success or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
* @access private
* @since 1.1.0
function _send($data)
if ($this->_debug) {
echo "DEBUG: Send: $data\n";
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_socket->write($data))) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Failed to write to socket: ' .
return true;
* Send a command to the server with an optional string of
* arguments. A carriage return / linefeed (CRLF) sequence will
* be appended to each command string before it is sent to the
* SMTP server - an error will be thrown if the command string
* already contains any newline characters. Use _send() for
* commands that must contain newlines.
* @param string $command The SMTP command to send to the server.
* @param string $args A string of optional arguments to append
* to the command.
* @return mixed The result of the _send() call.
* @access private
* @since 1.1.0
function _put($command, $args = '')
if (!empty($args)) {
$command .= ' ' . $args;
if (strcspn($command, "\r\n") !== strlen($command)) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Commands cannot contain newlines');
return $this->_send($command . "\r\n");
* Read a reply from the SMTP server. The reply consists of a response
* code and a response message.
* @param mixed $valid The set of valid response codes. These
* may be specified as an array of integer
* values or as a single integer value.
* @return mixed True if the server returned a valid response code or
* a PEAR_Error object is an error condition is reached.
* @access private
* @since 1.1.0
* @see getResponse
function _parseResponse($valid)
$this->_code = -1;
$this->_arguments = array();
while ($line = $this->_socket->readLine()) {
if ($this->_debug) {
echo "DEBUG: Recv: $line\n";
/* If we receive an empty line, the connection has been closed. */
if (empty($line)) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Connection was unexpectedly closed');
/* Read the code and store the rest in the arguments array. */
$code = substr($line, 0, 3);
$this->_arguments[] = trim(substr($line, 4));
/* Check the syntax of the response code. */
if (is_numeric($code)) {
$this->_code = (int)$code;
} else {
$this->_code = -1;
/* If this is not a multiline response, we're done. */
if (substr($line, 3, 1) != '-') {
/* Compare the server's response code with the valid code. */
if (is_int($valid) && ($this->_code === $valid)) {
return true;
/* If we were given an array of valid response codes, check each one. */
if (is_array($valid)) {
foreach ($valid as $valid_code) {
if ($this->_code === $valid_code) {
return true;
return PEAR::raiseError('Invalid response code received from server',
* Return a 2-tuple containing the last response from the SMTP server.
* @return array A two-element array: the first element contains the
* response code as an integer and the second element
* contains the response's arguments as a string.
* @access public
* @since 1.1.0
function getResponse()
return array($this->_code, join("\n", $this->_arguments));
* Attempt to connect to the SMTP server.
* @param int $timeout The timeout value (in seconds) for the
* socket connection.
* @param bool $persistent Should a persistent socket connection
* be used?
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function connect($timeout = null, $persistent = false)
$result = $this->_socket->connect($this->host, $this->port,
$persistent, $timeout);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Failed to connect socket: ' .
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(220))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_negotiate())) {
return $error;
return true;
* Attempt to disconnect from the SMTP server.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function disconnect()
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('QUIT'))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(221))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_socket->disconnect())) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Failed to disconnect socket: ' .
return true;
* Attempt to send the EHLO command and obtain a list of ESMTP
* extensions available, and failing that just send HELO.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access private
* @since 1.1.0
function _negotiate()
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('EHLO', $this->localhost))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($this->_parseResponse(250))) {
/* If we receive a 503 response, we're already authenticated. */
if ($this->_code === 503) {
return true;
/* If the EHLO failed, try the simpler HELO command. */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('HELO', $this->localhost))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($this->_parseResponse(250))) {
return PEAR::raiseError('HELO was not accepted: ', $this->_code);
return true;
foreach ($this->_arguments as $argument) {
$verb = strtok($argument, ' ');
$arguments = substr($argument, strlen($verb) + 1,
strlen($argument) - strlen($verb) - 1);
$this->_esmtp[$verb] = $arguments;
return true;
* Returns the name of the best authentication method that the server
* has advertised.
* @return mixed Returns a string containing the name of the best
* supported authentication method or a PEAR_Error object
* if a failure condition is encountered.
* @access private
* @since 1.1.0
function _getBestAuthMethod()
$available_methods = explode(' ', $this->_esmtp['AUTH']);
foreach ($this->auth_methods as $method) {
if (in_array($method, $available_methods)) {
return $method;
return PEAR::raiseError('No supported authentication methods');
* Attempt to do SMTP authentication.
* @param string The userid to authenticate as.
* @param string The password to authenticate with.
* @param string The requested authentication method. If none is
* specified, the best supported method will be used.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function auth($uid, $pwd , $method = '')
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>=') && isset($this->_esmtp['STARTTLS'])) {
if (PEAR::isError($result = $this->_put('STARTTLS'))) {
return $result;
if (PEAR::isError($result = $this->_parseResponse(220))) {
return $result;
if (PEAR::isError($result = $this->_socket->enableCrypto(true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT))) {
return $result;
} elseif ($result !== true) {
return PEAR::raiseError('STARTTLS failed');
/* Send EHLO again to recieve the AUTH string from the
* SMTP server. */
if (empty($this->_esmtp['AUTH'])) {
return PEAR::raiseError('SMTP server does not support authentication');
/* If no method has been specified, get the name of the best
* supported method advertised by the SMTP server. */
if (empty($method)) {
if (PEAR::isError($method = $this->_getBestAuthMethod())) {
/* Return the PEAR_Error object from _getBestAuthMethod(). */
return $method;
} else {
$method = strtoupper($method);
if (!in_array($method, $this->auth_methods)) {
return PEAR::raiseError("$method is not a supported authentication method");
switch ($method) {
case 'DIGEST-MD5':
$result = $this->_authDigest_MD5($uid, $pwd);
case 'CRAM-MD5':
$result = $this->_authCRAM_MD5($uid, $pwd);
case 'LOGIN':
$result = $this->_authLogin($uid, $pwd);
case 'PLAIN':
$result = $this->_authPlain($uid, $pwd);
$result = PEAR::raiseError("$method is not a supported authentication method");
/* If an error was encountered, return the PEAR_Error object. */
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return true;
* Authenticates the user using the DIGEST-MD5 method.
* @param string The userid to authenticate as.
* @param string The password to authenticate with.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access private
* @since 1.1.0
function _authDigest_MD5($uid, $pwd)
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('AUTH', 'DIGEST-MD5'))) {
return $error;
/* 334: Continue authentication request */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(334))) {
/* 503: Error: already authenticated */
if ($this->_code === 503) {
return true;
return $error;
$challenge = base64_decode($this->_arguments[0]);
$digest = &Auth_SASL::factory('digestmd5');
$auth_str = base64_encode($digest->getResponse($uid, $pwd, $challenge,
$this->host, "smtp"));
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put($auth_str))) {
return $error;
/* 334: Continue authentication request */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(334))) {
return $error;
/* We don't use the protocol's third step because SMTP doesn't
* allow subsequent authentication, so we just silently ignore
* it. */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put(' '))) {
return $error;
/* 235: Authentication successful */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(235))) {
return $error;
* Authenticates the user using the CRAM-MD5 method.
* @param string The userid to authenticate as.
* @param string The password to authenticate with.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access private
* @since 1.1.0
function _authCRAM_MD5($uid, $pwd)
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('AUTH', 'CRAM-MD5'))) {
return $error;
/* 334: Continue authentication request */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(334))) {
/* 503: Error: already authenticated */
if ($this->_code === 503) {
return true;
return $error;
$challenge = base64_decode($this->_arguments[0]);
$cram = &Auth_SASL::factory('crammd5');
$auth_str = base64_encode($cram->getResponse($uid, $pwd, $challenge));
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put($auth_str))) {
return $error;
/* 235: Authentication successful */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(235))) {
return $error;
* Authenticates the user using the LOGIN method.
* @param string The userid to authenticate as.
* @param string The password to authenticate with.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access private
* @since 1.1.0
function _authLogin($uid, $pwd)
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('AUTH', 'LOGIN'))) {
return $error;
/* 334: Continue authentication request */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(334))) {
/* 503: Error: already authenticated */
if ($this->_code === 503) {
return true;
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put(base64_encode($uid)))) {
return $error;
/* 334: Continue authentication request */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(334))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put(base64_encode($pwd)))) {
return $error;
/* 235: Authentication successful */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(235))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Authenticates the user using the PLAIN method.
* @param string The userid to authenticate as.
* @param string The password to authenticate with.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access private
* @since 1.1.0
function _authPlain($uid, $pwd)
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('AUTH', 'PLAIN'))) {
return $error;
/* 334: Continue authentication request */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(334))) {
/* 503: Error: already authenticated */
if ($this->_code === 503) {
return true;
return $error;
$auth_str = base64_encode(chr(0) . $uid . chr(0) . $pwd);
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put($auth_str))) {
return $error;
/* 235: Authentication successful */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(235))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Send the HELO command.
* @param string The domain name to say we are.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function helo($domain)
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('HELO', $domain))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(250))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Send the MAIL FROM: command.
* @param string $sender The sender (reverse path) to set.
* @param string $params String containing additional MAIL parameters,
* such as the NOTIFY flags defined by RFC 1891
* or the VERP protocol.
* If $params is an array, only the 'verp' option
* is supported. If 'verp' is true, the XVERP
* parameter is appended to the MAIL command. If
* the 'verp' value is a string, the full
* XVERP=value parameter is appended.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function mailFrom($sender, $params = null)
$args = "FROM:<$sender>";
/* Support the deprecated array form of $params. */
if (is_array($params) && isset($params['verp'])) {
/* XVERP */
if ($params['verp'] === true) {
$args .= ' XVERP';
/* XVERP=something */
} elseif (trim($params['verp'])) {
$args .= ' XVERP=' . $params['verp'];
} elseif (is_string($params)) {
$args .= ' ' . $params;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('MAIL', $args))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(250))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Send the RCPT TO: command.
* @param string $recipient The recipient (forward path) to add.
* @param string $params String containing additional RCPT parameters,
* such as the NOTIFY flags defined by RFC 1891.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function rcptTo($recipient, $params = null)
$args = "TO:<$recipient>";
if (is_string($params)) {
$args .= ' ' . $params;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('RCPT', $args))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(array(250, 251)))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Quote the data so that it meets SMTP standards.
* This is provided as a separate public function to facilitate
* easier overloading for the cases where it is desirable to
* customize the quoting behavior.
* @param string $data The message text to quote. The string must be passed
* by reference, and the text will be modified in place.
* @access public
* @since 1.2
function quotedata(&$data)
/* Change Unix (\n) and Mac (\r) linefeeds into
* Internet-standard CRLF (\r\n) linefeeds. */
$data = preg_replace(array('/(?<!\r)\n/','/\r(?!\n)/'), "\r\n", $data);
/* Because a single leading period (.) signifies an end to the
* data, legitimate leading periods need to be "doubled"
* (e.g. '..'). */
$data = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $data);
* Send the DATA command.
* @param string $data The message body to send.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function data($data)
/* RFC 1870, section 3, subsection 3 states "a value of zero
* indicates that no fixed maximum message size is in force".
* Furthermore, it says that if "the parameter is omitted no
* information is conveyed about the server's fixed maximum
* message size". */
if (isset($this->_esmtp['SIZE']) && ($this->_esmtp['SIZE'] > 0)) {
if (strlen($data) >= $this->_esmtp['SIZE']) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Message size excedes the server limit');
/* Quote the data based on the SMTP standards. */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('DATA'))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(354))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($result = $this->_send($data . "\r\n.\r\n"))) {
return $result;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(250))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Send the SEND FROM: command.
* @param string The reverse path to send.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.2.6
function sendFrom($path)
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('SEND', "FROM:<$path>"))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(250))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Backwards-compatibility wrapper for sendFrom().
* @param string The reverse path to send.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
* @deprecated 1.2.6
function send_from($path)
return sendFrom($path);
* Send the SOML FROM: command.
* @param string The reverse path to send.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.2.6
function somlFrom($path)
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('SOML', "FROM:<$path>"))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(250))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Backwards-compatibility wrapper for somlFrom().
* @param string The reverse path to send.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
* @deprecated 1.2.6
function soml_from($path)
return somlFrom($path);
* Send the SAML FROM: command.
* @param string The reverse path to send.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.2.6
function samlFrom($path)
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('SAML', "FROM:<$path>"))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(250))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Backwards-compatibility wrapper for samlFrom().
* @param string The reverse path to send.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
* @deprecated 1.2.6
function saml_from($path)
return samlFrom($path);
* Send the RSET command.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function rset()
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('RSET'))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(250))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Send the VRFY command.
* @param string The string to verify
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function vrfy($string)
/* Note: 251 is also a valid response code */
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('VRFY', $string))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(array(250, 252)))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Send the NOOP command.
* @return mixed Returns a PEAR_Error with an error message on any
* kind of failure, or true on success.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function noop()
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_put('NOOP'))) {
return $error;
if (PEAR::isError($error = $this->_parseResponse(250))) {
return $error;
return true;
* Backwards-compatibility method. identifySender()'s functionality is
* now handled internally.
* @return boolean This method always return true.
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function identifySender()
return true;
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Sat, Mar 1, 12:07 PM (4 h, 5 m)
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