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diff --git a/plugins/new_user_dialog/new_user_dialog.php b/plugins/new_user_dialog/new_user_dialog.php
index 4203f93bc..1cef68010 100644
--- a/plugins/new_user_dialog/new_user_dialog.php
+++ b/plugins/new_user_dialog/new_user_dialog.php
@@ -1,173 +1,174 @@
* Present identities settings dialog to new users
* When a new user is created, this plugin checks the default identity
* and sets a session flag in case it is incomplete. An overlay box will appear
* on the screen until the user has reviewed/completed his identity.
* @version @package_version@
* @license GNU GPLv3+
* @author Thomas Bruederli
* @author Aleksander Machniak
class new_user_dialog extends rcube_plugin
- public $task = 'login|mail';
- public $noframe = true;
- function init()
- {
- $this->add_hook('identity_create', array($this, 'create_identity'));
- $this->register_action('plugin.newusersave', array($this, 'save_data'));
- // register additional hooks if session flag is set
- if ($_SESSION['plugin.newuserdialog']) {
- $this->add_hook('render_page', array($this, 'render_page'));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check newly created identity at first login
- */
- function create_identity($p)
- {
- // set session flag when a new user was created and the default identity seems to be incomplete
- if ($p['login'] && !$p['complete']) {
- $_SESSION['plugin.newuserdialog'] = true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Callback function when HTML page is rendered
- * We'll add an overlay box here.
- */
- function render_page($p)
- {
- if ($_SESSION['plugin.newuserdialog'] && $p['template'] == 'mail') {
- $this->add_texts('localization');
- $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
- $identity = $rcmail->user->get_identity();
- $identities_level = intval($rcmail->config->get('identities_level', 0));
- // compose user-identity dialog
- $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2));
- $table->add('title', $this->gettext('name'));
- $table->add(null, html::tag('input', array(
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'name' => '_name',
- 'value' => $identity['name'],
- 'disabled' => $identities_level == 4
- )));
- $table->add('title', $this->gettext('email'));
- $table->add(null, html::tag('input', array(
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'name' => '_email',
- 'value' => rcube_utils::idn_to_utf8($identity['email']),
- 'disabled' => in_array($identities_level, array(1, 3, 4))
- )));
- $table->add('title', $this->gettext('organization'));
- $table->add(null, html::tag('input', array(
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'name' => '_organization',
- 'value' => $identity['organization'],
- 'disabled' => $identities_level == 4
- )));
- $table->add('title', $this->gettext('signature'));
- $table->add(null, html::tag('textarea', array(
- 'name' => '_signature',
- 'rows' => '3',
- ),$identity['signature']
- ));
- // add overlay input box to html page
- $rcmail->output->add_footer(html::tag('form', array(
- 'id' => 'newuserdialog',
- 'action' => $rcmail->url('plugin.newusersave'),
- 'method' => 'post'),
- html::p('hint', rcube::Q($this->gettext('identitydialoghint'))) .
- $table->show() .
- html::p(array('class' => 'formbuttons'),
- html::tag('input', array('type' => 'submit',
- 'class' => 'button mainaction', 'value' => $this->gettext('save'))))
- ));
- $title = rcube::JQ($this->gettext('identitydialogtitle'));
- // disable keyboard events for messages list (#1486726)
- $rcmail->output->add_script("
- $('#newuserdialog').show()
- .dialog({modal:true, resizable:false, closeOnEscape:false, width:450, title:'$title'})
- .submit(function() {
- var i, request = {}, form = $(this).serializeArray();
- for (i in form)
- request[form[i].name] = form[i].value;
- rcmail.http_post('plugin.newusersave', request, true);
- return false;
- });
- $('input[name=_name]').focus();
- rcube_webmail.prototype.new_user_dialog_close = function() { $('#newuserdialog').dialog('close'); }
- ", 'docready');
- $this->include_stylesheet('newuserdialog.css');
- }
- }
- /**
- * Handler for submitted form (ajax request)
- *
- * Check fields and save to default identity if valid.
- * Afterwards the session flag is removed and we're done.
- */
- function save_data()
- {
- $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
- $identity = $rcmail->user->get_identity();
- $ident_level = intval($rcmail->config->get('identities_level', 0));
- $disabled = array();
- $save_data = array(
- 'name' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_name', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
- 'email' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_email', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
- 'organization' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_organization', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
- 'signature' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_signature', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
- );
- if ($ident_level == 4) {
- $disabled = array('name', 'email', 'organization');
- }
- else if (in_array($ident_level, array(1, 3))) {
- $disabled = array('email');
+ public $task = 'login|mail';
+ public $noframe = true;
+ function init()
+ {
+ $this->add_hook('identity_create', array($this, 'create_identity'));
+ $this->register_action('plugin.newusersave', array($this, 'save_data'));
+ // register additional hooks if session flag is set
+ if ($_SESSION['plugin.newuserdialog']) {
+ $this->add_hook('render_page', array($this, 'render_page'));
+ }
- foreach ($disabled as $key) {
- $save_data[$key] = $identity[$key];
+ /**
+ * Check newly created identity at first login
+ */
+ function create_identity($p)
+ {
+ // set session flag when a new user was created and the default identity seems to be incomplete
+ if ($p['login'] && !$p['complete']) {
+ $_SESSION['plugin.newuserdialog'] = true;
+ }
- if (empty($save_data['name']) || empty($save_data['email'])) {
- $rcmail->output->show_message('formincomplete', 'error');
- }
- else if (!rcube_utils::check_email($save_data['email'] = rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii($save_data['email']))) {
- $rcmail->output->show_message('emailformaterror', 'error', array('email' => $save_data['email']));
- }
- else {
- // save data
- $rcmail->user->update_identity($identity['identity_id'], $save_data);
- $rcmail->session->remove('plugin.newuserdialog');
- // hide dialog
- $rcmail->output->command('new_user_dialog_close');
- $rcmail->output->show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation');
+ /**
+ * Callback function when HTML page is rendered
+ * We'll add an overlay box here.
+ */
+ function render_page($p)
+ {
+ if ($_SESSION['plugin.newuserdialog'] && $p['template'] == 'mail') {
+ $this->add_texts('localization');
+ $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
+ $identity = $rcmail->user->get_identity();
+ $identities_level = intval($rcmail->config->get('identities_level', 0));
+ // compose user-identity dialog
+ $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2));
+ $table->add('title', $this->gettext('name'));
+ $table->add(null, html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'name' => '_name',
+ 'value' => $identity['name'],
+ 'disabled' => $identities_level == 4
+ )));
+ $table->add('title', $this->gettext('email'));
+ $table->add(null, html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'name' => '_email',
+ 'value' => rcube_utils::idn_to_utf8($identity['email']),
+ 'disabled' => in_array($identities_level, array(1, 3, 4))
+ )));
+ $table->add('title', $this->gettext('organization'));
+ $table->add(null, html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'name' => '_organization',
+ 'value' => $identity['organization'],
+ 'disabled' => $identities_level == 4
+ )));
+ $table->add('title', $this->gettext('signature'));
+ $table->add(null, html::tag('textarea', array(
+ 'name' => '_signature',
+ 'rows' => '3',
+ ),
+ $identity['signature']
+ ));
+ // add overlay input box to html page
+ $rcmail->output->add_footer(html::tag('form', array(
+ 'id' => 'newuserdialog',
+ 'action' => $rcmail->url('plugin.newusersave'),
+ 'method' => 'post'
+ ),
+ html::p('hint', rcube::Q($this->gettext('identitydialoghint'))) .
+ $table->show() .
+ html::p(array('class' => 'formbuttons'),
+ html::tag('input', array('type' => 'submit',
+ 'class' => 'button mainaction', 'value' => $this->gettext('save'))))
+ ));
+ $title = rcube::JQ($this->gettext('identitydialogtitle'));
+ $script = "
+ .dialog({modal:true, resizable:false, closeOnEscape:false, width:450, title:'$title'})
+ .submit(function() {
+ var i, request = {}, form = $(this).serializeArray();
+ for (i in form)
+ request[form[i].name] = form[i].value;
+ rcmail.http_post('plugin.newusersave', request, true);
+ return false;
+ });
+rcube_webmail.prototype.new_user_dialog_close = function() { $('#newuserdialog').dialog('close'); }
+ // disable keyboard events for messages list (#1486726)
+ $rcmail->output->add_script($script, 'docready');
+ $this->include_stylesheet('newuserdialog.css');
+ }
- $rcmail->output->send();
- }
+ /**
+ * Handler for submitted form (ajax request)
+ *
+ * Check fields and save to default identity if valid.
+ * Afterwards the session flag is removed and we're done.
+ */
+ function save_data()
+ {
+ $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
+ $identity = $rcmail->user->get_identity();
+ $ident_level = intval($rcmail->config->get('identities_level', 0));
+ $disabled = array();
+ $save_data = array(
+ 'name' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_name', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
+ 'email' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_email', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
+ 'organization' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_organization', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
+ 'signature' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_signature', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
+ );
+ if ($ident_level == 4) {
+ $disabled = array('name', 'email', 'organization');
+ }
+ else if (in_array($ident_level, array(1, 3))) {
+ $disabled = array('email');
+ }
+ foreach ($disabled as $key) {
+ $save_data[$key] = $identity[$key];
+ }
+ if (empty($save_data['name']) || empty($save_data['email'])) {
+ $rcmail->output->show_message('formincomplete', 'error');
+ }
+ else if (!rcube_utils::check_email($save_data['email'] = rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii($save_data['email']))) {
+ $rcmail->output->show_message('emailformaterror', 'error', array('email' => $save_data['email']));
+ }
+ else {
+ // save data
+ $rcmail->user->update_identity($identity['identity_id'], $save_data);
+ $rcmail->session->remove('plugin.newuserdialog');
+ // hide dialog
+ $rcmail->output->command('new_user_dialog_close');
+ $rcmail->output->show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation');
+ }
+ $rcmail->output->send();
+ }
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Sat, Mar 1, 12:22 AM (1 h, 44 m)
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Default Alt Text
(12 KB)
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