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diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_xcal.php b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_xcal.php
index 5e57d91d..6cee7b6d 100644
--- a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_xcal.php
+++ b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_xcal.php
@@ -1,794 +1,799 @@
* Xcal based Kolab format class wrapping libkolabxml bindings
* Base class for xcal-based Kolab groupware objects such as event, todo, journal
* @version @package_version@
* @author Thomas Bruederli <>
* Copyright (C) 2012, Kolab Systems AG <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
abstract class kolab_format_xcal extends kolab_format
public $CTYPE = 'application/calendar+xml';
public static $fulltext_cols = array('title', 'description', 'location', 'attendees:name', 'attendees:email', 'categories');
public static $scheduling_properties = array('start', 'end', 'location');
protected $_scheduling_properties = null;
protected $role_map = array(
'REQ-PARTICIPANT' => kolabformat::Required,
'OPT-PARTICIPANT' => kolabformat::Optional,
'NON-PARTICIPANT' => kolabformat::NonParticipant,
'CHAIR' => kolabformat::Chair,
protected $cutype_map = array(
'INDIVIDUAL' => kolabformat::CutypeIndividual,
'GROUP' => kolabformat::CutypeGroup,
'ROOM' => kolabformat::CutypeRoom,
'RESOURCE' => kolabformat::CutypeResource,
'UNKNOWN' => kolabformat::CutypeUnknown,
protected $rrule_type_map = array(
'MINUTELY' => RecurrenceRule::Minutely,
'HOURLY' => RecurrenceRule::Hourly,
'DAILY' => RecurrenceRule::Daily,
'WEEKLY' => RecurrenceRule::Weekly,
'MONTHLY' => RecurrenceRule::Monthly,
'YEARLY' => RecurrenceRule::Yearly,
protected $weekday_map = array(
'MO' => kolabformat::Monday,
'TU' => kolabformat::Tuesday,
'WE' => kolabformat::Wednesday,
'TH' => kolabformat::Thursday,
'FR' => kolabformat::Friday,
'SA' => kolabformat::Saturday,
'SU' => kolabformat::Sunday,
protected $alarm_type_map = array(
'DISPLAY' => Alarm::DisplayAlarm,
'EMAIL' => Alarm::EMailAlarm,
'AUDIO' => Alarm::AudioAlarm,
protected $status_map = array(
'NEEDS-ACTION' => kolabformat::StatusNeedsAction,
'IN-PROCESS' => kolabformat::StatusInProcess,
'COMPLETED' => kolabformat::StatusCompleted,
'CANCELLED' => kolabformat::StatusCancelled,
'TENTATIVE' => kolabformat::StatusTentative,
'CONFIRMED' => kolabformat::StatusConfirmed,
'DRAFT' => kolabformat::StatusDraft,
'FINAL' => kolabformat::StatusFinal,
protected $part_status_map = array(
'UNKNOWN' => kolabformat::PartNeedsAction,
'NEEDS-ACTION' => kolabformat::PartNeedsAction,
'TENTATIVE' => kolabformat::PartTentative,
'ACCEPTED' => kolabformat::PartAccepted,
'DECLINED' => kolabformat::PartDeclined,
'DELEGATED' => kolabformat::PartDelegated,
'IN-PROCESS' => kolabformat::PartInProcess,
'COMPLETED' => kolabformat::PartCompleted,
* Convert common xcard properties into a hash array data structure
* @param array Additional data for merge
* @return array Object data as hash array
public function to_array($data = array())
// read common object props
$object = parent::to_array($data);
$status_map = array_flip($this->status_map);
$object += array(
'sequence' => intval($this->obj->sequence()),
'title' => $this->obj->summary(),
'location' => $this->obj->location(),
'description' => $this->obj->description(),
'url' => $this->obj->url(),
'status' => $status_map[$this->obj->status()] ?? null,
'priority' => $this->obj->priority(),
'categories' => self::vector2array($this->obj->categories()),
'start' => self::php_datetime($this->obj->start()),
if (method_exists($this->obj, 'comment')) {
$object['comment'] = $this->obj->comment();
// read organizer and attendees
if (($organizer = $this->obj->organizer()) && ($organizer->email() || $organizer->name())) {
$object['organizer'] = array(
'email' => $organizer->email(),
'name' => $organizer->name(),
// Get the list of attendees (excluding the organizer)
$role_map = array_flip($this->role_map);
$cutype_map = array_flip($this->cutype_map);
$part_status_map = array_flip($this->part_status_map);
$attvec = $this->obj->attendees();
for ($i=0; $i < $attvec->size(); $i++) {
$attendee = $attvec->get($i);
$cr = $attendee->contact();
if (empty($object['organizer']['email']) || strcasecmp($cr->email(), $object['organizer']['email'])) {
$delegators = $delegatees = array();
$vdelegators = $attendee->delegatedFrom();
for ($j=0; $j < $vdelegators->size(); $j++) {
$delegators[] = $vdelegators->get($j)->email();
$vdelegatees = $attendee->delegatedTo();
for ($j=0; $j < $vdelegatees->size(); $j++) {
$delegatees[] = $vdelegatees->get($j)->email();
$object['attendees'][] = array(
'role' => $role_map[$attendee->role()],
'cutype' => $cutype_map[$attendee->cutype()],
'status' => $part_status_map[$attendee->partStat()],
'rsvp' => $attendee->rsvp(),
'email' => $cr->email(),
'name' => $cr->name(),
'delegated-from' => $delegators,
'delegated-to' => $delegatees,
if ($object['start'] instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$start_tz = $object['start']->getTimezone();
// read recurrence rule
if (($rr = $this->obj->recurrenceRule()) && $rr->isValid()) {
$rrule_type_map = array_flip($this->rrule_type_map);
$object['recurrence'] = array('FREQ' => $rrule_type_map[$rr->frequency()]);
if ($intvl = $rr->interval())
$object['recurrence']['INTERVAL'] = $intvl;
if (($count = $rr->count()) && $count > 0) {
$object['recurrence']['COUNT'] = $count;
else if ($until = self::php_datetime($rr->end(), $start_tz)) {
$refdate = $this->get_reference_date();
if ($refdate && $refdate instanceof DateTimeInterface && empty($refdate->_dateonly)) {
$until->setTime($refdate->format('G'), $refdate->format('i'), 0);
$object['recurrence']['UNTIL'] = $until;
if (($byday = $rr->byday()) && $byday->size()) {
$weekday_map = array_flip($this->weekday_map);
$weekdays = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $byday->size(); $i++) {
$daypos = $byday->get($i);
$prefix = $daypos->occurence();
$weekdays[] = ($prefix ?: '') . $weekday_map[$daypos->weekday()];
$object['recurrence']['BYDAY'] = join(',', $weekdays);
if (($bymday = $rr->bymonthday()) && $bymday->size()) {
$object['recurrence']['BYMONTHDAY'] = join(',', self::vector2array($bymday));
if (($bymonth = $rr->bymonth()) && $bymonth->size()) {
$object['recurrence']['BYMONTH'] = join(',', self::vector2array($bymonth));
if ($exdates = $this->obj->exceptionDates()) {
for ($i=0; $i < $exdates->size(); $i++) {
if ($exdate = self::php_datetime($exdates->get($i), $start_tz)) {
$object['recurrence']['EXDATE'][] = $exdate;
if ($rdates = $this->obj->recurrenceDates()) {
for ($i=0; $i < $rdates->size(); $i++) {
if ($rdate = self::php_datetime($rdates->get($i), $start_tz)) {
$object['recurrence']['RDATE'][] = $rdate;
// read alarm
$valarms = $this->obj->alarms();
$alarm_types = array_flip($this->alarm_type_map);
$object['valarms'] = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $valarms->size(); $i++) {
$alarm = $valarms->get($i);
$type = $alarm_types[$alarm->type()];
if ($type == 'DISPLAY' || $type == 'EMAIL' || $type == 'AUDIO') { // only some alarms are supported
$valarm = array(
'action' => $type,
'summary' => $alarm->summary(),
'description' => $alarm->description(),
if ($type == 'EMAIL') {
$valarm['attendees'] = array();
$attvec = $alarm->attendees();
for ($j=0; $j < $attvec->size(); $j++) {
$cr = $attvec->get($j);
$valarm['attendees'][] = $cr->email();
else if ($type == 'AUDIO') {
$attach = $alarm->audioFile();
$valarm['uri'] = $attach->uri();
if ($start = self::php_datetime($alarm->start())) {
$object['alarms'] = '@' . $start->format('U');
$valarm['trigger'] = $start;
else if ($offset = $alarm->relativeStart()) {
$prefix = $offset->isNegative() ? '-' : '+';
$value = '';
$time = '';
if ($w = $offset->weeks()) $value .= $w . 'W';
else if ($d = $offset->days()) $value .= $d . 'D';
else if ($h = $offset->hours()) $time .= $h . 'H';
else if ($m = $offset->minutes()) $time .= $m . 'M';
else if ($s = $offset->seconds()) $time .= $s . 'S';
// assume 'at event time'
if (empty($value) && empty($time)) {
$prefix = '';
$time = '0S';
$object['alarms'] = $prefix . $value . $time;
$valarm['trigger'] = $prefix . 'P' . $value . ($time ? 'T' . $time : '');
if ($alarm->relativeTo() == kolabformat::End) {
$valarm['related'] = 'END';
// read alarm duration and repeat properties
if (($duration = $alarm->duration()) && $duration->isValid()) {
$value = $time = '';
if ($w = $duration->weeks()) $value .= $w . 'W';
else if ($d = $duration->days()) $value .= $d . 'D';
else if ($h = $duration->hours()) $time .= $h . 'H';
else if ($m = $duration->minutes()) $time .= $m . 'M';
else if ($s = $duration->seconds()) $time .= $s . 'S';
$valarm['duration'] = 'P' . $value . ($time ? 'T' . $time : '');
$valarm['repeat'] = $alarm->numrepeat();
$object['alarms'] .= ':' . $type; // legacy property
$object['valarms'][] = array_filter($valarm);
return $object;
* Set common xcal properties to the kolabformat object
* @param array Event data as hash array
public function set(&$object)
$is_new = !$this->obj->uid();
$old_sequence = $this->obj->sequence();
$reschedule = $is_new;
// set common object properties
// set sequence value
if (!isset($object['sequence'])) {
if ($is_new) {
$object['sequence'] = 0;
else {
$object['sequence'] = $old_sequence;
// increment sequence when updating properties relevant for scheduling.
// RFC 5545: "It is incremented [...] each time the Organizer makes a significant revision to the calendar component."
if ($this->check_rescheduling($object)) {
if ($object['sequence'] > $old_sequence) {
$reschedule = true;
$this->obj->setLocation($object['location'] ?? null);
$this->obj->setPriority($object['priority'] ?? null);
$this->obj->setCategories(self::array2vector($object['categories'] ?? null));
$this->obj->setUrl(strval($object['url'] ?? null));
if (method_exists($this->obj, 'setComment')) {
$this->obj->setComment($object['comment'] ?? null);
// process event attendees
$attendees = new vectorattendee;
foreach ((array)($object['attendees'] ?? []) as $i => $attendee) {
if (!empty($attendee['role']) && $attendee['role'] == 'ORGANIZER') {
$object['organizer'] = $attendee;
else if (
&& (empty($object['organizer']['email']) || $attendee['email'] != $object['organizer']['email'])
) {
$cr = new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $attendee['email']);
// set attendee RSVP if missing
if (!isset($attendee['rsvp'])) {
$object['attendees'][$i]['rsvp'] = $attendee['rsvp'] = $reschedule;
$cutype = $this->cutype_map[$attendee['cutype'] ?? -1] ?? null;
$partstat = $this->part_status_map[$attendee['status'] ?? -1] ?? null;
$role = $this->role_map[$attendee['role'] ?? -1] ?? null;
$att = new Attendee;
$att->setRole($role ?: kolabformat::Required);
$att->setCutype($cutype ?: kolabformat::CutypeIndividual);
if (!empty($attendee['delegated-from'])) {
$vdelegators = new vectorcontactref;
foreach ((array)$attendee['delegated-from'] as $delegator) {
$vdelegators->push(new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $delegator));
if (!empty($attendee['delegated-to'])) {
$vdelegatees = new vectorcontactref;
foreach ((array)$attendee['delegated-to'] as $delegatee) {
$vdelegatees->push(new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $delegatee));
if ($att->isValid()) {
else {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Invalid event attendee: " . json_encode($attendee),
), true);
if (!empty($object['organizer'])) {
$organizer = new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $object['organizer']['email'] ?? null);
$organizer->setName($object['organizer']['name'] ?? '');
if (($object['start'] ?? null) instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$start_tz = $object['start']->getTimezone();
// save recurrence rule
$rr = new RecurrenceRule;
if (!empty($object['recurrence']['FREQ'])) {
$freq = $object['recurrence']['FREQ'];
$bysetpos = isset($object['recurrence']['BYSETPOS']) ? explode(',', $object['recurrence']['BYSETPOS']) : [];
if ($object['recurrence']['INTERVAL'])
if (!empty($object['recurrence']['BYDAY'])) {
$byday = new vectordaypos;
foreach (explode(',', $object['recurrence']['BYDAY']) as $day) {
$occurrence = 0;
if (preg_match('/^([\d-]+)([A-Z]+)$/', $day, $m)) {
$occurrence = intval($m[1]);
$day = $m[2];
if (isset($this->weekday_map[$day])) {
// @TODO: libkolabxml does not support BYSETPOS, neither we.
// However, we can convert most common cases to BYDAY
if (!$occurrence && $freq == 'MONTHLY' && !empty($bysetpos)) {
foreach ($bysetpos as $pos) {
$byday->push(new DayPos(intval($pos), $this->weekday_map[$day]));
else {
$byday->push(new DayPos($occurrence, $this->weekday_map[$day]));
if (!empty($object['recurrence']['BYMONTHDAY'])) {
$bymday = new vectori;
foreach (explode(',', $object['recurrence']['BYMONTHDAY']) as $day) {
if (!empty($object['recurrence']['BYMONTH'])) {
$bymonth = new vectori;
foreach (explode(',', $object['recurrence']['BYMONTH']) as $month)
if (!empty($object['recurrence']['COUNT'])) {
else if (!empty($object['recurrence']['UNTIL'])) {
$rr->setEnd(self::get_datetime($object['recurrence']['UNTIL'], null, true, $start_tz));
if ($rr->isValid()) {
// add exception dates (only if recurrence rule is valid)
if (!empty($object['recurrence']['EXDATE'])) {
$exdates = new vectordatetime;
foreach ((array)$object['recurrence']['EXDATE'] as $exdate) {
$exdates->push(self::get_datetime($exdate, null, true, $start_tz));
else {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Invalid event recurrence rule: " . json_encode($object['recurrence']),
), true);
// save recurrence dates (aka RDATE)
if (!empty($object['recurrence']['RDATE'])) {
$rdates = new vectordatetime;
foreach ((array)$object['recurrence']['RDATE'] as $rdate) {
$rdates->push(self::get_datetime($rdate, null, true, $start_tz));
// save alarm(s)
$valarms = new vectoralarm;
$valarm_hashes = array();
if (!empty($object['valarms'])) {
foreach ($object['valarms'] as $valarm) {
+ if (empty($valarm['action']) || empty($valarm['trigger'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
if (!array_key_exists($valarm['action'], $this->alarm_type_map)) {
continue; // skip unknown alarm types
// Get rid of duplicates, some CalDAV clients can set them
$hash = serialize($valarm);
if (in_array($hash, $valarm_hashes)) {
$valarm_hashes[] = $hash;
if ($valarm['action'] == 'EMAIL') {
$recipients = new vectorcontactref;
foreach (($valarm['attendees'] ?: array($object['_owner'])) as $email) {
$recipients->push(new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $email));
$alarm = new Alarm(
strval(!empty($valarm['summary']) ? $valarm['summary'] : $object['title']),
strval(!empty($valarm['description']) ? $valarm['description'] : $object['description']),
else if ($valarm['action'] == 'AUDIO') {
$attach = new Attachment;
$attach->setUri($valarm['uri'] ?: 'null', 'unknown');
$alarm = new Alarm($attach);
else {
// action == DISPLAY
- $alarm = new Alarm(strval($valarm['summary'] ?: $object['title']));
+ $alarm = new Alarm(strval(!empty($valarm['summary']) ? $valarm['summary'] : $object['title']));
- if (is_object($valarm['trigger']) && $valarm['trigger'] instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
+ if ($valarm['trigger'] instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$alarm->setStart(self::get_datetime($valarm['trigger'], new DateTimeZone('UTC')));
else if (preg_match('/^@([0-9]+)$/', $valarm['trigger'], $m)) {
$alarm->setStart(self::get_datetime($m[1], new DateTimeZone('UTC')));
else {
// Support also interval in format without PT, e.g. -10M
if (preg_match('/^([-+]*)([0-9]+[DHMS])$/', strtoupper($valarm['trigger']), $m)) {
$valarm['trigger'] = $m[1] . ($m[2][strlen($m[2])-1] == 'D' ? 'P' : 'PT') . $m[2];
try {
$period = new DateInterval(preg_replace('/[^0-9PTWDHMS]/', '', $valarm['trigger']));
$duration = new Duration($period->d, $period->h, $period->i, $period->s, $valarm['trigger'][0] == '-');
catch (Exception $e) {
// skip alarm with invalid trigger values
rcube::raise_error($e, true);
$related = strtoupper($valarm['related'] ?? '') == 'END' ? kolabformat::End : kolabformat::Start;
$alarm->setRelativeStart($duration, $related);
if (!empty($valarm['duration'])) {
try {
$d = new DateInterval($valarm['duration']);
$duration = new Duration($d->d, $d->h, $d->i, $d->s);
$alarm->setDuration($duration, intval($valarm['repeat'] ?? 0));
catch (Exception $e) {
- // ignore
+ // ignore, but log
+ rcube::raise_error($e, true);
// legacy support
else if (!empty($object['alarms'])) {
list($offset, $type) = explode(":", $object['alarms']);
if ($type == 'EMAIL' && !empty($object['_owner'])) { // email alarms implicitly go to event owner
$recipients = new vectorcontactref;
$recipients->push(new ContactReference(ContactReference::EmailReference, $object['_owner']));
$alarm = new Alarm($object['title'], strval($object['description']), $recipients);
else { // default: display alarm
$alarm = new Alarm($object['title']);
if (preg_match('/^@(\d+)/', $offset, $d)) {
$alarm->setStart(self::get_datetime($d[1], new DateTimeZone('UTC')));
else if (preg_match('/^([-+]?)P?T?(\d+)([SMHDW])/', $offset, $d)) {
$days = $hours = $minutes = $seconds = 0;
switch ($d[3]) {
case 'W': $days = 7*intval($d[2]); break;
case 'D': $days = intval($d[2]); break;
case 'H': $hours = intval($d[2]); break;
case 'M': $minutes = intval($d[2]); break;
case 'S': $seconds = intval($d[2]); break;
$alarm->setRelativeStart(new Duration($days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $d[1] == '-'), $d[1] == '-' ? kolabformat::Start : kolabformat::End);
* Return the reference date for recurrence and alarms
* @return mixed DateTime instance of null if no refdate is available
public function get_reference_date()
if ($this->data['start'] && $this->data['start'] instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
return $this->data['start'];
return self::php_datetime($this->obj->start());
* Callback for kolab_storage_cache to get words to index for fulltext search
* @return array List of words to save in cache
public function get_words($obj = null)
$data = '';
$object = $obj ?: $this->data;
foreach (self::$fulltext_cols as $colname) {
list($col, $field) = array_pad(explode(':', $colname), 2, null);
if (empty($object[$col])) {
if ($field) {
$a = array();
foreach ((array) $object[$col] as $attr)
$a[] = $attr[$field];
$val = join(' ', $a);
else {
$val = is_array($object[$col]) ? join(' ', $object[$col]) : $object[$col];
if (strlen($val))
$data .= $val . ' ';
$words = rcube_utils::normalize_string($data, true);
// collect words from recurrence exceptions
if (!empty($object['exceptions'])) {
foreach ($object['exceptions'] as $exception) {
$words = array_merge($words, $this->get_words($exception));
return array_unique($words);
* Callback for kolab_storage_cache to get object specific tags to cache
* @return array List of tags to save in cache
public function get_tags($obj = null)
$tags = array();
$object = $obj ?: $this->data;
if (!empty($object['valarms'])) {
$tags[] = 'x-has-alarms';
// create tags reflecting participant status
if (!empty($object['attendees'])) {
foreach ($object['attendees'] as $attendee) {
if (!empty($attendee['email']) && !empty($attendee['status']))
$tags[] = 'x-partstat:' . $attendee['email'] . ':' . strtolower($attendee['status']);
// collect tags from recurrence exceptions
if (!empty($object['exceptions'])) {
foreach ($object['exceptions'] as $exception) {
$tags = array_merge($tags, $this->get_tags($exception));
if (!empty($object['status'])) {
$tags[] = 'x-status:' . strtolower($object['status']);
return array_unique($tags);
* Identify changes considered relevant for scheduling
* @param array Hash array with NEW object properties
* @param array Hash array with OLD object properties
* @return boolean True if changes affect scheduling, False otherwise
public function check_rescheduling($object, $old = null)
$reschedule = false;
if (!is_array($old)) {
$old = !empty($this->data['uid']) ? $this->data : $this->to_array();
foreach ($this->_scheduling_properties ?: self::$scheduling_properties as $prop) {
$a = $old[$prop] ?? null;
$b = $object[$prop] ?? null;
if (!empty($object['allday'])
&& ($prop == 'start' || $prop == 'end')
&& $a instanceof DateTimeInterface
&& $b instanceof DateTimeInterface
) {
$a = $a->format('Y-m-d');
$b = $b->format('Y-m-d');
if ($prop == 'recurrence' && is_array($a) && is_array($b)) {
unset($a['EXCEPTIONS'], $b['EXCEPTIONS']);
$a = array_filter($a);
$b = array_filter($b);
// advanced rrule comparison: no rescheduling if series was shortened
if ($a['COUNT'] && $b['COUNT'] && $b['COUNT'] < $a['COUNT']) {
unset($a['COUNT'], $b['COUNT']);
else if ($a['UNTIL'] && $b['UNTIL'] && $b['UNTIL'] < $a['UNTIL']) {
unset($a['UNTIL'], $b['UNTIL']);
if ($a != $b) {
$reschedule = true;
return $reschedule;
* Clones into an instance of libcalendaring's extended EventCal class
* @return mixed EventCal object or false on failure
public function to_libcal()
static $error_logged = false;
if (class_exists('kolabcalendaring')) {
return new EventCal($this->obj);
else if (!$error_logged) {
$error_logged = true;
'code' => 900,
'message' => "Required kolabcalendaring module not found"
), true);
return false;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Jan 18, 8:01 PM (8 h, 56 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(32 KB)

Event Timeline