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index 3d68b5a5c..18bef3519 100644
@@ -1,485 +1,486 @@
CHANGELOG RoundCube Webmail
+- Fix debug console on Konqueror and Safari
- Fix messagelist focus issue when modifying status of selected messages (#1485807)
- Support STARTTLS in IMAP connection (#1485284)
- Fix DEL key problem in search boxes (#1485528)
- Support several e-mail addresses per user from virtuser_file (#1485678)
- Fix drag&drop with scrolling on IE (#1485786)
- Fix adding signature separator in html mode (#1485350)
- Fix opening attachment marks message as read (#1485803)
- Fix 'temp_dir' does not support relative path under Windows (#1484529)
- Fix "Initialize Database" button missing from installer (#1485802)
- Fix compose window doesn't fit 1024x768 window (#1485396)
- Fix service not available error when pressing back from compose dialog (#1485552)
- Fix using mail() on Windows (#1485779)
- Fix word wrapping in message-part's <PRE>s for printing (#1485787)
- Fix incorrect word wrapping in outgoing plaintext multibyte messages (#1485714)
- Fix double footer in HTML message with embedded images
- Fix TNEF implementation bug (#1485773)
- Fix incorrect row id parsing for LDAP contacts list (#1485784)
- Fix 'mode' parameter in sqlite DSN (#1485772)
- Use US-ASCII as failover when Unicode searching fails (#1485762)
- Fix errors handling in IMAP command continuations (#1485762)
- Fix FETCH result parsing for servers returning flags at the end of result (#1485763)
- Fix datetime columns defaults in mysql's DDL (#1485641)
- Fix attaching more than nine inline images (#1485759)
- Support 'UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7' alias for UTF-7 encoding (#1485758)
- Fix mime-type detection using a hard-coded map (#1485311)
- Don't return empty string if charset conversion failed (#1485757)
- Disable concurrent autocomplete query results display (#1485743)
- Fix new lines stripped from message footer (#1485751)
- Fix IE problem with mouse click autocomplete (#1485739)
- Fix html body washing on reply/forward + fix attachments handling (#1485676)
- Fix multiple recipients input parsing (#1485733)
- Fix replying to message with html attachment (#1485676)
- Use default_charset for messages without specified charset (#1485661, #1484961)
- Support non-standard "GMT-XXXX" literal in date header (#1485729)
- Added TNEF support to decode MS Outlook attachments (winmail.dat)
- Fix "value continuation" MIME headers by adding required semicolon (#1485727)
- Fix pressing select all/unread multiple times (#1485723)
- Fix selecting all unread does not honor new messages (#1485724)
- Fix some base64 encoded attachments handling (#1485725)
- Support NGINX as IMAP backend: better BAD response handling (#1485720)
- Performance fix: don't fetch attachment parts headers twice to parse filename
- Fix checking for recent messages on various IMAP servers (#1485702)
- Performance fix: Don't fetch quota and recent messages in "message view" mode
- Fix displaying of alternative-inside-alternative messages (#1485713)
- Fix MDNSent flag checking, use arbitrary keywords (asterisk) flag (#1485706)
- Fix creation of folders with '&' sign in name
- Fix parsing of email addresses without angle brackets (#1485693)
- Save spellcheck corrections when switching from plain to html editor (and spellchecking is on)
- Fix large search results on server without SORT capability (#1485668)
- Get rid of preg_replace() with eval modifier and create_function usage (#1485686)
- Bring back <base> and <link> tags in HTML messages
- Fix XSS vulnerability through background attributes as reported by Julien Cayssol
- Fix problems with backslash as IMAP hierarchy delimiter (#1484467)
- Secure vcard export by getting rid of preg's 'e' modifier use (#1485689)
- Fix authentication when submitting form with existing session (#1485679)
- Allow absolute URLs to images in HTML messages/sigs (#1485666)
- Fix message body which contains both inline attachments and emotions
- Fix SQL query execution errors handling in rcube_mdb2 class (#1485509)
- Fix address names with '@' sign handling (#1485654)
- Improve messages display performance
- Fix messages searching with 'to:' modifier
- Fix mark popup in IE 7 (#1485369)
- Fix line-break issue when copy & paste in Firefox (#1485425)
- Fix autocomplete "unknown server error" (#1485637)
- Fix STARTTLS before AUTH in SMTP connection (#1484883)
- Support multiple quota values in QUOTAROOT resonse (#1485626)
- Only abbreviate file name for IE < 7 browsers (#1485063)
- Performance: allow setting imap rootdir and delimiter before connect (#1485172)
- Fix sorting of folders with more than 2 levels (#1485569)
- Fix search results page jumps in LDAP addressbook (#1485253)
- Fix empty line before the signature in IE (#1485351)
- Fix horizontal scrollbar in preview pane on IE (#1484633)
- Add Robots meta tag in login page and installer (#1484846)
- Added 'show_images' option, removed 'addrbook_show_images' (#1485597)
- Option to check for new mails in all folders (#1484374)
- Don't set client busy when checking for new messages (#1485276)
- Allow UTF-8 folder names in config (#1485579)
- Add junk_mbox option configuration in installer (#1485579)
- Do serverside addressbook queries for autocompletion (#1485531)
- Allow setting attachment col position in 'list_cols' option
- Allow override 'list_cols' via skin (#1485577)
- Fix 'cache' table cleanup on session destroy (#1485516)
- Increase speed of session destroy and garbage clean up
- Fix session timeout when DB server got clock skew (#1485490)
- Fix handling of some malformed messages (#1484438)
- Speed up raw message body handling
- Better HTML entities conversion in html2text (#1485519)
- Fix big memory consumption and speed up searching on servers without SORT capability
- Fix setting locale to tr_TR, ku and az_AZ (#1485470)
- Use SORT for searching on servers with SORT capability
- Added message status filter
- Fix empty file sending (#1485389)
- Improved searching with many criterias (calling one SEARCH command)
- Fix HTML editor initialization on IE (#1485304)
- Add warning when switching editor mode from html to plain (#1485488)
- Make identities list scrollable (#1485538)
- Fix problem with numeric folder names (#1485527)
- Added BYE response simple support to prevent from endless loops in (#1483956)
- Fix unread message unintentionally marked as read if read_when_deleted=true (#1485409)
- Remove port number from SERVER_NAME in smtp_helo_host (#1485518)
- Don't send disposition notification receipts for messages marked as 'read' (#1485523)
- Added 'keep_alive' and 'min_keep_alive' options (#1485360)
- Added option 'identities_level', removed 'multiple_identities'
- Allow deleting identities when multiple_identities=false (#1485435)
- Added option focus_on_new_message (#1485374)
- Fix html2text class autoloading on Windows (#1485505)
- Fix html signature formatting when identity save error occured (#1485426)
- Add feedback and set busy when moving folder (#1485497)
- Fix 'Empty' link visibility for some languages e.g. Slovak (#1485489)
- Fix messages count bar overlapping (#1485270)
- Fix adding signature in drafts compose mode (#1485484)
- Fix iil_C_Sort() to support very long and/or divided responses (#1485283)
- Fix matching case sensitivity when setting identity on reply (#1485480)
- Prefer default identity on reply
- Fix imap searching on ISMail server (#1485466)
- Add css class for flagged messages (#1485464)
- Write username instead of id in sendmail log (#1485477)
- Fix htmlspecialchars() use for PHP version < 5.2.3 (#1485475)
- Fix js keywords escaping in json_serialize() for IE/Opera (#1485472)
- Added bin/killcache.php script (#1485434)
- Add support for SJIS, GB2312, BIG5 in rc_detect_encoding()
- Fix vCard file encoding detection for non-UTF-8 strings (#1485410)
- Add 'skip_deleted' option in User Preferences (#1485445)
- Minimize "inline" javascript scripts use (#1485433)
- Fix css class setting for folders with names matching defined classes names (#1485355)
- Fix race conditions when changing mailbox
- Fix spellchecking when switching to html editor (#1485362)
- Fix compose window width/height (#1485396)
- Allow calling from any directory (#1485431)
- Localized filesize units (#1485340)
- Better handling of "no identity" and "no email in identity" situations (#1485117)
- Added 'mime_param_folding' option with possibility to choose long/non-ascii attachment names encoding eg. to be readable in MS Outlook/OE (#1485320)
- Added "advanced options" feature in User Preferences
- Fix unread counter when displaying cached massage in preview panel (#1485290)
- Fix htmleditor spellchecking on MS Windows (#1485397)
- Fix problem with non-ascii attachment names in Mail_mime (#1485267, #1485096)
- Fix language autodetection (#1485401)
- Fix button label in folders management (#1485405)
- Fix collapsed folder not indicating unread msgs count of all subfolders (#1485403)
- Fix handling of apostrophes in filenames decoded according to rfc2231
- Made config files location configurable (#1485215)
- Reduced memory footprint when forwarding attachments (#1485345)
- Allow and use spellcheck attribute for input/textarea fields (#1485060)
- Added icons for forwarded/forwarded+replied messages (#1485257)
- Added Reply-To to forwarded emails (#1485315)
- Display progress message for folders create/delete/rename (#1485357)
- Smart Tags and NOBR tag support in html messages (#1485363, #1485327)
- Redesign of the identities settings (#1484042)
- Add config option to disable creation/deletion of identities (#1484498)
- Added 'sendmail_delay' option to restrict messages sending interval (#1484491)
- Added vertical splitter for folders list resizing
- Added possibility to view all headers in message view
- Fixed splitter drag/resize on Opera (#1485170)
- Fixed quota img height/width setting from template (#1484857)
- Refactor drag & drop functionality. Don't rely on browser events anymore (#1484453)
- Insert "virtual" folders in subscription list (#1484779)
- Added link to open message in new window
- Enable export of address book contacts as vCard
- Add feature to import contacts from vcard files (#1326103)
- Respect Content-Location headers in multipart/related messages according to RFC2110 (#1484946)
- Allowed max. attachment size now indicated in compose screen (#1485030)
- Also capture backspace key in list mode (#1484566)
- Allow application/pgp parts to be displayed (#1484753)
- Correctly handle options in mailto-links (#1485228)
- Immediately save sort_col/sort_order in user prefs (#1485265)
- Truncate very long (above 50 characters) attachment filenames when displaying
- Allow to auto-detect client language if none set (#1484434)
- Auto-detect the client timezone (user configurable)
- Add RFC2231 header value continuations support for attachment filenames + hack for servers that not support that feature
- Fix Reply-To header displaying (#1485314)
- Mark form buttons that provide the most obvious operation (mainaction)
- Added option 'quota_zero_as_unlimited' (#1484604)
- Added PRE handling in html2text class (#1484740)
- Added folder hierarchy collapsing
- Added options to use syslog instead of log file (#1484850)
- Added Logging & Debugging section in Installer
- Fix In-Reply-To and References headers when composing saved draft message (#1485288)
- Fix html message charset conversion for charsets with underline (#1485287)
- Fix buttons status after contacts deletion (#1485233)
- Fix escaping of To: and From: fields when building message body for reply or forward in the HTML editor (#1484904)
- Use current mailbox name in template (#1485256)
- Better fix for skipping untagged responses (#1485261)
- Added pspell support patch by Kris Steinhoff (#1483960)
- Enable spellchecker for HTML editor (#1485114)
- Respect spellcheck_uri in tinyMCE spellchecker (#1484196)
- Case insensitive contacts searching using PostgreSQL (#1485259)
- Make default imap folders configurable for each user (#1485075)
- Save outgoing mail to selectable folder (#1324581)
- Fix hiding of mark menu when clicking th button again (#1484944)
- Use long date format in print mode (#1485191)
- Updated TinyMCE to version
- Re-enable autocomplete attribute for login form (#1485211)
- Check PERMANENTFLAGS before saving $MDNSent flag (#1484963, #1485163)
- Added flag column on messages list (#1484623)
- Patched Mail/MimePart.php (
- Allow trash/junk subfolders to be purged (#1485085)
- Store compose parameters in session and redirect to a unique URL
- Fixed CRAM-MD5 authentication (#1484819)
- Fixed forwarding messages with one HTML attachment (#1484442)
- Fixed encoding of message/rfc822 attachments and image/pjpeg handling (#1484914)
- Added option to select skin in user preferences
- Added option to configure displaying of attached images below the message body
- Added option to display images in messages from known senders (#1484601)
- User preferences grouped in more fieldsets
- Fix corrupted MIME headers of messages in Sent folder (#1485111)
- Fixed bug in MDB2 package:
- Use keypress instead of keydown to select list's row (#1484816)
- Don't call expunge and don't remove message row after message move if flag_for_deletion is set to true (#1485002)
- Added option to disable autocompletion from selected LDAP address books (#1484922)
- TLS support in LDAP connections: 'use_tls' property (#1485104)
- Fixed removing messages from search set after deleting them (#1485106)
- Fixed iil_C_FetchStructureString() to handle many
literal strings in response (#1484969)
- Support for subfolders in default/protected folders (#1484665)
- Disallowed delimiter in folder name (#1484803)
- Support " and \ in folder names
- Escape \ in login (#1484614)
- Better HTML sanitization with the DOM-based washtml script (#1484701)
- Fixed sorting of folders with non-ascii characters
- Fixed Mysql DDL for default identities creation (#1485070)
- In Preferences added possibility to configure 'read_when_deleted',
'mdn_requests', 'flag_for_deletion' options
- Made IMAP auth type configurable (#1483825)
- Fixed empty values with FROM_UNIXTIME() in rcube_mdb2 (#1485055)
- Fixed attachment list on IE 6/7 (#1484807)
- Fixed JavaScript in compose.html that shows cc/bcc fields if populated
- Make password input fields of type password in installer (#1484886)
- Don't attempt to delete cache entries if enable_caching is FALSE (#1485051)
- Optimized messages sorting on servers without sort capability (#1485049)
- Corrected message headers decoding when charset isn't specified and improved
support for native languages (#1485050, #1485048)
- Expanded LDAP configuration options to support LDAP server writes.
- Installer: encode special characters in DB username/password (#1485042)
- Fixed management of folders with national characters in names (#1485036, #1485001)
- Fixed identities saving when using MDB2 pgsql driver (#1485032)
- Fixed BCC header reset (#1484997)
- Improved messages list performance - patch from Justin Heesemann
- Append skin_path to images location only when it starts with '/' sign (#1484859)
- Fix IMAP response in message body when message has no body (#1484964)
- Fixed non-RFC dates formatting (#1484901)
- Fixed typo in set_charset() (#1484991)
- Decode entities when inserting HTML signature to plain text message (#1484990)
- HTML editing is now working with PHP5 updates and TinyMCE v3.0.6
- Fixed signature loading on Windows (#1484545)
- Added language support to HTML editing (#1484862)
- Fixed remove signature when replying (#1333167)
- Fixed problem with line with a space at the end (#1484916)
- Fixed <!DOCTYPE> tag filtering (#1484391)
- Fixed <?xml> tag filtering (#1484403)
- Added sections (fieldset+label) in Settings interface
- Mark as read in one action with message preview (#1484972)
- Deleted redundant quota reads (#1484972)
- Added options for empty trash and expunge inbox on logout (#1483863)
- Removed lines wrapping when displaying message
- Fixed month localization
- Changed codebase to PHP5 with autoloader
- Clear selection when selecting single item (#1484942)
- Remove hard-coded image size in skin templates (#1484893)
- Database schema improvements (dropped unnecessary indexes)
- Fixed creating a new folder with a comma in its name (#1484681)
- Fixed sorting of messages when default mailbox is empty (#1484317)
- Improve message previewpane - less loading (#1484316)
- Fixed login form autoompletion (#1484839)
- Fixed virtuser_query option for mdb2 backend (#1484874)
- Fixed attachment resoting from Drafts when message body was empty (#1484506)
- Fixed usage of ob_gzhandler (#1484851)
- Fixed message part window in IE6 (#1484610)
- Fixed decoding of mime-encoded strings (#1484191)
- Fixed some iconv/mb_string problems (#1484598)
- Correctly quote mailbox name when using in URL (#1484313)
- Fixed "headers already sent" errors (#1484860)
- Added interactive installer script
- Fix folder adding/renaming inspired by #1484800
- Localize folder name in page title (#1484785)
- Fix code using wrong variable name (#1484018)
- Allow to send mail with BCC recipients only
- condense TinyMCE toolbar down to one line, removing table buttons (#1484747)
- Add function to mark the selected messages as read/unread (#1457360)
- Also do charset decoding as suggested in RFC 2231 (fix #1484321)
- Show message count in folder list and hint when creating a subfolder
- Distinguish ssl and tls for imap connections (#1484667)
- Added some charset aliases to fix typical mis-labelling (#1484565)
- Remember decision to display images for a certain message during session (#1484754)
- Truncate attachment filenames to 55 characters due to an IE bug (#1484757)
- Make sending of read receipts configurable
- Respect config when localize folder names (#1484707)
- Also respect receipt and priority settings when re-opening a draft message
- Remember search results (closes #1483883), patch by the_glu
- Add Received header on outgoing mail
- Upgrade to TinyMCE 2.1.3
- Allow inserting image attachments into HTML messages while composing (#1484557)
- Implement Message-Disposition-Notification (Receipts)
- Fix overriding of session vars when register_globals is on (#1484670)
- Fix bug with case-sensitive folder names (#1484245)
- Don't create default folders by default
- Fixed some potential security risks (audited by Andris)
- Only show new messages if they match the current search (#1484176)
- Switch to/from when searcing in Sent folder (#1484555)
- Correctly read the References header (#1484646)
- Unset old cookie before sending a new value (#1484639)
- Correctly decode attachments when downloading them (#1484645 and #1484642)
- Suppress IE errors when clearing attachments form (#1484356)
- Log error when login fails due to auto_create_user turned off
- Filter linked/imported CSS files (closes #1484056)
- Improve message compose screen (closes #1484383)
- Select next row after removing one from list (#1484387)
- Enable drag-&-dropping of folders to a new parent and allow to create subfolders (#1457344)
- Suppress IE errors when clearing attachments form (#1484356)
- Set preferences field in user table to NULL (#1484386)
- Log error when login fails due to auto_create_user turned off
- Filter linked/imported CSS files (closes #1484056)
- Improve message compose screen (closes #1484383)
- Select next row after removing one from list (#1484387)
- Make smtp HELO/EHLO hostname configurable (#1484067)
- IPv6 Compatability (#1484322), Patch #1484373
- Unlock interface when message sending fails (#1484570)
- Eval PHP code in template includes (if configured)
- Show message when folder is empty. Mo more static text in table (#1484395)
- Only display unread count in page title when new messages arrived
- Fixed wrong delete button tooltip (#1483965)
- Fixed charset encoding bug (#1484429)
- Applied patch for LDAP version (#1484552)
- Improved XHTML validation
- Fix message list selection (#1484550)
- Better fix lowercased usernames (#1484473)
- Update pngbehavior Script as suggested in #1484490
- Fixed moving/deleting messages when more than 1 is selected
- Applied patch for LDAP contacts listing by Glen Ogilvie
- Applied patch for more address fields in LDAP contacts (#1484402)
- Add alternative for getallheaders() (fix #1484508)
- Identify mailboxes case-sensitive
- Sort mailbox list case-insensitive (closes #1484338)
- Fix display of multipart messages from Apple Mail (closes #1484027)
- Protect AJAX request from being fetched by a foreign site (XSS)
- Make autocomplete for loginform configurable by the skin template
- Fix compose function from address book (closes #1484426)
- Added //IGNORE to iconv call (patch #1484420, closes #1484023)
- Check if mbstring supports charset (#1484290 and #1484292)
- Prefer iconv over mbstring (as suggested in #1484292)
- Check filesize of template includes (#1484409)
- Fixed bug with buttons not dimming/enabling properly after switching folders
- Fixed compose window becoming unresponsive after saving a draft (#1484487)
- Re-enabled "Back" button in compose window now that bug #1484487 is fixed
- Fixed unresponsive interface issue when downloading attachments (#1484496)
- Lowered status message time from 5 to 3 seconds to improve responsiveness
- Raised .htaccess upload_max_filesize from 2M to 5M to differ from default php.ini
- Increased "mailboxcontrols" mail.css width from 160 to 170px to fix non-english languages (#1484499)
- Fix status message bug #1484464 with regard to #1484353
- Fix address adding bug reported by David Koblas
- Applied socket error patch by Thomas Mangin
- Pass-by-reference workarround for PHP5 in
- Fixed buggy imap_root settings (closes #1484379)
- Prevent default events on subject links (#1484399)
- Use HTTP-POST requests for actions that change state
- Use global filters and bind username/ for Ldap searches (#1484159)
- Hide quota display if imap server does not support it
- Hide address groups if no LDAP servers configured
- Add link to message subjects (closes #1484257)
- Better SQL query for contact listing/search (closes #1484369)
- Fixed marking as read in preview pane (closes #1484364)
- CSS hack to display attachments correctly in IE6
- Wrap message body text (closes #1484148)
- LDAP access is back in address book (closes #1484087)
- Added search function for contacts
- New Template parsing and output encoding
- Fixed bugs #1484119 and #1483978
- Fixed message moving procedure (closes #1484308)
- Fixed display of multiple attachments (closes #1466563)
- Fixed check for new messages (closes #1484310)
- List attachments without filename
- New session authentication: Change sessid cookie when login, authentication with sessauth cookie is now configurable.
Should close bugs #1483951 and #1484299
- Correctly translate mailbox names (closes #1484276)
- Quote e-mail address links (closes #1484300)
- Updated PEAR::Mail_mime package
- Accept single quotes for HTML attributes when modifying message body (thanks Jason)
- Sanitize input for new users/identities (thanks Colin Alston)
- Don't download HTML message parts
- Convert HTML parts to plaintext if 'prefer_html' is off
- Correctly parse message/rfc822 parts (closes #1484045)
- Also use user_id for unique key in messages table (closes #1484074)
- Hide contacts drop down on blur (closes #1484203)
- Make entries in contacts drop down clickable
- Turn off browser autocompletion on login page
- Quote <? in text/html message parts
- Hide border around radio buttons
- Applied patch for attachment download by crichardson (closes #1484198)
- Fixed bug in Postgres DB handling (closes #1484068)
- Fixed bug of invalid calls to fetchRow() in (closes #1484280)
- Fixed array_merge bug (closes #1484281)
- Fixed flag for deletion in list view (closes #1484264)
- Finally support semicolons as recipient separator (closes ##1484251)
- Fixed message headers (subject) encoding
- check if safe mode is on or not (closes #1484269)
- Show "no subject" in message list if subject is missing (closes #1484243)
- Solved page caching of message preview (closes #1484153)
- Only use gzip compression if configured (closes #1484236)
- Fixed priority selector issue (#1484150)
- Fixed some CSS issues in default skin (closes #1484210 and #1484161)
- Prevent from double quoting of numeric HTML character references (closes #1484253)
- Fixed display of HTML message attachments (closes #1484178)
- Applied patch for preview caching (closes #1484186)
- Added error handling for attachment uploads
- Use multibyte safe string functions where necessary (closes #1483988)
- Applied security patch to validate the submitted host value (by Kees Cook)
- Applied security patch to validate input values when deleting contacts (by Kees Cook)
- Applied security patch that sanitizes emoticon paths when attaching them (by Kees Cook)
- Applied a patch to more aggressively sanitize a HTML message
- Visualize blocked images in HTML messages
- Fixed wrong message listing when showing search results (closes #1484131)
- Show remote images when opening HTML message part as attachment
- Improve memory usage when sending mail (closes #1484098)
- Mark messages as read once the preview is loaded (closes #1484132)
- Include smtp final response in log (closes #1484081)
- Corrected date string in sent message header (closes #1484125)
- Correclty choose "To" column in sent and draft mailboxes (closes #1483943)
- Changed srong tooltips for message browse buttons (closes #1483930)
- Fixed signature delimeter character to be standard (Bug #1484035)
- Fixed XSS vulnerability (Bug #1484109)
- Remove newlines from mail headers (Bug #1484031)
- Selection issues when moving/deleting (Bug #1484044)
- Applied patch of Clement Moulin for imap host auto-selection
- ISO-encode IMAP password for plaintext login (Bugs #1483977 & #1483886)
- Fixed folder name encoding in subscription list (Bug #1484113)
- Fixed JS errors in identity list (Bug #1484120)
- Translate foldernames in folder form (closes #1484113)
- Added first and last buttons to message list, address book
and message detail
- Pressing Shift-Del bypasses Trash folder
- Enable purge command for Junk folder
- Fetch all aliases if virtuser_query is used instead
- Re-enabled multi select of contacts (Bug #1484017)
- Enable contact editing right after creation (Bug #1459641)
- Correct UTF-7 to UTF-8 conversion if mbstring is not available
- Fixed IMAP fetch of message body (Bug #1484019)
- Fixed safe_mode problems (Bug #1418381)
- Fixed wrong header encoding (Bug #1483976)
- Made automatic draft saving configurable
- Fixed JS bug when renaming folders (Bug #1483989)
- Added quota display as image (by Brett Patterson)
- Corrected creation of a message-id
- New indentation for quoted message text
- Improved HTML validity
- Fixed URL character set (Ticket #1445501)
- Fixed saving of contact into MySQL from LDAP query results (Ticket #1483820)
- Fixed folder renaming: unsubscribe before rename (Bug #1483920)
- Finalized new message parsing (+ chaching)
- Fixed wrong usage of mbstring (Bug #1462439)
- Set default spelling language (Ticket #1483938)
- Added support for Nox Spell Server
- Re-built message parsing (Bug #1327068)
Now based on the message structure delivered by the IMAP server.
- Fixed some XSS and SQL injection issues
- Fixed charset problems with folder renaming
diff --git a/program/js/common.js b/program/js/common.js
index 7ec18f205..bd699d924 100644
--- a/program/js/common.js
+++ b/program/js/common.js
@@ -1,682 +1,679 @@
| RoundCube common js library |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube web development suite |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2007, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
// Constants
var CONTROL_KEY = 1;
var SHIFT_KEY = 2;
* Default browser check class
* @construcotr
function roundcube_browser()
this.ver = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
this.appver = navigator.appVersion;
this.agent = navigator.userAgent; = navigator.appName;
this.vendor = navigator.vendor ? navigator.vendor : '';
this.vendver = navigator.vendorSub ? parseFloat(navigator.vendorSub) : 0;
this.product = navigator.product ? navigator.product : '';
this.platform = String(navigator.platform).toLowerCase();
this.lang = (navigator.language) ? navigator.language.substring(0,2) :
(navigator.browserLanguage) ? navigator.browserLanguage.substring(0,2) :
(navigator.systemLanguage) ? navigator.systemLanguage.substring(0,2) : 'en'; = (this.platform.indexOf('win')>=0) ? true : false;
this.mac = (this.platform.indexOf('mac')>=0) ? true : false;
this.linux = (this.platform.indexOf('linux')>=0) ? true : false;
this.unix = (this.platform.indexOf('unix')>=0) ? true : false;
this.dom = document.getElementById ? true : false;
this.dom2 = (document.addEventListener && document.removeEventListener); = (document.all) ? true : false;
this.ie4 = ( && !this.dom);
this.ie5 = (this.dom && this.appver.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0);
this.ie6 = (this.dom && this.appver.indexOf('MSIE 6')>0);
this.ie7 = (this.dom && this.appver.indexOf('MSIE 7')>0); = (this.dom && this.ver>=5); // (this.dom && this.product=='Gecko')
this.ns = ((this.ver<5 &&'Netscape') || (this.ver>=5 && this.vendor.indexOf('Netscape')>=0));
this.ns6 = (this.ns && parseInt(this.vendver)==6); // ( && this.ns) ? true : false;
this.ns7 = (this.ns && parseInt(this.vendver)==7); // this.agent.indexOf('Netscape/7')>0);
this.safari = (this.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari')>0 || this.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf('applewebkit')>0);
this.konq = (this.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf('konqueror')>0);
this.opera = (window.opera) ? true : false;
if(this.opera && window.RegExp)
this.vendver = (/opera(\s|\/)([0-9\.]+)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$2) : -1;
else if(!this.vendver && this.safari)
this.vendver = (/(safari|applewebkit)\/([0-9]+)/i.test(this.agent)) ? parseInt(RegExp.$2) : 0;
else if((!this.vendver && || this.agent.indexOf('Camino')>0)
this.vendver = (/rv:([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
else if( && window.RegExp)
this.vendver = (/msie\s+([0-9\.]+)/i.test(this.agent)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
else if(this.konq && window.RegExp)
this.vendver = (/khtml\/([0-9\.]+)/i.test(this.agent)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
// get real language out of safari's user agent
if(this.safari && (/;\s+([a-z]{2})-[a-z]{2}\)/i.test(this.agent)))
this.lang = RegExp.$1;
this.dhtml = ((this.ie4 && || this.ie5 || this.ie6 || this.ns4 ||;
this.vml = ( && && this.dom && !this.opera);
this.pngalpha = ( || (this.opera && this.vendver>=6) || ( && this.mac && this.vendver>=5) ||
( && && this.vendver>=5.5) || this.safari);
this.opacity = ( || ( && this.vendver>=5.5 && !this.opera) || (this.safari && this.vendver>=100));
this.cookies = navigator.cookieEnabled;
// test for XMLHTTP support
this.xmlhttp_test = function()
var activeX_test = new Function("try{var o=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');return true;}catch(err){return false;}");
this.xmlhttp = (window.XMLHttpRequest || (window.ActiveXObject && activeX_test())) ? true : false;
return this.xmlhttp;
// static functions for event handling
var rcube_event = {
* returns the event target element
get_target: function(e)
e = e || window.event;
return e && ? : e.srcElement;
* returns the event key code
get_keycode: function(e)
e = e || window.event;
return e && e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : (e && e.which ? e.which : 0);
* returns the event key code
get_button: function(e)
e = e || window.event;
return e && (typeof e.button != 'undefined') ? e.button : (e && e.which ? e.which : 0);
* returns modifier key (constants defined at top of file)
get_modifier: function(e)
var opcode = 0;
e = e || window.event;
if (bw.mac && e)
opcode += (e.metaKey && CONTROL_KEY) + (e.shiftKey && SHIFT_KEY);
return opcode;
if (e)
opcode += (e.ctrlKey && CONTROL_KEY) + (e.shiftKey && SHIFT_KEY);
return opcode;
* Return absolute mouse position of an event
get_mouse_pos: function(e)
if (!e) e = window.event;
var mX = (e.pageX) ? e.pageX : e.clientX;
var mY = (e.pageY) ? e.pageY : e.clientY;
if (document.body && document.all)
mX += document.body.scrollLeft;
mY += document.body.scrollTop;
if (e._offset) {
mX += e._offset.x;
mY += e._offset.y;
return { x:mX, y:mY };
* Add an object method as event listener to a certain element
add_listener: function(p)
if (!p.object || !p.method) // not enough arguments
if (!p.element)
p.element = document;
if (!p.object._rc_events)
p.object._rc_events = [];
var key = p.event + '*' + p.method;
if (!p.object._rc_events[key])
p.object._rc_events[key] = function(e){ return p.object[p.method](e); };
if (p.element.addEventListener)
p.element.addEventListener(p.event, p.object._rc_events[key], false);
else if (p.element.attachEvent)
// IE allows multiple events with the same function to be applied to the same object
// forcibly detach the event, then attach
p.element.detachEvent('on'+p.event, p.object._rc_events[key]);
p.element.attachEvent('on'+p.event, p.object._rc_events[key]);
p.element['on'+p.event] = p.object._rc_events[key];
* Remove event listener
remove_listener: function(p)
if (!p.element)
p.element = document;
var key = p.event + '*' + p.method;
if (p.object && p.object._rc_events && p.object._rc_events[key]) {
if (p.element.removeEventListener)
p.element.removeEventListener(p.event, p.object._rc_events[key], false);
else if (p.element.detachEvent)
p.element.detachEvent('on'+p.event, p.object._rc_events[key]);
p.element['on'+p.event] = null;
* Prevent event propagation and bubbeling
cancel: function(evt)
var e = evt ? evt : window.event;
if (e.preventDefault)
if (e.stopPropagation)
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
var rcube_layer_objects = new Array();
* RoundCube generic layer (floating box) class
* @constructor
function rcube_layer(id, attributes)
{ = id;
// create a new layer in the current document
this.create = function(arg)
var l = (arg.x) ? arg.x : 0;
var t = (arg.y) ? arg.y : 0;
var w = arg.width;
var h = arg.height;
var z = arg.zindex;
var vis = arg.vis;
var parent = arg.parent;
var obj;
obj = document.createElement('DIV');
id =;
position = 'absolute';
visibility = (vis) ? (vis==2) ? 'inherit' : 'visible' : 'hidden';
left = l+'px';
top = t+'px';
if (w)
width = w.toString().match(/\%$/) ? w : w+'px';
if (h)
height = h.toString().match(/\%$/) ? h : h+'px';
if(z) zIndex = z;
if (parent)
this.elm = obj;
// create new layer
this.create(attributes); =;
else // just refer to the object
this.elm = document.getElementById(id);
return false;
// ********* layer object properties *********
this.css =;
this.event = this.elm;
this.width = this.elm.offsetWidth;
this.height = this.elm.offsetHeight;
this.x = parseInt(this.elm.offsetLeft);
this.y = parseInt(this.elm.offsetTop);
this.visible = (this.css.visibility=='visible' || this.css.visibility=='show' || this.css.visibility=='inherit') ? true : false; = rcube_layer_objects.length;
this.obj = 'rcube_layer_objects['']';
rcube_layer_objects[] = this;
// ********* layer object methods *********
// move the layer to a specific position
this.move = function(x, y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.css.left = Math.round(this.x)+'px'; = Math.round(this.y)+'px';
// move the layer for a specific step
this.shift = function(x,y)
x = Math.round(x*100)/100;
y = Math.round(y*100)/100;
this.move(this.x+x, this.y+y);
// change the layers width and height
this.resize = function(w,h)
this.css.width = w+'px';
this.css.height = h+'px';
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
// cut the layer (top,width,height,left)
this.clip = function(t,w,h,l)
this.css.clip='rect('+t+' '+w+' '+h+' '+l+')';
this.clip_height = h;
this.clip_width = w;
// show or hide the layer = function(a)
this.css.visibility = 'visible';
this.visible = true;
else if(a==2)
this.css.visibility = 'inherit';
this.visible = true;
this.css.visibility = 'hidden';
this.visible = false;
// write new content into a Layer
this.write = function(cont)
this.elm.innerHTML = cont;
// set the given color to the layer background
this.set_bgcolor = function(c)
if(!c || c=='#')
c = 'transparent';
this.css.backgroundColor = c;
// set the opacity of a layer to the given ammount (in %)
this.set_opacity = function(v)
var op = v<=1 ? Math.round(v*100) : parseInt(v);
this.css.filter = 'alpha(opacity:'+op+')';
else if(bw.safari)
this.css.opacity = op/100;
this.css.KhtmlOpacity = op/100;
else if(
this.css.MozOpacity = op/100;
// check if input is a valid email address
// By Cal Henderson <>
function rcube_check_email(input, inline)
if (input && window.RegExp)
var qtext = '[^\\x0d\\x22\\x5c\\x80-\\xff]';
var dtext = '[^\\x0d\\x5b-\\x5d\\x80-\\xff]';
var atom = '[^\\x00-\\x20\\x22\\x28\\x29\\x2c\\x2e\\x3a-\\x3c\\x3e\\x40\\x5b-\\x5d\\x7f-\\xff]+';
var quoted_pair = '\\x5c[\\x00-\\x7f]';
var domain_literal = '\\x5b('+dtext+'|'+quoted_pair+')*\\x5d';
var quoted_string = '\\x22('+qtext+'|'+quoted_pair+')*\\x22';
var sub_domain = '('+atom+'|'+domain_literal+')';
var word = '('+atom+'|'+quoted_string+')';
var domain = sub_domain+'(\\x2e'+sub_domain+')*';
var local_part = word+'(\\x2e'+word+')*';
var addr_spec = local_part+'\\x40'+domain;
var delim = '[,;\s\n]';
var reg1 = inline ? new RegExp('(^|<|'+delim+')'+addr_spec+'($|>|'+delim+')', 'i') : new RegExp('^'+addr_spec+'$', 'i');
return reg1.test(input) ? true : false;
return false;
// find a value in a specific array and returns the index
function find_in_array()
var args = find_in_array.arguments;
if(!args.length) return -1;
var haystack = typeof(args[0])=='object' ? args[0] : args.length>1 && typeof(args[1])=='object' ? args[1] : new Array();
var needle = typeof(args[0])!='object' ? args[0] : args.length>1 && typeof(args[1])!='object' ? args[1] : '';
var nocase = args.length==3 ? args[2] : false;
if(!haystack.length) return -1;
for(var i=0; i<haystack.length; i++)
if(nocase && haystack[i].toLowerCase()==needle.toLowerCase())
return i;
else if(haystack[i]==needle)
return i;
return -1;
// make a string URL safe
function urlencode(str)
return window.encodeURIComponent ? encodeURIComponent(str) : escape(str);
// get any type of html objects by id/name
function rcube_find_object(id, d)
var n, f, obj, e;
if(!d) d = document;
if(d.getElementsByName && (e = d.getElementsByName(id)))
obj = e[0];
if(!obj && d.getElementById)
obj = d.getElementById(id);
if(!obj && d.all)
obj = d.all[id];
if(!obj && d.images.length)
obj = d.images[id];
if(!obj && d.forms.length)
for(f=0; f<d.forms.length; f++)
if(d.forms[f].name == id)
obj = d.forms[f];
else if(d.forms[f].elements[id])
obj = d.forms[f].elements[id];
if(!obj && d.layers)
if(d.layers[id]) obj = d.layers[id];
for(n=0; !obj && n<d.layers.length; n++)
obj = rcube_find_object(id, d.layers[n].document);
return obj;
// return the absolute position of an object within the document
function rcube_get_object_pos(obj, relative)
obj = rcube_find_object(obj);
if(!obj) return {x:0, y:0};
var iX = (bw.layers) ? obj.x : obj.offsetLeft;
var iY = (bw.layers) ? obj.y : obj.offsetTop;
if(!relative && ( ||
var elm = obj.offsetParent;
while(elm && elm!=null)
iX += elm.offsetLeft - (elm.parentNode && elm.parentNode.scrollLeft ? elm.parentNode.scrollLeft : 0);
iY += elm.offsetTop - (elm.parentNode && elm.parentNode.scrollTop ? elm.parentNode.scrollTop : 0);
elm = elm.offsetParent;
return {x:iX, y:iY};
// determine whether the mouse is over the given object or not
function rcube_mouse_is_over(ev, obj)
var mouse = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(ev);
var pos = rcube_get_object_pos(obj);
return ((mouse.x >= pos.x) && (mouse.x < (pos.x + obj.offsetWidth)) &&
(mouse.y >= pos.y) && (mouse.y < (pos.y + obj.offsetHeight)));
* Return the currently applied value of a css property
* @param {Object} html_element Node reference
* @param {String} css_property Property name to read in Javascript notation (eg. 'textAlign')
* @param {String} mozilla_equivalent Equivalent property name in CSS notation (eg. 'text-align')
* @return CSS property value
* @type String
function get_elements_computed_style(html_element, css_property, mozilla_equivalent)
if (arguments.length==2)
mozilla_equivalent = css_property;
var el = html_element;
if (typeof(html_element)=='string')
el = rcube_find_object(html_element);
if (el && el.currentStyle)
return el.currentStyle[css_property];
else if (el && document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle)
return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(mozilla_equivalent);
return false;
// cookie functions by GoogieSpell
function setCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure)
var curCookie = name + "=" + escape(value) +
(expires ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") +
(path ? "; path=" + path : "") +
(domain ? "; domain=" + domain : "") +
(secure ? "; secure" : "");
document.cookie = curCookie;
roundcube_browser.prototype.set_cookie = setCookie;
function getCookie(name)
var dc = document.cookie;
var prefix = name + "=";
var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);
if (begin == -1)
begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
if (begin != 0) return null;
begin += 2;
var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
if (end == -1)
end = dc.length;
return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));
roundcube_browser.prototype.get_cookie = getCookie;
// tiny replacement for Firebox functionality
function rcube_console()
this.log = function(msg)
var box = rcube_find_object('console');
if (box) {
if (msg.charAt(msg.length-1)=='\n')
msg += '--------------------------------------\n';
msg += '\n--------------------------------------\n';
- // Konqueror (Safari also?) doesn't allows to just change value of hidden element
+ // Konqueror doesn't allows to just change value of hidden element
if (bw.konq) {
box.innerText += msg;
box.value = box.innerText;
} else
box.value += msg;
this.reset = function()
var box = rcube_find_object('console');
if (box)
box.innerText = box.value = '';
var bw = new roundcube_browser();
-if (!window.console)
- console = new rcube_console();
+var console = new rcube_console();
// Add escape() method to RegExp object
RegExp.escape = function(str)
return String(str).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
// Make getElementById() case-sensitive on IE
if (
document._getElementById = document.getElementById;
document.getElementById = function(id)
var i = 0;
var o = document._getElementById(id);
if (!o || != id)
while ((o = document.all[i]) && != id)
return o;
// Fire event on specified element
function exec_event(element,event)
if (document.createEventObject) {
// dispatch for IE
var evt = document.createEventObject();
return element.fireEvent('on'+event,evt)
else {
// dispatch for firefox + others
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(event, true, true); // event type,bubbling,cancelable
return !element.dispatchEvent(evt);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 1:13 PM (2 h, 11 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(46 KB)

Event Timeline