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diff --git a/program/localization/en_GB/ b/program/localization/en_GB/
index 1f66288cf..518154885 100644
--- a/program/localization/en_GB/
+++ b/program/localization/en_GB/
@@ -1,94 +1,96 @@
| language/en_GB/ |
| |
| Language file of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2008, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Author: Weiran Zhang ( |
@version $Id$
$messages = array();
$messages['loginfailed'] = 'Login failed';
$messages['cookiesdisabled'] = 'Your browser does not accept cookies';
$messages['sessionerror'] = 'Your session is invalid or has expired';
$messages['imaperror'] = 'Connection to IMAP server failed';
$messages['nomessagesfound'] = 'No messages found in this mailbox';
$messages['loggedout'] = 'You have successfully terminated the session. Good bye!';
$messages['mailboxempty'] = 'Mailbox is empty';
$messages['loading'] = 'Loading...';
$messages['loadingdata'] = 'Loading data...';
$messages['checkingmail'] = 'Checking for new messages...';
$messages['sendingmessage'] = 'Sending message...';
$messages['messagesent'] = 'Message sent successfully';
$messages['savingmessage'] = 'Saving message...';
$messages['messagesaved'] = 'Message saved to Drafts';
$messages['successfullysaved'] = 'Successfully saved';
$messages['addedsuccessfully'] = 'Contact successfully added to address book';
$messages['contactexists'] = 'A contact with this e-mail address already exists';
$messages['blockedimages'] = 'To protect your privacy, remote images are blocked in this message.';
$messages['encryptedmessage'] = 'This is an encrypted message and can not be displayed. Sorry!';
$messages['nocontactsfound'] = 'No contacts found';
$messages['contactnotfound'] = 'The requested contact was not found';
$messages['sendingfailed'] = 'Failed to send message';
$messages['senttooquickly'] = 'Please wait $sec sec(s). before sending this message';
$messages['errorsavingsent'] = 'An error occurred while saving sent message';
$messages['errorsaving'] = 'An error occurred while saving';
$messages['errormoving'] = 'Could not move the message';
$messages['errordeleting'] = 'Could not delete the message';
$messages['deletecontactconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete the selected contact(s)?';
$messages['deletemessagesconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete the selected message(s)?';
$messages['deletefolderconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this folder?';
$messages['purgefolderconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete all messages in this folder?';
$messages['foldercreating'] = 'Creating folder...';
$messages['folderdeleting'] = 'Deleting folder...';
$messages['folderrenaming'] = 'Renaming folder...';
$messages['formincomplete'] = 'The form was not completely filled out';
$messages['noemailwarning'] = 'Please enter a valid email address';
$messages['nonamewarning'] = 'Please enter a name';
$messages['nopagesizewarning'] = 'Please enter a page size';
+$messages['nosenderwarning'] = 'Please enter sender e-mail address';
$messages['norecipientwarning'] = 'Please enter at least one recipient';
$messages['nosubjectwarning'] = 'The "Subject" field is empty. Would you like to enter one now?';
$messages['nobodywarning'] = 'Send this message without any text?';
$messages['notsentwarning'] = 'Your message has not been sent. Do you want to discard it?';
$messages['noldapserver'] = 'Please select an LDAP server to search';
$messages['nocontactsreturned'] = 'No contacts were found';
$messages['nosearchname'] = 'Please enter a contact name or email address';
$messages['searchsuccessful'] = '$nr messages found';
$messages['searchnomatch'] = 'Search found no matches';
$messages['searching'] = 'Searching...';
$messages['checking'] = 'Checking...';
$messages['nospellerrors'] = 'No spelling errors found';
$messages['folderdeleted'] = 'Folder successfully deleted';
$messages['deletedsuccessfully'] = 'Successfully deleted';
$messages['converting'] = 'Removing formatting...';
$messages['messageopenerror'] = 'Could not load message from server';
$messages['fileuploaderror'] = 'File upload failed';
$messages['filesizeerror'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the maximum size of $size';
$messages['copysuccess'] = 'Successfully copied $nr addresses';
$messages['copyerror'] = 'Could not copy any addresses';
$messages['sourceisreadonly'] = 'This address source is read-only';
$messages['errorsavingcontact'] = 'Could not save the contact address';
$messages['movingmessage'] = 'Moving message...';
$messages['receiptsent'] = 'Successfully sent a read receipt';
$messages['errorsendingreceipt'] = 'Could not send the receipt';
$messages['nodeletelastidentity'] = 'You cannot delete this identity, it\'s your last one.';
$messages['addsubfolderhint'] = 'This folder will be created as subfolder of the currently selected one';
$messages['forbiddencharacter'] = 'Folder name contains a forbidden character';
$messages['selectimportfile'] = 'Please select a file to upload';
$messages['addresswriterror'] = 'The selected address book is not writeable';
$messages['importwait'] = 'Importing, please wait...';
$messages['importerror'] = 'Import failed! The uploaded file is not a valid vCard file.';
$messages['importconfirm'] = 'Successfully imported $inserted contacts, $skipped existing entries skipped:$names';
$messages['opnotpermitted'] = 'Operation not permitted!';
+$messages['nofromaddress'] = 'Missing e-mail address in selected identity';
diff --git a/program/localization/pl_PL/ b/program/localization/pl_PL/
index 8f7967b1e..be07e2256 100644
--- a/program/localization/pl_PL/
+++ b/program/localization/pl_PL/
@@ -1,99 +1,101 @@
| language/pl_PL/ |
| |
| Language file of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2008, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Author: Tomasz Pajor <> |
| Author: Sławomir Cichoń <> |
| Janusz Zamecki <> |
| Mariusz Szulerecki <> |
| Wojciech Szczepucha <> |
| Aleksander Machniak <> |
@version $Id: 1245 2008-04-03 13:17:34Z alec $
$messages = array();
$messages['loginfailed'] = 'Błąd logowania!';
$messages['cookiesdisabled'] = 'Twoja przeglądarka nie obsługuje ciasteczek!';
$messages['sessionerror'] = 'Błąd sesji bądź sesja wygasła!';
$messages['imaperror'] = 'Błąd połączenia z serwerem!';
$messages['nomessagesfound'] = 'Brak wiadomości w skrzynce.';
$messages['loggedout'] = 'Użytkownik wylogował się poprawnie.';
$messages['mailboxempty'] = 'Skrzynka jest pusta!';
$messages['loading'] = 'Ładowanie...';
$messages['loadingdata'] = 'Ładowanie danych...';
$messages['checkingmail'] = 'Sprawdzanie nowych wiadomości...';
$messages['sendingmessage'] = 'Wysyłanie wiadomości...';
$messages['messagesent'] = 'Wiadomość została wysłana.';
$messages['savingmessage'] = 'Zapisywanie wiadomości...';
$messages['messagesaved'] = 'Wiadomość została zapisana w folderze Kopie robocze.';
$messages['successfullysaved'] = 'Zapisano.';
$messages['addedsuccessfully'] = 'Kontakt został dodany.';
$messages['contactexists'] = 'Kontakt o podanym adresie e-mail już istnieje!';
$messages['blockedimages'] = 'Ze względów bezpieczeństwa zewnętrzne obrazki zostały zablokowane.';
$messages['encryptedmessage'] = 'Przepraszamy, nie można wyświetlić zaszyfrowanej wiadomości!';
$messages['nocontactsfound'] = 'Nie znaleziono kontaktu!';
$messages['contactnotfound'] = 'Szukany kontakt nie został odnaleziony';
$messages['sendingfailed'] = 'Nie udało się wysłać wiadomości!';
$messages['senttooquickly'] = 'Musisz poczekać $sec sek. aby móc wysłać tą wiadomość!';
$messages['errorsavingsent'] = 'Wystąpił błąd podczas zapisu wysłanej wiadomości!';
$messages['errorsaving'] = 'Wystąpił błąd podczas zapisu!';
$messages['errormoving'] = 'Nie można przenieść wybranej wiadomości!';
$messages['errordeleting'] = 'Nie można usunąć wiadomości!';
$messages['deletecontactconfirm'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrane kontakty?';
$messages['deletemessagesconfirm'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrane wiadomości?';
$messages['deletefolderconfirm'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrany folder?';
$messages['purgefolderconfirm'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie wiadomości w tym folderze?';
$messages['foldercreating'] = 'Dodawanie folderu...';
$messages['folderdeleting'] = 'Usuwanie folderu...';
$messages['folderrenaming'] = 'Zmiana nazwy folderu...';
$messages['formincomplete'] = 'Uzupełnij formularz!';
$messages['noemailwarning'] = 'Podaj poprawny adres e-mail!';
$messages['nonamewarning'] = 'Podaj nazwę!';
$messages['nopagesizewarning'] = 'Podaj poprawną wartość!';
+$messages['nosenderwarning'] = 'Podaj adres nadawcy!';
$messages['norecipientwarning'] = 'Podaj co najmniej jednego odbiorcę!';
$messages['nosubjectwarning'] = 'Nie podano tematu wiadomości. Czy chcesz go teraz uzupełnić?';
$messages['nobodywarning'] = 'Ta wiadomość jest pusta, czy mimo to chcesz ją wysłać?';
$messages['notsentwarning'] = 'Wiadomość nie została wysłana. Czy chcesz usunąć tę wiadomość?';
$messages['noldapserver'] = 'Wybierz serwer LDAP!';
$messages['nocontactsreturned'] = 'Nie znaleziono kontaktów!';
$messages['nosearchname'] = 'Podaj nazwę kontaktu lub jego adres e-mail.';
$messages['searchsuccessful'] = 'Liczba znalezionych wiadomości: $nr';
$messages['searchnomatch'] = 'Nic nie znaleziono.';
$messages['searching'] = 'Wyszukiwanie...';
$messages['checking'] = 'Sprawdzanie...';
$messages['nospellerrors'] = 'Nie znaleziono błędów w pisowni.';
$messages['folderdeleted'] = 'Folder został pomyślnie usunięty.';
$messages['deletedsuccessfully'] = 'Usunięto';
$messages['converting'] = 'Konwertowanie tekstu...';
$messages['messageopenerror'] = 'Nie można załadować wiadomości z serwera';
$messages['fileuploaderror'] = 'Załączanie pliku nie powiodło się';
$messages['filesizeerror'] = 'Plik przekracza maksymalną wielkość $size';
$messages['copysuccess'] = 'Pomyślnie skopiowano następującą liczbę adresów: $nr';
$messages['copyerror'] = 'Nie można skopiować żadnego adresu';
$messages['sourceisreadonly'] = 'Źródło adresu jest tylko do odczytu';
$messages['errorsavingcontact'] = 'Nie można było zapisać adresu kontaktu';
$messages['movingmessage'] = 'Przenoszenie wiadomości...';
$messages['receiptsent'] = 'Pomyślnie wysłano potwierdzenie dostarczenia';
$messages['errorsendingreceipt'] = 'Nie można wysłać potwierdzenia';
$messages['nodeletelastidentity'] = 'Nie można skasować tej tożsamości, ponieważ jest ostatnią.';
$messages['addsubfolderhint'] = 'Ten folder zostanie utworzony jako podfolder aktualnie wybranego.';
$messages['forbiddencharacter'] = 'Nazwa folderu zawiera niedozwolony znak';
$messages['selectimportfile'] = 'Proszę wybrać plik do wysłania';
$messages['addresswriterror'] = 'Wybrana książka adresowa jest tylko-do-odczytu';
$messages['importwait'] = 'Importowanie, proszę czekać...';
$messages['importerror'] = 'Błąd! Pobrany plik nie jest poprawnym plikiem vCard.';
$messages['importconfirm'] = '<b>Pomyślnie dodano $inserted kontaktów, pominięto $skipped istniejących wpisów</b>:<p><em>$names</em></p>';
$messages['opnotpermitted'] = 'Niedozwolona operacja!';
+$messages['nofromaddress'] = 'Brak adresu e-mail w wybranej tożsamości';
\ No newline at end of file

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 10:26 AM (11 h, 19 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(12 KB)

Event Timeline