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index 1bc633d1c..31efef1eb 100644
@@ -1,503 +1,504 @@
CHANGELOG RoundCube Webmail
+- Minimize chance of race condition in session handling (#1485659, #1484678)
- Fix session handling on non-session SQL query error (#1485734)
- Fix html editor mode setting when reopening draft message (#1485834)
- Added quick search box menu (#1484304)
- Fix wrong column sort order icons (#1485823)
- Updated TinyMCE to 3.2.3 version
- Fix attachment names encoding when charset isn't specified in attachment part (#1484969)
- Fix message normal priority problem (#1485820)
- Fix autocomplete spinning wheel does not disappear (#1485804)
- Added log_date_format option (#1485709)
- Fix text wrapping in HTML editor after switching from plain text to HTML (#1485521)
- Fix auto-complete function hangs with plus sign (#1485815)
- Fix AJAX requests errors handler (#1485000)
- Speed up message list displaying on IE
- Fix read/write database recognition (#1485811)
- Fix quicksearchbox look in Chrome and Konqueror (#1484841)
- Fix UTF-8 byte-order mark removing (#1485514)
- Fix folders subscribtions on Konqueror (#1484841)
- Fix debug console on Konqueror and Safari
- Fix messagelist focus issue when modifying status of selected messages (#1485807)
- Support STARTTLS in IMAP connection (#1485284)
- Fix DEL key problem in search boxes (#1485528)
- Support several e-mail addresses per user from virtuser_file (#1485678)
- Fix drag&drop with scrolling on IE (#1485786)
- Fix adding signature separator in html mode (#1485350)
- Fix opening attachment marks message as read (#1485803)
- Fix 'temp_dir' does not support relative path under Windows (#1484529)
- Fix "Initialize Database" button missing from installer (#1485802)
- Fix compose window doesn't fit 1024x768 window (#1485396)
- Fix service not available error when pressing back from compose dialog (#1485552)
- Fix using mail() on Windows (#1485779)
- Fix word wrapping in message-part's <PRE>s for printing (#1485787)
- Fix incorrect word wrapping in outgoing plaintext multibyte messages (#1485714)
- Fix double footer in HTML message with embedded images
- Fix TNEF implementation bug (#1485773)
- Fix incorrect row id parsing for LDAP contacts list (#1485784)
- Fix 'mode' parameter in sqlite DSN (#1485772)
- Use US-ASCII as failover when Unicode searching fails (#1485762)
- Fix errors handling in IMAP command continuations (#1485762)
- Fix FETCH result parsing for servers returning flags at the end of result (#1485763)
- Fix datetime columns defaults in mysql's DDL (#1485641)
- Fix attaching more than nine inline images (#1485759)
- Support 'UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7' alias for UTF-7 encoding (#1485758)
- Fix mime-type detection using a hard-coded map (#1485311)
- Don't return empty string if charset conversion failed (#1485757)
- Disable concurrent autocomplete query results display (#1485743)
- Fix new lines stripped from message footer (#1485751)
- Fix IE problem with mouse click autocomplete (#1485739)
- Fix html body washing on reply/forward + fix attachments handling (#1485676)
- Fix multiple recipients input parsing (#1485733)
- Fix replying to message with html attachment (#1485676)
- Use default_charset for messages without specified charset (#1485661, #1484961)
- Support non-standard "GMT-XXXX" literal in date header (#1485729)
- Added TNEF support to decode MS Outlook attachments (winmail.dat)
- Fix "value continuation" MIME headers by adding required semicolon (#1485727)
- Fix pressing select all/unread multiple times (#1485723)
- Fix selecting all unread does not honor new messages (#1485724)
- Fix some base64 encoded attachments handling (#1485725)
- Support NGINX as IMAP backend: better BAD response handling (#1485720)
- Performance fix: don't fetch attachment parts headers twice to parse filename
- Fix checking for recent messages on various IMAP servers (#1485702)
- Performance fix: Don't fetch quota and recent messages in "message view" mode
- Fix displaying of alternative-inside-alternative messages (#1485713)
- Fix MDNSent flag checking, use arbitrary keywords (asterisk) flag (#1485706)
- Fix creation of folders with '&' sign in name
- Fix parsing of email addresses without angle brackets (#1485693)
- Save spellcheck corrections when switching from plain to html editor (and spellchecking is on)
- Fix large search results on server without SORT capability (#1485668)
- Get rid of preg_replace() with eval modifier and create_function usage (#1485686)
- Bring back <base> and <link> tags in HTML messages
- Fix XSS vulnerability through background attributes as reported by Julien Cayssol
- Fix problems with backslash as IMAP hierarchy delimiter (#1484467)
- Secure vcard export by getting rid of preg's 'e' modifier use (#1485689)
- Fix authentication when submitting form with existing session (#1485679)
- Allow absolute URLs to images in HTML messages/sigs (#1485666)
- Fix message body which contains both inline attachments and emotions
- Fix SQL query execution errors handling in rcube_mdb2 class (#1485509)
- Fix address names with '@' sign handling (#1485654)
- Improve messages display performance
- Fix messages searching with 'to:' modifier
- Fix mark popup in IE 7 (#1485369)
- Fix line-break issue when copy & paste in Firefox (#1485425)
- Fix autocomplete "unknown server error" (#1485637)
- Fix STARTTLS before AUTH in SMTP connection (#1484883)
- Support multiple quota values in QUOTAROOT resonse (#1485626)
- Only abbreviate file name for IE < 7 browsers (#1485063)
- Performance: allow setting imap rootdir and delimiter before connect (#1485172)
- Fix sorting of folders with more than 2 levels (#1485569)
- Fix search results page jumps in LDAP addressbook (#1485253)
- Fix empty line before the signature in IE (#1485351)
- Fix horizontal scrollbar in preview pane on IE (#1484633)
- Add Robots meta tag in login page and installer (#1484846)
- Added 'show_images' option, removed 'addrbook_show_images' (#1485597)
- Option to check for new mails in all folders (#1484374)
- Don't set client busy when checking for new messages (#1485276)
- Allow UTF-8 folder names in config (#1485579)
- Add junk_mbox option configuration in installer (#1485579)
- Do serverside addressbook queries for autocompletion (#1485531)
- Allow setting attachment col position in 'list_cols' option
- Allow override 'list_cols' via skin (#1485577)
- Fix 'cache' table cleanup on session destroy (#1485516)
- Increase speed of session destroy and garbage clean up
- Fix session timeout when DB server got clock skew (#1485490)
- Fix handling of some malformed messages (#1484438)
- Speed up raw message body handling
- Better HTML entities conversion in html2text (#1485519)
- Fix big memory consumption and speed up searching on servers without SORT capability
- Fix setting locale to tr_TR, ku and az_AZ (#1485470)
- Use SORT for searching on servers with SORT capability
- Added message status filter
- Fix empty file sending (#1485389)
- Improved searching with many criterias (calling one SEARCH command)
- Fix HTML editor initialization on IE (#1485304)
- Add warning when switching editor mode from html to plain (#1485488)
- Make identities list scrollable (#1485538)
- Fix problem with numeric folder names (#1485527)
- Added BYE response simple support to prevent from endless loops in (#1483956)
- Fix unread message unintentionally marked as read if read_when_deleted=true (#1485409)
- Remove port number from SERVER_NAME in smtp_helo_host (#1485518)
- Don't send disposition notification receipts for messages marked as 'read' (#1485523)
- Added 'keep_alive' and 'min_keep_alive' options (#1485360)
- Added option 'identities_level', removed 'multiple_identities'
- Allow deleting identities when multiple_identities=false (#1485435)
- Added option focus_on_new_message (#1485374)
- Fix html2text class autoloading on Windows (#1485505)
- Fix html signature formatting when identity save error occured (#1485426)
- Add feedback and set busy when moving folder (#1485497)
- Fix 'Empty' link visibility for some languages e.g. Slovak (#1485489)
- Fix messages count bar overlapping (#1485270)
- Fix adding signature in drafts compose mode (#1485484)
- Fix iil_C_Sort() to support very long and/or divided responses (#1485283)
- Fix matching case sensitivity when setting identity on reply (#1485480)
- Prefer default identity on reply
- Fix imap searching on ISMail server (#1485466)
- Add css class for flagged messages (#1485464)
- Write username instead of id in sendmail log (#1485477)
- Fix htmlspecialchars() use for PHP version < 5.2.3 (#1485475)
- Fix js keywords escaping in json_serialize() for IE/Opera (#1485472)
- Added bin/killcache.php script (#1485434)
- Add support for SJIS, GB2312, BIG5 in rc_detect_encoding()
- Fix vCard file encoding detection for non-UTF-8 strings (#1485410)
- Add 'skip_deleted' option in User Preferences (#1485445)
- Minimize "inline" javascript scripts use (#1485433)
- Fix css class setting for folders with names matching defined classes names (#1485355)
- Fix race conditions when changing mailbox
- Fix spellchecking when switching to html editor (#1485362)
- Fix compose window width/height (#1485396)
- Allow calling from any directory (#1485431)
- Localized filesize units (#1485340)
- Better handling of "no identity" and "no email in identity" situations (#1485117)
- Added 'mime_param_folding' option with possibility to choose long/non-ascii attachment names encoding eg. to be readable in MS Outlook/OE (#1485320)
- Added "advanced options" feature in User Preferences
- Fix unread counter when displaying cached massage in preview panel (#1485290)
- Fix htmleditor spellchecking on MS Windows (#1485397)
- Fix problem with non-ascii attachment names in Mail_mime (#1485267, #1485096)
- Fix language autodetection (#1485401)
- Fix button label in folders management (#1485405)
- Fix collapsed folder not indicating unread msgs count of all subfolders (#1485403)
- Fix handling of apostrophes in filenames decoded according to rfc2231
- Made config files location configurable (#1485215)
- Reduced memory footprint when forwarding attachments (#1485345)
- Allow and use spellcheck attribute for input/textarea fields (#1485060)
- Added icons for forwarded/forwarded+replied messages (#1485257)
- Added Reply-To to forwarded emails (#1485315)
- Display progress message for folders create/delete/rename (#1485357)
- Smart Tags and NOBR tag support in html messages (#1485363, #1485327)
- Redesign of the identities settings (#1484042)
- Add config option to disable creation/deletion of identities (#1484498)
- Added 'sendmail_delay' option to restrict messages sending interval (#1484491)
- Added vertical splitter for folders list resizing
- Added possibility to view all headers in message view
- Fixed splitter drag/resize on Opera (#1485170)
- Fixed quota img height/width setting from template (#1484857)
- Refactor drag & drop functionality. Don't rely on browser events anymore (#1484453)
- Insert "virtual" folders in subscription list (#1484779)
- Added link to open message in new window
- Enable export of address book contacts as vCard
- Add feature to import contacts from vcard files (#1326103)
- Respect Content-Location headers in multipart/related messages according to RFC2110 (#1484946)
- Allowed max. attachment size now indicated in compose screen (#1485030)
- Also capture backspace key in list mode (#1484566)
- Allow application/pgp parts to be displayed (#1484753)
- Correctly handle options in mailto-links (#1485228)
- Immediately save sort_col/sort_order in user prefs (#1485265)
- Truncate very long (above 50 characters) attachment filenames when displaying
- Allow to auto-detect client language if none set (#1484434)
- Auto-detect the client timezone (user configurable)
- Add RFC2231 header value continuations support for attachment filenames + hack for servers that not support that feature
- Fix Reply-To header displaying (#1485314)
- Mark form buttons that provide the most obvious operation (mainaction)
- Added option 'quota_zero_as_unlimited' (#1484604)
- Added PRE handling in html2text class (#1484740)
- Added folder hierarchy collapsing
- Added options to use syslog instead of log file (#1484850)
- Added Logging & Debugging section in Installer
- Fix In-Reply-To and References headers when composing saved draft message (#1485288)
- Fix html message charset conversion for charsets with underline (#1485287)
- Fix buttons status after contacts deletion (#1485233)
- Fix escaping of To: and From: fields when building message body for reply or forward in the HTML editor (#1484904)
- Use current mailbox name in template (#1485256)
- Better fix for skipping untagged responses (#1485261)
- Added pspell support patch by Kris Steinhoff (#1483960)
- Enable spellchecker for HTML editor (#1485114)
- Respect spellcheck_uri in tinyMCE spellchecker (#1484196)
- Case insensitive contacts searching using PostgreSQL (#1485259)
- Make default imap folders configurable for each user (#1485075)
- Save outgoing mail to selectable folder (#1324581)
- Fix hiding of mark menu when clicking th button again (#1484944)
- Use long date format in print mode (#1485191)
- Updated TinyMCE to version
- Re-enable autocomplete attribute for login form (#1485211)
- Check PERMANENTFLAGS before saving $MDNSent flag (#1484963, #1485163)
- Added flag column on messages list (#1484623)
- Patched Mail/MimePart.php (
- Allow trash/junk subfolders to be purged (#1485085)
- Store compose parameters in session and redirect to a unique URL
- Fixed CRAM-MD5 authentication (#1484819)
- Fixed forwarding messages with one HTML attachment (#1484442)
- Fixed encoding of message/rfc822 attachments and image/pjpeg handling (#1484914)
- Added option to select skin in user preferences
- Added option to configure displaying of attached images below the message body
- Added option to display images in messages from known senders (#1484601)
- User preferences grouped in more fieldsets
- Fix corrupted MIME headers of messages in Sent folder (#1485111)
- Fixed bug in MDB2 package:
- Use keypress instead of keydown to select list's row (#1484816)
- Don't call expunge and don't remove message row after message move if flag_for_deletion is set to true (#1485002)
- Added option to disable autocompletion from selected LDAP address books (#1484922)
- TLS support in LDAP connections: 'use_tls' property (#1485104)
- Fixed removing messages from search set after deleting them (#1485106)
- Fixed iil_C_FetchStructureString() to handle many
literal strings in response (#1484969)
- Support for subfolders in default/protected folders (#1484665)
- Disallowed delimiter in folder name (#1484803)
- Support " and \ in folder names
- Escape \ in login (#1484614)
- Better HTML sanitization with the DOM-based washtml script (#1484701)
- Fixed sorting of folders with non-ascii characters
- Fixed Mysql DDL for default identities creation (#1485070)
- In Preferences added possibility to configure 'read_when_deleted',
'mdn_requests', 'flag_for_deletion' options
- Made IMAP auth type configurable (#1483825)
- Fixed empty values with FROM_UNIXTIME() in rcube_mdb2 (#1485055)
- Fixed attachment list on IE 6/7 (#1484807)
- Fixed JavaScript in compose.html that shows cc/bcc fields if populated
- Make password input fields of type password in installer (#1484886)
- Don't attempt to delete cache entries if enable_caching is FALSE (#1485051)
- Optimized messages sorting on servers without sort capability (#1485049)
- Corrected message headers decoding when charset isn't specified and improved
support for native languages (#1485050, #1485048)
- Expanded LDAP configuration options to support LDAP server writes.
- Installer: encode special characters in DB username/password (#1485042)
- Fixed management of folders with national characters in names (#1485036, #1485001)
- Fixed identities saving when using MDB2 pgsql driver (#1485032)
- Fixed BCC header reset (#1484997)
- Improved messages list performance - patch from Justin Heesemann
- Append skin_path to images location only when it starts with '/' sign (#1484859)
- Fix IMAP response in message body when message has no body (#1484964)
- Fixed non-RFC dates formatting (#1484901)
- Fixed typo in set_charset() (#1484991)
- Decode entities when inserting HTML signature to plain text message (#1484990)
- HTML editing is now working with PHP5 updates and TinyMCE v3.0.6
- Fixed signature loading on Windows (#1484545)
- Added language support to HTML editing (#1484862)
- Fixed remove signature when replying (#1333167)
- Fixed problem with line with a space at the end (#1484916)
- Fixed <!DOCTYPE> tag filtering (#1484391)
- Fixed <?xml> tag filtering (#1484403)
- Added sections (fieldset+label) in Settings interface
- Mark as read in one action with message preview (#1484972)
- Deleted redundant quota reads (#1484972)
- Added options for empty trash and expunge inbox on logout (#1483863)
- Removed lines wrapping when displaying message
- Fixed month localization
- Changed codebase to PHP5 with autoloader
- Clear selection when selecting single item (#1484942)
- Remove hard-coded image size in skin templates (#1484893)
- Database schema improvements (dropped unnecessary indexes)
- Fixed creating a new folder with a comma in its name (#1484681)
- Fixed sorting of messages when default mailbox is empty (#1484317)
- Improve message previewpane - less loading (#1484316)
- Fixed login form autoompletion (#1484839)
- Fixed virtuser_query option for mdb2 backend (#1484874)
- Fixed attachment resoting from Drafts when message body was empty (#1484506)
- Fixed usage of ob_gzhandler (#1484851)
- Fixed message part window in IE6 (#1484610)
- Fixed decoding of mime-encoded strings (#1484191)
- Fixed some iconv/mb_string problems (#1484598)
- Correctly quote mailbox name when using in URL (#1484313)
- Fixed "headers already sent" errors (#1484860)
- Added interactive installer script
- Fix folder adding/renaming inspired by #1484800
- Localize folder name in page title (#1484785)
- Fix code using wrong variable name (#1484018)
- Allow to send mail with BCC recipients only
- condense TinyMCE toolbar down to one line, removing table buttons (#1484747)
- Add function to mark the selected messages as read/unread (#1457360)
- Also do charset decoding as suggested in RFC 2231 (fix #1484321)
- Show message count in folder list and hint when creating a subfolder
- Distinguish ssl and tls for imap connections (#1484667)
- Added some charset aliases to fix typical mis-labelling (#1484565)
- Remember decision to display images for a certain message during session (#1484754)
- Truncate attachment filenames to 55 characters due to an IE bug (#1484757)
- Make sending of read receipts configurable
- Respect config when localize folder names (#1484707)
- Also respect receipt and priority settings when re-opening a draft message
- Remember search results (closes #1483883), patch by the_glu
- Add Received header on outgoing mail
- Upgrade to TinyMCE 2.1.3
- Allow inserting image attachments into HTML messages while composing (#1484557)
- Implement Message-Disposition-Notification (Receipts)
- Fix overriding of session vars when register_globals is on (#1484670)
- Fix bug with case-sensitive folder names (#1484245)
- Don't create default folders by default
- Fixed some potential security risks (audited by Andris)
- Only show new messages if they match the current search (#1484176)
- Switch to/from when searcing in Sent folder (#1484555)
- Correctly read the References header (#1484646)
- Unset old cookie before sending a new value (#1484639)
- Correctly decode attachments when downloading them (#1484645 and #1484642)
- Suppress IE errors when clearing attachments form (#1484356)
- Log error when login fails due to auto_create_user turned off
- Filter linked/imported CSS files (closes #1484056)
- Improve message compose screen (closes #1484383)
- Select next row after removing one from list (#1484387)
- Enable drag-&-dropping of folders to a new parent and allow to create subfolders (#1457344)
- Suppress IE errors when clearing attachments form (#1484356)
- Set preferences field in user table to NULL (#1484386)
- Log error when login fails due to auto_create_user turned off
- Filter linked/imported CSS files (closes #1484056)
- Improve message compose screen (closes #1484383)
- Select next row after removing one from list (#1484387)
- Make smtp HELO/EHLO hostname configurable (#1484067)
- IPv6 Compatability (#1484322), Patch #1484373
- Unlock interface when message sending fails (#1484570)
- Eval PHP code in template includes (if configured)
- Show message when folder is empty. Mo more static text in table (#1484395)
- Only display unread count in page title when new messages arrived
- Fixed wrong delete button tooltip (#1483965)
- Fixed charset encoding bug (#1484429)
- Applied patch for LDAP version (#1484552)
- Improved XHTML validation
- Fix message list selection (#1484550)
- Better fix lowercased usernames (#1484473)
- Update pngbehavior Script as suggested in #1484490
- Fixed moving/deleting messages when more than 1 is selected
- Applied patch for LDAP contacts listing by Glen Ogilvie
- Applied patch for more address fields in LDAP contacts (#1484402)
- Add alternative for getallheaders() (fix #1484508)
- Identify mailboxes case-sensitive
- Sort mailbox list case-insensitive (closes #1484338)
- Fix display of multipart messages from Apple Mail (closes #1484027)
- Protect AJAX request from being fetched by a foreign site (XSS)
- Make autocomplete for loginform configurable by the skin template
- Fix compose function from address book (closes #1484426)
- Added //IGNORE to iconv call (patch #1484420, closes #1484023)
- Check if mbstring supports charset (#1484290 and #1484292)
- Prefer iconv over mbstring (as suggested in #1484292)
- Check filesize of template includes (#1484409)
- Fixed bug with buttons not dimming/enabling properly after switching folders
- Fixed compose window becoming unresponsive after saving a draft (#1484487)
- Re-enabled "Back" button in compose window now that bug #1484487 is fixed
- Fixed unresponsive interface issue when downloading attachments (#1484496)
- Lowered status message time from 5 to 3 seconds to improve responsiveness
- Raised .htaccess upload_max_filesize from 2M to 5M to differ from default php.ini
- Increased "mailboxcontrols" mail.css width from 160 to 170px to fix non-english languages (#1484499)
- Fix status message bug #1484464 with regard to #1484353
- Fix address adding bug reported by David Koblas
- Applied socket error patch by Thomas Mangin
- Pass-by-reference workarround for PHP5 in
- Fixed buggy imap_root settings (closes #1484379)
- Prevent default events on subject links (#1484399)
- Use HTTP-POST requests for actions that change state
- Use global filters and bind username/ for Ldap searches (#1484159)
- Hide quota display if imap server does not support it
- Hide address groups if no LDAP servers configured
- Add link to message subjects (closes #1484257)
- Better SQL query for contact listing/search (closes #1484369)
- Fixed marking as read in preview pane (closes #1484364)
- CSS hack to display attachments correctly in IE6
- Wrap message body text (closes #1484148)
- LDAP access is back in address book (closes #1484087)
- Added search function for contacts
- New Template parsing and output encoding
- Fixed bugs #1484119 and #1483978
- Fixed message moving procedure (closes #1484308)
- Fixed display of multiple attachments (closes #1466563)
- Fixed check for new messages (closes #1484310)
- List attachments without filename
- New session authentication: Change sessid cookie when login, authentication with sessauth cookie is now configurable.
Should close bugs #1483951 and #1484299
- Correctly translate mailbox names (closes #1484276)
- Quote e-mail address links (closes #1484300)
- Updated PEAR::Mail_mime package
- Accept single quotes for HTML attributes when modifying message body (thanks Jason)
- Sanitize input for new users/identities (thanks Colin Alston)
- Don't download HTML message parts
- Convert HTML parts to plaintext if 'prefer_html' is off
- Correctly parse message/rfc822 parts (closes #1484045)
- Also use user_id for unique key in messages table (closes #1484074)
- Hide contacts drop down on blur (closes #1484203)
- Make entries in contacts drop down clickable
- Turn off browser autocompletion on login page
- Quote <? in text/html message parts
- Hide border around radio buttons
- Applied patch for attachment download by crichardson (closes #1484198)
- Fixed bug in Postgres DB handling (closes #1484068)
- Fixed bug of invalid calls to fetchRow() in (closes #1484280)
- Fixed array_merge bug (closes #1484281)
- Fixed flag for deletion in list view (closes #1484264)
- Finally support semicolons as recipient separator (closes ##1484251)
- Fixed message headers (subject) encoding
- check if safe mode is on or not (closes #1484269)
- Show "no subject" in message list if subject is missing (closes #1484243)
- Solved page caching of message preview (closes #1484153)
- Only use gzip compression if configured (closes #1484236)
- Fixed priority selector issue (#1484150)
- Fixed some CSS issues in default skin (closes #1484210 and #1484161)
- Prevent from double quoting of numeric HTML character references (closes #1484253)
- Fixed display of HTML message attachments (closes #1484178)
- Applied patch for preview caching (closes #1484186)
- Added error handling for attachment uploads
- Use multibyte safe string functions where necessary (closes #1483988)
- Applied security patch to validate the submitted host value (by Kees Cook)
- Applied security patch to validate input values when deleting contacts (by Kees Cook)
- Applied security patch that sanitizes emoticon paths when attaching them (by Kees Cook)
- Applied a patch to more aggressively sanitize a HTML message
- Visualize blocked images in HTML messages
- Fixed wrong message listing when showing search results (closes #1484131)
- Show remote images when opening HTML message part as attachment
- Improve memory usage when sending mail (closes #1484098)
- Mark messages as read once the preview is loaded (closes #1484132)
- Include smtp final response in log (closes #1484081)
- Corrected date string in sent message header (closes #1484125)
- Correclty choose "To" column in sent and draft mailboxes (closes #1483943)
- Changed srong tooltips for message browse buttons (closes #1483930)
- Fixed signature delimeter character to be standard (Bug #1484035)
- Fixed XSS vulnerability (Bug #1484109)
- Remove newlines from mail headers (Bug #1484031)
- Selection issues when moving/deleting (Bug #1484044)
- Applied patch of Clement Moulin for imap host auto-selection
- ISO-encode IMAP password for plaintext login (Bugs #1483977 & #1483886)
- Fixed folder name encoding in subscription list (Bug #1484113)
- Fixed JS errors in identity list (Bug #1484120)
- Translate foldernames in folder form (closes #1484113)
- Added first and last buttons to message list, address book
and message detail
- Pressing Shift-Del bypasses Trash folder
- Enable purge command for Junk folder
- Fetch all aliases if virtuser_query is used instead
- Re-enabled multi select of contacts (Bug #1484017)
- Enable contact editing right after creation (Bug #1459641)
- Correct UTF-7 to UTF-8 conversion if mbstring is not available
- Fixed IMAP fetch of message body (Bug #1484019)
- Fixed safe_mode problems (Bug #1418381)
- Fixed wrong header encoding (Bug #1483976)
- Made automatic draft saving configurable
- Fixed JS bug when renaming folders (Bug #1483989)
- Added quota display as image (by Brett Patterson)
- Corrected creation of a message-id
- New indentation for quoted message text
- Improved HTML validity
- Fixed URL character set (Ticket #1445501)
- Fixed saving of contact into MySQL from LDAP query results (Ticket #1483820)
- Fixed folder renaming: unsubscribe before rename (Bug #1483920)
- Finalized new message parsing (+ chaching)
- Fixed wrong usage of mbstring (Bug #1462439)
- Set default spelling language (Ticket #1483938)
- Added support for Nox Spell Server
- Re-built message parsing (Bug #1327068)
Now based on the message structure delivered by the IMAP server.
- Fixed some XSS and SQL injection issues
- Fixed charset problems with folder renaming
diff --git a/program/include/rcmail.php b/program/include/rcmail.php
index e660e52c5..45b59ae49 100644
--- a/program/include/rcmail.php
+++ b/program/include/rcmail.php
@@ -1,971 +1,971 @@
| program/include/rcmail.php |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2008-2009, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Application class providing core functions and holding |
| instances of all 'global' objects like db- and imap-connections |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
$Id: rcmail.php 328 2006-08-30 17:41:21Z thomasb $
* Application class of RoundCube Webmail
* implemented as singleton
* @package Core
class rcmail
static public $main_tasks = array('mail','settings','addressbook','login','logout');
static private $instance;
public $config;
public $user;
public $db;
public $imap;
public $output;
public $plugins;
public $task = 'mail';
public $action = '';
public $comm_path = './';
private $texts;
* This implements the 'singleton' design pattern
* @return object rcmail The one and only instance
static function get_instance()
if (!self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new rcmail();
self::$instance->startup(); // init AFTER object was linked with self::$instance
return self::$instance;
* Private constructor
private function __construct()
// load configuration
$this->config = new rcube_config();
register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown'));
* Initial startup function
* to register session, create database and imap connections
* @todo Remove global vars $DB, $USER
private function startup()
$config_all = $this->config->all();
// initialize syslog
if ($this->config->get('log_driver') == 'syslog') {
$syslog_id = $this->config->get('syslog_id', 'roundcube');
$syslog_facility = $this->config->get('syslog_facility', LOG_USER);
openlog($syslog_id, LOG_ODELAY, $syslog_facility);
// set task and action properties
$this->set_task(get_input_value('_task', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
$this->action = asciiwords(get_input_value('_action', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
// connect to database
$GLOBALS['DB'] = $this->get_dbh();
// use database for storing session data
// set session domain
if (!empty($config_all['session_domain'])) {
ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $config_all['session_domain']);
// set session garbage collecting time according to session_lifetime
if (!empty($config_all['session_lifetime'])) {
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', ($config_all['session_lifetime']) * 120);
// start PHP session (if not in CLI mode)
// set initial session vars
if (!isset($_SESSION['auth_time'])) {
$_SESSION['auth_time'] = time();
$_SESSION['temp'] = true;
// create user object
$this->set_user(new rcube_user($_SESSION['user_id']));
// reset some session parameters when changing task
if ($_SESSION['task'] != $this->task)
- unset($_SESSION['page']);
+ rcube_sess_unset('page');
// set current task to session
$_SESSION['task'] = $this->task;
// create IMAP object
if ($this->task == 'mail')
// create plugin API and load plugins
$this->plugins = rcube_plugin_api::get_instance();
* Setter for application task
* @param string Task to set
public function set_task($task)
$task = asciiwords($task);
$this->task = $task ? $task : 'mail';
$this->comm_path = $this->url(array('task' => $this->task));
if ($this->output)
$this->output->set_env('task', $this->task);
* Setter for system user object
* @param object rcube_user Current user instance
public function set_user($user)
if (is_object($user)) {
$this->user = $user;
$GLOBALS['USER'] = $this->user;
// overwrite config with user preferences
$_SESSION['language'] = $this->user->language = $this->language_prop($this->config->get('language', $_SESSION['language']));
// set localization
setlocale(LC_ALL, $_SESSION['language'] . '.utf8', 'en_US.utf8');
// workaround for
if (in_array($_SESSION['language'], array('tr_TR', 'ku', 'az_AZ')))
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_US' . '.utf8');
* Check the given string and return a valid language code
* @param string Language code
* @return string Valid language code
private function language_prop($lang)
static $rcube_languages, $rcube_language_aliases;
// user HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE if no language is specified
if (empty($lang) || $lang == 'auto') {
$accept_langs = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
$lang = str_replace('-', '_', $accept_langs[0]);
if (empty($rcube_languages)) {
@include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/');
// check if we have an alias for that language
if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) && isset($rcube_language_aliases[$lang])) {
$lang = $rcube_language_aliases[$lang];
// try the first two chars
else if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang])) {
$short = substr($lang, 0, 2);
// check if we have an alias for the short language code
if (!isset($rcube_languages[$short]) && isset($rcube_language_aliases[$short])) {
$lang = $rcube_language_aliases[$short];
// expand 'nn' to 'nn_NN'
else if (!isset($rcube_languages[$short])) {
$lang = $short.'_'.strtoupper($short);
if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) || !is_dir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang)) {
$lang = 'en_US';
return $lang;
* Get the current database connection
* @return object rcube_mdb2 Database connection object
public function get_dbh()
if (!$this->db) {
$config_all = $this->config->all();
$this->db = new rcube_mdb2($config_all['db_dsnw'], $config_all['db_dsnr'], $config_all['db_persistent']);
$this->db->sqlite_initials = INSTALL_PATH . 'SQL/sqlite.initial.sql';
return $this->db;
* Return instance of the internal address book class
* @param boolean True if the address book needs to be writeable
* @return object rcube_contacts Address book object
public function get_address_book($id, $writeable = false)
$contacts = null;
$ldap_config = (array)$this->config->get('ldap_public');
$abook_type = strtolower($this->config->get('address_book_type'));
$plugin = $this->plugins->exec_hook('get_address_book', array('id' => $id, 'writeable' => $writeable));
// plugin returned instance of a rcube_addressbook
if ($plugin['instance'] instanceof rcube_addressbook) {
$contacts = $plugin['instance'];
else if ($id && $ldap_config[$id]) {
$contacts = new rcube_ldap($ldap_config[$id]);
else if ($id === '0') {
$contacts = new rcube_contacts($this->db, $this->user->ID);
else if ($abook_type == 'ldap') {
// Use the first writable LDAP address book.
foreach ($ldap_config as $id => $prop) {
if (!$writeable || $prop['writable']) {
$contacts = new rcube_ldap($prop);
else {
$contacts = new rcube_contacts($this->db, $this->user->ID);
return $contacts;
* Init output object for GUI and add common scripts.
* This will instantiate a rcmail_template object and set
* environment vars according to the current session and configuration
* @param boolean True if this request is loaded in a (i)frame
* @return object rcube_template Reference to HTML output object
public function load_gui($framed = false)
// init output page
if (!($this->output instanceof rcube_template))
$this->output = new rcube_template($this->task, $framed);
foreach (array('flag_for_deletion','read_when_deleted') as $js_config_var) {
$this->output->set_env($js_config_var, $this->config->get($js_config_var));
// set keep-alive/check-recent interval
if ($keep_alive = $this->config->get('keep_alive')) {
// be sure that it's less than session lifetime
if ($session_lifetime = $this->config->get('session_lifetime'))
$keep_alive = min($keep_alive, $session_lifetime * 60 - 30);
$this->output->set_env('keep_alive', max(60, $keep_alive));
if ($framed) {
$this->comm_path .= '&_framed=1';
$this->output->set_env('framed', true);
$this->output->set_env('task', $this->task);
$this->output->set_env('action', $this->action);
$this->output->set_env('comm_path', $this->comm_path);
$this->output->set_charset($this->config->get('charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET));
// add some basic label to client
return $this->output;
* Create an output object for JSON responses
* @return object rcube_json_output Reference to JSON output object
public function init_json()
if (!($this->output instanceof rcube_json_output))
$this->output = new rcube_json_output($this->task);
return $this->output;
* Create global IMAP object and connect to server
* @param boolean True if connection should be established
* @todo Remove global $IMAP
public function imap_init($connect = false)
$this->imap = new rcube_imap($this->db);
$this->imap->debug_level = $this->config->get('debug_level');
$this->imap->skip_deleted = $this->config->get('skip_deleted');
// enable caching of imap data
if ($this->config->get('enable_caching')) {
// set pagesize from config
$this->imap->set_pagesize($this->config->get('pagesize', 50));
// Setting root and delimiter before iil_Connect can save time detecting them
// using NAMESPACE and LIST
$options = array(
'imap' => $this->config->get('imap_auth_type', 'check'),
'delimiter' => isset($_SESSION['imap_delimiter']) ? $_SESSION['imap_delimiter'] : $this->config->get('imap_delimiter'),
'rootdir' => isset($_SESSION['imap_root']) ? $_SESSION['imap_root'] : $this->config->get('imap_root'),
// set global object for backward compatibility
$GLOBALS['IMAP'] = $this->imap;
if ($connect)
* Connect to IMAP server with stored session data
* @return bool True on success, false on error
public function imap_connect()
$conn = false;
if ($_SESSION['imap_host'] && !$this->imap->conn) {
if (!($conn = $this->imap->connect($_SESSION['imap_host'], $_SESSION['username'], $this->decrypt_passwd($_SESSION['password']), $_SESSION['imap_port'], $_SESSION['imap_ssl']))) {
if ($this->output)
$this->output->show_message($this->imap->error_code == -1 ? 'imaperror' : 'sessionerror', 'error');
return $conn;
* Perfom login to the IMAP server and to the webmail service.
* This will also create a new user entry if auto_create_user is configured.
* @param string IMAP user name
* @param string IMAP password
* @param string IMAP host
* @return boolean True on success, False on failure
function login($username, $pass, $host=NULL)
$user = NULL;
$config = $this->config->all();
if (!$host)
$host = $config['default_host'];
// Validate that selected host is in the list of configured hosts
if (is_array($config['default_host'])) {
$allowed = false;
foreach ($config['default_host'] as $key => $host_allowed) {
if (!is_numeric($key))
$host_allowed = $key;
if ($host == $host_allowed) {
$allowed = true;
if (!$allowed)
return false;
else if (!empty($config['default_host']) && $host != $config['default_host'])
return false;
// parse $host URL
$a_host = parse_url($host);
if ($a_host['host']) {
$host = $a_host['host'];
$imap_ssl = (isset($a_host['scheme']) && in_array($a_host['scheme'], array('ssl','imaps','tls'))) ? $a_host['scheme'] : null;
$imap_port = $a_host['port'];
else if ($imap_ssl && $imap_ssl != 'tls')
$imap_port = 993;
$imap_port = $imap_port ? $imap_port : $config['default_port'];
/* Modify username with domain if required
Inspired by Marco <>
// Check if we need to add domain
if (!empty($config['username_domain']) && !strpos($username, '@')) {
if (is_array($config['username_domain']) && isset($config['username_domain'][$host]))
$username .= '@'.$config['username_domain'][$host];
else if (is_string($config['username_domain']))
$username .= '@'.$config['username_domain'];
// try to resolve email address from virtuser table
if (strpos($username, '@'))
if ($virtuser = rcube_user::email2user($username))
$username = $virtuser;
// lowercase username if it's an e-mail address (#1484473)
if (strpos($username, '@'))
$username = rc_strtolower($username);
// user already registered -> overwrite username
if ($user = rcube_user::query($username, $host))
$username = $user->data['username'];
// exit if IMAP login failed
if (!($imap_login = $this->imap->connect($host, $username, $pass, $imap_port, $imap_ssl)))
return false;
// user already registered -> update user's record
if (is_object($user)) {
// create new system user
else if ($config['auto_create_user']) {
if ($created = rcube_user::create($username, $host)) {
$user = $created;
// get existing mailboxes (but why?)
// $a_mailboxes = $this->imap->list_mailboxes();
else {
'code' => 600,
'type' => 'php',
'file' => RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR."/",
'message' => "Acces denied for new user $username. 'auto_create_user' is disabled"
), true, false);
// login succeeded
if (is_object($user) && $user->ID) {
// set session vars
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->ID;
$_SESSION['username'] = $user->data['username'];
$_SESSION['imap_host'] = $host;
$_SESSION['imap_port'] = $imap_port;
$_SESSION['imap_ssl'] = $imap_ssl;
$_SESSION['password'] = $this->encrypt_passwd($pass);
$_SESSION['login_time'] = mktime();
if ($_REQUEST['_timezone'] != '_default_')
$_SESSION['timezone'] = floatval($_REQUEST['_timezone']);
// force reloading complete list of subscribed mailboxes
if ($config['create_default_folders'])
return true;
return false;
* Set root dir and last stored mailbox
* This must be done AFTER connecting to the server!
public function set_imap_prop()
$this->imap->set_charset($this->config->get('default_charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET));
if ($default_folders = $this->config->get('default_imap_folders')) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['mbox'])) {
if (isset($_SESSION['page'])) {
// cache IMAP root and delimiter in session for performance reasons
$_SESSION['imap_root'] = $this->imap->root_dir;
$_SESSION['imap_delimiter'] = $this->imap->delimiter;
* Auto-select IMAP host based on the posted login information
* @return string Selected IMAP host
public function autoselect_host()
$default_host = $this->config->get('default_host');
$host = null;
if (is_array($default_host)) {
$post_host = get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
// direct match in default_host array
if ($default_host[$post_host] || in_array($post_host, array_values($default_host))) {
$host = $post_host;
// try to select host by mail domain
list($user, $domain) = explode('@', get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_POST));
if (!empty($domain)) {
foreach ($default_host as $imap_host => $mail_domains) {
if (is_array($mail_domains) && in_array($domain, $mail_domains)) {
$host = $imap_host;
// take the first entry if $host is still an array
if (empty($host)) {
$host = array_shift($default_host);
else if (empty($default_host)) {
$host = get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
$host = $default_host;
return $host;
* Get localized text in the desired language
* @param mixed Named parameters array or label name
* @return string Localized text
public function gettext($attrib, $domain=null)
// load localization files if not done yet
if (empty($this->texts))
// extract attributes
if (is_string($attrib))
$attrib = array('name' => $attrib);
$nr = is_numeric($attrib['nr']) ? $attrib['nr'] : 1;
$vars = isset($attrib['vars']) ? $attrib['vars'] : '';
$command_name = !empty($attrib['command']) ? $attrib['command'] : NULL;
$alias = $attrib['name'] ? $attrib['name'] : ($command_name && $command_label_map[$command_name] ? $command_label_map[$command_name] : '');
// check for text with domain
if ($domain && ($text_item = $this->texts[$domain.'.'.$alias]))
// text does not exist
else if (!($text_item = $this->texts[$alias])) {
'code' => 500,
'type' => 'php',
'line' => __LINE__,
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Missing localized text for '$alias' in '$sess_user_lang'"), TRUE, FALSE);
return "[$alias]";
// make text item array
$a_text_item = is_array($text_item) ? $text_item : array('single' => $text_item);
// decide which text to use
if ($nr == 1) {
$text = $a_text_item['single'];
else if ($nr > 0) {
$text = $a_text_item['multiple'];
else if ($nr == 0) {
if ($a_text_item['none'])
$text = $a_text_item['none'];
else if ($a_text_item['single'])
$text = $a_text_item['single'];
else if ($a_text_item['multiple'])
$text = $a_text_item['multiple'];
// default text is single
if ($text == '') {
$text = $a_text_item['single'];
// replace vars in text
if (is_array($attrib['vars'])) {
foreach ($attrib['vars'] as $var_key => $var_value)
$a_replace_vars[$var_key{0}=='$' ? substr($var_key, 1) : $var_key] = $var_value;
if ($a_replace_vars)
$text = preg_replace('/\$\{?([_a-z]{1}[_a-z0-9]*)\}?/ei', '$a_replace_vars["\1"]', $text);
// format output
if (($attrib['uppercase'] && strtolower($attrib['uppercase']=='first')) || $attrib['ucfirst'])
return ucfirst($text);
else if ($attrib['uppercase'])
return strtoupper($text);
else if ($attrib['lowercase'])
return strtolower($text);
return $text;
* Load a localization package
* @param string Language ID
public function load_language($lang = null, $add = array())
$lang = $this->language_prop(($lang ? $lang : $_SESSION['language']));
// load localized texts
if (empty($this->texts) || $lang != $_SESSION['language']) {
$this->texts = array();
// get english labels (these should be complete)
@include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/en_US/');
@include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/en_US/');
if (is_array($labels))
$this->texts = $labels;
if (is_array($messages))
$this->texts = array_merge($this->texts, $messages);
// include user language files
if ($lang != 'en' && is_dir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang)) {
include_once(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang . '/');
include_once(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang . '/');
if (is_array($labels))
$this->texts = array_merge($this->texts, $labels);
if (is_array($messages))
$this->texts = array_merge($this->texts, $messages);
$_SESSION['language'] = $lang;
// append additional texts (from plugin)
if (is_array($add) && !empty($add))
$this->texts += $add;
* Read directory program/localization and return a list of available languages
* @return array List of available localizations
public function list_languages()
static $sa_languages = array();
if (!sizeof($sa_languages)) {
@include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/');
if ($dh = @opendir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization')) {
while (($name = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($name{0}=='.' || !is_dir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $name))
if ($label = $rcube_languages[$name])
$sa_languages[$name] = $label ? $label : $name;
return $sa_languages;
* Check the auth hash sent by the client against the local session credentials
* @return boolean True if valid, False if not
function authenticate_session()
// advanced session authentication
if ($this->config->get('double_auth')) {
$now = time();
$valid = ($_COOKIE['sessauth'] == $this->get_auth_hash(session_id(), $_SESSION['auth_time']) ||
$_COOKIE['sessauth'] == $this->get_auth_hash(session_id(), $_SESSION['last_auth']));
// renew auth cookie every 5 minutes (only for GET requests)
if (!$valid || ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']!='POST' && $now - $_SESSION['auth_time'] > 300)) {
$_SESSION['last_auth'] = $_SESSION['auth_time'];
$_SESSION['auth_time'] = $now;
rcmail::setcookie('sessauth', $this->get_auth_hash(session_id(), $now), 0);
else {
$valid = $this->config->get('ip_check') ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $SESS_CLIENT_IP : true;
// check session filetime
$lifetime = $this->config->get('session_lifetime');
if (!empty($lifetime) && isset($SESS_CHANGED) && $SESS_CHANGED + $lifetime*60 < time()) {
$valid = false;
return $valid;
* Destroy session data and remove cookie
public function kill_session()
$_SESSION = array('language' => $this->user->language, 'auth_time' => time(), 'temp' => true);
rcmail::setcookie('sessauth', '-del-', time() - 60);
* Do server side actions on logout
public function logout_actions()
$config = $this->config->all();
// on logout action we're not connected to imap server
if (($config['logout_purge'] && !empty($config['trash_mbox'])) || $config['logout_expunge']) {
if (!$this->authenticate_session())
if ($config['logout_purge'] && !empty($config['trash_mbox'])) {
if ($config['logout_expunge']) {
* Function to be executed in script shutdown
* Registered with register_shutdown_function()
public function shutdown()
if (is_object($this->imap)) {
if (is_object($this->contacts))
// before closing the database connection, write session data
* Create unique authorization hash
* @param string Session ID
* @param int Timestamp
* @return string The generated auth hash
private function get_auth_hash($sess_id, $ts)
$auth_string = sprintf('rcmail*sess%sR%s*Chk:%s;%s',
$this->config->get('ip_check') ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '***.***.***.***',
if (function_exists('sha1'))
return sha1($auth_string);
return md5($auth_string);
* Encrypt IMAP password using DES encryption
* @param string Password to encrypt
* @return string Encryprted string
public function encrypt_passwd($pass)
if (function_exists('mcrypt_module_open') && ($td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TripleDES, "", MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, ""))) {
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this->config->get_des_key(), $iv);
$cypher = mcrypt_generic($td, $pass);
else if (function_exists('des')) {
$cypher = des($this->config->get_des_key(), $pass, 1, 0, NULL);
else {
$cypher = $pass;
'code' => 500,
'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Could not convert encrypt password. Make sure Mcrypt is installed or lib/ is available"
), true, false);
return base64_encode($cypher);
* Decrypt IMAP password using DES encryption
* @param string Encrypted password
* @return string Plain password
public function decrypt_passwd($cypher)
if (function_exists('mcrypt_module_open') && ($td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TripleDES, "", MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, ""))) {
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this->config->get_des_key(), $iv);
$pass = mdecrypt_generic($td, base64_decode($cypher));
else if (function_exists('des')) {
$pass = des($this->config->get_des_key(), base64_decode($cypher), 0, 0, NULL);
else {
$pass = base64_decode($cypher);
return preg_replace('/\x00/', '', $pass);
* Build a valid URL to this instance of RoundCube
* @param mixed Either a string with the action or url parameters as key-value pairs
* @return string Valid application URL
public function url($p)
if (!is_array($p))
$p = array('_action' => @func_get_arg(0));
$task = $p['_task'] ? $p['_task'] : ($p['task'] ? $p['task'] : $this->task);
$p['_task'] = $task;
$url = './';
$delm = '?';
foreach (array_reverse($p) as $key => $val)
if (!empty($val)) {
$par = $key[0] == '_' ? $key : '_'.$key;
$url .= $delm.urlencode($par).'='.urlencode($val);
$delm = '&';
return $url;
* Helper method to set a cookie with the current path and host settings
* @param string Cookie name
* @param string Cookie value
* @param string Expiration time
public static function setcookie($name, $value, $exp = 0)
$cookie = session_get_cookie_params();
setcookie($name, $value, $exp, $cookie['path'], $cookie['domain'],
($_SERVER['HTTPS'] && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off')));
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
index d75b303b3..2d537eda6 100644
--- a/program/include/
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -1,153 +1,282 @@
| program/include/ |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2009, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Provide database supported session management |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
function rcube_sess_open($save_path, $session_name)
return true;
function rcube_sess_close()
return true;
// read session data
function rcube_sess_read($key)
$DB = rcmail::get_instance()->get_dbh();
$sql_result = $DB->query(
"SELECT vars, ip, " . $DB->unixtimestamp('changed') . " AS changed
FROM " . get_table_name('session') . "
WHERE sess_id=?",
if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
$SESS_CHANGED = $sql_arr['changed'];
$SESS_CLIENT_IP = $sql_arr['ip'];
if (strlen($sql_arr['vars']))
return $sql_arr['vars'];
return false;
// save session data
function rcube_sess_write($key, $vars)
$DB = rcmail::get_instance()->get_dbh();
- $sql_result = $DB->query(
- "SELECT 1 FROM " . get_table_name('session') . "
- WHERE sess_id=?",
- $key);
$now = $DB->fromunixtime(time());
- if ($DB->num_rows($sql_result)) {
+ if ($oldvars = rcube_sess_read($key)) {
"UPDATE " . get_table_name('session') . "
SET vars=?, changed= " . $now . "
WHERE sess_id=?",
- $vars,
+ rcube_sess_serialize(array_merge(rcube_sess_unserialize($oldvars), rcube_sess_unserialize($vars))),
else {
"INSERT INTO " . get_table_name('session') . "
(sess_id, vars, ip, created, changed)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, " . $now . ", " . $now .")",
return true;
+// unset session variable
+function rcube_sess_unset($var)
+ $DB = rcmail::get_instance()->get_dbh();
+ if ($DB->is_error()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $now = $DB->fromunixtime(time());
+ $sql_result = $DB->query(
+ "SELECT vars
+ FROM " . get_table_name('session') . "
+ WHERE sess_id=?",
+ session_id());
+ if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
+ $vars = rcube_sess_unserialize($sql_arr['vars']);
+ if (isset($vars[$var])) {
+ unset($vars[$var]);
+ $DB->query(
+ "UPDATE " . get_table_name('session') . "
+ SET vars=?, changed= " . $now . "
+ WHERE sess_id=?",
+ rcube_sess_serialize($vars),
+ session_id());
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// serialize session data
+function rcube_sess_serialize($vars)
+ $data = '';
+ if (is_array($vars))
+ foreach ($vars as $var=>$value)
+ $data .= $var.'|'.serialize($value);
+ else
+ $data = 'b:0;';
+ return $data;
+// unserialize session data
+function rcube_sess_unserialize($str)
+ $str = (string)$str;
+ $endptr = strlen($str);
+ $p = 0;
+ $serialized = '';
+ $items = 0;
+ $level = 0;
+ while ($p < $endptr) {
+ $q = $p;
+ while ($str[$q] != '|')
+ if (++$q >= $endptr) break 2;
+ if ($str[$p] == '!') {
+ $p++;
+ $has_value = false;
+ } else {
+ $has_value = true;
+ }
+ $name = substr($str, $p, $q - $p);
+ $q++;
+ $serialized .= 's:' . strlen($name) . ':"' . $name . '";';
+ if ($has_value) {
+ for (;;) {
+ $p = $q;
+ switch (strtolower($str[$q])) {
+ case 'n': /* null */
+ case 'b': /* boolean */
+ case 'i': /* integer */
+ case 'd': /* decimal */
+ do $q++;
+ while ( ($q < $endptr) && ($str[$q] != ';') );
+ $q++;
+ $serialized .= substr($str, $p, $q - $p);
+ if ($level == 0) break 2;
+ break;
+ case 'r': /* reference */
+ $q+= 2;
+ for ($id = ''; ($q < $endptr) && ($str[$q] != ';'); $q++) $id .= $str[$q];
+ $q++;
+ $serialized .= 'R:' . ($id + 1) . ';'; /* increment pointer because of outer array */
+ if ($level == 0) break 2;
+ break;
+ case 's': /* string */
+ $q+=2;
+ for ($length=''; ($q < $endptr) && ($str[$q] != ':'); $q++) $length .= $str[$q];
+ $q+=2;
+ $q+= (int)$length + 2;
+ $serialized .= substr($str, $p, $q - $p);
+ if ($level == 0) break 2;
+ break;
+ case 'a': /* array */
+ case 'o': /* object */
+ do $q++;
+ while ( ($q < $endptr) && ($str[$q] != '{') );
+ $q++;
+ $level++;
+ $serialized .= substr($str, $p, $q - $p);
+ break;
+ case '}': /* end of array|object */
+ $q++;
+ $serialized .= substr($str, $p, $q - $p);
+ if (--$level == 0) break 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $serialized .= 'N;';
+ $q+= 2;
+ }
+ $items++;
+ $p = $q;
+ }
+ return unserialize( 'a:' . $items . ':{' . $serialized . '}' );
// handler for session_destroy()
function rcube_sess_destroy($key)
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$DB = $rcmail->get_dbh();
$DB->query("DELETE FROM " . get_table_name('session') . " WHERE sess_id=?", $key);
return true;
// garbage collecting function
function rcube_sess_gc($maxlifetime)
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$DB = $rcmail->get_dbh();
// just delete all expired sessions
$DB->query("DELETE FROM " . get_table_name('session') . "
WHERE changed < " . $DB->fromunixtime(time() - $maxlifetime));
if ($rcmail->config->get('enable_caching'))
return true;
function rcube_sess_regenerate_id()
$randval = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
for ($random = "", $i=1; $i <= 32; $i++) {
$random .= substr($randval, rand(0,(strlen($randval) - 1)), 1);
// use md5 value for id or remove capitals from string $randval
$random = md5($random);
// delete old session record
$cookie = session_get_cookie_params();
$lifetime = $cookie['lifetime'] ? time() + $cookie['lifetime'] : 0;
rcmail::setcookie(session_name(), $random, $lifetime);
return true;
// set custom functions for PHP session management
session_set_save_handler('rcube_sess_open', 'rcube_sess_close', 'rcube_sess_read', 'rcube_sess_write', 'rcube_sess_destroy', 'rcube_sess_gc');
diff --git a/program/steps/mail/ b/program/steps/mail/
index 537199cc8..5e9bc8a70 100644
--- a/program/steps/mail/
+++ b/program/steps/mail/
@@ -1,1484 +1,1484 @@
| program/steps/mail/ |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2009, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Provide webmail functionality and GUI objects |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
$EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN = '([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-\.\+\_]*@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-][.]?)*[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,5})';
// actions that do not require imap connection
$NOIMAP_ACTIONS = array('spell', 'addcontact', 'autocomplete', 'upload', 'display-attachment', 'remove-attachment');
// log in to imap server
if (!in_array($RCMAIL->action, $NOIMAP_ACTIONS) && !$RCMAIL->imap_connect()) {
if ($OUTPUT->ajax_call)
$OUTPUT->redirect(array(), 2000);
$OUTPUT->set_env('task', 'login');
// set imap properties and session vars
if ($mbox = get_input_value('_mbox', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC))
$IMAP->set_mailbox(($_SESSION['mbox'] = $mbox));
$_SESSION['mbox'] = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name();
if (!empty($_GET['_page']))
$IMAP->set_page(($_SESSION['page'] = intval($_GET['_page'])));
// set default sort col/order to session
if (!isset($_SESSION['sort_col']))
$_SESSION['sort_col'] = $CONFIG['message_sort_col'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['sort_order']))
$_SESSION['sort_order'] = $CONFIG['message_sort_order'];
// set message set for search result
if (!empty($_REQUEST['_search']) && isset($_SESSION['search'][$_REQUEST['_search']]))
$OUTPUT->set_env('search_request', $_REQUEST['_search']);
$OUTPUT->set_env('search_text', $_SESSION['last_text_search']);
// set main env variables, labels and page title
if (empty($RCMAIL->action) || $RCMAIL->action == 'list')
$mbox_name = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name();
if (empty($RCMAIL->action))
// initialize searching result if search_filter is used
if ($_SESSION['search_filter'] && $_SESSION['search_filter'] != 'ALL')
$search_request = md5($mbox_name.$_SESSION['search_filter']);
$IMAP->search($mbox_name, $_SESSION['search_filter'], RCMAIL_CHARSET, $_SESSION['sort_col']);
$_SESSION['search'][$search_request] = $IMAP->get_search_set();
$OUTPUT->set_env('search_request', $search_request);
$OUTPUT->set_env('search_mods', $_SESSION['search_mods'] ? $_SESSION['search_mods'] : array('subject'=>'subject'));
// make sure the message count is refreshed (for default view)
$IMAP->messagecount($mbox_name, 'ALL', true);
// set current mailbox in client environment
$OUTPUT->set_env('mailbox', $mbox_name);
$OUTPUT->set_env('quota', $IMAP->get_capability('quota'));
$OUTPUT->set_env('delimiter', $IMAP->get_hierarchy_delimiter());
if ($CONFIG['trash_mbox'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('trash_mailbox', $CONFIG['trash_mbox']);
if ($CONFIG['drafts_mbox'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('drafts_mailbox', $CONFIG['drafts_mbox']);
if ($CONFIG['junk_mbox'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('junk_mailbox', $CONFIG['junk_mbox']);
if (!$OUTPUT->ajax_call)
$OUTPUT->add_label('checkingmail', 'deletemessage', 'movemessagetotrash', 'movingmessage');
* return the message list as HTML table
function rcmail_message_list($attrib)
$skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path'];
$image_tag = '<img src="%s%s" alt="%s" />';
// check to see if we have some settings for sorting
$sort_col = $_SESSION['sort_col'];
$sort_order = $_SESSION['sort_order'];
// add some labels to client
$OUTPUT->add_label('from', 'to');
// get message headers
$a_headers = $IMAP->list_headers('', '', $sort_col, $sort_order);
// add id to message list table if not specified
if (!strlen($attrib['id']))
$attrib['id'] = 'rcubemessagelist';
// allow the following attributes to be added to the <table> tag
$attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'border', 'summary'));
$out = '<table' . $attrib_str . ">\n";
// define list of cols to be displayed based on parameter or config
if (empty($attrib['columns']))
$a_show_cols = is_array($CONFIG['list_cols']) ? $CONFIG['list_cols'] : array('subject');
$a_show_cols = preg_split('/[\s,;]+/', strip_quotes($attrib['columns']));
// store column list in a session-variable
$_SESSION['list_columns'] = $a_show_cols;
// define sortable columns
$a_sort_cols = array('subject', 'date', 'from', 'to', 'size');
$mbox = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name();
// show 'to' instead of from in sent messages
if (($mbox==$CONFIG['sent_mbox'] || $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox']) && ($f = array_search('from', $a_show_cols))
&& !array_search('to', $a_show_cols))
$a_show_cols[$f] = 'to';
// add col definition
$out .= '<colgroup>';
$out .= '<col class="icon" />';
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
$out .= ($col!='attachment') ? sprintf('<col class="%s" />', $col) : '<col class="icon" />';
$out .= "</colgroup>\n";
// add table title
$out .= "<thead><tr>\n<td class=\"icon\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
$javascript = '';
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
// get column name
switch ($col)
case 'flag':
$col_name = sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $attrib['unflaggedicon'], '');
case 'attachment':
$col_name = sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $attrib['attachmenticon'], '');
$col_name = Q(rcube_label($col));
// make sort links
$sort = '';
if (in_array($col, $a_sort_cols))
// have buttons configured
if (!empty($attrib['sortdescbutton']) || !empty($attrib['sortascbutton']))
$sort = '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
// asc link
if (!empty($attrib['sortascbutton']))
$sort .= $OUTPUT->button(array(
'command' => 'sort',
'prop' => $col.'_ASC',
'image' => $attrib['sortascbutton'],
'align' => 'absmiddle',
'title' => 'sortasc'));
// desc link
if (!empty($attrib['sortdescbutton']))
$sort .= $OUTPUT->button(array(
'command' => 'sort',
'prop' => $col.'_DESC',
'image' => $attrib['sortdescbutton'],
'align' => 'absmiddle',
'title' => 'sortdesc'));
// just add a link tag to the header
$col_name = sprintf(
'<a href="./#sort" onclick="return %s.command(\'sort\',\'%s\',this)" title="%s">%s</a>',
$sort_class = $col==$sort_col ? " sorted$sort_order" : '';
// put it all together
if ($col!='attachment')
$out .= '<td class="'.$col.$sort_class.'" id="rcm'.$col.'">' . "$col_name$sort</td>\n";
$out .= '<td class="icon" id="rcm'.$col.'">' . "$col_name$sort</td>\n";
$out .= "</tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n";
// no messages in this mailbox
if (!sizeof($a_headers))
$OUTPUT->show_message('nomessagesfound', 'notice');
$a_js_message_arr = array();
// create row for each message
foreach ($a_headers as $i => $header) //while (list($i, $header) = each($a_headers))
$message_icon = $attach_icon = $flagged_icon = '';
$js_row_arr = array();
$zebra_class = $i%2 ? ' even' : ' odd';
// set messag attributes to javascript array
if ($header->deleted)
$js_row_arr['deleted'] = true;
if (!$header->seen)
$js_row_arr['unread'] = true;
if ($header->answered)
$js_row_arr['replied'] = true;
if ($header->forwarded)
$js_row_arr['forwarded'] = true;
if ($header->flagged)
$js_row_arr['flagged'] = true;
// set message icon
if ($attrib['deletedicon'] && $header->deleted)
$message_icon = $attrib['deletedicon'];
else if ($attrib['repliedicon'] && $header->answered)
if ($attrib['forwardedrepliedicon'] && $header->forwarded)
$message_icon = $attrib['forwardedrepliedicon'];
$message_icon = $attrib['repliedicon'];
else if ($attrib['forwardedicon'] && $header->forwarded)
$message_icon = $attrib['forwardedicon'];
else if ($attrib['unreadicon'] && !$header->seen)
$message_icon = $attrib['unreadicon'];
else if ($attrib['messageicon'])
$message_icon = $attrib['messageicon'];
if ($attrib['flaggedicon'] && $header->flagged)
$flagged_icon = $attrib['flaggedicon'];
else if ($attrib['unflaggedicon'] && !$header->flagged)
$flagged_icon = $attrib['unflaggedicon'];
// set attachment icon
if ($attrib['attachmenticon'] && preg_match("/multipart\/m/i", $header->ctype))
$attach_icon = $attrib['attachmenticon'];
$out .= sprintf('<tr id="rcmrow%d" class="message%s%s%s%s">'."\n",
$header->seen ? '' : ' unread',
$header->deleted ? ' deleted' : '',
$header->flagged ? ' flagged' : '',
$out .= sprintf("<td class=\"icon\">%s</td>\n", $message_icon ? sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $message_icon, '') : '');
$IMAP->set_charset(!empty($header->charset) ? $header->charset : $CONFIG['default_charset']);
// format each col
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
if ($col=='from' || $col=='to')
$cont = Q(rcmail_address_string($header->$col, 3, false, $attrib['addicon']), 'show');
else if ($col=='subject')
$action = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? 'compose' : 'show';
$uid_param = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? '_draft_uid' : '_uid';
$cont = abbreviate_string(trim($IMAP->decode_header($header->$col)), 160);
if (empty($cont)) $cont = rcube_label('nosubject');
$cont = sprintf('<a href="%s" onclick="return rcube_event.cancel(event)">%s</a>', Q(rcmail_url($action, array($uid_param=>$header->uid, '_mbox'=>$mbox))), Q($cont));
else if ($col=='flag')
$cont = $flagged_icon ? sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $flagged_icon, '') : '';
else if ($col=='size')
$cont = show_bytes($header->$col);
else if ($col=='date')
$cont = format_date($header->date);
$cont = Q($header->$col);
if ($col!='attachment')
$out .= '<td class="'.$col.'">' . $cont . "</td>\n";
$out .= sprintf("<td class=\"icon\">%s</td>\n", $attach_icon ? sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $attach_icon, '') : '&nbsp;');
$out .= "</tr>\n";
if (sizeof($js_row_arr))
$a_js_message_arr[$header->uid] = $js_row_arr;
// complete message table
$out .= "</tbody></table>\n";
$message_count = $IMAP->messagecount();
// set client env
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('mailcontframe', 'mailcontframe');
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('messagelist', $attrib['id']);
$OUTPUT->set_env('messagecount', $message_count);
$OUTPUT->set_env('current_page', $IMAP->list_page);
$OUTPUT->set_env('pagecount', ceil($message_count/$IMAP->page_size));
$OUTPUT->set_env('sort_col', $sort_col);
$OUTPUT->set_env('sort_order', $sort_order);
if ($attrib['messageicon'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('messageicon', $skin_path . $attrib['messageicon']);
if ($attrib['deletedicon'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('deletedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['deletedicon']);
if ($attrib['unreadicon'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('unreadicon', $skin_path . $attrib['unreadicon']);
if ($attrib['repliedicon'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('repliedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['repliedicon']);
if ($attrib['forwardedicon'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('forwardedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['forwardedicon']);
if ($attrib['forwardedrepliedicon'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('forwardedrepliedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['forwardedrepliedicon']);
if ($attrib['attachmenticon'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('attachmenticon', $skin_path . $attrib['attachmenticon']);
if ($attrib['flaggedicon'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('flaggedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['flaggedicon']);
if ($attrib['unflaggedicon'])
$OUTPUT->set_env('unflaggedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['unflaggedicon']);
$OUTPUT->set_env('messages', $a_js_message_arr);
$OUTPUT->set_env('coltypes', $a_show_cols);
return $out;
* return javascript commands to add rows to the message list
* or to replace the whole list (IE only)
function rcmail_js_message_list($a_headers, $insert_top=FALSE, $replace=TRUE)
if (empty($_SESSION['list_columns']))
$a_show_cols = is_array($CONFIG['list_cols']) ? $CONFIG['list_cols'] : array('subject');
$a_show_cols = $_SESSION['list_columns'];
$mbox = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name();
// show 'to' instead of from in sent messages
if (($mbox == $CONFIG['sent_mbox'] || $mbox == $CONFIG['drafts_mbox'])
&& (($f = array_search('from', $a_show_cols)) !== false) && array_search('to', $a_show_cols) === false)
$a_show_cols[$f] = 'to';
$browser = new rcube_browser;
$OUTPUT->command('set_message_coltypes', $a_show_cols);
if ($browser->ie && $replace)
$OUTPUT->command('offline_message_list', true);
// loop through message headers
foreach ($a_headers as $n => $header)
$a_msg_cols = array();
$a_msg_flags = array();
if (empty($header))
$IMAP->set_charset(!empty($header->charset) ? $header->charset : $CONFIG['default_charset']);
// remove 'attachment' and 'flag' columns, we don't need them here
if(($key = array_search('attachment', $a_show_cols)) !== FALSE)
if(($key = array_search('flag', $a_show_cols)) !== FALSE)
// format each col; similar as in rcmail_message_list()
foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
if ($col=='from' || $col=='to')
$cont = Q(rcmail_address_string($header->$col, 3), 'show');
else if ($col=='subject')
$action = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? 'compose' : 'show';
$uid_param = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? '_draft_uid' : '_uid';
$cont = abbreviate_string(trim($IMAP->decode_header($header->$col)), 160);
if (!$cont) $cont = rcube_label('nosubject');
$cont = sprintf('<a href="%s" onclick="return rcube_event.cancel(event)">%s</a>', Q(rcmail_url($action, array($uid_param=>$header->uid, '_mbox'=>$mbox))), Q($cont));
else if ($col=='size')
$cont = show_bytes($header->$col);
else if ($col=='date')
$cont = format_date($header->date);
$cont = Q($header->$col);
$a_msg_cols[$col] = $cont;
if ($header->deleted)
$a_msg_flags['deleted'] = 1;
if (!$header->seen)
$a_msg_flags['unread'] = 1;
if ($header->answered)
$a_msg_flags['replied'] = 1;
if ($header->forwarded)
$a_msg_flags['forwarded'] = 1;
if ($header->flagged)
$a_msg_flags['flagged'] = 1;
preg_match("/multipart\/m/i", $header->ctype),
if ($browser->ie && $replace)
$OUTPUT->command('offline_message_list', false);
* return an HTML iframe for loading mail content
function rcmail_messagecontent_frame($attrib)
global $OUTPUT;
if (empty($attrib['id']))
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmailcontentwindow';
$attrib['name'] = $attrib['id'];
$OUTPUT->set_env('contentframe', $attrib['id']);
$OUTPUT->set_env('blankpage', $attrib['src'] ? $OUTPUT->abs_url($attrib['src']) : 'program/blank.gif');
return html::iframe($attrib);
function rcmail_messagecount_display($attrib)
global $IMAP, $OUTPUT;
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmcountdisplay';
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('countdisplay', $attrib['id']);
return html::span($attrib, rcmail_get_messagecount_text());
function rcmail_quota_display($attrib)
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmquotadisplay';
$_SESSION['quota_display'] = $attrib['display'];
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('quotadisplay', $attrib['id']);
return html::span($attrib, rcmail_quota_content(NULL, $attrib));
function rcmail_quota_content($quota=NULL, $attrib=NULL)
$display = isset($_SESSION['quota_display']) ? $_SESSION['quota_display'] : '';
if (is_array($quota) && !empty($quota['used']) && !empty($quota['total']))
if (!isset($quota['percent']))
$quota['percent'] = $quota['used'] / $quota['total'];
elseif (!$IMAP->get_capability('QUOTA'))
return rcube_label('unknown');
$quota = $IMAP->get_quota();
if ($quota && !($quota['total']==0 && $RCMAIL->config->get('quota_zero_as_unlimited')))
$quota_text = sprintf('%s / %s (%.0f%%)',
show_bytes($quota['used'] * 1024),
show_bytes($quota['total'] * 1024),
// show quota as image (by Brett Patterson)
if ($display == 'image' && function_exists('imagegif'))
if (!$attrib['width'])
$attrib['width'] = isset($_SESSION['quota_width']) ? $_SESSION['quota_width'] : 100;
$_SESSION['quota_width'] = $attrib['width'];
if (!$attrib['height'])
$attrib['height'] = isset($_SESSION['quota_height']) ? $_SESSION['quota_height'] : 14;
$_SESSION['quota_height'] = $attrib['height'];
$quota_text = sprintf('<img src="./bin/quotaimg.php?u=%s&amp;q=%d&amp;w=%d&amp;h=%d" width="%d" height="%d" alt="%s" title="%s / %s" />',
$quota['used'], $quota['total'],
$attrib['width'], $attrib['height'],
$attrib['width'], $attrib['height'],
show_bytes($quota['used'] * 1024),
show_bytes($quota['total'] * 1024));
$quota_text = rcube_label('unlimited');
return $quota_text;
function rcmail_get_messagecount_text($count=NULL, $page=NULL)
global $IMAP, $MESSAGE;
if (isset($MESSAGE->index))
return rcube_label(array('name' => 'messagenrof',
'vars' => array('nr' => $MESSAGE->index+1,
'count' => $count!==NULL ? $count : $IMAP->messagecount())));
if ($page===NULL)
$page = $IMAP->list_page;
$start_msg = ($page-1) * $IMAP->page_size + 1;
$max = $count!==NULL ? $count : $IMAP->messagecount();
if ($max==0)
$out = rcube_label('mailboxempty');
$out = rcube_label(array('name' => 'messagesfromto',
'vars' => array('from' => $start_msg,
'to' => min($max, $start_msg + $IMAP->page_size - 1),
'count' => $max)));
return Q($out);
function rcmail_mailbox_name_display($attrib)
global $RCMAIL;
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmmailboxname';
$RCMAIL->output->add_gui_object('mailboxname', $attrib['id']);
return html::span($attrib, rcmail_get_mailbox_name_text());
function rcmail_get_mailbox_name_text()
global $RCMAIL;
return rcmail_localize_foldername($RCMAIL->imap->get_mailbox_name());
* Sets message is_safe flag according to 'show_images' option value
* @param object rcube_message Message
function rcmail_check_safe(&$message)
global $RCMAIL;
$show_images = $RCMAIL->config->get('show_images');
if (!$message->is_safe
&& !empty($show_images)
&& $message->has_html_part())
switch($show_images) {
case '1': // known senders only
$CONTACTS = new rcube_contacts($RCMAIL->db, $_SESSION['user_id']);
if ($CONTACTS->search('email', $message->sender['mailto'], true, false)->count) {
case '2': // always
* Cleans up the given message HTML Body (for displaying)
* @param string HTML
* @param array Display parameters
* @param array CID map replaces (inline images)
* @return string Clean HTML
function rcmail_wash_html($html, $p = array(), $cid_replaces)
$p += array('safe' => false, 'inline_html' => true);
// special replacements (not properly handled by washtml class)
$html_search = array(
'/(<\/nobr>)(\s+)(<nobr>)/i', // space(s) between <NOBR>
'/(<[\/]*st1:[^>]+>)/i', // Microsoft's Smart Tags <ST1>
'/<\/?rte_text>/i', // Rich Text Editor tags (#1485647)
'/<title>.*<\/title>/i', // PHP bug #32547 workaround: remove title tag
'/<html[^>]*>/im', // malformed html: remove html tags (#1485139)
'/<\/html>/i', // malformed html: remove html tags (#1485139)
'/^(\0\0\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE\0\0|\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE|\xEF\xBB\xBF)/', // byte-order mark (only outlook?)
$html_replace = array(
'\\1'.' &nbsp; '.'\\3',
$html = preg_replace($html_search, $html_replace, $html);
// charset was converted to UTF-8 in rcube_imap::get_message_part() -> change charset specification in HTML accordingly
$charset_pattern = '/(\s+content=[\'"]?\w+\/\w+;\s*charset)=([a-z0-9-_]+)/i';
if (preg_match($charset_pattern, $html)) {
$html = preg_replace($charset_pattern, '\\1='.RCMAIL_CHARSET, $html);
else {
// add head for malformed messages, washtml cannot work without that
if (!preg_match('/<head[^>]*>(.*)<\/head>/Uims', $html))
$html = '<head></head>'. $html;
$html = substr_replace($html, '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset='.RCMAIL_CHARSET.'" />', intval(stripos($html, '<head>')+6), 0);
// turn relative into absolute urls
$html = rcmail_resolve_base($html);
// clean HTML with washhtml by Frederic Motte
$wash_opts = array(
'show_washed' => false,
'allow_remote' => $p['safe'],
'blocked_src' => "./program/blocked.gif",
'charset' => RCMAIL_CHARSET,
'cid_map' => $cid_replaces,
'html_elements' => array('body'),
if (!$p['inline_html']) {
$wash_opts['html_elements'] = array('html','head','title','body');
if ($p['safe']) {
$wash_opts['html_elements'][] = 'link';
$wash_opts['html_attribs'] = array('rel','type');
$washer = new washtml($wash_opts);
$washer->add_callback('form', 'rcmail_washtml_callback');
if ($p['safe']) { // allow CSS styles, will be sanitized by rcmail_washtml_callback()
$washer->add_callback('style', 'rcmail_washtml_callback');
$html = $washer->wash($html);
$REMOTE_OBJECTS = $washer->extlinks;
return $html;
* Convert the given message part to proper HTML
* which can be displayed the message view
* @param object rcube_message_part Message part
* @param array Display parameters array
* @return string Formatted HTML string
function rcmail_print_body($part, $p = array())
global $RCMAIL;
// trigger plugin hook
$data = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_part_before',
array('type' => $part->ctype_secondary, 'body' => $part->body) + $p + array('safe' => false, 'plain' => false, 'inline_html' => true));
// convert html to text/plain
if ($data['type'] == 'html' && $data['plain']) {
$txt = new html2text($data['body'], false, true);
$body = $txt->get_text();
$part->ctype_secondary = 'plain';
// text/html
else if ($data['type'] == 'html') {
$body = rcmail_wash_html($data['body'], $data, $part->replaces);
$part->ctype_secondary = $data['type'];
// text/enriched
else if ($data['type'] == 'enriched') {
$part->ctype_secondary = 'html';
$body = Q(enriched_to_html($data['body']), 'show');
else {
// assert plaintext
$body = $part->body;
$part->ctype_secondary = $data['type'] = 'plain';
// free some memory (hopefully)
// plaintext postprocessing
if ($part->ctype_secondary == 'plain') {
// make links and email-addresses clickable
$replacements = new rcube_string_replacer;
$url_chars = 'a-z0-9_\-\+\*\$\/&%=@#:;';
$url_chars_within = '\?\.~,!';
// search for patterns like links and e-mail addresses
$body = preg_replace_callback("/([\w]+):\/\/([a-z0-9\-\.]+[a-z]{2,4}([$url_chars$url_chars_within]*[$url_chars])?)/i", array($replacements, 'link_callback'), $body);
$body = preg_replace_callback("/([^\/:]|\s)(www\.)([a-z0-9\-]{2,}[a-z]{2,4}([$url_chars$url_chars_within]*[$url_chars])?)/i", array($replacements, 'link_callback'), $body);
$body = preg_replace_callback('/([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-\.\+\_]*@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-][.]?)*[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,5})/i', array($replacements, 'mailto_callback'), $body);
// split body into single lines
$a_lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', $body);
$quote_level = 0;
// colorize quoted parts
for ($n=0; $n < count($a_lines); $n++) {
$line = $a_lines[$n];
$quotation = '';
$q = 0;
if (preg_match('/^(>+\s*)+/', $line, $regs)) {
$q = strlen(preg_replace('/\s/', '', $regs[0]));
$line = substr($line, strlen($regs[0]));
if ($q > $quote_level)
$quotation = str_repeat('<blockquote>', $q - $quote_level);
else if ($q < $quote_level)
$quotation = str_repeat("</blockquote>", $quote_level - $q);
else if ($quote_level > 0)
$quotation = str_repeat("</blockquote>", $quote_level);
$quote_level = $q;
$a_lines[$n] = $quotation . Q($line, 'replace', false); // htmlquote plaintext
// insert the links for urls and mailtos
$body = $replacements->resolve(join("\n", $a_lines));
// allow post-processing of the message body
$data = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_part_after', array('type' => $part->ctype_secondary, 'body' => $body) + $data);
return $data['type'] == 'html' ? $data['body'] : html::tag('pre', array(), $data['body']);
* add a string to the replacement array and return a replacement string
function rcmail_str_replacement($str, &$rep)
static $count = 0;
$rep[$count] = stripslashes($str);
return "##string_replacement{".($count++)."}##";
* Callback function for washtml cleaning class
function rcmail_washtml_callback($tagname, $attrib, $content)
switch ($tagname) {
case 'form':
$out = html::div('form', $content);
case 'style':
// decode all escaped entities and reduce to ascii strings
$stripped = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z\(:]/', '', rcmail_xss_entitiy_decode($content));
// now check for evil strings like expression, behavior or url()
if (!preg_match('/expression|behavior|url\(|import/', $stripped)) {
$out = html::tag('style', array('type' => 'text/css'), $content);
$out = '';
return $out;
* return table with message headers
function rcmail_message_headers($attrib, $headers=NULL)
static $sa_attrib;
// keep header table attrib
if (is_array($attrib) && !$sa_attrib)
$sa_attrib = $attrib;
else if (!is_array($attrib) && is_array($sa_attrib))
$attrib = $sa_attrib;
if (!isset($MESSAGE))
return FALSE;
// get associative array of headers object
if (!$headers)
$headers = is_object($MESSAGE->headers) ? get_object_vars($MESSAGE->headers) : $MESSAGE->headers;
// show these headers
$standard_headers = array('subject', 'from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'replyto', 'date');
$output_headers = array();
foreach ($standard_headers as $hkey) {
if (!$headers[$hkey])
if ($hkey == 'date') {
$header_value = format_date($headers[$hkey], $RCMAIL->config->get('date_long', 'x'));
$header_value = format_date($headers[$hkey]);
else if ($hkey == 'replyto') {
if ($headers['replyto'] != $headers['from'])
$header_value = rcmail_address_string($headers['replyto'], null, true, $attrib['addicon']);
else if (in_array($hkey, array('from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc')))
$header_value = rcmail_address_string($headers[$hkey], null, true, $attrib['addicon']);
else if ($hkey == 'subject' && empty($headers[$hkey]))
$header_value = rcube_label('nosubject');
$header_value = trim($IMAP->decode_header($headers[$hkey]));
$output_headers[$hkey] = array('title' => rcube_label($hkey), 'value' => $header_value, 'raw' => $headers[$hkey]);
$plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_headers_output', array('output' => $output_headers, 'headers' => $MESSAGE->headers));
// compose html table
$table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2));
foreach ($plugin['output'] as $hkey => $row) {
$table->add(array('class' => 'header-title'), Q($row['title']));
$table->add(array('class' => $hkey, 'width' => "90%"), Q($row['value'], ($hkey == 'subject' ? 'strict' : 'show')));
// all headers division
$table->add(array('colspan' => 2, 'class' => "more-headers show-headers", 'onclick' => "return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('load-headers','',this)"), '');
$table->add_row(array('id' => "all-headers"));
$table->add(array('colspan' => 2, 'class' => "all"), html::div(array('id' => 'headers-source'), ''));
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('all_headers_row', 'all-headers');
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('all_headers_box', 'headers-source');
return $table->show($attrib);
* Handler for the 'messagebody' GUI object
* @param array Named parameters
* @return string HTML content showing the message body
function rcmail_message_body($attrib)
if (!is_array($MESSAGE->parts) && empty($MESSAGE->body))
return '';
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmailMsgBody';
$safe_mode = $MESSAGE->is_safe || intval($_GET['_safe']);
$out = '';
$header_attrib = array();
foreach ($attrib as $attr => $value)
if (preg_match('/^headertable([a-z]+)$/i', $attr, $regs))
$header_attrib[$regs[1]] = $value;
if (!empty($MESSAGE->parts))
foreach ($MESSAGE->parts as $i => $part)
if ($part->type == 'headers')
$out .= rcmail_message_headers(sizeof($header_attrib) ? $header_attrib : NULL, $part->headers);
else if ($part->type == 'content')
if (empty($part->ctype_parameters) || empty($part->ctype_parameters['charset']))
$part->ctype_parameters['charset'] = $MESSAGE->headers->charset;
// fetch part if not available
if (!isset($part->body))
$part->body = $MESSAGE->get_part_content($part->mime_id);
$body = rcmail_print_body($part, array('safe' => $safe_mode, 'plain' => !$CONFIG['prefer_html']));
if ($part->ctype_secondary == 'html')
$out .= html::div('message-htmlpart', rcmail_html4inline($body, $attrib['id']));
$out .= html::div('message-part', $body);
$out .= html::div('message-part', html::tag('pre', array(), Q($MESSAGE->body)));
$ctype_primary = strtolower($MESSAGE->structure->ctype_primary);
$ctype_secondary = strtolower($MESSAGE->structure->ctype_secondary);
// list images after mail body
if ($CONFIG['inline_images']
&& $ctype_primary == 'multipart'
&& !empty($MESSAGE->attachments)
&& !strstr($message_body, '<html'))
foreach ($MESSAGE->attachments as $attach_prop) {
if (strpos($attach_prop->mimetype, 'image/') === 0) {
$out .= html::tag('hr') . html::p(array('align' => "center"),
'src' => $MESSAGE->get_part_url($attach_prop->mime_id),
'title' => $attach_prop->filename,
'alt' => $attach_prop->filename,
// tell client that there are blocked remote objects
if ($REMOTE_OBJECTS && !$safe_mode)
$OUTPUT->set_env('blockedobjects', true);
return html::div($attrib, $out);
* Convert all relative URLs according to a <base> in HTML
function rcmail_resolve_base($body)
// check for <base href=...>
if (preg_match('!(<base.*href=["\']?)([hftps]{3,5}://[a-z0-9/.%-]+)!i', $body, $regs)) {
$replacer = new rcube_base_replacer($regs[2]);
// replace all relative paths
$body = preg_replace_callback('/(src|background|href)=(["\']?)([\.\/]+[^"\'\s]+)(\2|\s|>)/Ui', array($replacer, 'callback'), $body);
$body = preg_replace_callback('/(url\s*\()(["\']?)([\.\/]+[^"\'\)\s]+)(\2)\)/Ui', array($replacer, 'callback'), $body);
return $body;
* modify a HTML message that it can be displayed inside a HTML page
function rcmail_html4inline($body, $container_id)
$last_style_pos = 0;
$body_lc = strtolower($body);
// find STYLE tags
while (($pos = strpos($body_lc, '<style', $last_style_pos)) && ($pos2 = strpos($body_lc, '</style>', $pos)))
$pos = strpos($body_lc, '>', $pos)+1;
// replace all css definitions with #container [def]
$styles = rcmail_mod_css_styles(substr($body, $pos, $pos2-$pos), $container_id);
$body = substr($body, 0, $pos) . $styles . substr($body, $pos2);
$body_lc = strtolower($body);
$last_style_pos = $pos2;
// modify HTML links to open a new window if clicked
$GLOBALS['rcmail_html_container_id'] = $container_id;
$body = preg_replace_callback('/<(a|link)\s+([^>]+)>/Ui', 'rcmail_alter_html_link', $body);
// add comments arround html and other tags
$out = preg_replace(array(
$out = preg_replace(
array('/<body([^>]*)>/i', '/<\/body>/i'),
array('<div class="rcmBody"\\1>', '</div>'),
// quote <? of php and xml files that are specified as text/html
$out = preg_replace(array('/<\?/', '/\?>/'), array('&lt;?', '?&gt;'), $out);
return $out;
* parse link attributes and set correct target
function rcmail_alter_html_link($matches)
$tag = $matches[1];
$attrib = parse_attrib_string($matches[2]);
$end = '>';
if ($tag == 'link' && preg_match('/^https?:\/\//i', $attrib['href'])) {
$attrib['href'] = "./bin/modcss.php?u=" . urlencode($attrib['href']) . "&amp;c=" . urlencode($GLOBALS['rcmail_html_container_id']);
$end = ' />';
else if (preg_match("/^mailto:$EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN/i", $attrib['href'], $mailto)) {
$attrib['href'] = $mailto[0];
$attrib['onclick'] = sprintf(
"return %s.command('compose','%s',this)",
else if (!empty($attrib['href']) && $attrib['href'][0] != '#') {
$attrib['target'] = '_blank';
return "<$tag" . html::attrib_string($attrib, array('href','name','target','onclick','id','class','style','title','rel','type','media')) . $end;
* decode address string and re-format it as HTML links
function rcmail_address_string($input, $max=null, $linked=false, $addicon=null)
$a_parts = $IMAP->decode_address_list($input);
if (!sizeof($a_parts))
return $input;
$c = count($a_parts);
$j = 0;
$out = '';
foreach ($a_parts as $part) {
if ($PRINT_MODE) {
$out .= sprintf('%s &lt;%s&gt;', Q($part['name']), $part['mailto']);
else if (preg_match("/$EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN/i", $part['mailto'])) {
if ($linked) {
$out .= html::a(array(
'href' => 'mailto:'.$part['mailto'],
'onclick' => sprintf("return %s.command('compose','%s',this)", JS_OBJECT_NAME, JQ($part['mailto'])),
'title' => $part['mailto'],
'class' => "rcmContactAddress",
else {
$out .= html::span(array('title' => $part['mailto'], 'class' => "rcmContactAddress"), Q($part['name']));
if ($addicon) {
$out .= '&nbsp;' . html::a(array(
'href' => "#add",
'onclick' => sprintf("return %s.command('add-contact','%s',this)", JS_OBJECT_NAME, urlencode($part['string'])),
'title' => rcube_label('addtoaddressbook'),
'src' => $CONFIG['skin_path'] . $addicon,
'alt' => "Add contact",
else {
if ($part['name'])
$out .= Q($part['name']);
if ($part['mailto'])
$out .= (strlen($out) ? ' ' : '') . sprintf('&lt;%s&gt;', Q($part['mailto']));
if ($c>$j)
$out .= ','.($max ? '&nbsp;' : ' ');
if ($max && $j==$max && $c>$j) {
$out .= '...';
return $out;
* Wrap text to a given number of characters per line
* but respect the mail quotation of replies messages (>)
* @param string Text to wrap
* @param int The line width
* @return string The wrapped text
function rcmail_wrap_quoted($text, $max = 76)
// Rebuild the message body with a maximum of $max chars, while keeping quoted message.
$lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', trim($text));
$out = '';
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (strlen($line) > $max) {
if (preg_match('/^([>\s]+)/', $line, $regs)) {
$length = strlen($regs[0]);
$prefix = substr($line, 0, $length);
// Remove '> ' from the line, then wordwrap() the line
$line = rc_wordwrap(substr($line, $length), $max - $length);
// Rebuild the line with '> ' at the beginning of each 'subline'
$newline = '';
foreach (explode("\n", $line) as $l) {
$newline .= $prefix . $l . "\n";
// Remove the righest newline char
$line = rtrim($newline);
else {
$line = rc_wordwrap($line, $max);
// Append the line
$out .= $line . "\n";
return $out;
function rcmail_message_part_controls()
global $MESSAGE;
$part = asciiwords(get_input_value('_part', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
if (!is_object($MESSAGE) || !is_array($MESSAGE->parts) || !($_GET['_uid'] && $_GET['_part']) || !$MESSAGE->mime_parts[$part])
return '';
$part = $MESSAGE->mime_parts[$part];
$table = new html_table(array('cols' => 3));
if (!empty($part->filename)) {
$table->add('title', Q(rcube_label('filename')));
$table->add(null, Q($part->filename));
$table->add(null, '[' . html::a('?'.str_replace('_frame=', '_download=', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), Q(rcube_label('download'))) . ']');
if (!empty($part->size)) {
$table->add('title', Q(rcube_label('filesize')));
$table->add(null, Q(show_bytes($part->size)));
return $table->show($attrib);
function rcmail_message_part_frame($attrib)
global $MESSAGE;
$part = $MESSAGE->mime_parts[asciiwords(get_input_value('_part', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC))];
$ctype_primary = strtolower($part->ctype_primary);
$attrib['src'] = './?' . str_replace('_frame=', ($ctype_primary=='text' ? '_show=' : '_preload='), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
return html::iframe($attrib);
* clear message composing settings
function rcmail_compose_cleanup()
if (!isset($_SESSION['compose']))
- unset($_SESSION['compose']);
+ rcube_sess_unset('compose');
* Send the given message compose object using the configured method
function rcmail_deliver_message(&$message, $from, $mailto)
global $CONFIG, $RCMAIL;
$msg_body = $message->get();
$headers = $message->headers();
// send thru SMTP server using custom SMTP library
if ($CONFIG['smtp_server'])
// generate list of recipients
$a_recipients = array($mailto);
if (strlen($headers['Cc']))
$a_recipients[] = $headers['Cc'];
if (strlen($headers['Bcc']))
$a_recipients[] = $headers['Bcc'];
// clean Bcc from header for recipients
$send_headers = $headers;
// here too, it because txtHeaders() below use $message->_headers not only $send_headers
// send message
$smtp_response = array();
$sent = smtp_mail($from, $a_recipients, ($foo = $message->txtHeaders($send_headers, true)), $msg_body, $smtp_response);
// log error
if (!$sent)
raise_error(array('code' => 800, 'type' => 'smtp', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "SMTP error: ".join("\n", $smtp_response)), TRUE, FALSE);
// send mail using PHP's mail() function
// unset some headers because they will be added by the mail() function
$headers_enc = $message->headers($headers);
$headers_php = $message->_headers;
unset($headers_php['To'], $headers_php['Subject']);
// reset stored headers and overwrite
$message->_headers = array();
$header_str = $message->txtHeaders($headers_php);
// #1485779
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
if (preg_match_all('/<([^@]+@[^>]+)>/', $headers_enc['To'], $m)) {
$headers_enc['To'] = implode(', ', $m[1]);
if (ini_get('safe_mode'))
$sent = mail($headers_enc['To'], $headers_enc['Subject'], $msg_body, $header_str);
$sent = mail($headers_enc['To'], $headers_enc['Subject'], $msg_body, $header_str, "-f$from");
if ($sent)
// remove MDN headers after sending
unset($headers['Return-Receipt-To'], $headers['Disposition-Notification-To']);
if ($CONFIG['smtp_log'])
write_log('sendmail', sprintf("User %s [%s]; Message for %s; %s",
!empty($smtp_response) ? join('; ', $smtp_response) : ''));
$message->_headers = array();
return $sent;
function rcmail_send_mdn($uid)
global $RCMAIL, $IMAP;
$message = new rcube_message($uid);
if ($message->headers->mdn_to && !$message->headers->mdn_sent &&
($IMAP->check_permflag('MDNSENT') || $IMAP->check_permflag('*')))
$identity = $RCMAIL->user->get_identity();
$sender = format_email_recipient($identity['email'], $identity['name']);
$recipient = array_shift($IMAP->decode_address_list($message->headers->mdn_to));
$mailto = $recipient['mailto'];
$compose = new rcube_mail_mime($RCMAIL->config->header_delimiter());
'text_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
'html_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
'head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
'head_charset' => RCMAIL_CHARSET,
'html_charset' => RCMAIL_CHARSET,
'text_charset' => RCMAIL_CHARSET,
// compose headers array
$headers = array(
'Date' => date('r'),
'From' => $sender,
'To' => $message->headers->mdn_to,
'Subject' => rcube_label('receiptread') . ': ' . $message->subject,
'Message-ID' => sprintf('<%s@%s>', md5(uniqid('rcmail'.rand(),true)), $RCMAIL->config->mail_domain($_SESSION['imap_host'])),
'X-Sender' => $identity['email'],
'Content-Type' => 'multipart/report; report-type=disposition-notification',
if ($agent = $RCMAIL->config->get('useragent'))
$headers['User-Agent'] = $agent;
$body = rcube_label("yourmessage") . "\r\n\r\n" .
"\t" . rcube_label("to") . ': ' . rcube_imap::decode_mime_string($message->headers->to, $message->headers->charset) . "\r\n" .
"\t" . rcube_label("subject") . ': ' . $message->subject . "\r\n" .
"\t" . rcube_label("sent") . ': ' . format_date($message->headers->date, $RCMAIL->config->get('date_long')) . "\r\n" .
"\r\n" . rcube_label("receiptnote") . "\r\n";
$ua = $RCMAIL->config->get('useragent', "RoundCube Webmail (Version ".RCMAIL_VERSION.")");
$report = "Reporting-UA: $ua\r\n";
if ($message->headers->to)
$report .= "Original-Recipient: {$message->headers->to}\r\n";
$report .= "Final-Recipient: rfc822; {$identity['email']}\r\n" .
"Original-Message-ID: {$message->headers->messageID}\r\n" .
"Disposition: manual-action/MDN-sent-manually; displayed\r\n";
$compose->setTXTBody(rc_wordwrap($body, 75, "\r\n"));
$compose->addAttachment($report, 'message/disposition-notification', 'MDNPart2.txt', false, '7bit', 'inline');
$sent = rcmail_deliver_message($compose, $identity['email'], $mailto);
if ($sent)
$IMAP->set_flag($message->uid, 'MDNSENT');
return true;
return false;
function rcmail_search_filter($attrib)
global $OUTPUT;
if (!strlen($attrib['id']))
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmlistfilter';
$attrib['onchange'] = JS_OBJECT_NAME.'.filter_mailbox(this.value)';
RFC3501 (6.4.4): 'ALL', 'RECENT',
$select_filter = new html_select($attrib);
$select_filter->add(rcube_label('all'), 'ALL');
$select_filter->add(rcube_label('unread'), 'UNSEEN');
$select_filter->add(rcube_label('flagged'), 'FLAGGED');
$select_filter->add(rcube_label('unanswered'), 'UNANSWERED');
$out = $select_filter->show($_SESSION['search_filter']);
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('search_filter', $attrib['id']);
return $out;
// register UI objects
'mailboxlist' => 'rcmail_mailbox_list',
'messages' => 'rcmail_message_list',
'messagecountdisplay' => 'rcmail_messagecount_display',
'quotadisplay' => 'rcmail_quota_display',
'mailboxname' => 'rcmail_mailbox_name_display',
'messageheaders' => 'rcmail_message_headers',
'messagebody' => 'rcmail_message_body',
'messagecontentframe' => 'rcmail_messagecontent_frame',
'messagepartframe' => 'rcmail_message_part_frame',
'messagepartcontrols' => 'rcmail_message_part_controls',
'searchfilter' => 'rcmail_search_filter',
'searchform' => array($OUTPUT, 'search_form'),

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 2:16 PM (17 m, 36 s)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(114 KB)

Event Timeline