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diff --git a/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_utils.php b/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_utils.php
index 5e209fb7d..f2f4e9240 100644
--- a/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_utils.php
+++ b/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_utils.php
@@ -1,1732 +1,1732 @@
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| |
| Copyright (C) The Roundcube Dev Team |
| Copyright (C) Kolab Systems AG |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Utility class providing common functions |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
| Author: Aleksander Machniak <> |
* Utility class providing common functions
* @package Framework
* @subpackage Utils
class rcube_utils
// define constants for input reading
const INPUT_GET = 1;
const INPUT_POST = 2;
const INPUT_COOKIE = 4;
const INPUT_GP = 3; // GET + POST
const INPUT_GPC = 7; // GET + POST + COOKIE
* A wrapper for PHP's explode() that does not throw a warning
* when the separator does not exist in the string
* @param string $separator Separator string
* @param string $string The string to explode
* @return array Exploded string. Still an array if there's no separator in the string
public static function explode($separator, $string)
if (strpos($string, $separator) !== false) {
return explode($separator, $string);
return [$string, null];
* Helper method to set a cookie with the current path and host settings
* @param string $name Cookie name
* @param string $value Cookie value
* @param int $exp Expiration time
* @param bool $http_only HTTP Only
public static function setcookie($name, $value, $exp = 0, $http_only = true)
if (headers_sent()) {
$attrib = session_get_cookie_params();
$attrib['expires'] = $exp;
$attrib['secure'] = $attrib['secure'] || self::https_check();
$attrib['httponly'] = $http_only;
// session_get_cookie_params() return includes 'lifetime' but setcookie() does not use it, instead it uses 'expires'
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0', '>=')) {
// An alternative signature for setcookie supporting an options array added in PHP 7.3.0
setcookie($name, $value, $attrib);
else {
setcookie($name, $value, $attrib['expires'], $attrib['path'], $attrib['domain'], $attrib['secure'], $attrib['httponly']);
* E-mail address validation.
* @param string $email Email address
* @param bool $dns_check True to check dns
* @return bool True on success, False if address is invalid
public static function check_email($email, $dns_check = true)
// Check for invalid (control) characters
if (preg_match('/\p{Cc}/u', $email)) {
return false;
// Check for length limit specified by RFC 5321 (#1486453)
if (strlen($email) > 254) {
return false;
$pos = strrpos($email, '@');
if (!$pos) {
return false;
$domain_part = substr($email, $pos + 1);
$local_part = substr($email, 0, $pos);
// quoted-string, make sure all backslashes and quotes are
// escaped
if (substr($local_part, 0, 1) == '"') {
$local_quoted = preg_replace('/\\\\(\\\\|\")/','', substr($local_part, 1, -1));
if (preg_match('/\\\\|"/', $local_quoted)) {
return false;
// dot-atom portion, make sure there's no prohibited characters
else if (preg_match('/(^\.|\.\.|\.$)/', $local_part)
|| preg_match('/[\\ ",:;<>@]/', $local_part)
) {
return false;
// Validate domain part
if (preg_match('/^\[((IPv6:[0-9a-f:.]+)|([0-9.]+))\]$/i', $domain_part, $matches)) {
return self::check_ip(preg_replace('/^IPv6:/i', '', $matches[1])); // valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
else {
// If not an IP address
$domain_array = explode('.', $domain_part);
// Not enough parts to be a valid domain
if (count($domain_array) < 2) {
return false;
foreach ($domain_array as $part) {
if (!preg_match('/^((xn--)?([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|([A-Za-z0-9]))$/', $part)) {
return false;
// last domain part (allow extended TLD)
$last_part = array_pop($domain_array);
if (strpos($last_part, 'xn--') !== 0
&& (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', $last_part) || preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $last_part))
) {
return false;
$rcube = rcube::get_instance();
if (!$dns_check || !function_exists('checkdnsrr') || !$rcube->config->get('email_dns_check')) {
return true;
// Check DNS record(s)
// Note: We can't use ANY (#6581)
foreach (['A', 'MX', 'CNAME', 'AAAA'] as $type) {
if (checkdnsrr($domain_part, $type)) {
return true;
return false;
* Validates IPv4 or IPv6 address
* @param string $ip IP address in v4 or v6 format
* @return bool True if the address is valid
public static function check_ip($ip)
return filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false;
* Replacing specials characters to a specific encoding type
* @param string $str Input string
* @param string $enctype Encoding type: text|html|xml|js|url
* @param string $mode Replace mode for tags: show|remove|strict
* @param bool $newlines Convert newlines
* @return string The quoted string
public static function rep_specialchars_output($str, $enctype = '', $mode = '', $newlines = true)
static $html_encode_arr = false;
static $js_rep_table = false;
static $xml_rep_table = false;
if (!is_string($str)) {
$str = strval($str);
// encode for HTML output
if ($enctype == 'html') {
if (!$html_encode_arr) {
$html_encode_arr = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS);
$encode_arr = $html_encode_arr;
if ($mode == 'remove') {
$str = strip_tags($str);
else if ($mode != 'strict') {
// don't replace quotes and html tags
$ltpos = strpos($str, '<');
if ($ltpos !== false && strpos($str, '>', $ltpos) !== false) {
$out = strtr($str, $encode_arr);
return $newlines ? nl2br($out) : $out;
// if the replace tables for XML and JS are not yet defined
if ($js_rep_table === false) {
$js_rep_table = $xml_rep_table = [];
$xml_rep_table['&'] = '&';
// can be increased to support more charsets
for ($c=160; $c<256; $c++) {
$xml_rep_table[chr($c)] = "&#$c;";
$xml_rep_table['"'] = '"';
$js_rep_table['"'] = '\\"';
$js_rep_table["'"] = "\\'";
$js_rep_table["\\"] = "\\\\";
// Unicode line and paragraph separators (#1486310)
$js_rep_table[chr(hexdec('E2')).chr(hexdec('80')).chr(hexdec('A8'))] = '
$js_rep_table[chr(hexdec('E2')).chr(hexdec('80')).chr(hexdec('A9'))] = '
// encode for javascript use
if ($enctype == 'js') {
return preg_replace(["/\r?\n/", "/\r/", '/<\\//'], ['\n', '\n', '<\\/'], strtr($str, $js_rep_table));
// encode for plaintext
if ($enctype == 'text') {
return str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $mode == 'remove' ? strip_tags($str) : $str);
if ($enctype == 'url') {
return rawurlencode($str);
// encode for XML
if ($enctype == 'xml') {
return strtr($str, $xml_rep_table);
// no encoding given -> return original string
return $str;
* Read input value and make sure it is a string.
* @param string $fname Field name to read
* @param int $source Source to get value from (see self::INPUT_*)
* @param bool $allow_html Allow HTML tags in field value
* @param string $charset Charset to convert into
* @return string Request parameter value
* @see self::get_input_value()
public static function get_input_string($fname, $source, $allow_html = false, $charset = null)
$value = self::get_input_value($fname, $source, $allow_html, $charset);
return is_string($value) ? $value : '';
* Read request parameter value and convert it for internal use
* Performs stripslashes() and charset conversion if necessary
* @param string $fname Field name to read
* @param int $source Source to get value from (see self::INPUT_*)
* @param bool $allow_html Allow HTML tags in field value
* @param string $charset Charset to convert into
* @return string|array|null Request parameter value or NULL if not set
public static function get_input_value($fname, $source, $allow_html = false, $charset = null)
$value = null;
if (($source & self::INPUT_GET) && isset($_GET[$fname])) {
$value = $_GET[$fname];
if (($source & self::INPUT_POST) && isset($_POST[$fname])) {
$value = $_POST[$fname];
if (($source & self::INPUT_COOKIE) && isset($_COOKIE[$fname])) {
$value = $_COOKIE[$fname];
return self::parse_input_value($value, $allow_html, $charset);
* Parse/validate input value. See self::get_input_value()
* Performs stripslashes() and charset conversion if necessary
* @param string $value Input value
* @param bool $allow_html Allow HTML tags in field value
* @param string $charset Charset to convert into
* @return string Parsed value
public static function parse_input_value($value, $allow_html = false, $charset = null)
if (empty($value)) {
return $value;
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $idx => $val) {
$value[$idx] = self::parse_input_value($val, $allow_html, $charset);
return $value;
// remove HTML tags if not allowed
if (!$allow_html) {
$value = strip_tags($value);
$rcube = rcube::get_instance();
$output_charset = is_object($rcube->output) ? $rcube->output->get_charset() : null;
// remove invalid characters (#1488124)
if ($output_charset == 'UTF-8') {
$value = rcube_charset::clean($value);
// convert to internal charset
if ($charset && $output_charset) {
$value = rcube_charset::convert($value, $output_charset, $charset);
return $value;
* Convert array of request parameters (prefixed with _)
* to a regular array with non-prefixed keys.
* @param int $mode Source to get value from (GPC)
* @param string $ignore PCRE expression to skip parameters by name
* @param bool $allow_html Allow HTML tags in field value
* @return array Hash array with all request parameters
public static function request2param($mode = null, $ignore = 'task|action', $allow_html = false)
$out = [];
$src = $mode == self::INPUT_GET ? $_GET : ($mode == self::INPUT_POST ? $_POST : $_REQUEST);
foreach (array_keys($src) as $key) {
$fname = $key[0] == '_' ? substr($key, 1) : $key;
if ($ignore && !preg_match('/^(' . $ignore . ')$/', $fname)) {
$out[$fname] = self::get_input_value($key, $mode, $allow_html);
return $out;
* Convert the given string into a valid HTML identifier
* Same functionality as done in app.js with rcube_webmail.html_identifier()
* @param string $str String input
* @param bool $encode Use base64 encoding
* @param string Valid HTML identifier
public static function html_identifier($str, $encode = false)
if ($encode) {
return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($str), '+/', '-_'), '=');
return asciiwords($str, true, '_');
* Replace all css definitions with #container [def]
* and remove css-inlined scripting, make position style safe
* @param string $source CSS source code
* @param string $container_id Container ID to use as prefix
* @param bool $allow_remote Allow remote content
* @param string $prefix Prefix to be added to id/class identifier
* @return string Modified CSS source
public static function mod_css_styles($source, $container_id, $allow_remote = false, $prefix = '')
$last_pos = 0;
$replacements = new rcube_string_replacer;
// ignore the whole block if evil styles are detected
$source = self::xss_entity_decode($source);
$stripped = preg_replace('/[^a-z\(:;]/i', '', $source);
$evilexpr = 'expression|behavior|javascript:|import[^a]' . (!$allow_remote ? '|url\((?!data:image)' : '');
if (preg_match("/$evilexpr/i", $stripped)) {
return '/* evil! */';
$strict_url_regexp = '!url\s*\(\s*["\']?(https?:)//[a-z0-9/._+-]+["\']?\s*\)!Uims';
// remove html comments
$source = preg_replace('/(^\s*<\!--)|(-->\s*$)/m', '', $source);
// cut out all contents between { and }
while (($pos = strpos($source, '{', $last_pos)) && ($pos2 = strpos($source, '}', $pos))) {
$nested = strpos($source, '{', $pos+1);
if ($nested && $nested < $pos2) { // when dealing with nested blocks (e.g. @media), take the inner one
$pos = $nested;
$length = $pos2 - $pos - 1;
$styles = substr($source, $pos+1, $length);
$output = '';
// check every css rule in the style block...
foreach (self::parse_css_block($styles) as $rule) {
// Remove 'page' attributes (#7604)
if ($rule[0] == 'page') {
// Convert position:fixed to position:absolute (#5264)
if ($rule[0] == 'position' && strcasecmp($rule[1], 'fixed') === 0) {
$rule[1] = 'absolute';
else if ($allow_remote) {
$stripped = preg_replace('/[^a-z\(:;]/i', '', $rule[1]);
// allow data:image and strict url() values only
if (
stripos($stripped, 'url(') !== false
&& stripos($stripped, 'url(data:image') === false
&& !preg_match($strict_url_regexp, $rule[1])
) {
$rule[1] = '/* evil! */';
$output .= sprintf(" %s: %s;", $rule[0] , $rule[1]);
$key = $replacements->add($output . ' ');
$repl = $replacements->get_replacement($key);
$source = substr_replace($source, $repl, $pos+1, $length);
$last_pos = $pos2 - ($length - strlen($repl));
// add #container to each tag selector and prefix to id/class identifiers
if ($container_id || $prefix) {
// Exclude rcube_string_replacer pattern matches, this is needed
// for cases like @media { body { position: fixed; } } (#5811)
$excl = '(?!' . substr($replacements->pattern, 1, -1) . ')';
$regexp = '/(^\s*|,\s*|\}\s*|\{\s*)(' . $excl . ':?[a-z0-9\._#\*\[][a-z0-9\._:\(\)#=~ \[\]"\|\>\+\$\^-]*)/im';
$callback = function($matches) use ($container_id, $prefix) {
$replace = $matches[2];
if (stripos($replace, ':root') === 0) {
$replace = substr($replace, 5);
if ($prefix) {
$replace = str_replace(['.', '#'], [".$prefix", "#$prefix"], $replace);
if ($container_id) {
$replace = "#$container_id " . $replace;
// Remove redundant spaces (for simpler testing)
$replace = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $replace);
return str_replace($matches[2], $replace, $matches[0]);
$source = preg_replace_callback($regexp, $callback, $source);
// replace body definition because we also stripped off the <body> tag
if ($container_id) {
$regexp = '/#' . preg_quote($container_id, '/') . '\s+body/i';
$source = preg_replace($regexp, "#$container_id", $source);
// put block contents back in
$source = $replacements->resolve($source);
return $source;
* Explode css style. Property names will be lower-cased and trimmed.
* Values will be trimmed. Invalid entries will be skipped.
* @param string $style CSS style
* @return array List of CSS rule pairs, e.g. [['color', 'red'], ['top', '0']]
public static function parse_css_block($style)
$pos = 0;
// first remove comments
while (($pos = strpos($style, '/*', $pos)) !== false) {
$end = strpos($style, '*/', $pos+2);
if ($end === false) {
$style = substr($style, 0, $pos);
else {
$style = substr_replace($style, '', $pos, $end - $pos + 2);
// Replace new lines with spaces
$style = preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', ' ', $style);
$style = trim($style);
$length = strlen($style);
$result = [];
$pos = 0;
while ($pos < $length && ($colon_pos = strpos($style, ':', $pos))) {
// Property name
$name = strtolower(trim(substr($style, $pos, $colon_pos - $pos)));
// get the property value
$q = $s = false;
for ($i = $colon_pos + 1; $i < $length; $i++) {
if (($style[$i] == "\"" || $style[$i] == "'") && ($i == 0 || $style[$i-1] != "\\")) {
if ($q == $style[$i]) {
$q = false;
else if ($q === false) {
$q = $style[$i];
else if ($style[$i] == "(" && !$q && ($i == 0 || $style[$i-1] != "\\")) {
$q = "(";
else if ($style[$i] == ")" && $q == "(" && $style[$i-1] != "\\") {
$q = false;
if ($q === false && (($s = $style[$i] == ';') || $i == $length - 1)) {
$value_length = $i - $colon_pos - ($s ? 1 : 0);
$value = trim(substr($style, $colon_pos + 1, $value_length));
if (strlen($name) && !preg_match('/[^a-z-]/', $name) && strlen($value) && $value !== ';') {
$result[] = [$name, $value];
$pos = $i + 1;
return $result;
* Generate CSS classes from mimetype and filename extension
* @param string $mimetype Mimetype
* @param string $filename Filename
* @return string CSS classes separated by space
public static function file2class($mimetype, $filename)
$mimetype = strtolower($mimetype);
$filename = strtolower($filename);
list($primary, $secondary) = rcube_utils::explode('/', $mimetype);
$classes = [$primary ?: 'unknown'];
if (!empty($secondary)) {
$classes[] = $secondary;
if (preg_match('/\.([a-z0-9]+)$/', $filename, $m)) {
if (!in_array($m[1], $classes)) {
$classes[] = $m[1];
return implode(' ', $classes);
* Decode escaped entities used by known XSS exploits.
* See for examples
* @param string $content CSS content to decode
* @return string Decoded string
public static function xss_entity_decode($content)
$callback = function($matches) { return chr(hexdec($matches[1])); };
$out = html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($content));
$out = trim(preg_replace('/(^<!--|-->$)/', '', trim($out)));
$out = preg_replace_callback('/\\\([0-9a-f]{2,6})\s*/i', $callback, $out);
$out = preg_replace('/\\\([^0-9a-f])/i', '\\1', $out);
$out = preg_replace('#/\*.*\*/#Ums', '', $out);
$out = strip_tags($out);
return $out;
* Check if we can process not exceeding memory_limit
* @param int $need Required amount of memory
* @return bool True if memory won't be exceeded, False otherwise
public static function mem_check($need)
$mem_limit = parse_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit'));
$memory = function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? memory_get_usage() : 16*1024*1024; // safe value: 16MB
return $mem_limit > 0 && $memory + $need > $mem_limit ? false : true;
* Check if working in SSL mode
* @param int $port HTTPS port number
* @param bool $use_https Enables 'use_https' option checking
* @return bool True in SSL mode, False otherwise
public static function https_check($port = null, $use_https = true)
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off') {
return true;
&& strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) == 'https'
&& in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], (array) rcube::get_instance()->config->get('proxy_whitelist', []))
) {
return true;
if ($port && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $port) {
return true;
if ($use_https && rcube::get_instance()->config->get('use_https')) {
return true;
return false;
* Replaces hostname variables.
* @param string $name Hostname
* @param string $host Optional IMAP hostname
* @return string Hostname
public static function parse_host($name, $host = '')
if (!is_string($name)) {
return $name;
// %n - host
$n = self::server_name();
// %t - host name without first part, e.g. %n=mail.domain.tld, %t=domain.tld
// If %n=domain.tld then %t=domain.tld as well (remains valid)
$t = preg_replace('/^[^.]+\.(?![^.]+$)/', '', $n);
// %d - domain name without first part (up to domain.tld)
$d = preg_replace('/^[^.]+\.(?![^.]+$)/', '', self::server_name('HTTP_HOST'));
// %h - IMAP host
$h = !empty($_SESSION['storage_host']) ? $_SESSION['storage_host'] : $host;
// %z - IMAP domain without first part, e.g. %h=imap.domain.tld, %z=domain.tld
// If %h=domain.tld then %z=domain.tld as well (remains valid)
$z = preg_replace('/^[^.]+\.(?![^.]+$)/', '', $h);
// %s - domain name after the '@' from e-mail address provided at login screen.
// Returns FALSE if an invalid email is provided
$s = '';
if (strpos($name, '%s') !== false) {
$user_email = self::idn_to_ascii(self::get_input_value('_user', self::INPUT_POST));
$matches = preg_match('/(.*)@([a-z0-9\.\-\[\]\:]+)/i', $user_email, $s);
if ($matches < 1 || filter_var($s[1]."@".$s[2], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
return false;
$s = $s[2];
return str_replace(['%n', '%t', '%d', '%h', '%z', '%s'], [$n, $t, $d, $h, $z, $s], $name);
* Returns the server name after checking it against trusted hostname patterns.
* Returns 'localhost' and logs a warning when the hostname is not trusted.
* @param string $type The $_SERVER key, e.g. 'HTTP_HOST', Default: 'SERVER_NAME'.
* @param bool $strip_port Strip port from the host name
* @return string Server name
public static function server_name($type = null, $strip_port = true)
if (!$type) {
$type = 'SERVER_NAME';
$name = isset($_SERVER[$type]) ? $_SERVER[$type] : null;
$rcube = rcube::get_instance();
$patterns = (array) $rcube->config->get('trusted_host_patterns');
if (!empty($name)) {
if ($strip_port) {
$name = preg_replace('/:\d+$/', '', $name);
if (empty($patterns)) {
return $name;
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
// the pattern might be a regular expression or just a host/domain name
if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9.:-]/', $pattern)) {
if (preg_match("/$pattern/", $name)) {
return $name;
else if (strtolower($name) === strtolower($pattern)) {
return $name;
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Specified host is not trusted. Using 'localhost'."
, true, false
return 'localhost';
* Returns remote IP address and forwarded addresses if found
* @return string Remote IP address(es)
public static function remote_ip()
$address = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
// append the NGINX X-Real-IP header, if set
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'] != $address) {
$remote_ip[] = 'X-Real-IP: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
// append the X-Forwarded-For header, if set
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$remote_ip[] = 'X-Forwarded-For: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
if (!empty($remote_ip)) {
$address .= ' (' . implode(',', $remote_ip) . ')';
return $address;
* Returns the real remote IP address
* @return string Remote IP address
public static function remote_addr()
// Check if any of the headers are set first to improve performance
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) {
$proxy_whitelist = (array) rcube::get_instance()->config->get('proxy_whitelist', []);
if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $proxy_whitelist)) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
foreach (array_reverse(explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) as $forwarded_ip) {
$forwarded_ip = trim($forwarded_ip);
if (!in_array($forwarded_ip, $proxy_whitelist)) {
return $forwarded_ip;
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) {
return $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
return '';
* Read a specific HTTP request header.
* @param string $name Header name
* @return string|null Header value or null if not available
public static function request_header($name)
if (function_exists('apache_request_headers')) {
$headers = apache_request_headers();
$key = strtoupper($name);
else {
$headers = $_SERVER;
$key = 'HTTP_' . strtoupper(strtr($name, '-', '_'));
if (!empty($headers)) {
$headers = array_change_key_case($headers, CASE_UPPER);
return isset($headers[$key]) ? $headers[$key] : null;
* Explode quoted string
* @param string $delimiter Delimiter expression string for preg_match()
* @param string $string Input string
* @return array String items
public static function explode_quoted_string($delimiter, $string)
$result = [];
$strlen = strlen($string);
for ($q=$p=$i=0; $i < $strlen; $i++) {
if ($string[$i] == "\"" && (!isset($string[$i-1]) || $string[$i-1] != "\\")) {
$q = $q ? false : true;
else if (!$q && preg_match("/$delimiter/", $string[$i])) {
$result[] = substr($string, $p, $i - $p);
$p = $i + 1;
$result[] = (string) substr($string, $p);
return $result;
* Improved equivalent to strtotime()
* @param string $date Date string
* @param DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone to use for DateTime object
* @return int Unix timestamp
public static function strtotime($date, $timezone = null)
$date = self::clean_datestr($date);
$tzname = $timezone ? ' ' . $timezone->getName() : '';
// unix timestamp
if (is_numeric($date)) {
return (int) $date;
// It can be very slow when provided string is not a date and very long
if (strlen($date) > 128) {
$date = substr($date, 0, 128);
// if date parsing fails, we have a date in non-rfc format.
// remove token from the end and try again
while (($ts = @strtotime($date . $tzname)) === false || $ts < 0) {
if (($pos = strrpos($date, ' ')) === false) {
$date = rtrim(substr($date, 0, $pos));
return (int) $ts;
* Date parsing function that turns the given value into a DateTime object
* @param string $date Date string
* @param DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone to use for DateTime object
* @return DateTime|false DateTime object or False on failure
public static function anytodatetime($date, $timezone = null)
if ($date instanceof DateTime) {
return $date;
$dt = false;
$date = self::clean_datestr($date);
// try to parse string with DateTime first
if (!empty($date)) {
try {
$_date = preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $date) ? "@$date" : $date;
$dt = $timezone ? new DateTime($_date, $timezone) : new DateTime($_date);
catch (Exception $e) {
// ignore
// try our advanced strtotime() method
if (!$dt && ($timestamp = self::strtotime($date, $timezone))) {
try {
$dt = new DateTime("@".$timestamp);
if ($timezone) {
catch (Exception $e) {
// ignore
return $dt;
* Clean up date string for strtotime() input
* @param string $date Date string
* @return string Date string
public static function clean_datestr($date)
$date = trim($date);
// check for MS Outlook vCard date format YYYYMMDD
if (preg_match('/^([12][90]\d\d)([01]\d)([0123]\d)$/', $date, $m)) {
return sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00', intval($m[1]), intval($m[2]), intval($m[3]));
// Clean malformed data
$date = preg_replace(
'/\(.*\)/', // remove RFC comments
'/GMT\s*([+-][0-9]+)/', // support non-standard "GMTXXXX" literal
'/[^a-z0-9\x20\x09:\/\.+-]/i', // remove any invalid characters
'/\s*(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)\s*/i', // remove weekday names
$date = trim($date);
// try to fix dd/mm vs. mm/dd discrepancy, we can't do more here
if (preg_match('/^(\d{1,2})[.\/-](\d{1,2})[.\/-](\d{4})(\s.*)?$/', $date, $m)) {
$mdy = $m[2] > 12 && $m[1] <= 12;
$day = $mdy ? $m[2] : $m[1];
$month = $mdy ? $m[1] : $m[2];
$date = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d%s', $m[3], $month, $day, isset($m[4]) ? $m[4]: ' 00:00:00');
// I've found that YYYY.MM.DD is recognized wrong, so here's a fix
else if (preg_match('/^(\d{4})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})(\s.*)?$/', $date, $m)) {
$date = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d%s', $m[1], $m[2], $m[3], isset($m[4]) ? $m[4]: ' 00:00:00');
return $date;
* Turns the given date-only string in defined format into YYYY-MM-DD format.
* Supported formats: 'Y/m/d', 'Y.m.d', 'd-m-Y', 'd/m/Y', 'd.m.Y', 'j.n.Y'
* @param string $date Date string
* @param string $format Input date format
* @return string Date string in YYYY-MM-DD format, or the original string
* if format is not supported
public static function format_datestr($date, $format)
$format_items = preg_split('/[.-\/\\\\]/', $format);
$date_items = preg_split('/[.-\/\\\\]/', $date);
$iso_format = '%04d-%02d-%02d';
if (count($format_items) == 3 && count($date_items) == 3) {
if ($format_items[0] == 'Y') {
$date = sprintf($iso_format, $date_items[0], $date_items[1], $date_items[2]);
else if (strpos('dj', $format_items[0]) !== false) {
$date = sprintf($iso_format, $date_items[2], $date_items[1], $date_items[0]);
else if (strpos('mn', $format_items[0]) !== false) {
$date = sprintf($iso_format, $date_items[2], $date_items[0], $date_items[1]);
return $date;
* Wrapper for idn_to_ascii with support for e-mail address.
* Warning: Domain names may be lowercase'd.
* Warning: An empty string may be returned on invalid domain.
* @param string $str Decoded e-mail address
* @return string Encoded e-mail address
public static function idn_to_ascii($str)
return self::idn_convert($str, true);
* Wrapper for idn_to_utf8 with support for e-mail address
* @param string $str Decoded e-mail address
* @return string Encoded e-mail address
public static function idn_to_utf8($str)
return self::idn_convert($str, false);
* Convert a string to ascii or utf8 (using IDNA standard)
* @param string $input Decoded e-mail address
* @param boolean $is_utf Convert by idn_to_ascii if true and idn_to_utf8 if false
* @return string Encoded e-mail address
public static function idn_convert($input, $is_utf = false)
if ($at = strpos($input, '@')) {
$user = substr($input, 0, $at);
$domain = substr($input, $at + 1);
else {
$user = '';
$domain = $input;
// Note that in PHP 7.2/7.3 calling idn_to_* functions with default arguments
// throws a warning, so we have to set the variant explicitly (#6075)
$variant = defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46') ? INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 : null;
$options = 0;
// Because php-intl extension lowercases domains and return false
// on invalid input (#6224), we skip conversion when not needed
if ($is_utf) {
if (preg_match('/[^\x20-\x7E]/', $domain)) {
$domain = idn_to_ascii($domain, $options, $variant);
else if (preg_match('/(^|\.)xn--/i', $domain)) {
$domain = idn_to_utf8($domain, $options, $variant);
if ($domain === false) {
return '';
return $at ? $user . '@' . $domain : $domain;
* Split the given string into word tokens
* @param string $str Input to tokenize
* @param int $minlen Minimum length of a single token
* @return array List of tokens
public static function tokenize_string($str, $minlen = 2)
$expr = ['/[\s;,"\'\/+-]+/ui', '/(\d)[-.\s]+(\d)/u'];
$repl = [' ', '\\1\\2'];
if ($minlen > 1) {
$expr[] = "/(^|\s+)\w{1,$minlen}(\s+|$)/u";
$repl[] = ' ';
return array_filter(explode(" ", preg_replace($expr, $repl, $str)));
* Normalize the given string for fulltext search.
* Currently only optimized for ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-2 characters; to be extended
* @param string $str Input string (UTF-8)
* @param bool $as_array True to return list of words as array
* @param int $minlen Minimum length of tokens
* @return string|array Normalized string or a list of normalized tokens
public static function normalize_string($str, $as_array = false, $minlen = 2)
// replace 4-byte unicode characters with '?' character,
// these are not supported in default utf-8 charset on mysql,
// the chance we'd need them in searching is very low
$str = preg_replace('/('
. '\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}'
. '|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}'
. '|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}'
. ')/', '?', $str);
// split by words
$arr = self::tokenize_string($str, $minlen);
// detect character set
if (rcube_charset::convert(rcube_charset::convert($str, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1'), 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8') == $str) {
// ISO-8859-1 (or ASCII)
preg_match_all('/./u', 'äâàåáãæçéêëèïîìíñöôòøõóüûùúýÿ', $keys);
preg_match_all('/./', 'aaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy', $values);
$mapping = array_combine($keys[0], $values[0]);
$mapping = array_merge($mapping, ['ß' => 'ss', 'ae' => 'a', 'oe' => 'o', 'ue' => 'u']);
else if (rcube_charset::convert(rcube_charset::convert($str, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-2'), 'ISO-8859-2', 'UTF-8') == $str) {
// ISO-8859-2
preg_match_all('/./u', 'ąáâäćçčéęëěíîłľĺńňóôöŕřśšşťţůúűüźžżý', $keys);
preg_match_all('/./', 'aaaaccceeeeiilllnnooorrsssttuuuuzzzy', $values);
$mapping = array_combine($keys[0], $values[0]);
$mapping = array_merge($mapping, ['ß' => 'ss', 'ae' => 'a', 'oe' => 'o', 'ue' => 'u']);
foreach ($arr as $i => $part) {
$part = mb_strtolower($part);
if (!empty($mapping)) {
$part = strtr($part, $mapping);
$arr[$i] = $part;
return $as_array ? $arr : implode(' ', $arr);
* Compare two strings for matching words (order not relevant)
* @param string $haystack Haystack
* @param string $needle Needle
* @return bool True if match, False otherwise
public static function words_match($haystack, $needle)
$a_needle = self::tokenize_string($needle, 1);
$_haystack = implode(' ', self::tokenize_string($haystack, 1));
$valid = strlen($_haystack) > 0;
$hits = 0;
foreach ($a_needle as $w) {
if ($valid) {
if (stripos($_haystack, $w) !== false) {
else if (stripos($haystack, $w) !== false) {
return $hits >= count($a_needle);
* Parse commandline arguments into a hash array
* @param array $aliases Argument alias names
* @return array Argument values hash
public static function get_opt($aliases = [])
$args = [];
$bool = [];
// find boolean (no value) options
foreach ($aliases as $key => $alias) {
if ($pos = strpos($alias, ':')) {
$aliases[$key] = substr($alias, 0, $pos);
$bool[] = $key;
$bool[] = $aliases[$key];
for ($i=1; $i < count($_SERVER['argv']); $i++) {
$arg = $_SERVER['argv'][$i];
$value = true;
$key = null;
if ($arg[0] == '-') {
$key = preg_replace('/^-+/', '', $arg);
$sp = strpos($arg, '=');
if ($sp > 0) {
$key = substr($key, 0, $sp - 2);
$value = substr($arg, $sp+1);
else if (in_array($key, $bool)) {
$value = true;
else if (
isset($_SERVER['argv'][$i + 1])
&& strlen($_SERVER['argv'][$i + 1])
&& $_SERVER['argv'][$i + 1][0] != '-'
) {
$value = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i];
$args[$key] = is_string($value) ? preg_replace(['/^["\']/', '/["\']$/'], '', $value) : $value;
else {
$args[] = $arg;
if (!empty($aliases[$key])) {
$alias = $aliases[$key];
$args[$alias] = $args[$key];
return $args;
* Safe password prompt for command line
* from
* @param string $prompt Prompt text
* @return string Password
public static function prompt_silent($prompt = "Password:")
if (preg_match('/^win/i', PHP_OS)) {
$vbscript = sys_get_temp_dir() . 'prompt_password.vbs';
$vbcontent = 'wscript.echo(InputBox("' . addslashes($prompt) . '", "", "password here"))';
file_put_contents($vbscript, $vbcontent);
$command = "cscript //nologo " . escapeshellarg($vbscript);
$password = rtrim(shell_exec($command));
return $password;
$command = "/usr/bin/env bash -c 'echo OK'";
if (rtrim(shell_exec($command)) !== 'OK') {
echo $prompt;
$pass = trim(fgets(STDIN));
echo chr(8)."\r" . $prompt . str_repeat("*", strlen($pass))."\n";
return $pass;
$command = "/usr/bin/env bash -c 'read -s -p \"" . addslashes($prompt) . "\" mypassword && echo \$mypassword'";
$password = rtrim(shell_exec($command));
echo "\n";
return $password;
* Find out if the string content means true or false
* @param string $str Input value
* @return bool Boolean value
public static function get_boolean($str)
$str = strtolower($str);
return !in_array($str, ['false', '0', 'no', 'off', 'nein', ''], true);
* OS-dependent absolute path detection
* @param string $path File path
* @return bool True if the path is absolute, False otherwise
public static function is_absolute_path($path)
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') {
return (bool) preg_match('!^[a-z]:[\\\\/]!i', $path);
return isset($path[0]) && $path[0] == '/';
* Resolve relative URL
* @param string $url Relative URL
* @return string Absolute URL
public static function resolve_url($url)
// prepend protocol://hostname:port
if (!preg_match('|^https?://|', $url)) {
$schema = 'http';
$default_port = 80;
if (self::https_check()) {
$schema = 'https';
$default_port = 443;
$host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : null;
$port = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : null;
$prefix = $schema . '://' . preg_replace('/:\d+$/', '', $host);
if ($port != $default_port && $port != 80) {
$prefix .= ':' . $port;
$url = $prefix . ($url[0] == '/' ? '' : '/') . $url;
return $url;
* Generate a random string
* @param int $length String length
* @param bool $raw Return RAW data instead of ascii
* @return string The generated random string
public static function random_bytes($length, $raw = false)
$hextab = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
$tabsize = strlen($hextab);
// Use PHP7 true random generator
if ($raw && function_exists('random_bytes')) {
return random_bytes($length);
if (!$raw && function_exists('random_int')) {
$result = '';
while ($length-- > 0) {
$result .= $hextab[random_int(0, $tabsize - 1)];
return $result;
$random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length);
if ($random === false && $length > 0) {
throw new Exception("Failed to get random bytes");
if (!$raw) {
for ($x = 0; $x < $length; $x++) {
$random[$x] = $hextab[ord($random[$x]) % $tabsize];
return $random;
* Convert binary data into readable form (containing a-zA-Z0-9 characters)
* @param string $input Binary input
* @return string Readable output (Base62)
* @deprecated since 1.3.1
public static function bin2ascii($input)
$hextab = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
$result = '';
for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($input); $x++) {
$result .= $hextab[ord($input[$x]) % 62];
return $result;
* Format current date according to specified format.
* This method supports microseconds (u).
* @param string $format Date format (default: 'd-M-Y H:i:s O')
* @return string Formatted date
public static function date_format($format = null)
if (empty($format)) {
$format = 'd-M-Y H:i:s O';
if (strpos($format, 'u') !== false) {
$dt = number_format(microtime(true), 6, '.', '');
try {
$date = date_create_from_format('U.u', $dt);
$date->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
return $date->format($format);
catch (Exception $e) {
// ignore, fallback to date()
return date($format);
* Parses socket options and returns options for specified hostname.
* @param array &$options Configured socket options
* @param string $host Hostname
public static function parse_socket_options(&$options, $host = null)
if (empty($host) || empty($options)) {
// get rid of schema and port from the hostname
$host_url = parse_url($host);
if (isset($host_url['host'])) {
$host = $host_url['host'];
// find per-host options
if ($host && array_key_exists($host, $options)) {
$options = $options[$host];
* Get maximum upload size
* @return int Maximum size in bytes
public static function max_upload_size()
// find max filesize value
$max_filesize = parse_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$max_postsize = parse_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
if ($max_postsize && $max_postsize < $max_filesize) {
$max_filesize = $max_postsize;
return $max_filesize;
* Detect and log last PREG operation error
* @param array $error Error data (line, file, code, message)
* @param bool $terminate Stop script execution
* @return bool True on error, False otherwise
public static function preg_error($error = [], $terminate = false)
if (($preg_error = preg_last_error()) != PREG_NO_ERROR) {
$errstr = "PCRE Error: $preg_error.";
if ($preg_error == PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR) {
$errstr .= " Consider raising pcre.backtrack_limit!";
if ($preg_error == PREG_RECURSION_LIMIT_ERROR) {
$errstr .= " Consider raising pcre.recursion_limit!";
$error = array_merge(['code' => 620, 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__], $error);
if (!empty($error['message'])) {
$error['message'] .= ' ' . $errstr;
else {
$error['message'] = $errstr;
rcube::raise_error($error, true, $terminate);
return true;
return false;
* Generate a temporary file path in the Roundcube temp directory
* @param string $file_name String identifier for the type of temp file
* @param bool $unique Generate unique file names based on $file_name
* @param bool $create Create the temp file or not
* @return string temporary file path
public static function temp_filename($file_name, $unique = true, $create = true)
$temp_dir = rcube::get_instance()->config->get('temp_dir');
// Fall back to system temp dir if configured dir is not writable
if (!is_writable($temp_dir)) {
$temp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
// On Windows tempnam() uses only the first three characters of prefix so use uniqid() and manually add the prefix
// Full prefix is required for garbage collection to recognise the file
$temp_file = $unique ? str_replace('.', '', uniqid($file_name, true)) : $file_name;
$temp_path = unslashify($temp_dir) . '/' . RCUBE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX . $temp_file;
// Sanity check for unique file name
if ($unique && file_exists($temp_path)) {
return self::temp_filename($file_name, $unique, $create);
// Create the file to prevent possible race condition like tempnam() does
if ($create) {
return $temp_path;
* Clean the subject from reply and forward prefix
* @param string $subject Subject to clean
* @param string $mode Mode of cleaning : reply, forward or both
* @return string Cleaned subject
public static function remove_subject_prefix($subject, $mode = 'both')
$config = rcmail::get_instance()->config;
// Clean subject prefix for reply, forward or both
if ($mode == 'both') {
$reply_prefixes = $config->get('subject_reply_prefixes', ['Re:']);
$forward_prefixes = $config->get('subject_forward_prefixes', ['Fwd:', 'Fw:']);
$prefixes = array_merge($reply_prefixes, $forward_prefixes);
else if ($mode == 'reply') {
$prefixes = $config->get('subject_reply_prefixes', ['Re:']);
// replace (was: ...) (#1489375)
$subject = preg_replace('/\s*\([wW]as:[^\)]+\)\s*$/', '', $subject);
else if ($mode == 'forward') {
$prefixes = $config->get('subject_forward_prefixes', ['Fwd:', 'Fw:']);
// replace Re:, Re[x]:, Re-x (#1490497)
$pieces = array_map(function($prefix) {
$prefix = strtolower(str_replace(':', '', $prefix));
return "$prefix:|$prefix\[\d\]:|$prefix-\d:";
}, $prefixes);
$pattern = '/^('.implode('|', $pieces).')\s*/i';
do {
$subject = preg_replace($pattern, '', $subject, -1, $count);
while ($count);
return trim($subject);
* When proxy_protocol is configured for a connection type,
* generate the HAproxy style PROXY protocol header for injection
* into the TCP stream.
* PROXY protocol headers must be sent before any other data is sent on the TCP socket.
* @param array $conn_options preferences array which may contain proxy_protocol (generally {driver}_conn_options)
* @return string proxy protocol header data, if enabled, otherwise empty string
public static function proxy_protocol_header($conn_options = null)
if ($conn_options === null)
return "";
// verify that proxy_protocol option is present
if (is_array($conn_options) && array_key_exists('proxy_protocol', $conn_options)) {
if (is_array($conn_options['proxy_protocol'])) {
$proxy_protocol_version = $conn_options['proxy_protocol']['version'];
$proxy_protocol_options = $conn_options['proxy_protocol'];
else {
$proxy_protocol_version = $conn_options['proxy_protocol'];
$proxy_protocol_options = null;
- $proxy_protocol_remote_addr = (array_key_exists('remote_addr', $proxy_protocol_options) ? $proxy_protocol_options['remote_addr'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );
+ $proxy_protocol_remote_addr = (array_key_exists('remote_addr', $proxy_protocol_options) ? $proxy_protocol_options['remote_addr'] : self::remote_addr() );
$proxy_protocol_remote_port = (array_key_exists('remote_port', $proxy_protocol_options) ? $proxy_protocol_options['remote_port'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'] );
$proxy_protocol_local_addr = (array_key_exists('local_addr' ,$proxy_protocol_options) ? $proxy_protocol_options['local_addr'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] );
$proxy_protocol_local_port = (array_key_exists('local_port', $proxy_protocol_options) ? $proxy_protocol_options['local_port'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] );
$proxy_protocol_ip_version = (strpos($proxy_protocol_remote_addr, ":") === false ? 4 : 6);
if ($proxy_protocol_version === 1) {
// text based PROXY protocol
// PROXY protocol does not support dual IPv6+IPv4 type addresses, e.g. ::
if ($proxy_protocol_ip_version === 6 && strpos($proxy_protocol_remote_addr, ".") !== false) {
$proxy_protocol_remote_addr = inet_ntop(inet_pton($proxy_protocol_remote_addr));
if ($proxy_protocol_ip_version === 6 && strpos($proxy_protocol_local_addr, ".") !== false) {
$proxy_protocol_local_addr = inet_ntop(inet_pton($proxy_protocol_local_addr));
$proxy_protocol_text = "PROXY " . // protocol header
($proxy_protocol_ip_version === 6 ? "TCP6 " : "TCP4 ") . // IP version type
$proxy_protocol_remote_addr .
" " .
$proxy_protocol_local_addr .
" " .
$proxy_protocol_remote_port .
" " .
$proxy_protocol_local_port .
return $proxy_protocol_text;
else if ($proxy_protocol_version === 2) {
// binary PROXY protocol
$proxy_protocol_bin = pack("H*", "0D0A0D0A000D0A515549540A" . // protocol header
"21" . // protocol version and command
($proxy_protocol_ip_version === 6 ? "2" : "1") . // IP version type
"1"); // TCP
$proxy_protocol_addr = inet_pton($proxy_protocol_remote_addr) .
inet_pton($proxy_protocol_local_addr) .
pack("n", $proxy_protocol_remote_port) .
pack("n", $proxy_protocol_local_port);
$proxy_protocol_bin .= pack("n", strlen($proxy_protocol_addr)) . $proxy_protocol_addr;
return $proxy_protocol_bin;
else {
// unknown proxy protocol version
return "";
return "";
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Sat, Mar 1, 3:57 AM (1 d, 8 h)
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R3 roundcubemail
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