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diff --git a/lib/Kolab/FreeBusy/SourceIMAP.php b/lib/Kolab/FreeBusy/SourceIMAP.php
index 666b9d1..31c48cb 100644
--- a/lib/Kolab/FreeBusy/SourceIMAP.php
+++ b/lib/Kolab/FreeBusy/SourceIMAP.php
@@ -1,380 +1,380 @@
* This file is part of the Kolab Server Free/Busy Service
* @author Thomas Bruederli <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015, Kolab Systems AG <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace Kolab\FreeBusy;
use Kolab\Config;
use Sabre\VObject;
use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar;
use Sabre\VObject\FreeBusyGenerator;
use Sabre\VObject\ParseException;
* Implementation of a Free/Busy data source reading from IMAP
* (not yet implemented!)
class SourceIMAP extends Source
private $folders = array();
public function __construct($config)
if (empty($config['mail_attributes'])) {
if (!empty($config['attributes'])) {
Logger::get('imap')->addWarning("Use of deprecated 'attributes' option. Switch to 'mail_attributes'!");
$config['mail_attributes'] = $config['attributes'];
else {
$config['mail_attributes'] = 'mail';
// load the Roundcube framework with its autoloader
require_once KOLAB_FREEBUSY_ROOT . '/lib/Roundcube/bootstrap.php';
$rcube = \rcube::get_instance(\rcube::INIT_WITH_DB | \rcube::INIT_WITH_PLUGINS);
// Load plugins
$rcube->plugins->load_plugins(array(), array('libkolab','libcalendaring'));
// get libvcalendar instance
$this->libvcal = \libcalendaring::get_ical();
* @see Source::getFreeBusyData()
public function getFreeBusyData($user, $extended)
$log = Logger::get('imap', intval($this->config['loglevel']));
$config = $this->getUserConfig($user);
parse_str(strval($config['query']), $param);
$config += $param;
// log this...
$log->addInfo("Fetching data for ", $config);
// caching is enabled
if (!empty($config['cacheto'])) {
// check for cached data
if ($cached = $this->getCached($config)) {
$log->addInfo("Deliver cached data from " . $config['cacheto']);
return $cached;
// touch cache file to avoid multiple requests generating the same data
if (file_exists($config['cacheto'])) {
else {
file_put_contents($config['cacheto'], Utils::dummyVFreebusy($user['mail']));
$tempfile = $config['cacheto'];
// compose a list of user email addresses
$user_email = array();
foreach (Config::convert($this->config['mail_attributes'], Config::ARR) as $key) {
if (!empty($user[$key])) {
$user_email = array_merge($user_email, (array)$user[$key]);
// synchronize with IMAP and read Kolab event objects
if ($imap = $this->imap_login($config)) {
// target folder is specified in source URI
if ($config['path'] && $config['path'] != '/') {
$folders = array(\kolab_storage::get_folder(substr($config['path'], 1)));
$read_all = true;
else { // list all folders of type 'event'
$folders = \kolab_storage::get_folders('event', false);
$read_all = false;
$utc = new \DateTimezone('UTC');
$dtstart = Utils::periodStartDT();
$dtend = Utils::periodEndDT();
$calendar = new VObject\Component\VCalendar();
$seen = array();
$log->addInfo("Getting events from IMAP in range", array($dtstart->format('c'), $dtend->format('c')));
$query = array(array('dtstart','<=',$dtend), array('dtend','>=',$dtstart));
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
$count = 0;
$namespace = $folder->get_namespace();
$log->debug('Reading Kolab folder: ' . $folder->name, $folder->get_folder_info());
// skip other user's shared calendars
if (!$read_all && $namespace == 'other') {
// set ACL (temporarily)
- if ($config['acl'] ?? null) {
+ if (!empty($config['acl'])) {
$folder->_old_acl = $folder->get_myrights();
$imap->set_acl($folder->name, $config['user'], $config['acl']);
foreach ($folder->select($query) as $event) {
//$log->debug('Processing event', $event);
- if ($event['cancelled'] ?? null) {
+ if (!empty($event['cancelled'])) {
$event['namespace'] = $namespace;
// only consider shared namespace events if user is a confirmed participant (or organizer)
// skip declined events
if (!$this->check_participation($event, $user_email, $status)
|| ($status != 'ACCEPTED' && $status != 'TENTATIVE')
) {
$log->debug('Skip shared/declined event', array($event['uid'], $event['title']));
// translate all-day dates into absolute UTC times
// FIXME: use server timezone?
- if ($event['allday']) {
+ if (!empty($event['allday'])) {
$utc = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
if (!empty($event['start'])) {
if (!empty($event['end'])) {
// avoid duplicate entries
$key = $event['start']->format('c') . '/' . $event['end']->format('c');
if (!empty($seen[$key])) {
$log->debug('Skipping duplicate event at ' . $key, array($event['uid'], $event['title']));
$seen[$key] = true;
// copied from libvcalendar::_to_ical()
$ve = $this->to_vevent($event, $calendar, $user_email);
- if ($event['recurrence'] ?? null) {
+ if (!empty($event['recurrence'])) {
if ($exdates = $event['recurrence']['EXDATE'])
if ($rdates = $event['recurrence']['RDATE'])
if ($event['recurrence']['FREQ'])
$ve->add('RRULE', \libcalendaring::to_rrule($event['recurrence']));
// consider recurrence exceptions
if (is_array($event['recurrence']['EXCEPTIONS'])) {
foreach ($event['recurrence']['EXCEPTIONS'] as $i => $exception) {
$exception['namespace'] = $namespace;
// register exdate for this occurrence
if ($exception['recurrence_date'] instanceof \DateTime) {
$exdates[] = $exception['recurrence_date'];
// add exception to vcalendar container
if (!$exception['cancelled'] && $this->check_participation($exception, $user_email, $status) && $status != 'DECLINED') {
$vex = $this->to_vevent($exception, $calendar, $user_email);
$vex->UID = $event['uid'] . '-' . $i;
$log->debug("Adding event exception for processing:\n" . $vex->serialize());
// add EXDATEs each one per line (for Thunderbird Lightning)
if ($exdates) {
foreach ($exdates as $ex) {
if ($ex instanceof \DateTime) {
$exd = clone $event['start'];
$exd->setDate($ex->format('Y'), $ex->format('n'), $ex->format('j'));
$ve->add($this->libvcal->datetime_prop($calendar, 'EXDATE', $exd, true));
// add RDATEs
if (!empty($rdates)) {
foreach ((array)$rdates as $rdate) {
$ve->add($this->libvcal->datetime_prop($calendar, 'RDATE', $rdate));
// append to vcalendar container
$log->debug("Adding event for processing:\n" . $ve->serialize());
$log->addInfo("Added $count events from folder " . $folder->name);
$this->imap_disconnect($imap, $config, $folders);
// feed the calendar object into the free/busy generator
// we must specify a start and end date, because recurring events are expanded. nice!
$fbgen = new FreeBusyGenerator($dtstart, $dtend, $calendar);
// get the freebusy report
$freebusy = $fbgen->getResult();
$freebusy->PRODID = Utils::PRODID;
$freebusy->METHOD = 'PUBLISH';
$freebusy->VFREEBUSY->UID = date('YmdHi') . '-' . substr(md5($user_email[0]), 0, 16);
$freebusy->VFREEBUSY->ORGANIZER = 'mailto:' . $user_email[0];
// serialize to VCALENDAR format
return $freebusy->serialize();
// remove (temporary) cache file again
else if ($tempfile) {
return false;
* Helper method to establish connection to the configured IMAP backend
private function imap_login($config)
$rcube = \rcube::get_instance();
$imap = $rcube->get_storage();
$host = $config['host'];
$port = $config['port'] ?: ($config['scheme'] == 'imaps' ? 993 : 143);
// detect ssl|tls method
if ($config['scheme'] == 'imaps' || $port == 993) {
$ssl = 'imaps';
} elseif ($config['scheme'] == 'tls') {
$ssl = 'tls';
} else {
$ssl = false;
// enable proxy authentication
if (!empty($config['proxy_auth'])) {
$imap->set_options(array('auth_cid' => $config['proxy_auth'], 'auth_pw' => $config['pass']));
// authenticate user in IMAP
if (!$imap->connect($host, $config['user'], $config['pass'], $port, $ssl)) {
Logger::get('imap')->addWarning("Failed to connect to IMAP server: " . $imap->get_error_code(), $config);
return false;
// fake user object to rcube framework
$rcube->set_user(new \rcube_user('0', array('username' => $config['user'], 'user_id' => 0, 'language' => null)));
return $imap;
* Cleanup and close IMAP connection
private function imap_disconnect($imap, $config, $folders)
// reset ACL
if (($config['acl'] ?? null) && !empty($folders)) {
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
$imap->set_acl($folder->name, $config['user'], $folder->_old_acl);
* Helper method to build a Sabre/VObject from the gieven event data
private function to_vevent($event, $cal, $user_email)
// copied from libvcalendar::_to_ical()
$ve = $cal->create('VEVENT');
$ve->UID = $event['uid'];
if (!empty($event['start']))
$ve->add($this->libvcal->datetime_prop($cal, 'DTSTART', $event['start'], false, false));
if (!empty($event['end']))
$ve->add($this->libvcal->datetime_prop($cal, 'DTEND', $event['end'], false, false));
if (!empty($event['free_busy']))
$ve->add('TRANSP', $event['free_busy'] == 'free' ? 'TRANSPARENT' : 'OPAQUE');
if ($this->check_participation($event, $user_email, $status) && $status) {
$ve->add('STATUS', $status);
return $ve;
* Helper method to check the participation status of the requested user
private function check_participation($event, $user_email, &$status = null)
$is_organizer = false;
if (!empty($event['organizer']['email'])) {
if (in_array($event['organizer']['email'], $user_email)) {
$is_organizer = true;
if (!$is_organizer && !empty($event['attendees'])) {
foreach ($event['attendees'] as $attendee) {
if (!empty($attendee['email']) && in_array($attendee['email'], $user_email)) {
$status = $attendee['status'];
return true;
if ($is_organizer || ($event['namespace'] ?? null) == 'personal') {
$status = 'ACCEPTED';
if (!empty($event['free_busy']) && $event['free_busy'] == 'tentative') {
$status = 'TENTATIVE';
else if (!empty($event['status'])) {
$status = $event['status'];
return true;
return false;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Oct 1, 5:22 AM (1 d, 19 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(12 KB)

Event Timeline