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diff --git a/plugins/password/ b/plugins/password/
index db5c47b02..e960bbe00 100644
--- a/plugins/password/
+++ b/plugins/password/
@@ -1,365 +1,362 @@
-// Supported hosts
-// -----------------------
-// Array of hosts that support password changing.
-// Default is NULL. Supported hosts will feature
-// a Password option in Settings; others will not.
-// Example:
-//$rcmail_config['password_supported_hosts'] = array( '', '' );
-$rcmail_config['password_supported_hosts'] = NULL;
// Password Plugin options
// -----------------------
// A driver to use for password change. Default: "sql".
// See README file for list of supported driver names.
$rcmail_config['password_driver'] = 'sql';
// Determine whether current password is required to change password.
// Default: false.
$rcmail_config['password_confirm_current'] = true;
// Require the new password to be a certain length.
// set to blank to allow passwords of any length
$rcmail_config['password_minimum_length'] = 0;
// Require the new password to contain a letter and punctuation character
// Change to false to remove this check.
$rcmail_config['password_require_nonalpha'] = false;
// Enables logging of password changes into logs/password
$rcmail_config['password_log'] = false;
// Comma-separated list of login exceptions for which password change
// will be not available (no Password tab in Settings)
$rcmail_config['password_login_exceptions'] = null;
+// Array of hosts that support password changing. Default is NULL.
+// Listed hosts will feature a Password option in Settings; others will not.
+// Example:
+//$rcmail_config['password_hosts'] = array('', '');
+$rcmail_config['password_hosts'] = null;
// SQL Driver options
// ------------------
// PEAR database DSN for performing the query. By default
// Roundcube DB settings are used.
$rcmail_config['password_db_dsn'] = '';
// The SQL query used to change the password.
// The query can contain the following macros that will be expanded as follows:
// %p is replaced with the plaintext new password
// %c is replaced with the crypt version of the new password, MD5 if available
// otherwise DES. More hash function can be enabled using the password_crypt_hash
// configuration parameter.
// %D is replaced with the dovecotpw-crypted version of the new password
// %o is replaced with the password before the change
// %n is replaced with the hashed version of the new password
// %q is replaced with the hashed password before the change
// %h is replaced with the imap host (from the session info)
// %u is replaced with the username (from the session info)
// %l is replaced with the local part of the username
// (in case the username is an email address)
// %d is replaced with the domain part of the username
// (in case the username is an email address)
// Escaping of macros is handled by this module.
// Default: "SELECT update_passwd(%c, %u)"
$rcmail_config['password_query'] = 'SELECT update_passwd(%c, %u)';
// By default the crypt() function which is used to create the '%c'
// parameter uses the md5 algorithm. To use different algorithms
// you can choose between: des, md5, blowfish, sha256, sha512.
// Before using other hash functions than des or md5 please make sure
// your operating system supports the other hash functions.
$rcmail_config['password_crypt_hash'] = 'md5';
// By default domains in variables are using unicode.
// Enable this option to use punycoded names
$rcmail_config['password_idn_ascii'] = false;
// Path for dovecotpw (if not in $PATH)
// $rcmail_config['password_dovecotpw'] = '/usr/local/sbin/dovecotpw';
// Dovecot method (dovecotpw -s 'method')
$rcmail_config['password_dovecotpw_method'] = 'CRAM-MD5';
// Enables use of password with crypt method prefix in %D, e.g. {MD5}$1$LUiMYWqx$fEkg/ggr/L6Mb2X7be4i1/
$rcmail_config['password_dovecotpw_with_method'] = false;
// Using a password hash for %n and %q variables.
// Determine which hashing algorithm should be used to generate
// the hashed new and current password for using them within the
// SQL query. Requires PHP's 'hash' extension.
$rcmail_config['password_hash_algorithm'] = 'sha1';
// You can also decide whether the hash should be provided
// as hex string or in base64 encoded format.
$rcmail_config['password_hash_base64'] = false;
// Poppassd Driver options
// -----------------------
// The host which changes the password
$rcmail_config['password_pop_host'] = 'localhost';
// TCP port used for poppassd connections
$rcmail_config['password_pop_port'] = 106;
// SASL Driver options
// -------------------
// Additional arguments for the saslpasswd2 call
$rcmail_config['password_saslpasswd_args'] = '';
// LDAP and LDAP_SIMPLE Driver options
// -----------------------------------
// LDAP server name to connect to.
// You can provide one or several hosts in an array in which case the hosts are tried from left to right.
// Exemple: array('', '');
// Default: 'localhost'
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_host'] = 'localhost';
// LDAP server port to connect to
// Default: '389'
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_port'] = '389';
// TLS is started after connecting
// Using TLS for password modification is recommanded.
// Default: false
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_starttls'] = false;
// LDAP version
// Default: '3'
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_version'] = '3';
// LDAP base name (root directory)
// Exemple: 'dc=exemple,dc=com'
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_basedn'] = 'dc=exemple,dc=com';
// LDAP connection method
// There is two connection method for changing a user's LDAP password.
// 'user': use user credential (recommanded, require password_confirm_current=true)
// 'admin': use admin credential (this mode require password_ldap_adminDN and password_ldap_adminPW)
// Default: 'user'
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_method'] = 'user';
// LDAP Admin DN
// Used only in admin connection mode
// Default: null
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_adminDN'] = null;
// LDAP Admin Password
// Used only in admin connection mode
// Default: null
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_adminPW'] = null;
// LDAP user DN mask
// The user's DN is mandatory and as we only have his login,
// we need to re-create his DN using a mask
// '%login' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's login
// '%name' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's name part
// '%domain' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's domain part
// '%dc' will be replaced by domain name hierarchal string e.g. "dc=test,dc=domain,dc=com"
// Exemple: 'uid=%login,ou=people,dc=exemple,dc=com'
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_userDN_mask'] = 'uid=%login,ou=people,dc=exemple,dc=com';
// LDAP search DN
// The DN roundcube should bind with to find out user's DN
// based on his login. Note that you should comment out the default
// password_ldap_userDN_mask setting for this to take effect.
// Use this if you cannot specify a general template for user DN with
// password_ldap_userDN_mask. You need to perform a search based on
// users login to find his DN instead. A common reason might be that
// your users are placed under different ou's like engineering or
// sales which cannot be derived from their login only.
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_searchDN'] = 'cn=roundcube,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com';
// LDAP search password
// If password_ldap_searchDN is set, the password to use for
// binding to search for user's DN. Note that you should comment out the default
// password_ldap_userDN_mask setting for this to take effect.
// Warning: Be sure to set approperiate permissions on this file so this password
// is only accesible to roundcube and don't forget to restrict roundcube's access to
// your directory as much as possible using ACLs. Should this password be compromised
// you want to minimize the damage.
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_searchPW'] = 'secret';
// LDAP search base
// If password_ldap_searchDN is set, the base to search in using the filter below.
// Note that you should comment out the default password_ldap_userDN_mask setting
// for this to take effect.
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_search_base'] = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com';
// LDAP search filter
// If password_ldap_searchDN is set, the filter to use when
// searching for user's DN. Note that you should comment out the default
// password_ldap_userDN_mask setting for this to take effect.
// '%login' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's login
// '%name' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's name part
// '%domain' will be replaced by the current roundcube user's domain part
// '%dc' will be replaced by domain name hierarchal string e.g. "dc=test,dc=domain,dc=com"
// Example: '(uid=%login)'
// Example: '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%login))'
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_search_filter'] = '(uid=%login)';
// LDAP password hash type
// Standard LDAP encryption type which must be one of: crypt,
// ext_des, md5crypt, blowfish, md5, sha, smd5, ssha, or clear.
// Please note that most encodage types require external libraries
// to be included in your PHP installation, see function hashPassword in drivers/ldap.php for more info.
// Default: 'crypt'
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_encodage'] = 'crypt';
// LDAP password attribute
// Name of the ldap's attribute used for storing user password
// Default: 'userPassword'
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_pwattr'] = 'userPassword';
// LDAP password force replace
// Force LDAP replace in cases where ACL allows only replace not read
// See
// Default: true
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_force_replace'] = true;
// LDAP Password Last Change Date
// Some places use an attribute to store the date of the last password change
// The date is meassured in "days since epoch" (an integer value)
// Whenever the password is changed, the attribute will be updated if set (e.g. shadowLastChange)
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_lchattr'] = '';
// LDAP Samba password attribute, e.g. sambaNTPassword
// Name of the LDAP's Samba attribute used for storing user password
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_samba_pwattr'] = '';
// LDAP Samba Password Last Change Date attribute, e.g. sambaPwdLastSet
// Some places use an attribute to store the date of the last password change
// The date is meassured in "seconds since epoch" (an integer value)
// Whenever the password is changed, the attribute will be updated if set
$rcmail_config['password_ldap_samba_lchattr'] = '';
// DirectAdmin Driver options
// --------------------------
// The host which changes the password
// Use 'ssl://host' instead of 'tcp://host' when running DirectAdmin over SSL.
// The host can contain the following macros that will be expanded as follows:
// %h is replaced with the imap host (from the session info)
// %d is replaced with the domain part of the username (if the username is an email)
$rcmail_config['password_directadmin_host'] = 'tcp://localhost';
// TCP port used for DirectAdmin connections
$rcmail_config['password_directadmin_port'] = 2222;
// vpopmaild Driver options
// -----------------------
// The host which changes the password
$rcmail_config['password_vpopmaild_host'] = 'localhost';
// TCP port used for vpopmaild connections
$rcmail_config['password_vpopmaild_port'] = 89;
// cPanel Driver options
// --------------------------
// The cPanel Host name
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_host'] = '';
// The cPanel admin username
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_username'] = 'username';
// The cPanel admin password
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_password'] = 'password';
// The cPanel port to use
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_port'] = 2082;
// Using ssl for cPanel connections?
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_ssl'] = true;
// The cPanel theme in use
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_theme'] = 'x';
// XIMSS (Communigate server) Driver options
// -----------------------------------------
// Host name of the Communigate server
$rcmail_config['password_ximss_host'] = '';
// XIMSS port on Communigate server
$rcmail_config['password_ximss_port'] = 11024;
// chpasswd Driver options
// ---------------------
// Command to use
$rcmail_config['password_chpasswd_cmd'] = 'sudo /usr/sbin/chpasswd 2> /dev/null';
// XMail Driver options
// ---------------------
$rcmail_config['xmail_host'] = 'localhost';
$rcmail_config['xmail_user'] = 'YourXmailControlUser';
$rcmail_config['xmail_pass'] = 'YourXmailControlPass';
$rcmail_config['xmail_port'] = 6017;
// hMail Driver options
// -----------------------
// Remote hMailServer configuration
// true: HMailserver is on a remote box (php.ini: com.allow_dcom = true)
// false: Hmailserver is on same box as PHP
$rcmail_config['hmailserver_remote_dcom'] = false;
// Windows credentials
$rcmail_config['hmailserver_server'] = array(
'Server' => 'localhost', // hostname or ip address
'Username' => 'administrator', // windows username
'Password' => 'password' // windows user password
// Virtualmin Driver options
// -------------------------
// Username format:
// 0: username@domain
// 1: username%domain
// 2: username.domain
// 3: domain.username
// 4: username-domain
// 5: domain-username
// 6: username_domain
// 7: domain_username
// 8: username@domain; mbox.username
$rcmail_config['password_virtualmin_format'] = 8;
// pw_usermod Driver options
// --------------------------
// Use comma delimited exlist to disable password change for users
// Add the following line to visudo to tighten security:
// www ALL=NOPASSWORD: /usr/sbin/pw
$rcmail_config['password_pw_usermod_cmd'] = 'sudo /usr/sbin/pw usermod -h 0 -n';
// DBMail Driver options
// -------------------
// Additional arguments for the dbmail-users call
$rcmail_config['password_dbmail_args'] = '-p sha512';
// Expect Driver options
// ---------------------
// Location of expect binary
$rcmail_config['password_expect_bin'] = '/usr/bin/expect';
// Location of expect script (see helpers/passwd-expect)
$rcmail_config['password_expect_script'] = '';
// Arguments for the expect script. See the helpers/passwd-expect file for details.
// This is probably a good starting default:
// -telent -host localhost -output /tmp/passwd.log -log /tmp/passwd.log
$rcmail_config['password_expect_params'] = '';
// smb Driver options
// ---------------------
// Samba host (default: localhost)
$rcmail_config['password_smb_host'] = 'localhost';
// Location of smbpasswd binary
$rcmail_config['password_smb_cmd'] = '/usr/bin/smbpasswd';
diff --git a/plugins/password/package.xml b/plugins/password/package.xml
index e639a04ef..9a056dec6 100644
--- a/plugins/password/package.xml
+++ b/plugins/password/package.xml
@@ -1,350 +1,351 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package xmlns="" xmlns:tasks="" xmlns:xsi="" packagerversion="1.9.0" version="2.0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<summary>Password Change for Roundcube</summary>
<description>Plugin that adds a possibility to change user password using many
methods (drivers) via Settings/Password tab.
<name>Aleksander Machniak</name>
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Fix wrong (non-specific) error message on crypt or connection error (#1488808)
+- Added option to define IMAP hosts that support password changes - password_hosts
<dir baseinstalldir="/" name="/">
<file name="password.php" role="php">
<tasks:replace from="@name@" to="name" type="package-info"/>
<tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
<file name="password.js" role="data">
<tasks:replace from="@name@" to="name" type="package-info"/>
<tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
<file name="README" role="data">
<tasks:replace from="@name@" to="name" type="package-info"/>
<tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="localization/" role="data"></file>
<file name="drivers/chpasswd.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/dbmail.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/directadmin.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/domainfactory.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/expect.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/ldap.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/ldap_simple.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/poppassd.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/sql.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/vpopmaild.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/cpanel.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/hmail.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/pam.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/pw_usermod.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/sasl.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/smb.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/virtualmin.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/ximss.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="drivers/xmail.php" role="php"></file>
<file name="helpers/chgdbmailusers.c" role="data"></file>
<file name="helpers/chgsaslpasswd.c" role="data"></file>
<file name="helpers/chgvirtualminpasswd.c" role="data"></file>
<file name="helpers/" role="data"></file>
<file name="helpers/passwd-expect" role="data"></file>
<file name="" role="data"></file>
<!-- / -->
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Use mail_domain value for domain variables when there is no domain in username:
sql and ldap drivers (#1486694)
- Created package.xml
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Removed user_login/username_local/username_domain methods,
use rcube_user::get_username instead (#1486707)
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Added ldap_simple driver
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Added XMail driver
- Improve security of chpasswd driver using popen instead of exec+echo (#1486987)
- Added script to improve security (#1486987)
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Added possibility to display extended error messages (#1486704)
- Added extended error messages in Poppassd driver (#1486704)
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Added password_ldap_lchattr option (#1486927)
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Fixed SQL Injection in SQL driver when using %p or %o variables in query (#1487034)
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- hMail driver: Add possibility to connect to remote host
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- hMail driver: add username_domain detection (#1487100)
- hMail driver: HTML tags in logged messages should be stripped off (#1487099)
- Chpasswd driver: add newline at end of input to chpasswd binary (#1487141)
- Fix usage of configured temp_dir instead of /tmp (#1487447)
- ldap_simple driver: fix parse error
- ldap/ldap_simple drivers: support %dc variable in config
- ldap/ldap_simple drivers: support Samba password change
- Fix extended error messages handling (#1487676)
- Fix double request when clicking on Password tab in Firefox
- Fix deprecated split() usage in xmail and directadmin drivers (#1487769)
- Added option (password_log) for logging password changes
- Virtualmin driver: Add option for setting username format (#1487781)
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- When old and new passwords are the same, do nothing, return success (#1487823)
- Fixed Samba password hashing in 'ldap' driver
- Added 'password_change' hook for plugin actions after successful password change
- Fixed bug where 'doveadm pw' command was used as dovecotpw utility
- Improve generated crypt() passwords (#1488136)
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Added option to use punycode or unicode for domain names (#1488103)
- Save Samba password hashes in capital letters (#1488197)
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Fixed drivers namespace issues
<license uri="">GNU GPLv2</license>
- Added pw_usermod driver (#1487826)
- Added option password_login_exceptions (#1487826)
- Added domainfactory driver (#1487882)
- Added DBMail driver (#1488281)
- Helper files moved to helpers/ directory from drivers/
- Added Expect driver (#1488363)
- Added Samba password (#1488364)
diff --git a/plugins/password/password.php b/plugins/password/password.php
index cd0f5f1e0..028a58d3e 100644
--- a/plugins/password/password.php
+++ b/plugins/password/password.php
@@ -1,298 +1,298 @@
| Password Plugin for Roundcube |
| @version @package_version@ |
| |
| Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Roundcube Dev. |
| |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 |
| as published by the Free Software Foundation. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along |
| with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., |
| 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. |
| |
| Author: Aleksander Machniak <> |
$Id: index.php 2645 2009-06-15 07:01:36Z alec $
define('PASSWORD_ERROR', 2);
define('PASSWORD_SUCCESS', 0);
* Change password plugin
* Plugin that adds functionality to change a users password.
* It provides common functionality and user interface and supports
* several backends to finally update the password.
* For installation and configuration instructions please read the README file.
* @author Aleksander Machniak
class password extends rcube_plugin
public $task = 'settings';
public $noframe = true;
public $noajax = true;
function init()
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
- $host = isset( $_SESSION['imap_host'] ) ? $_SESSION['imap_host'] : NULL;
- $hosts = $rcmail->config->get( 'password_supported_hosts' );
- if ( !empty( $hosts ) and !in_array( $host, $hosts ) ) {
+ // Host exceptions
+ $hosts = $rcmail->config->get('password_hosts');
+ if (!empty($hosts) && !in_array($_SESSION['storage_host'], $hosts)) {
- // Exceptions list
+ // Login exceptions
if ($exceptions = $rcmail->config->get('password_login_exceptions')) {
$exceptions = array_map('trim', (array) $exceptions);
$exceptions = array_filter($exceptions);
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
foreach ($exceptions as $ec) {
if ($username === $ec) {
// add Tab label
$this->register_action('plugin.password', array($this, 'password_init'));
$this->register_action('plugin.password-save', array($this, 'password_save'));
function password_init()
$this->register_handler('plugin.body', array($this, 'password_form'));
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
function password_save()
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$this->register_handler('plugin.body', array($this, 'password_form'));
$confirm = $rcmail->config->get('password_confirm_current');
$required_length = intval($rcmail->config->get('password_minimum_length'));
$check_strength = $rcmail->config->get('password_require_nonalpha');
if (($confirm && !isset($_POST['_curpasswd'])) || !isset($_POST['_newpasswd'])) {
$rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('nopassword'), 'error');
else {
$charset = strtoupper($rcmail->config->get('password_charset', 'ISO-8859-1'));
$rc_charset = strtoupper($rcmail->output->get_charset());
$sespwd = $rcmail->decrypt($_SESSION['password']);
$curpwd = $confirm ? get_input_value('_curpasswd', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, true, $charset) : $sespwd;
$newpwd = get_input_value('_newpasswd', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, true);
$conpwd = get_input_value('_confpasswd', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, true);
// check allowed characters according to the configured 'password_charset' option
// by converting the password entered by the user to this charset and back to UTF-8
$orig_pwd = $newpwd;
$chk_pwd = rcube_charset_convert($orig_pwd, $rc_charset, $charset);
$chk_pwd = rcube_charset_convert($chk_pwd, $charset, $rc_charset);
// WARNING: Default password_charset is ISO-8859-1, so conversion will
// change national characters. This may disable possibility of using
// the same password in other MUA's.
// We're doing this for consistence with Roundcube core
$newpwd = rcube_charset_convert($newpwd, $rc_charset, $charset);
$conpwd = rcube_charset_convert($conpwd, $rc_charset, $charset);
if ($chk_pwd != $orig_pwd) {
$rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('passwordforbidden'), 'error');
// other passwords validity checks
else if ($conpwd != $newpwd) {
$rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('passwordinconsistency'), 'error');
else if ($confirm && $sespwd != $curpwd) {
$rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('passwordincorrect'), 'error');
else if ($required_length && strlen($newpwd) < $required_length) {
$rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext(
array('name' => 'passwordshort', 'vars' => array('length' => $required_length))), 'error');
else if ($check_strength && (!preg_match("/[0-9]/", $newpwd) || !preg_match("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", $newpwd))) {
$rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('passwordweak'), 'error');
// password is the same as the old one, do nothing, return success
else if ($sespwd == $newpwd) {
$rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('successfullysaved'), 'confirmation');
// try to save the password
else if (!($res = $this->_save($curpwd, $newpwd))) {
$rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('successfullysaved'), 'confirmation');
// allow additional actions after password change (e.g. reset some backends)
$plugin = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('password_change', array(
'old_pass' => $curpwd, 'new_pass' => $newpwd));
// Reset session password
$_SESSION['password'] = $rcmail->encrypt($plugin['new_pass']);
// Log password change
if ($rcmail->config->get('password_log')) {
write_log('password', sprintf('Password changed for user %s (ID: %d) from %s',
$rcmail->user->get_username(), $rcmail->user->ID, rcmail_remote_ip()));
else {
$rcmail->output->command('display_message', $res, 'error');
function password_form()
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
// add some labels to client
$rcmail->output->set_env('product_name', $rcmail->config->get('product_name'));
$table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2));
if ($rcmail->config->get('password_confirm_current')) {
// show current password selection
$field_id = 'curpasswd';
$input_curpasswd = new html_passwordfield(array('name' => '_curpasswd', 'id' => $field_id,
'size' => 20, 'autocomplete' => 'off'));
$table->add('title', html::label($field_id, Q($this->gettext('curpasswd'))));
$table->add(null, $input_curpasswd->show());
// show new password selection
$field_id = 'newpasswd';
$input_newpasswd = new html_passwordfield(array('name' => '_newpasswd', 'id' => $field_id,
'size' => 20, 'autocomplete' => 'off'));
$table->add('title', html::label($field_id, Q($this->gettext('newpasswd'))));
$table->add(null, $input_newpasswd->show());
// show confirm password selection
$field_id = 'confpasswd';
$input_confpasswd = new html_passwordfield(array('name' => '_confpasswd', 'id' => $field_id,
'size' => 20, 'autocomplete' => 'off'));
$table->add('title', html::label($field_id, Q($this->gettext('confpasswd'))));
$table->add(null, $input_confpasswd->show());
$out = html::div(array('class' => 'box'),
html::div(array('id' => 'prefs-title', 'class' => 'boxtitle'), $this->gettext('changepasswd')) .
html::div(array('class' => 'boxcontent'), $table->show() .
'command' => 'plugin.password-save',
'type' => 'input',
'class' => 'button mainaction',
'label' => 'save'
$rcmail->output->add_gui_object('passform', 'password-form');
return $rcmail->output->form_tag(array(
'id' => 'password-form',
'name' => 'password-form',
'method' => 'post',
'action' => './?_task=settings&_action=plugin.password-save',
), $out);
private function _save($curpass, $passwd)
$config = rcmail::get_instance()->config;
$driver = $config->get('password_driver', 'sql');
$class = "rcube_{$driver}_password";
$file = $this->home . "/drivers/$driver.php";
if (!file_exists($file)) {
'code' => 600,
'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Password plugin: Unable to open driver file ($file)"
), true, false);
return $this->gettext('internalerror');
include_once $file;
if (!class_exists($class, false) || !method_exists($class, 'save')) {
'code' => 600,
'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Password plugin: Broken driver $driver"
), true, false);
return $this->gettext('internalerror');
$object = new $class;
$result = $object->save($curpass, $passwd);
if (is_array($result)) {
$message = $result['message'];
$result = $result['code'];
switch ($result) {
$reason = $this->gettext('crypterror');
$reason = $this->gettext('connecterror');
$reason = $this->gettext('internalerror');
if ($message) {
$reason .= ' ' . $message;
return $reason;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 8:42 AM (1 d, 12 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(41 KB)

Event Timeline