$messages['opnotpermitted'] = 'Operation not permitted!';
$messages['nofromaddress'] = 'Missing e-mail address in selected identity.';
$messages['editorwarning'] = 'Switching to the plain text editor will cause all text formatting to be lost. Do you wish to continue?';
$messages['httpreceivedencrypterror'] = 'A fatal configuration error occurred. Contact your administrator immediately. <b>Your message can not be sent.</b>';
$messages['smtpconnerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Connection to server failed.';
$messages['foldercreated'] = 'Folder created successfully.';
$messages['invalidimageformat'] = 'Not a valid image format.';
$messages['mispellingsfound'] = 'Spelling errors detected in the message.';
$messages['parentnotwritable'] = 'Unable to create/move folder into selected parent folder. No access rights.';
$messages['messagetoobig'] = 'The message part is too big to process it.';
$messages['attachmentvalidationerror'] = 'WARNING! This attachment is suspicious because its type doesn\'t match the type declared in the message. If you do not trust the sender, you shouldn\'t open it in the browser because it may contain malicious contents.<br/><br/><em>Expected: $expected; found: $detected</em>';
$messages['noscriptwarning'] = 'Warning: This webmail service requires Javascript! In order to use it please enable Javascript in your browser\'s settings.';