// The RDN field that is used for new entries, this field needs
// to be one of the search_fields, the base of base_dn is appended
// to the RDN to insert into the LDAP directory.
'LDAP_rdn' => 'cn',
// The required fields needed to build a new contact as required by
// the object classes (can include additional fields not required by the object classes).
'required_fields' => array('cn', 'sn', 'mail'),
'search_fields' => array('mail', 'cn'), // fields to search in
// mapping of contact fields to directory attributes
// for every attribute one can specify the number of values (limit) allowed.
// default is 1, a wildcard * means unlimited
'fieldmap' => array(
// Roundcube => LDAP:limit
'name' => 'cn',
'surname' => 'sn',
'firstname' => 'givenName',
'jobtitle' => 'title',
'email' => 'mail:*',
'phone:home' => 'homePhone',
'phone:work' => 'telephoneNumber',
'phone:mobile' => 'mobile',
'phone:pager' => 'pager',
'street' => 'street',
'zipcode' => 'postalCode',
'region' => 'st',
'locality' => 'l',
// if you country is a complex object, you need to configure 'sub_fields' below
'country' => 'c',
'organization' => 'o',
'department' => 'ou',
'jobtitle' => 'title',
'notes' => 'description',
// these currently don't work:
// 'phone:workfax' => 'facsimileTelephoneNumber',
// 'photo' => 'jpegPhoto',
// 'manager' => 'manager',
// 'assistant' => 'secretary',
// Map of contact sub-objects (attribute name => objectClass(es)), e.g. 'c' => 'country'
'sub_fields' => array(),
// Generate values for the following LDAP attributes automatically when creating a new record
'autovalues' => array(
// 'uid' => 'md5(microtime())', // You may specify PHP code snippets which are then eval'ed
// 'mail' => '{givenname}.{sn}@mydomain.com', // or composite strings with placeholders for existing attributes
'sort' => 'cn', // The field to sort the listing by.
'scope' => 'sub', // search mode: sub|base|list
'filter' => '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)', // used for basic listing (if not empty) and will be &'d with search queries. example: status=act
'fuzzy_search' => true, // server allows wildcard search
'vlv' => false, // Enable Virtual List View to more efficiently fetch paginated data (if server supports it)
'numsub_filter' => '(objectClass=organizationalUnit)', // with VLV, we also use numSubOrdinates to query the total number of records. Set this filter to get all numSubOrdinates attributes for counting
'sizelimit' => '0', // Enables you to limit the count of entries fetched. Setting this to 0 means no limit.
'timelimit' => '0', // Sets the number of seconds how long is spend on the search. Setting this to 0 means no limit.
'referrals' => true|false, // Sets the LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS option. Mostly used in multi-domain Active Directory setups
// definition for contact groups (uncomment if no groups are supported)
// for the groups base_dn, the user replacements %fu, %u, $d and %dc work as for base_dn (see above)
// if the groups base_dn is empty, the contact base_dn is used for the groups as well
// -> in this case, assure that groups and contacts are separated due to the concernig filters!
'groups' => array(
'base_dn' => '',
'scope' => 'sub', // search mode: sub|base|list
'filter' => '(objectClass=groupOfNames)',
'object_classes' => array("top", "groupOfNames"),
'member_attr' => 'member', // name of the member attribute, e.g. uniqueMember
'name_attr' => 'cn', // attribute to be used as group name
// An ordered array of the ids of the addressbooks that should be searched
// when populating address autocomplete fields server-side. ex: array('sql','Verisign');
$labels['uploadprogress'] = '$percent ($current from $total)';
$labels['close'] = 'Close';
$labels['messageoptions'] = 'Message options...';
$labels['low'] = 'Low';
$labels['lowest'] = 'Lowest';
$labels['normal'] = 'Normal';
$labels['high'] = 'High';
$labels['highest'] = 'Highest';
$labels['nosubject'] = '(no subject)';
$labels['showimages'] = 'Display images';
$labels['alwaysshow'] = 'Always show images from $sender';
$labels['isdraft'] = 'This is a draft message.';
$labels['andnmore'] = '$nr more...';
$labels['togglemoreheaders'] = 'Show more message headers';
$labels['togglefullheaders'] = 'Toggle raw message headers';
$labels['htmltoggle'] = 'HTML';
$labels['plaintoggle'] = 'Plain text';
$labels['savesentmessagein'] = 'Save sent message in';
$labels['dontsave'] = 'don\'t save';
$labels['maxuploadsize'] = 'Maximum allowed file size is $size';
$labels['addcc'] = 'Add Cc';
$labels['addbcc'] = 'Add Bcc';
$labels['addreplyto'] = 'Add Reply-To';
$labels['addfollowupto'] = 'Add Followup-To';
// mdn
$labels['mdnrequest'] = 'The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you wish to notify the sender?';
$labels['receiptread'] = 'Return Receipt (read)';
$labels['yourmessage'] = 'This is a Return Receipt for your message';
$labels['receiptnote'] = 'Note: This receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient\'s computer. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read or understood the message contents.';
$labels['importtarget'] = 'Add new contacts to address book:';
$labels['importreplace'] = 'Replace the entire address book';
$labels['importdesc'] = 'You can upload contacts from an existing address book.<br/>We currently support importing addresses from the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard">vCard</a> or CSV (comma-separated) data format.';
$labels['done'] = 'Done';
// settings
$labels['settingsfor'] = 'Settings for';
$labels['about'] = 'About';
$labels['preferences'] = 'Preferences';
$labels['userpreferences'] = 'User preferences';
$labels['editpreferences'] = 'Edit user preferences';
$labels['identities'] = 'Identities';
$labels['manageidentities'] = 'Manage identities for this account';
$labels['newidentity'] = 'New identity';
$labels['newitem'] = 'New item';
$labels['edititem'] = 'Edit item';
$labels['preferhtml'] = 'Display HTML';
$labels['defaultcharset'] = 'Default Character Set';
$labels['htmlmessage'] = 'HTML Message';
$labels['messagepart'] = 'Part';
$labels['digitalsig'] = 'Digital Signature';
$labels['dateformat'] = 'Date format';
$labels['timeformat'] = 'Time format';
$labels['prettydate'] = 'Pretty dates';
$labels['setdefault'] = 'Set default';
$labels['autodetect'] = 'Auto';
$labels['language'] = 'Language';
$labels['timezone'] = 'Time zone';
$labels['pagesize'] = 'Rows per page';
$labels['signature'] = 'Signature';
$labels['dstactive'] = 'Summer time';
$labels['showinextwin'] = 'Open message in a new window';
$labels['composeextwin'] = 'Compose in a new window';
$labels['htmleditor'] = 'Compose HTML messages';
$labels['htmlonreply'] = 'on reply to HTML message only';
$labels['htmlonreplyandforward'] = 'on forward or reply to HTML message';
$labels['htmlsignature'] = 'HTML signature';
$labels['showemail'] = 'Show email address with display name';
$labels['previewpane'] = 'Show preview pane';
$labels['skin'] = 'Interface skin';
$labels['logoutclear'] = 'Clear Trash on logout';
$labels['logoutcompact'] = 'Compact Inbox on logout';
$labels['uisettings'] = 'User Interface';
$labels['serversettings'] = 'Server Settings';
$labels['mailboxview'] = 'Mailbox View';
$labels['mdnrequests'] = 'On request for return receipt';
$labels['askuser'] = 'ask each time';
$labels['autosend'] = 'send automatically';
$labels['autosendknown'] = 'send receipt to my contacts, otherwise ask';
$labels['autosendknownignore'] = 'send receipt to my contacts, otherwise ignore';
$labels['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$labels['readwhendeleted'] = 'Mark the message as read on delete';
$labels['flagfordeletion'] = 'Flag the message for deletion instead of delete';
$labels['skipdeleted'] = 'Do not show deleted messages';