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diff --git a/src/tests/Browser/SignupTest.php b/src/tests/Browser/SignupTest.php
index 0b4ad1c3..1aef39b9 100644
--- a/src/tests/Browser/SignupTest.php
+++ b/src/tests/Browser/SignupTest.php
@@ -1,913 +1,910 @@
namespace Tests\Browser;
use App\Discount;
use App\Domain;
use App\Plan;
use App\SignupCode;
use App\SignupInvitation;
use App\User;
use Tests\Browser;
use Tests\Browser\Components\Menu;
use Tests\Browser\Components\Toast;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\Dashboard;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\Home;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\PaymentMollie;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\PaymentStatus;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\Signup;
use Tests\TestCaseDusk;
class SignupTest extends TestCaseDusk
* {@inheritDoc}
public function setUp(): void
$this->deleteTestUser('signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'));
Plan::whereNot('mode', Plan::MODE_EMAIL)->update(['mode' => Plan::MODE_EMAIL]);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function tearDown(): void
$this->deleteTestUser('signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'));
Plan::whereNot('mode', Plan::MODE_EMAIL)->update(['mode' => Plan::MODE_EMAIL]);
Discount::where('discount', 100)->update(['code' => null]);
* Test signup code verification with a link
public function testSignupCodeByLink(): void
// Test invalid code (invalid format)
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
// Register Signup page element selectors we'll be using
$browser->onWithoutAssert(new Signup());
// TODO: Test what happens if user is logged in
// TODO: According to
// it is not yet easily possible to display error page component (route)
// without changing the URL
// TODO: Instead of css selector we should probably define page/component
// and use it instead
// Test invalid code (valid format)
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
// FIXME: User will not be able to continue anyway, so we should
// either display 1st step or 404 error page
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error');
// Test valid code
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
$code = SignupCode::create([
'email' => '',
'first_name' => 'User',
'last_name' => 'Name',
'plan' => 'individual',
'voucher' => '',
$browser->visit('/signup/' . $code->short_code . '-' . $code->code)
// FIXME: Find a nice way to read javascript data without using hidden inputs
$this->assertSame($code->code, $browser->value('@step2 #signup_code'));
// TODO: Test if the signup process can be completed
* Test signup "welcome" page
public function testSignupStep0(): void
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
$browser->visit(new Signup());
$browser->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
$browser->assertMenuItems(['support', 'signup', 'login', 'lang'], 'signup');
$browser->waitFor('@step0 .plan-selector .card');
// Assert first plan box and press the button
$browser->with('@step0 .plan-selector .plan-individual', function ($step) {
->assertSeeIn('button', 'Individual Account')
->assertSeeIn('.card-title', 'Sign Up - Step 1/3')
->assertFocused('@step1 #signup_first_name');
// Click Back button
$browser->click('@step1 [type=button]')
// Choose the group account plan
$browser->click('@step0 .plan-selector .plan-group button')
->assertFocused('@step1 #signup_first_name');
// TODO: Test if 'plan' variable is set properly in vue component
* Test 1st step of the signup process
public function testSignupStep1(): void
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
->onWithoutAssert(new Signup());
// Here we expect two text inputs and Back and Continue buttons
$browser->with('@step1', function ($step) {
->assertSeeIn('.card-title', 'Sign Up - Step 1/3')
// Submit empty form
// Email is required, so after pressing Submit
// we expect focus to be moved to the email input
$browser->with('@step1', function ($step) {
$browser->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
$browser->assertMenuItems(['support', 'signup', 'login', 'lang'], 'signup');
// Submit invalid email, and first_name
// We expect both inputs to have is-invalid class added, with .invalid-feedback element
$browser->with('@step1', function ($step) {
$step->type('#signup_first_name', str_repeat('a', 250))
->type('#signup_email', '@test')
->assertVisible('#signup_email + .invalid-feedback')
->assertVisible('#signup_last_name + .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error');
// Submit valid data
// We expect error state on email input to be removed, and Step 2 form visible
$browser->with('@step1', function ($step) {
$step->type('#signup_first_name', 'Test')
->type('#signup_last_name', 'User')
->type('#signup_email', '')
->assertMissing('#signup_email + .invalid-feedback');
$browser->waitUntilMissing('@step2 #signup_code[value=""]');
* Test 2nd Step of the signup process
* @depends testSignupStep1
public function testSignupStep2(): void
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
->assertSeeIn('@step2 .card-title', 'Sign Up - Step 2/3')
// Here we expect one text input, Back and Continue buttons
$browser->with('@step2', function ($step) {
// Test Back button functionality
$browser->click('@step2 [type=button]')
->assertFocused('@step1 #signup_first_name')
// Submit valid Step 1 data (again)
$browser->with('@step1', function ($step) {
$step->type('#signup_first_name', 'User')
->type('#signup_last_name', 'User')
->type('#signup_email', '')
// Submit invalid code
// We expect code input to have is-invalid class added, with .invalid-feedback element
$browser->with('@step2', function ($step) {
$step->type('#signup_short_code', 'XXXXX');
->assertVisible('#signup_short_code + .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error');
// Submit valid code
// We expect error state on code input to be removed, and Step 3 form visible
$browser->with('@step2', function ($step) {
// Get the code and short_code from database
// FIXME: Find a nice way to read javascript data without using hidden inputs
$code = $step->value('#signup_code');
$code = SignupCode::find($code);
$step->type('#signup_short_code', $code->short_code);
$step->assertMissing('#signup_short_code + .invalid-feedback');
* Test 3rd Step of the signup process
* @depends testSignupStep2
public function testSignupStep3(): void
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
// Here we expect 3 text inputs, Back and Continue buttons
$browser->with('@step3', function ($step) {
$domains = Domain::getPublicDomains();
$domains_count = count($domains);
$step->assertSeeIn('.card-title', 'Sign Up - Step 3/3')
->assertElementsCount('select#signup_domain option', $domains_count, false)
->assertText('select#signup_domain option:nth-child(1)', $domains[0])
->assertValue('select#signup_domain option:nth-child(1)', $domains[0])
->assertText('select#signup_domain option:nth-child(2)', $domains[1])
->assertValue('select#signup_domain option:nth-child(2)', $domains[1])
->assertSeeIn('[type=submit]', 'Submit')
->assertSelected('select#signup_domain', \config('app.domain'))
->assertValue('#signup_login', '')
->assertValue('#signup_password', '')
->assertValue('#signup_password_confirmation', '')
->with('#signup_password_policy', function (Browser $browser) {
$browser->assertElementsCount('li', 2)
->assertMissing('li:first-child svg.text-success')
->assertSeeIn('li:first-child small', "Minimum password length: 6 characters")
->assertMissing('li:last-child svg.text-success')
->assertSeeIn('li:last-child small', "Maximum password length: 255 characters");
// TODO: Test domain selector
// Test Back button
$browser->click('@step3 [type=button]');
$browser->assertFocused('@step2 #signup_short_code');
// TODO: Test form reset when going back
// Submit valid code again
$browser->with('@step2', function ($step) {
$code = $step->value('#signup_code');
$code = SignupCode::find($code);
$step->type('#signup_short_code', $code->short_code);
// Submit invalid data
$browser->with('@step3', function ($step) {
->type('#signup_login', '*')
->type('#signup_password', '12345678')
->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '123456789')
->with('#signup_password_policy', function (Browser $browser) {
$browser->waitFor('li:first-child svg.text-success')
->waitFor('li:last-child svg.text-success');
->assertVisible('#signup_domain + .invalid-feedback')
->assertVisible('#signup_password_input .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error');
// Submit invalid data (valid login, invalid password)
$browser->with('@step3', function ($step) {
$step->type('#signup_login', 'SignupTestDusk')
->assertVisible('#signup_password_input .invalid-feedback')
->assertMissing('#signup_domain + .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error');
// Submit valid data
$browser->with('@step3', function ($step) {
$step->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '12345678');
// At this point we should be auto-logged-in to dashboard
->on(new Dashboard())
->assertUser('signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'))
// Logout the user
$browser->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
* Test signup for a group account
public function testSignupGroup(): void
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
$browser->visit(new Signup());
// Choose the group account plan
$browser->waitFor('@step0 .plan-group button')
->click('@step0 .plan-group button');
// Submit valid data
// We expect error state on email input to be removed, and Step 2 form visible
$browser->whenAvailable('@step1', function ($step) {
$step->type('#signup_first_name', 'Test')
->type('#signup_last_name', 'User')
->type('#signup_email', '')
// Submit valid code
$browser->whenAvailable('@step2', function ($step) {
// Get the code and short_code from database
// FIXME: Find a nice way to read javascript data without using hidden inputs
$code = $step->value('#signup_code');
$code = SignupCode::find($code);
$step->type('#signup_short_code', $code->short_code)
// Here we expect 4 text inputs, Back and Continue buttons
$browser->whenAvailable('@step3', function ($step) {
->assertValue('input#signup_domain', '')
->assertValue('#signup_login', '')
->assertValue('#signup_password', '')
->assertValue('#signup_password_confirmation', '');
// Submit invalid login and password data
$browser->with('@step3', function ($step) {
->type('#signup_login', '*')
->type('#signup_domain', '')
->type('#signup_password', '12345678')
->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '123456789')
->assertVisible('#signup_domain + .invalid-feedback')
->assertVisible('#signup_password_input .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error');
// Submit invalid domain
$browser->with('@step3', function ($step) {
$step->type('#signup_login', 'admin')
->type('#signup_domain', 'aaa')
->type('#signup_password', '12345678')
->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '12345678')
->waitFor(' + .invalid-feedback')
->assertMissing('#signup_password_input .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error');
// Submit invalid domain
$browser->with('@step3', function ($step) {
$step->type('#signup_domain', '')
// At this point we should be auto-logged-in to dashboard
->on(new Dashboard())
$browser->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
* Test signup with a mandate plan, also the UI lock
* @group mollie
public function testSignupMandate(): void
// Test the individual plan
$plan = Plan::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'individual')->first();
$plan->mode = Plan::MODE_MANDATE;
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
$browser->withConfig(['services.payment_provider' => 'mollie'])
->visit(new Signup())
->waitFor('@step0 .plan-individual button')
->click('@step0 .plan-individual button')
// Test Back button
->whenAvailable('@step3', function ($browser) {
->whenAvailable('@step0', function ($browser) {
$browser->click('.plan-individual button');
// Test submit
->whenAvailable('@step3', function ($browser) {
$domains = Domain::getPublicDomains();
$domains_count = count($domains);
->assertElementsCount('select#signup_domain option', $domains_count, false)
->assertText('select#signup_domain option:nth-child(1)', $domains[0])
->assertValue('select#signup_domain option:nth-child(1)', $domains[0])
->type('#signup_login', 'signuptestdusk')
->type('#signup_password', '12345678')
->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '12345678')
->whenAvailable('@step4', function ($browser) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('h4', 'The account is about to be created!')
->assertSeeIn('h5', 'You are choosing a monthly subscription')
->assertElementsCount('#summary-content + img', 2)
->assertSeeIn('button.btn-primary', 'Subscribe')
->assertSeeIn('button.btn-secondary', 'Back')
->whenAvailable('@step3', function ($browser) {
$browser->assertValue('#signup_login', 'signuptestdusk')
->whenAvailable('@step4', function ($browser) {
->on(new PaymentMollie())
->assertSeeIn('@title', 'Auto-Payment Setup')
->on(new PaymentStatus())
->assertSeeIn('@lock-alert', 'The account is locked')
->assertSeeIn('@content', 'Checking the status...')
->assertSeeIn('@button', 'Try again');
$user = User::where('email', 'signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'))->first();
$this->assertSame($plan->id, $user->getSetting('plan_id'));
// Refresh and see that the account is still locked
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) use ($user) {
->on(new PaymentStatus())
->assertSeeIn('@lock-alert', 'The account is locked')
->assertSeeIn('@content', 'Checking the status...');
// Mark the payment paid, and activate the user in background,
// expect unlock and redirect to the dashboard
// TODO: Move this to a separate tests file for PaymentStatus page
$payment = $user->wallets()->first()->payments()->first();
$payment->status = \App\Payment::STATUS_PAID;
$browser->waitForLocation('/dashboard', 10)
->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
// TODO: Test the 'Try again' button on /payment/status page
* Test signup with a mandate plan with a discount=100%
public function testSignupMandateDiscount100Percent(): void
// Test the individual plan
$plan = Plan::withEnvTenantContext()->where('title', 'individual')->first();
$plan->mode = Plan::MODE_MANDATE;
$discount = Discount::where('discount', 100)->first();
$discount->code = 'FREE';
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
$browser->visit(new Signup())
->waitFor('@step0 .plan-individual button')
->click('@step0 .plan-individual button')
- ->whenAvailable('@step0', function ($browser) {
- $browser->click('.plan-individual button');
- })
->whenAvailable('@step3', function ($browser) {
$browser->type('#signup_login', 'signuptestdusk')
->type('#signup_password', '12345678')
->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '12345678')
->type('#signup_voucher', 'FREE')
->whenAvailable('@step4', function ($browser) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('h4', 'The account is about to be created!')
->assertSeeIn('#summary-content', 'You are signing up for an account with 100% discount.')
->assertSeeIn('button.btn-primary', 'Subscribe')
->assertSeeIn('button.btn-secondary', 'Back')
->on(new Dashboard())
->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
$user = User::where('email', 'signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'))->first();
$this->assertSame($plan->id, $user->getSetting('plan_id'));
$this->assertSame($discount->id, $user->wallets->first()->discount_id);
* Test signup with a token plan
public function testSignupToken(): void
// Test the individual plan
Plan::where('title', 'individual')->update(['mode' => Plan::MODE_TOKEN]);
// Register some valid tokens
$tokens = ['1234567890', 'abcdefghijk'];
file_put_contents(storage_path('signup-tokens.txt'), implode("\n", $tokens));
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) use ($tokens) {
$browser->visit(new Signup())
->waitFor('@step0 .plan-individual button')
->click('@step0 .plan-individual button')
// Step 1
->whenAvailable('@step1', function ($browser) use ($tokens) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('.card-title', 'Sign Up - Step 1/2')
->type('#signup_first_name', 'Test')
->type('#signup_last_name', 'User')
->type('#signup_token', '1234')
// invalid token
->assertVisible('#signup_token + .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error')
// valid token
->type('#signup_token', $tokens[0])
// Step 2
->whenAvailable('@step3', function ($browser) {
$domains = Domain::getPublicDomains();
$domains_count = count($domains);
$browser->assertSeeIn('.card-title', 'Sign Up - Step 2/2')
->assertElementsCount('select#signup_domain option', $domains_count, false)
->assertText('select#signup_domain option:nth-child(1)', $domains[0])
->assertValue('select#signup_domain option:nth-child(1)', $domains[0])
->type('#signup_login', 'signuptestdusk')
->type('#signup_password', '12345678')
->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '12345678')
->on(new Dashboard())
->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
$user = User::where('email', 'signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'))->first();
$this->assertSame($tokens[0], $user->getSetting('signup_token'));
$this->assertSame(null, $user->getSetting('external_email'));
// Test the group plan
Plan::where('title', 'group')->update(['mode' => Plan::MODE_TOKEN]);
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) use ($tokens) {
$browser->visit(new Signup())
->waitFor('@step0 .plan-group button')
->click('@step0 .plan-group button')
// Step 1
->whenAvailable('@step1', function ($browser) use ($tokens) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('.card-title', 'Sign Up - Step 1/2')
->type('#signup_first_name', 'Test')
->type('#signup_last_name', 'User')
->type('#signup_token', '1234')
// invalid token
->assertVisible('#signup_token + .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error')
// valid token
->type('#signup_token', $tokens[1])
// Step 2
->whenAvailable('@step3', function ($browser) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('.card-title', 'Sign Up - Step 2/2')
->type('input#signup_domain', '')
->type('#signup_login', 'admin')
->type('#signup_password', '12345678')
->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '12345678')
->on(new Dashboard())
->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
$user = User::where('email', '')->first();
$this->assertSame($tokens[1], $user->getSetting('signup_token'));
$this->assertSame(null, $user->getSetting('external_email'));
* Test signup with voucher
public function testSignupVoucherLink(): void
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
->onWithoutAssert(new Signup())
->click('.plan-individual button')
->whenAvailable('@step1', function (Browser $browser) {
$browser->type('#signup_first_name', 'Test')
->type('#signup_last_name', 'User')
->type('#signup_email', '')
->whenAvailable('@step2', function (Browser $browser) {
// Get the code and short_code from database
// FIXME: Find a nice way to read javascript data without using hidden inputs
$code = $browser->value('#signup_code');
$code = SignupCode::find($code);
$browser->type('#signup_short_code', $code->short_code)
->whenAvailable('@step3', function (Browser $browser) {
// Assert that the code is filled in the input
// Change it and test error handling
$browser->assertValue('#signup_voucher', 'TEST')
->type('#signup_voucher', 'TESTXX')
->type('#signup_login', 'signuptestdusk')
->type('#signup_password', '123456789')
->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '123456789')
->assertVisible('#signup_voucher + .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error')
// Submit the correct code
->type('#signup_voucher', 'TEST')
->on(new Dashboard())
->assertUser('signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'))
// Logout the user
->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
$user = $this->getTestUser('signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'));
$discount = Discount::where('code', 'TEST')->first();
$this->assertSame($discount->id, $user->wallets()->first()->discount_id);
* Test signup via invitation link
public function testSignupInvitation(): void
// Test non-existing invitation
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
->onWithoutAssert(new Signup())
->waitFor('#app > #error-page')
$invitation = SignupInvitation::create(['email' => '']);
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) use ($invitation) {
$browser->visit('/signup/invite/' . $invitation->id)
->onWithoutAssert(new Signup())
->with('@step3', function ($step) {
$domains_count = count(Domain::getPublicDomains());
->assertElementsCount('select#signup_domain option', $domains_count, false)
->assertMissing('[type=button]') // Back button
->assertSeeIn('[type=submit]', 'Sign Up')
->assertValue('select#signup_domain', \config('app.domain'))
->assertValue('#signup_first_name', '')
->assertValue('#signup_last_name', '')
->assertValue('#signup_login', '')
->assertValue('#signup_password', '')
->assertValue('#signup_password_confirmation', '');
// Submit invalid data
$step->type('#signup_login', '*')
->type('#signup_password', '12345678')
->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '123456789')
->assertVisible('#signup_domain + .invalid-feedback')
->assertVisible('#signup_password_input .invalid-feedback')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_ERROR, 'Form validation error');
// Submit valid data
$step->type('#signup_password_confirmation', '12345678')
->type('#signup_login', 'signuptestdusk')
->type('#signup_first_name', 'First')
->type('#signup_last_name', 'Last')
// At this point we should be auto-logged-in to dashboard
->on(new Dashboard())
->assertUser('signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'))
// Logout the user
->within(new Menu(), function ($browser) {
$user = User::where('email', 'signuptestdusk@' . \config('app.domain'))->first();
$this->assertSame($user->id, $invitation->user_id);
$this->assertSame('First', $user->getSetting('first_name'));
$this->assertSame('Last', $user->getSetting('last_name'));
$this->assertSame($invitation->email, $user->getSetting('external_email'));
diff --git a/src/tests/Browser/StatusTest.php b/src/tests/Browser/StatusTest.php
index 23e096a2..233ca00c 100644
--- a/src/tests/Browser/StatusTest.php
+++ b/src/tests/Browser/StatusTest.php
@@ -1,287 +1,287 @@
namespace Tests\Browser;
use App\Domain;
use App\User;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Tests\Browser;
use Tests\Browser\Components\Status;
use Tests\Browser\Components\Toast;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\Dashboard;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\DomainInfo;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\DomainList;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\Home;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\UserInfo;
use Tests\Browser\Pages\UserList;
use Tests\TestCaseDusk;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class StatusTest extends TestCaseDusk
* {@inheritDoc}
public function setUp(): void
$domain_status = Domain::STATUS_CONFIRMED | Domain::STATUS_VERIFIED;
DB::statement("UPDATE domains SET status = (status | {$domain_status})"
. " WHERE namespace = ''");
DB::statement("UPDATE users SET status = (status | " . (User::STATUS_IMAP_READY | User::STATUS_LDAP_READY) . ")"
. " WHERE email = ''");
* {@inheritDoc}
public function tearDown(): void
$domain_status = Domain::STATUS_CONFIRMED | Domain::STATUS_VERIFIED;
DB::statement("UPDATE domains SET status = (status | {$domain_status})"
. " WHERE namespace = ''");
DB::statement("UPDATE users SET status = (status | " . User::STATUS_IMAP_READY . ")"
. " WHERE email = ''");
* Test account status in the Dashboard
public function testDashboard(): void
// Unconfirmed domain and user
$domain = Domain::where('namespace', '')->first();
if ($domain->isConfirmed()) {
$domain->status ^= Domain::STATUS_CONFIRMED;
$john = $this->getTestUser('');
$john->created_at = Carbon::now();
if ($john->isImapReady()) {
$john->status ^= User::STATUS_IMAP_READY;
$this->browse(function ($browser) use ($john, $domain) {
$browser->visit(new Home())
->submitLogon('', 'simple123', true)
->on(new Dashboard())
->with(new Status(), function ($browser) use ($john) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('@body', 'We are preparing your account')
->assertProgress(71, 'Creating a mailbox...', 'pending')
$john->status |= User::STATUS_IMAP_READY;
// Wait for auto-refresh, expect domain-confirmed step
->assertSeeIn('@body', 'Your account is almost ready')
->assertProgress(85, 'Verifying an ownership of a custom domain...', 'failed')
// check if the link to domain info page works
->on(new DomainInfo())
->on(new Dashboard())
->with(new Status(), function ($browser) {
->assertProgress(85, 'Verifying an ownership of a custom domain...', 'failed');
// Confirm the domain and wait until the whole status box disappears
$domain->status |= Domain::STATUS_CONFIRMED;
// This should take less than 10 seconds
$browser->waitUntilMissing('@status', 10);
// Test the Refresh button
if ($domain->isConfirmed()) {
$domain->status ^= Domain::STATUS_CONFIRMED;
$john->created_at = Carbon::now()->subSeconds(3600);
if ($john->isImapReady()) {
$john->status ^= User::STATUS_IMAP_READY;
$this->browse(function ($browser) use ($john, $domain) {
$browser->visit(new Dashboard())
->with(new Status(), function ($browser) use ($john, $domain) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('@body', 'We are preparing your account')
->assertProgress(71, 'Creating a mailbox...', 'failed')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'Setup process has been pushed. Please wait.');
$john->status |= User::STATUS_IMAP_READY;
$domain->status |= Domain::STATUS_CONFIRMED;
->waitUntilMissing('@status', 10);
* Test domain status on domains list and domain info page
* @depends testDashboard
public function testDomainStatus(): void
$domain = Domain::where('namespace', '')->first();
$domain->created_at = Carbon::now();
$domain->status = Domain::STATUS_NEW | Domain::STATUS_ACTIVE | Domain::STATUS_LDAP_READY;
// side-step
$this->browse(function ($browser) use ($domain) {
// Test auto-refresh
$browser->on(new Dashboard())
->on(new DomainList())
->waitFor('@table tbody tr')
// Assert domain status icon
->assertVisible('@table tbody tr:first-child td:first-child svg.fa-globe.text-danger')
->assertText('@table tbody tr:first-child td:first-child svg title', 'Not Ready')
->click('@table tbody tr:first-child td:first-child a')
->on(new DomainInfo())
->with(new Status(), function ($browser) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('@body', 'We are preparing the domain')
->assertProgress(50, 'Verifying a custom domain...', 'pending')
$domain->status |= Domain::STATUS_VERIFIED;
// This should take less than 10 seconds
->with(new Status(), function ($browser) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('@body', 'The domain is almost ready')
->assertProgress(75, 'Verifying an ownership of a custom domain...', 'failed')
$domain->status |= Domain::STATUS_CONFIRMED;
// Test Verify button
$browser->click('@status #status-verify')
->assertToast(Toast::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'Domain verified successfully.')
* Test user status on users list and user info page
* @depends testDashboard
public function testUserStatus(): void
$john = $this->getTestUser('');
$john->created_at = Carbon::now();
if ($john->isImapReady()) {
$john->status ^= User::STATUS_IMAP_READY;
$domain = Domain::where('namespace', '')->first();
if ($domain->isConfirmed()) {
$domain->status ^= Domain::STATUS_CONFIRMED;
$this->browse(function ($browser) use ($john, $domain) {
$browser->visit(new Dashboard())
->on(new UserList())
->waitFor('@table tbody tr')
// Assert user status icons
->assertVisible('@table tbody tr:first-child td:first-child svg.fa-user.text-success')
->assertText('@table tbody tr:first-child td:first-child svg title', 'Active')
->assertVisible('@table tbody tr:nth-child(3) td:first-child svg.fa-user.text-danger')
->assertText('@table tbody tr:nth-child(3) td:first-child svg title', 'Not Ready')
->click('@table tbody tr:nth-child(3) td:first-child a')
->on(new UserInfo())
- ->with('@form', function (Browser $browser) {
+ ->with('@general', function (Browser $browser) {
// Assert state in the user edit form
$browser->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(1) label', 'Status')
->assertSeeIn('div.row:nth-child(1) #status', 'Not Ready');
->with(new Status(), function ($browser) use ($john) {
$browser->assertSeeIn('@body', 'We are preparing the user account')
->assertProgress(71, 'Creating a mailbox...', 'pending')
$john->status |= User::STATUS_IMAP_READY;
// Wait for auto-refresh, expect domain-confirmed step
->assertSeeIn('@body', 'The user account is almost ready')
->assertProgress(85, 'Verifying an ownership of a custom domain...', 'failed')
->assertSeeIn('#status', 'Active');
// Confirm the domain and wait until the whole status box disappears
$domain->status |= Domain::STATUS_CONFIRMED;
// This should take less than 10 seconds
$browser->waitUntilMissing('@status', 10);
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Sat, Mar 1, 4:15 AM (1 d, 5 h)
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